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Who do you want to win tonight? Browns vs Bengals


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
Steelers still control their destiny vs Bengals but they are also leading the Division.
A tie please
Browns. That was a short thread.
I want the team with the ugly uniforms to lose.
The team with brown and orange colors in their uniforms.
When was the last time a Browns game was must see tv?
Browns must win. Bungals do not have a division loss at the moment and we have 2.
it is not even on in my area, college and high school sports I think no nfl network no major net works down here, I hope for the bungles to win other wise we are tied with the stains, if we sweep the bungles we could have the division no matter what else happens. Id hate to finish tied with the stains and find out they win based on some cheezy tie breaker.
Andy is terrible. Lol.

Cin. Burry the Browns further, we got cin 2x. So we take care of biz with them. All good.
Simms is in rare form tonight. Telling us how well Dalton is playing just prior to him throwing a pick. Then, on a horrible PI call, he says it was obvious PI. Now, Dalton doesn't run for the first and throws the ball after crossing the LOS to get a penalty and Phil says, "Well, he could have only picked up a couple yards, so he tried to extend the play."
Wow Dalton and the Bungles look terrible! I hope they play like this when we come to town!
Classic Bungles out there now.

Cleveland up 14-3, and the division lead is getting closer and closer to coming down to a win over the Jets Sunday.

Hill was looking good till his fumble, looks like Lewis has benched him. He's an idiot if he doesn't put him back in to start the second half.

Not that it will matter, Dalton ******* sucks.
Bungles are done for, Dalton sucks and they have too many injuries. Aside from playing the Steelers twice, they also have the Saints and Broncos on the schedule.
I think we move to first place if the Browns win due to conference record
Man, browns are just beating down on the bengals.

Gonna be a quiet friday morning at work tomorrow;)

And since its the browns beating them, I might just have to hop on 700WLW after the game, so I can revel in drunk bengals fans calling in with their indecipherable rage about their team.
Call me crazy while you root for them but I think the Browns are the better team.