Not at all discounting what Sarge says about the fans because we live and breath black n’ gold that’s for sure.
If however we’re merely keeping this among players then here’s my take.
Ben is the heart of the Steelers. I say this because I can tell with how he reacts after a win or a loss. When we win like the other night he was like a kid on Christmas morning he was so happy. When we lose he takes it so personal and to heart and always takes the blame.
TJ to me is the soul of the team. When he’s playing everything is different. You can feel the energy from the rest of the team, the attitude and effort seems to be better. When he’s out, it’s like the wind has been taken out of our sails. TJ is a different maker and I don’t think I can pay him a higher compliment.
TJ to the Steelers is like Strahan was with the Giants, or LT with the Giants, or Ray Lewis was with the Ravens. Difference makers who when playing you damn well knew it, and if not playing you damn well knew it. That’s TJ Watt to the Steelers. A difference maker and the soul of the Steelers.