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Who is Trump's biggest obstacle as President?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Who is Trump's biggest obstacle as President?

Pelosi is old as dirt. That Keith Ellison guy if given the speaker position is a Muslim extremist type who worked with the nation of Islam and said racists things on video and audio.

Trump has the House and Senate and is primed to keep the Supreme Court conservative for years, possible naming as many as 3 new super court justices.

The board is set up nicely for him, but who is his biggest obstacle?

If you ask me his biggest obstacle as president is not the Democrats, it's establishment Republicans polluted by the system, who like Clinton have been compromised to with too many quid pro quos.

They better buy the Art of the Deal and read it, but reading it won't ready them from dealing with the author, and if needed Trump can simply use executive action power like Obama did.
nope - it's the rabid loser Dems


Repubs will heel and fall in line
No one like a sore loser. If the Dems keep it up, it will lead to in-fighting.

As a footnote, I saw Charlie Christ ( Former governor ) in the Grand Floridan Hotel in Walt Disney wold. The guy's followers looked just like the person in the photo. Thanks for the smile

McConnell: We'll start Obamacare repeal on day one

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act will be the first order of business in the new Congress.

McConnell announced the agenda Tuesday, after meeting with Vice President-elect Mike Pence and Senate GOP colleagues over lunch.

"When we come back Jan. 3 we'll be moving to the ObamaCare replacement resolution, the ObamaCare repeal resolution will be the first item up in the New Year," McConnell said, referring to repeal legislation that is expected to pass with a simple majority vote under special budgetary rules.


Billionaire Paul Singer moves to make nice with Donald Trump

Paul Singer, once one of Donald Trump's harshest critics, is making up with the president-elect.

After saying Trump would cause a 'global depression,' billionaire hedge funder cozies up to Trump

The two are mending fences so thoroughly that sources say Singer is giving a substantial amount of money to Trump's inauguration next month



"Deal" me in!


McConnell: We'll start Obamacare repeal on day one

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act will be the first order of business in the new Congress.

McConnell announced the agenda Tuesday, after meeting with Vice President-elect Mike Pence and Senate GOP colleagues over lunch.

"When we come back Jan. 3 we'll be moving to the ObamaCare replacement resolution, the ObamaCare repeal resolution will be the first item up in the New Year," McConnell said, referring to repeal legislation that is expected to pass with a simple majority vote under special budgetary rules.


Bought..Trump gave his wife a cabinet position.

Pelosi: Dems fine with Mattis

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that Democrats won't oppose a stopgap spending bill over language that would expedite a vote next year for legislation allowing retired Gen. James Mattis to become secretary of defense.

"That will not be an obstacle," Pelosi told reporters Wednesday.

Himself, He is a fabricator and those things will continually backfire on him.
13 words you should have used for your book, 21CASHIER21
Trumps biggest obstacle is the American people. I have no faith in either aisle of the govt stopping him. People will have to get involved more and be ready to be loud and be heard once some of this awful legislation rolls through. Trump has already shown with many of his appointments that he is not here to serve a large portion of the country, and that includes many dumb *** people who voted for him.
I like who he's nominated so far.

I don't have a problem with any of it.
Biggest problem will be Republicans who are afraid of Democrats and the media. Hopefully his win will give them some balls and a **** all y'all attitude.
Of course you don't....

I like who he's nominated so far.

I don't have a problem with any of it.

That's fine. I'm sure it probably aligns with your views and beliefs and the direction you think the country should be going in. I'm sure it makes sense to YOU. Good for you. I'm willing to bet in a few years when the reality of a lot of this **** really sets in we're going to see how many people REALLY share those views. We'll see who's actually down for this then or who is just on the bandwagon. People are rightfully upset with the state of politics in this country and there does need to be wholesale change but this is not the way to do it. The backlash from this will hopefully lead us in that direction though. I truly believe some real reform can come from this.
Obummer set the bar pretty low. If President Elect Trump repeals Obummer Care, secures the border, and does not get us involved in another war, it will be a huge improvement.
This is the problem.....

Obummer set the bar pretty low. If President Elect Trump repeals Obummer Care, secures the border, and does not get us involved in another war, it will be a huge improvement.

We can't talk about this in a bubble. We can't pretend that Obama didn't walk into an outright disaster. The ACA is DEEPLY flawed. But we have to fix this issue. He tried. It hasn't worked. It was a Republican idea almost line for line and we might be having a different conversation if a Republican had passed it. That's the problem. People want to talk in code and pretend like things aren't connected. The Bush admin ****** this country up. Their connections and affiliations ****** this country up. Their retaliatory decisions ****** this country up. Obama pushed all his chips in on the ACA and didn't do enough to fix the economy. He swung for the fences and he may have failed. We'll see. He wanted legacy and he wanted to have the kind of legislation people would talk about for generations. The funny part is some of the most famous legislation we have in that regard is under siege as well so maybe it doesn't matter anymore TODAY. There have been Presidents who have been much worse than Obama. The last two decent Republican President's might be unelectable in the climate we have today.
I won't call it an out and out failure because it has saved many people's lives. Legitimately.

I would call it a failure. They had to make up stats to include some unprovable "jobs saved" as part of the "recovery". They had to make up the phrase "jobless recovery".

I don't know what saved lives. ACA? People already got life saving medical care regardless of ability to pay. The most destitute got it paid for by the government.

I would call it a failure. They had to make up stats to include some unprovable "jobs saved" as part of the "recovery". They had to make up the phrase "jobless recovery".

I don't know what saved lives. ACA? People already got life saving medical care regardless of ability to pay. The most destitute got it paid for by the government.

Getting "care" when you're about to die or critical is not complete health care. Preventative care and access to procedures that will prevent critical situations were almost no existent for a lot of people before this law. It's expensive but at least it's an option.

As far as the jobs go that was a bunch of bullshit and I still don't believe the unemployment numbers are even close to realistic. To top that off a lot of the jobs that were replaced were way less viable than the ones that were lost. The American people got so ****** on the cause and effects of the recession. Obama didn't come through on a lot of the promises that he made coming into office as far as that goes. The gap was filled but with duct tape. He chose to go in the ACA instead of the economy knowing he was going to lose the majority. He gambled. It's not entirely his fault but it was an arrogant move to make.
That's fine. I'm sure it probably aligns with your views and beliefs and the direction you think the country should be going in. I'm sure it makes sense to YOU. Good for you. I'm willing to bet in a few years when the reality of a lot of this **** really sets in we're going to see how many people REALLY share those views. We'll see who's actually down for this then or who is just on the bandwagon. People are rightfully upset with the state of politics in this country and there does need to be wholesale change but this is not the way to do it. The backlash from this will hopefully lead us in that direction though. I truly believe some real reform can come from this.

People were upset with the last 8 years of Obama , that's how Trump got elected.
Unless he is part of the scam, there is no doubt his biggest foes will be the establishment, most notably, the global central bankers. And if he honestly looks at ending the Fed, and converting us to a gold standard, he might be as good as dead. JFK tried to do it, and it didn't work out well for him.
People were upset with the last 8 years of Obama , that's how Trump got elected.

Yes. How ironic. "Hope and Change" would eventually come 8 yrs later.

The election of Trump is no doubt a change, and all the hope that comes with it.
Yes. How ironic. "Hope and Change" would eventually come 8 yrs later.

The election of Trump is no doubt a change, and all the hope that comes with it.

Well, it took Jimmy Carter to get us Ronald Reagan.
Getting "care" when you're about to die or critical is not complete health care. Preventative care and access to procedures that will prevent critical situations were almost no existent for a lot of people before this law. It's expensive but at least it's an option.

Here is the problem with Obama/Romney Care. Now that it has been implemented, the premium we pay has gone up $600 a month, soon to be $925. We no longer have the ability to PAY for the preventive care we could before, so now we are forced to hope for the best, and only have catastrophic coverage. We also can no longer afford to save for our retirement, and actually have had to use a bit of the existing savings to make ends meet. So forgive me for not sharing your ******* optimism.

Before the poor were covered by Uncle Sam, and the middle class was able to get by. Now we have the poor covered by Uncle Sam and a ****** middle class.
Here is the problem with Obama/Romney Care. Now that it has been implemented, the premium we pay has gone up $600 a month, soon to be $925. We no longer have the ability to PAY for the preventive care we could before, so now we are forced to hope for the best, and only have catastrophic coverage. We also can no longer afford to save for our retirement, and actually have had to use a bit of the existing savings to make ends meet. So forgive me for not sharing your ******* optimism.

Before the poor were covered by Uncle Sam, and the middle class was able to get by. Now we have the poor covered by Uncle Sam and a ****** middle class.

You have to remember, shinin is black and therefore Bomma can never ever ever do anything wrong and if you don't like it then you're a racist and not fully appreciative of everything the First Black President has done for you (facts and logic be damned).