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Whos going to Buffalo?

It is 46 degrees here today and I am freezing. I don't think I would survive 1 minute in a Buffalo winter
I didn't like winters in Pittsburgh. I know I wouldn't like winter in Buffalo.
Orchard Park is a freaking wind tunnel and you are sitting on aluminum benches.... dress in layers, have an insulated portable seat and bring hot pockets for boots and gloves.

Prepare to defend yourself against drunken New Yorkers should their team happen to lose .... they have dealt with disappointment for years and do not handle it well
If it does what it's supposed to can't believe are not moving game. When did Steelers get there? Did they try to beat storm in?
Read an article where they're looking for volunteers to shovel out the stadium throughout the night for $20 an hour.
Sounds like my first Pennsylvania union job. Shoveling snow at Heinz Field.

Come to find out slant and dig routes are frowned upon post shoveling.
I dont understand why stadiums dont just use a giant heated tarp or hardcover system to prevent large amounts of snow buildup.. if tge drainage system is good, its more efficient...
Playoffs are here, and i am traveling alone, i figured i would ask who is going to the game, or have experience with the city of Buffalo? I will be traveling from a warm state, any advise to give? ( this may be asking for it LOL)
I try to stay out of liberal craphole states as much as possible.
From the sounds of postponement who is going to buffalo? Lol
It is 46 degrees here today and I am freezing. I don't think I would survive 1 minute in a Buffalo winter
My son is moving this weekend in Edmonton. This morning minus 41 celcius. Windchill up to -55.
Tommorow the same. No thanks. Makes KC look rather balmy.
My son is moving this weekend in Edmonton. This morning minus 41 celcius. Windchill up to -55.
Tommorow the same. No thanks. Makes KC look rather balmy.
I could not survive that. I am inside with a sweatshirt on. temp set at 68. winter socks on and a dog on my lap and I am cold
I could not survive that. I am inside with a sweatshirt on. temp set at 68. winter socks on and a dog on my lap and I am cold
I hear ya Blitz. The best thing they ever did in furniture design is those chaise couches or Sectionals ,whatever they’re called. Pillows propped up ,blankets,my pug stretched out pushing me half off. Perfect football watching position. And it’s pretty cold out here For Vancouver.
I could not survive that. I am inside with a sweatshirt on. temp set at 68. winter socks on and a dog on my lap and I am cold
I’d rather watch from home no matter the weather. Don’t have to deal with drunken fans, overpriced concessions, bathroom lines, getting in and out of traffic. Better view of the game as well
I hear ya Blitz. The best thing they ever did in furniture design is those chaise couches or Sectionals ,whatever they’re called. Pillows propped up ,blankets,my pug stretched out pushing me half off. Perfect football watching position. And it’s pretty cold out here For Vancouver.
It ain't cold in Vancouver.
It's wet, and you all feel it more.