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Why did Trump win? I'll offer ten reasons why?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
What I think about this election.

Back from vacation. What a week!

Why did Trump win? I'll offer ten reasons why?

1 ) The middle class, which has slid backward about $5,000.00 a year is hurting. Their health insurance is going up ( Obama promised it would go down ), and working-class to middle-class jobs that do not require a college degree are becoming harder to obtain. I think the Republicans just changed the dynamics of the electoral map, picking up lots of white voters who used to vote Democrat in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsvlanina and Wisconsin and they will keep them once Trump gets the economy going. White women voted for Trump 53%, even with another woman on the ticket and him saying some inappropriate things in the past. Once able-bodied minorities realizes the Democratic support net was never good enough for them, they are welcome to join the party.

2 ) The deficit. If I were to tell you a black man with radical ties who listed his religion as Islam would be elected president in 2005, people would ask what science fiction movie is this? Yet it happened, and the USA is financially broken because of it. Obama, who is the only President not to achieve one-quarter of 3% or higher GDP growth has crippled the USA, accumulating more debt than ALL other presidents combined. Over 9 trillion in debt, and the interest on the debt alone financed by foreign nations is another problem, but the real problem is this: Only 1.4 trillion ( A trillion is 1,000 billion ) is printed, and this amount can not be paid back unless you have incredible inflation.

3 ) Iran now has 150 billion in assets coming their way and a path for a nuclear weapon is they want on. Sure, a nation who sponsors terrorism burns our flags and wishes us death, run by Islamic radicals on Sharia law can have a path to nuclear weapons. I'm sorry, but this is so bad its borderline treason. Iran gave 20+ million to Clinton campagin that we know about. Quid pro quo?

4 ) The labor rate. Forget unemployment ,the government doesn't count it after a person has been out of work for a year. The labor rate, the percentage of people working is at its lowest rate in decades.

5 ) Healthcare. You can keep your doctor and the average family will save $2,500.00 a year on health care coast. Lies, lies, lies.

6 ) Illegal immigration, the drug trade, and crimes against USA citizens. A wall is needed to curb all of the above. Over 500,000 USA citizens were victims of crimes from illegals last year according to FBI statistics. And the drugs from Mexico poison our youths, not pot, the hard stuff. Some say USA citizens won't take the cheap labor jobs. B()ll S&IT.
Supply and demand. Maybe an out of work guy will stay on welfare rather than cut grass for $10.00 and hour, but at $15.00 an hour he might do it, and by the time it hits $18.00 and an hour there will be more applicants than jobs.

7. Taxes. The USA has the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world. this is why corporations seek offices and business overseason. They'd rather pay 10% instead of the USA corporate 25%. Trump will lower the rate, bringing jobs back here. Taxes on the average USa citizen are also too high. Give the money back to the people. They will spend it in better ways.

8 ) The Military. Ours is falling behind. enough said.

9 ) Fair trade. The USA has the worst trade policies of any major nation.
A small tariff to balance the scales where they are very unbalanced is needed.

10 ) The Courts. Obama threatens basic rights such as the 2nd Amendment to bear arms, the rights of the unborn, and control under the guise of health care and environment concerns. Trump will preserve these rights and keep the government from forcing citizens to do anything.

In closing, Trump beat the media, corruption, a Bush, and a very crooked Clinton. Very impressive. Now America has a chance to be great again. I wish Trump good health. And judging by his ability to campaign day after day, he's got rare stamina for the job.
Its the economy stupid... then terrorism... those were the two chief concerns coming out of the Democratic primary and Clinton pooh-poohed the terrorism aspects and offered more of the same on the economic side of things... Democratic swing voters who have beeen crushed by Clintonomic Globalism voted against here, a large amount stayed home as well... Thats the cut and dry of it... most of your points the average american could give a rats *** about. and thats who put him in.

I will say the gun rights factored in PA and Ohio as well. But notsomuch in many other areas...
I'll make it simple. Votes matter.

Like your polls, this was never a race about talking points or policy or debates. None of that mattered.

You thought he'd lose. You still wanted Kasich last week!

Like I said, this was about enthusiasm and getting people out to vote.

WHY do you think I kept showing all of Trump's crowds? Because they MATTERED. All y'all were too blind to see.

Michigan, Ohio, PA, NC, Florida - people mattered!

People, not polls




I'll make it simple. Votes matter.

Like your polls, this was never a race about talking points or policy or debates. None of that mattered.

You thought he'd lose. You still wanted Kasich last week!

Like I said, this was about enthusiasm and getting people out to vote.

WHY do you think I kept showing all of Trump's crowds? Because they MATTERED. All y'all were too blind to see.

Michigan, Ohio, PA, NC, Florida - people mattered!

People, not polls

Or the polls were wrong because the voting public shifted opinions that the media did not talk about. The media, in general, should be fired!

I'm very happy Trump won. But I also think a few others would have beaten Hillary too.
Complete BULLSHIT!

******* Kasich couldn't even win his own state of OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are nothing but a bandwagon *****
‘Trump effect’ in Ohio: Democrats switched to vote in GOP primary

More than three times as many Democrats became Republicans in Ohio’s primary as vice versa, newly released figures from the secretary of state’s office show.

GOP rolls swelled by nearly a million, putting the party’s registration at more than 2.2 million. That compares with 1.4 million for Democrats — 630,000 more than before the primary — marking one of the biggest gaps in modern Ohio history. About 115,000 of the new Republicans had been Democrats

Complete BULLSHIT!

******* Kasich couldn't even win his own state of OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are nothing but a bandwagon *****

I thought he ( Kasich ) won Ohio.

I voted for Trump. So how does that excuse me? There is no need for a bandwagon now, we won!
There were a lot of pessimists on SN who said that Trump would never win, never even sniff the nomination. Spike and I stayed true through it all. High five Spike!
I thought he ( Kasich ) won Ohio.

I voted for Trump. So how does that excuse me? There is no need for a bandwagon now, we won!

I meant in the general, Kasich couldn't beat Clinton. She would have destroyed him everywhere.

OK you were a lukewarm supporter, I will give you that. But this notion that JEB or Cruz or Kasich would have won is ridiculous. She would have mopped the floor with them

He took out the Bushes and the Clintons in one race! - pretty dammed obvious people wanted change, damn the polls.
There were a lot of pessimists on SN who said that Trump would never win, never even sniff the nomination. Spike and I stayed true through it all. High five Spike!




I meant in the general, Kasich couldn't beat Clinton. She would have destroyed him everywhere.

OK you were a lukewarm supporter, I will give you that. But this notion that JEB or Cruz or Kasich would have won is ridiculous. She would have mopped the floor with them

He took out the Bushes and the Clintons in one race! - pretty dammed obvious people wanted change, damn the polls.

Clinton could not draw crowds.

Kasich was +5 over her nationally. Trump won, but his negative comments hurt. I'm just glad Biden did not run. He would have been much tougher to beat.
‘Trump effect’ in Ohio: Democrats switched to vote in GOP primary

More than three times as many Democrats became Republicans in Ohio’s primary as vice versa, newly released figures from the secretary of state’s office show.

GOP rolls swelled by nearly a million, putting the party’s registration at more than 2.2 million. That compares with 1.4 million for Democrats — 630,000 more than before the primary — marking one of the biggest gaps in modern Ohio history. About 115,000 of the new Republicans had been Democrats


How did so many people become racists all of a sudden? Must have been some compelling Klan rallies in the area that really drummed up support for Trump.:eek1:
I'll make it simple. Votes matter.

Like your polls, this was never a race about talking points or policy or debates. None of that mattered.

You thought he'd lose. You still wanted Kasich last week!

Like I said, this was about enthusiasm and getting people out to vote.

WHY do you think I kept showing all of Trump's crowds? Because they MATTERED. All y'all were too blind to see.

Michigan, Ohio, PA, NC, Florida - people mattered!

People, not polls

While I understand your point, people did not show up to vote. Voter turnout was at a 20 year low. Trump got less votes than Romney...People did not like either candidate and Trump appealed more to the common worker hence his carrying PA, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc etc....
While I understand your point, people did not show up to vote. Voter turnout was at a 20 year low. Trump got less votes than Romney...People did not like either candidate and Trump appealed more to the common worker hence his carrying PA, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc etc....

Those were the same people that voted for Obama twice. He turned them on there own party.
Those were the same people that voted for Obama twice. He turned them on there own party.

Correct, but overall turnout was still much lower. People did not flock to the polls just to vote for Trump. Like I said he got less votes than Romney and of course Clinton did much much worse than Obama. People simply did not like either candidate.
Correct, but overall turnout was still much lower. People did not flock to the polls just to vote for Trump. Like I said he got less votes than Romney and of course Clinton did much much worse than Obama. People simply did not like either candidate.

I agree somewhat, but your missing my point for someone to switch parties the ones that did vote liked Trump way more than they liked Clinton. He broke the blue wall which no one saw coming. Doesn't matter if more or less voted. It's who they voted for that matters .
Correct, but overall turnout was still much lower. People did not flock to the polls just to vote for Trump. Like I said he got less votes than Romney and of course Clinton did much much worse than Obama. People simply did not like either candidate.

Johnson had 4.1 million votes and his positions were closer to Trump.

Stein had 1.2 million votes and her positions were closer to Clinton.

So were there really less people voting, or were here stronger than usual 3rd party candidates. I think the later is the truth. And many of the absentee ballot votes, which will go trumps way ( Military / overseas ) have not been counted.
I agree somewhat, but your missing my point for someone to switch parties the ones that did vote liked Trump way more than they liked Clinton. He broke the blue wall which no one saw coming. Doesn't matter if more or less voted. It's who they voted for that matters .

They switched parties to vote in a primary. That doesn't, necessarily, translate to voting for him (or voting at all) in the general election.

A lot of times, people will register just to try to scuttle a candidate they want to make sure loses and promote a candidate they are sure will lose in the general election. Doesn't mean it works.
Its the economy stupid... then terrorism... those were the two chief concerns coming out of the Democratic primary and Clinton pooh-poohed the terrorism aspects and offered more of the same on the economic side of things... Democratic swing voters who have beeen crushed by Clintonomic Globalism voted against here, a large amount stayed home as well... Thats the cut and dry of it... most of your points the average american could give a rats *** about. and thats who put him in.

I will say the gun rights factored in PA and Ohio as well. But notsomuch in many other areas...

Since WWII, if the economy was good in Presidential election years, the incumbent or incumbent party kept the White House. If the economy was not so good, the incumbent or incumbent party lost. Look it up.
They switched parties to vote in a primary. That doesn't, necessarily, translate to voting for him (or voting at all) in the general election.

A lot of times, people will register just to try to scuttle a candidate they want to make sure loses and promote a candidate they are sure will lose in the general election. Doesn't mean it works.

This is a nice myth, but its never been proven to be true... out of the hundreds of dems i know, Ive never met one who did this... out of all that switched parties this year, all of them were legitimately going to trump... this kind of rhetoric is nice to dismiss a canidates popularity, but as we saw this year... according to exit polls 10% of dems voted for him... hardly any republicans voted for Hillary... if this situation were true that wouldnt be the case....
This is a nice myth, but its never been proven to be true... out of the hundreds of dems i know, Ive never met one who did this... out of all that switched parties this year, all of them were legitimately going to trump... this kind of rhetoric is nice to dismiss a canidates popularity, but as we saw this year... according to exit polls 10% of dems voted for him... hardly any republicans voted for Hillary... if this situation were true that wouldnt be the case....

Agree, I don't know that it happens that much. Far bigger problem is states with open primaries.
Since WWII, if the economy was good in Presidential election years, the incumbent or incumbent party kept the White House. If the economy was not so good, the incumbent or incumbent party lost. Look it up.

Oh I know... the economy was a giant factor the dems just ignored because blah blah blah "insert talking point to make them look good"
Sometimes you tell yourself a lie so much it becomes truth to you... To the dems they didnt see the huge middle class riot building and just focused on the PC programs and rhetoric... Talk doesn't pay the bills for people stuck in crap jobs or out of work... and frankly a $15 minimum wage sounds great to someone making $7, but notsomuch for all the people making $15 or $16 and barely getting by... thats a wage cut for them when inflation is factored in...
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