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Why didn't Haley run the ball more often when the game was close?

Ben had little time or open receivers to throw to for most of game.

Ben used to be the master of the no huddle. Where did that go? Haley needs to wake up and smell the coffee. We used to be a good screen and play action team. Run the ball and mix I these plays it's pretty simple.
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Cause Haley is a moron. The 3rd and 1 pass from Landry as we were moving to the half with the lead is where the game began to slip away.

Absolutely moronic strategery there. Mark this day as holy crap I fully agree with Coach on this one!

I've been saying this for while. No one cares when we win. But when we lose these type of bone head calls resonate a bit better.
Yep, they needed a sustained drive to stop the bleeding, especially on D. Instead they got, "****, we need to average 30 points a game!"
Note to Todd Haley. Don't do this again please

It's clear James can't block a good defensive end. So why does Haley call plays asking him to block the Dolphins best pass rusher?

I've seen Haley call this mismatch before. The result has been at least two sacks against.

#No more. We miss ya Heath.
Until Gilbert or Harris back base offense should 3 wr 1 te 1 rb with lots zone read type runs and then bring in David Johnson and James when you want to call some counter and off tackles runs with James and David setting the edge.
It's clear James can't block a good defensive end. So why does Haley call plays asking him to block the Dolphins best pass rusher?

I've seen Haley call this mismatch before. The result has been at least two sacks against.

#No more. We miss ya Heath.

All true but lest you forget, Heath Miller would not have blocked that edge rusher in his first couple years either and he even failed now and then in his prime just like DeCastro did yesterday.
All true but lest you forget, Heath Miller would not have blocked that edge rusher in his first couple years either and he even failed now and then in his prime just like DeCastro did yesterday.

Nail on the head Chip. That holding call on James was BS. That happened on Tuit on several plays with no flag. Hochuli's team is notorious for it. And what about the blatant horse collar on Bell that wasn't called?

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Nail on the head Chip. That holding call on James was BS. That happened on Tuit on several plays with no flag. Hochuli's team is notorious for it. And what about the blatant horse collar on Bell that wasn't called?

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This morning on Tunch and Wolf's show. Tunch pointed out that on the long run by the Dolphins on their final drive, he saw three different holds that could have easily been called.. of course it probably wouldn't have mattered anyhow.
Cause Haley is a moron. The 3rd and 1 pass from Landry as we were moving to the half with the lead is where the game began to slip away.

Absolutely moronic strategery there. Mark this day as holy crap I fully agree with Coach on this one!

a post that binds all together, amazing Fiji. Congrats
Ben force-feeding Brown screwed us up too. The D was gassed because the O didn't last any time worth a spit on the field
Haven't read thru the thread, but as a fan of this team since I was old enough to understand sports, the answer is simple.

Because we get cocky when we have success and think we can do whatever we want. And when things go wrong, we panic and try to force those things. We are so predictable.
Bottom line is that when the game was still in sight and Ben was in there it was pass pass pass. They pretty much Ran when Jones was in. Why not Run with Ben. He was ****** hurt and they knew it. Run and quick passes to Bell or Rogers.
We totally abandoned the run. I also don't know why we don't split Bell out wide and let Williams get some reps at RB. They both should be getting carries. Think we just got overwhelmed yesterday and as the game wore on the team was beaten down.
we get cocky when we have success and think we can do whatever we want. And when things go wrong, we panic and try to force those things. We are so predictable.


Swollen heads keep reading the headlines, just like at Philly

Just showing up isn't going to win games

of course I knew we were doomed when the announcers said Miami's whole secondary were replacement scrubs - we never adjust to a team's weakness

running the ball up the gut is what they wanted - we should have spread them out early, no deep passes at all in the 1st qtr
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Swollen heads keep reading the headlines, just like at Philly

Just showing up isn't going to win games

of course I knew we were doomed when the announcers said Miami's whole secondary were replacement scrubs - we never adjust to a team's weakness

running the ball up the gut is what they wanted - we should have spread them out early, no deep passes at all in the 1st qtr

I wonder how lackadaisical this team is when approaching practice for the week leading up to the game.against a bottom feeding team

do the coaches ease off?

or do the players ease off?

there is a trend

someone needs to break it...........
I'm too lazy too look it up, but is that true?

Bell probably had a 20+yd run ahead of him if not for that "legal" tackle.

Yes, it's why QBs can get horse collared on a sack and it isn't called either. At or behind the LOS, it's fair game.
That's stupid what makes it any safer at the LOS
That's stupid what makes it any safer at the LOS

It's not so much the safer but the "traffic" involved. Most at or near LOS the player isn't in full legnth stride and there is a lot of body's in the way ect.. What makes a horse collar tackle so dangerous is the landing on the back of the legs in full stride. Yes yaz can get hurt in slower mode but then you can get hurt in head on too. It's in affect to lessen the damage.

Salute the nation
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THIS!!! I was at the game and Bell was moving the ball at will. 3rd and 1 and you throw with Landry?!?!?!?! ******* stupid! The stadium was 60/40 steelers fans and the collective groan was unbelievable.

While I agree that they should've just ran the ball, the fact is that the play was there. There were two players wide open for a first down and dumbass Landry "lock on my #1 read" Jones forced a pass without even looking at the rest of the field. The playcall, in essence, was fine. The play call worked. Th execution is where it lacked and we ended up punting the football.
While I agree that they should've just ran the ball, the fact is that the play was there. There were two players wide open for a first down and dumbass Landry "lock on my #1 read" Jones forced a pass without even looking at the rest of the field. The playcall, in essence, was fine. The play call worked. Th execution is where it lacked and we ended up punting the football.

Well, the playcall assumes Landry doesn't have **** for brains, which we all know, he does. So run the ******* ball.

While I agree that they should've just ran the ball, the fact is that the play was there. There were two players wide open for a first down and dumbass Landry "lock on my #1 read" Jones forced a pass without even looking at the rest of the field. The playcall, in essence, was fine. The play call worked. Th execution is where it lacked and we ended up punting the football.

Grimble was WIDE open for a good 10-15 yard pick up.