Finney filled in, pretty admirably IIRC, at Center, and guard, no? I know he’s older now, and not surrounded by the wealth of talent he had (Prime Decastro/Pouncey, Villanueva, and elder statesmen in Foster), or with the luxury of having an amazing position coach (Munchak) he once had, but he has familiarity with Ben, and would be a veteran presence up front. No way it would hurt to get him in there at least to see if it would benefit us. What am I missing on this one? I also second the emotion that I don’t think Banner is gonna do much to help improve this unit. As a matter of fact, I think their faith in him doesn’t exactly inspire any optimism considering they assembled the **** show that’s currently up there, and see no reason to bring in a guy like Schwartz or Wagner. Although, maybe Tomlin, and Colbert just ran out of more bullets during their meetings, and they just haven’t gotten around to it just yet.