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My apology to Steelerlynn, I misunderstood.

Thank you and your military family, for all service to our country!

Sent from my SM-G935V using Steeler Nation mobile app

Your words to others however are quite apropos. Steelerlyn was being sarcastic. Keep hanging around, I like how you think and truly appreciate your service. You'll soon figure folks here out :)
Your words to others however are quite apropos. Steelerlyn was being sarcastic. Keep hanging around, I like how you think and truly appreciate your service. You'll soon figure folks here out :)

Sarcasm is often lost in the typewritten word, except for Elfie, 21, and Trog on whom sarcasm is lost all the time.
Sarcasm is often lost in the typewritten word, except for Elfie, 21, and Trog on whom sarcasm is lost all the time.

21 and in particular Trog and Tibs offer observations that are thoughtful, interesting, and worthy of discussion. I put those three - again, particularly Trog and Tibs, both of whom I think have a lot of very intelligent, credible comments - in a very, VERY different category than Elfie.

Elfie is just corrupt. Evil. Tibs noted that Griffin's idiotic action was unacceptable. Elfie criticized the Trump family for who controls the remote.

That is all you need to know about Elfie. He is mentally ill. I hope to find its real identity as soon as possible, and advise the Dept. of Defense that Elftard admits to stealing by working 2-3 days per week and getting paid for full-time work, all while defaming his employer.

I hope I find Elfie's real identity soon. Trust me, the minute I do, I will advise his employer of his behavior.
21 and in particular Trog and Tibs offer observations that are thoughtful, interesting, and worthy of discussion. I put those three - again, particularly Trog and Tibs, both of whom I think have a lot of very intelligent, credible comments - in a very, VERY different category than Elfie.

Elfie is just corrupt. Evil. Tibs noted that Griffin's idiotic action was unacceptable. Elfie criticized the Trump family for who controls the remote.

That is all you need to know about Elfie. He is mentally ill. I hope to find its real identity as soon as possible, and advise the Dept. of Defense that Elftard admits to stealing by working 2-3 days per week and getting paid for full-time work, all while defaming his employer.

I hope I find Elfie's real identity soon. Trust me, the minute I do, I will advise his employer of his behavior.

I'm ok with lumping all three of those ************* together. They are all the enemy.
Sounds like a run of the mill hit job by the MSM on reality.

Speaking of which...

Mother Jones Investigated For Spreading "Kremlin Disinformation"

Mother Jones recently announced it’s “redoubling our Russia reporting”—in the words of editor Clara Jeffery. Ain’t that rich. What passes for “Russia reporting” at Mother Jones is mostly just glorified InfoWars paranoia for progressive marks — a cataract of xenophobic conspiracy theories about inscrutable Russian barbarians hellbent on subverting our way of life, spreading chaos, destroying freedom & democracy & tolerance wherever they once flourished. . . . because they hate us, because we’re free.


Get some!

‘CNN Is ISIS’ Trends On Twitter As Trump Supporters Heckle Network

The phrase “CNN is ISIS” started trending on Twitter Saturday afternoon as Trump supporters had fun heckling the network.

Pro-Trump conspiracy theory website InfoWars got the trend started by offering $1,000 to “anyone who is seen on TV with a ‘CNN is ISIS’ t-shirt or sign,” apparently in reference to comedian Kathy Griffin’s ISIS-like photo shoot pretending to behead President Trump.

CNN fired Griffin from her role as the co-host of the network’s annual New Year’s Eve program in response to the controversial photo

I could have asked this question in the latest terror thread, but I didn't want to hijack it.

In light of the recent terror attacks in the UK( three in the last three months), as well as all of the societal issues brought about by mass immigration into the EU, one has to ask themselves..............what useful purpose does it serve to allow immigration from Muslim countries into liberal western societies?

A secondary question is, at this time, why do we need immigration to the US at all? We already have 300 million citizens. Do we need any more?

Interesting thoughts on the situation in this video.

Sounds like a run of the mill hit job by the MSM on reality.

If anyone else would like to keep an open mind, Idaho's very conservative governor speaks glowingly of him, and Alex Jones was forced to express regret about his comments when he got sued. There's your reality.
Sarcasm is often lost in the typewritten word, except for Elfie, 21, and Trog on whom sarcasm is lost all the time.

When posting fake news is the norm, how are we supposed to tell when that is actually your intention?
I would not argue that legal immigrants don't often appreciate our form of capitalism more than many of our own citizens.
I love those that have never fought nor laid their lives to protect our sovereignty.

Words like racist, and xenophobe, just roll off your tongues. A world within a world, all lovey dovey--BULLSHIT!


I have been both shot and stabbed by those who would gladfully exploit your views of an all-in-one utopia.

...and when I say, they WILL rape your daughters, and WILL murder your sons if given the opportunity. I say it from directly having seen it, first hand.

Routine wears down vigilance, and naivete, such as yours, opens the door to carnage on our doorsteps.

Call me what you like.

I prefer patriot.

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I was being sarcastic. And I was a military spouse for almost 20 years, so I undrstand completely what you mean. I HATE the "multi-cultural" bullshit we have shoved down our throats. It starts in preschool! Heaven forbid we teach American values.
My apology to Steelerlynn, I misunderstood.

Thank you and your military family, for all service to our country!

Sent from my SM-G935V using Steeler Nation mobile app

Apology accepted. Like Bungundy said, sarcasm is sometimes lost when it's written.
When posting fake news is the norm, how are we supposed to tell when that is actually your intention?

It's not my fault that you're not bright enough to figure it out. The other guy gets a pass because he's new and not used to us yet. You're either willfully obtuse or just stupid, I'm not sure which.
I have no objection to people coming here through proper immigration channels. Let's face it, many people live in the shitholes of the world and would do literally anything to have a chance to live our lifestyle. I can't begrudge them that, and I can't say that just because you had the misfortune to be born in one of those shitholes you should never, ever get the chance to come here.

I would just say that it has to be limited, they have to come here legally, they have to be completely employable and self-supporting, they have to be seriously vetted for radical belief systems, and they have to love this country and everything it stands for. We have enough disgruntled America-hating leeches here already.
I would just say that it has to be limited, they have to come here legally, they have to be completely employable and self-supporting, they have to be seriously vetted for radical belief systems, and they have to love this country and everything it stands for. We have enough disgruntled America-hating leeches here already.

winner winner chicken dinner

I have no objection to people coming here through proper immigration channels. Let's face it, many people live in the shitholes of the world and would do literally anything to have a chance to live our lifestyle. I can't begrudge them that, and I can't say that just because you had the misfortune to be born in one of those shitholes you should never, ever get the chance to come here.

I would just say that it has to be limited, they have to come here legally, they have to be completely employable and self-supporting, they have to be seriously vetted for radical belief systems, and they have to love this country and everything it stands for. We have enough disgruntled America-hating leeches here already.

Exactly. I've said for a long time that we need to make it easier for people to enter the country legally and harder to come in illegally.
Funny that Bammy was going to let "refugees" in with "extreme vetting" but when Trump wants a temporary halt on immigration from countries without governments that function well enough to do that, the Dems are against it.
I have a friend that has a BS in medical zoology and biology for pre-med. He did well on the entrance exams for med school but his scores weren't perfect. He is a white male so he was told that he would have to wait for the minorities admitted before him to flunk out before he could start. He is now studying petroleum engineering. We would have plenty of doctors.

Besides the racial component, colleges like foreign students because they pay cash full-up. My dad was a college vice-president for 30 years. I know this.
When posting fake news is the norm, how are we supposed to tell when that is actually your intention?

Here is my take. I agree 100% that the Russians dumped a ****-ton of fake news to lambaste Hillary. Why? Because I can read.

But Trog, you are VASTLY too smart to believe that "fake news" is a one-sided issue. Trump hired prostitutes to pee on Obama's hotel mattress??? Passed off as actual news, when the allegation WAS 100% FAKE ******* NEWS AND CITED BY SOME DUMBFUCKS (*cough* Elftard) as genuine.


Some other fake news tidbits that the left pretend are genuine issues but are instead the same usual horseshit? How about these:

Donald Trump is considering resigning.



Sean Hannity is a Russian "bot."



Bernie Sanders is also a Russian front-man?? What the ... ????


Same lying **** bullshit.

Russia is blackmailing Jason Chaffetz, former Utah Congressman, and Trump knows about it??


Bull-*******-****, and fake news. But hey, the lefties love it.

Want more???

Mitch McConnell funneled Russian money to Trump? And Paul Ryan knew about it and did nothing?


Bull-*******-****. A lie. More fake news.

My issue is that the current blinded, Trump-hating MSM is veering into fake news. Trump alleges that CNN is fake news. CNN ran the clearly bullshit fake news "Russian prostitutes pee on bed" story as real news. They are liars running fake news.

The degree of anti-Trump frenzy in the MSM borders on fake news and crosses that border on occasion.

And who among the left recognizes that issue? Yep, nobody.
That's good commentary Steeltime. The fake news business is a cottage industry that really blew up last year during the election cycle. Facebook was the single greatest tool these industries utilized, as the click-bait/ attention seeking headlines promoted shares and clicks. It's interesting to see that these "news" companies own multiple websites on the left AND on the right. They can run essentially the same article on each site, just by changing a few words.

The larger news agencies have to do a better job vetting these stories before running them as truth. I believe there is a genuine interest to do so, as actual journalistic reporting requires fact checking and multiple sources to verify information. I've seen Fox News and CNN make mistakes running these stories, but I do think they want to fix the problem, as opposed to feeding these smaller fake news factories.

When we start discrediting every news story that comes from the larger agencies, we enter a dangerous time. It is always good to question the information you are receiving from any point of view. But we can't simply discredit every story as false from the main agencies, since these fake stories are instances of mistakes made by all agencies. They are not the norm.
Besides the racial component, colleges like foreign students because they pay cash full-up. My dad was a college vice-president for 30 years. I know this.

I think many of today's universities particularly the more liberal state run universities excel at corruption, waste and greed. Walk around any of those campuses and you'll see hundreds of foreign students who can barely speak English much less write a complete sentence while American students are left by the wayside. The minute the foreign student graduates, they are heading home and the skills they acquire will go on to help their country prosper. While the American students either get a second rate education or enter the work force. They call it diversity. I call it the continued fleecing of America. Europe has done it for centuries, why stop there.