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Wig for President, the 2nd debate...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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Awhile ago I posted a few thoughts I had about how politics could be made respectable again.
These included capping representatives salaries at the per-capita income of their state + 10% (to make it a palatable job.) as well as barring any politician from passing legislation that affects them differently than the general populace of the country. I also recommended that representatives use the same retirement and health plans that the general public use.

Now, I want to talk about the HARD stuff. Oh ya. Strap in, some of you will hate this.

- Student Loan Forgiveness. You Bet! You want a grant to help you pay back your student loans, or you want them simply "expunged" from the books, we can do that. However, in order to receive a grant or have your loan expunged, you need to sign a form that allows the government to tax your pay an additional 10 to 15% until that loan/expunge amount is repaid. At that point you will be expected to continue on that tax rate for an additional 5 years to help "seed the fund" for other people. In short, you can get your loans taken care of, but it's no free ride. As for interest on your 'repayment' it freezes when you are employed and paying. Even if you are employed at a low-income job, you'll still be taxed at your 10 or 15% and thus your interest freezes. If you are UNEMPLOYED, however interest kicks in. Thus you are highly incentivized to find SOME kind of job.

- Economic improvement. Ok, the new buzzwords for the repressed millions is "1%". Ultimately what everyone is up in arms about is the fact that some folks make a CRAZY amount of money, most likely through their corporate stock holdings as well as great salaries. So. (Take a deep breath here.) Rather than force a minimum wage (which will ultimately increase the cost of goods across the board.) or tax the living **** out of successful corporations or individuals, we can look at it from a different angle. We will cap the amount of profit a company or corporation can make in a year. Once a company exceeds that cap, they must reinvest in their own employees and infrastructure (set percentages for each) in the form of stock options or straight up bonus payments. This is hard to push through as folks will argue that you are punishing success. (This is not true. You are STILL able to retain your profit up to the cap and the rest you are injecting into your venture and ultimately into the economy.)

What IS true is that a corporation or individuals ability to rapidly accrue wealth will be dampened. I can't argue that. However it does NOT prevent any company or individual from gaining wealth and growing their economic base. What it does do is slow the economic growth of the infamous 1 to 10% (That's slow, not stop.) while speeding up the growth of the middle and lower class.

- Healthcare reform. The same essential principle applies here. Insurance companies and healthcare providers may profit to an agreed upon cap. After that, any additional profit will be returned to the insurance company members in terms of end of year reimbursements. The same is true of pharma companies. If they profit above a specified point, they must contribute profit margin back to those insurance companies that provide their members with access to the pharma companies medicine.

Ultimately this will create a health industry that is (pun intended) healthy, and that attracts more and more members because they may be able to receive an end-of-year bonus if they do what they can to stay healthy and contribute to the financial success of the insurance company.

All this can be done WITHOUT increasing anyone's taxes at all. It merely caps the potential profit for an individual or company and requires them to reinvest into their own people and services.


And now, I duck.
Wig, you have some good ideas. The profit cap on a company is huge fail though. The government has no right to tell me how much money my company can make, how much I pay my employees and how much I need to spend on infrastructure. Hands off.

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The plan doesn't stop your company from making as much money as you like. It keeps YOU and your INVESTORS from pulling all that profit away from the enterprise. You can still profit at a healthy percentage. You simply need to take the overage and reinvest it into your infrastructure and employees. Ultimately this just allows you to increase your base, which increases your profit.
Ultimately my point here is that IF we were faced with nutjob democrat ideals of higher taxation to pay for social services, higher wages etc. this is a far better option. It doesn't 'punish' the wealthy so much as slow their roll, so to speak. The main win from such a policy is that it leads to more rapid economic growth of the middle and lower class.
The plan doesn't stop your company from making as much money as you like. It keeps YOU and your INVESTORS from pulling all that profit away from the enterprise. You can still profit at a healthy percentage. You simply need to take the overage and reinvest it into your infrastructure and employees. Ultimately this just allows you to increase your base, which increases your profit.

Still too communistic.
As I said. A hard sell.
I advocate removing all corporate and personal income taxes. The only corporate taxes that would exist are those directly related to the company. Have to have annual inspections for pollution? You pay the cost of the inspection.

Everyone pays a Federal Sales Tax (NEVER CALL IT A VALUE ADDED TAX, GOVERNMENT DOESN'T ADD VALUE) of 15% (or maybe a lower number). Each April, everyone gets a check for the lesser of $4,500 or 15% of their pay.

This means that, essentially, no one who earned less than $30,000 (or pick any number) pays any sales tax. Marital Status, number of kids has nothing to do with anything. You never get back more than you paid.

I think you have to keep the short term and long term gain taxes on investments. I'd add a lower level of time between trades with a higher tax than short-term, I think. Might help prevent people from using large buys/sales and keeping ultra short term to manipulate the market.

I do not know if I have to keep the medicare/SS taxes when the FST is at 15%. I'd hope not. If not, I'd mandate a certain % of that income as unspendable on anything other than SS/medicare. In any event, I ditch the extra medicare charge instituted as part of Obamacare.

I advocate one of the following 2 options:

1. Federal taxes on a gallon of gas go away and the states can raise theirs to where they want. Work on their own roads/bridges, etc. and keep the Feds out of it. For those infrastructure projects that states might want to work on together, i.e. bridge between them, they can either work it out between them or call in the Feds to mediate.

2. Federal taxes on a gallon of gas are put in a fund that can only be spent on infrastructure that has a direct connection between two or more states, i.e. bridges, X miles of the freeway on each side of the border, etc. "Beautification" along interstates goes away or is limited to throwing some wild flower seeds long the interstate medians and edging.
I advocate removing all corporate and personal income taxes. The only corporate taxes that would exist are those directly related to the company. Have to have annual inspections for pollution? You pay the cost of the inspection.

Everyone pays a Federal Sales Tax (NEVER CALL IT A VALUE ADDED TAX, GOVERNMENT DOESN'T ADD VALUE) of 15% (or maybe a lower number). Each April, everyone gets a check for the lesser of $4,500 or 15% of their pay.

This means that, essentially, no one who earned less than $30,000 (or pick any number) pays any sales tax. Marital Status, number of kids has nothing to do with anything. You never get back more than you paid.

I think you have to keep the short term and long term gain taxes on investments. I'd add a lower level of time between trades with a higher tax than short-term, I think. Might help prevent people from using large buys/sales and keeping ultra short term to manipulate the market.

I do not know if I have to keep the medicare/SS taxes when the FST is at 15%. I'd hope not. If not, I'd mandate a certain % of that income as unspendable on anything other than SS/medicare. In any event, I ditch the extra medicare charge instituted as part of Obamacare.

I advocate one of the following 2 options:

1. Federal taxes on a gallon of gas go away and the states can raise theirs to where they want. Work on their own roads/bridges, etc. and keep the Feds out of it. For those infrastructure projects that states might want to work on together, i.e. bridge between them, they can either work it out between them or call in the Feds to mediate.

2. Federal taxes on a gallon of gas are put in a fund that can only be spent on infrastructure that has a direct connection between two or more states, i.e. bridges, X miles of the freeway on each side of the border, etc. "Beautification" along interstates goes away or is limited to throwing some wild flower seeds long the interstate medians and edging.

Im a little confused on your first one. Are you talking about a flat sales tax? I am for a flat sales tax rate. That way whoever spends more pays more in taxes. If someone wants to buy a pair of jeans for $300 hundred dollars they will be paying a $30-$50 tax on that item. If someone goes to a bargain store and buys jeans for $10 you will be paying $1-$1.5 dollars in tax. The other option would just be a flat tax or flat tax brackets on what you make. If you make 50k or less maybe the govt gets 15% If you make 50-100k the govt gets 20% maybe cap the max at 30-35% I am already losing over 20% to taxes and I am by no means anywhere close to rich. You would have to do away with the loopholes that allow CEOs or corporations to pay basically no taxes on millions of dollars.

I am against states regulating their own gas. I cant imagine what a state like CA would charge for gas and then waste it on who knows what. Your other option sounds much better. i would even be fine with raising the tax on gas by 1% and having the extra 1% go into a infrastructure fund.

Healthcare is just a cluster. The thing that bothers me the most is that criminals / people with no jobs / bums etc etc get everything for free while you have a single mother of 2 working 2-3 jobs who cant afford health insurance. If people who are contributing nothing to society and even costing society money can get great free health care then there is no reason people who are trying to make ends meet should not have healthcare. Maybe set a income / family size cutoff for free healthcare. If you have a family size of 4 and are making less than 100-150k then you can get a free plan, but always have an option to buy into something else. Also drug companies certainly have to be dealt with. Their profit margins / markup is way out of control.
I am an advocate of something Trump is already doing, and that is compelling our manufacturing base to remain in the United States. Give iron, steel, coal manufacturers tax breaks. Give production facilities for motorcycles or razors or hair dryers tax breaks to stay. Impose taxes on companies that take production overseas. Bring manufacturing and its well-paying jobs home and keep them here.
Im a little confused on your first one. Are you talking about a flat sales tax? I am for a flat sales tax rate. That way whoever spends more pays more in taxes. If someone wants to buy a pair of jeans for $300 hundred dollars they will be paying a $30-$50 tax on that item. If someone goes to a bargain store and buys jeans for $10 you will be paying $1-$1.5 dollars in tax. The other option would just be a flat tax or flat tax brackets on what you make. If you make 50k or less maybe the govt gets 15% If you make 50-100k the govt gets 20% maybe cap the max at 30-35% I am already losing over 20% to taxes and I am by no means anywhere close to rich. You would have to do away with the loopholes that allow CEOs or corporations to pay basically no taxes on millions of dollars.

I am against states regulating their own gas. I cant imagine what a state like CA would charge for gas and then waste it on who knows what. Your other option sounds much better. i would even be fine with raising the tax on gas by 1% and having the extra 1% go into a infrastructure fund.

Healthcare is just a cluster. The thing that bothers me the most is that criminals / people with no jobs / bums etc etc get everything for free while you have a single mother of 2 working 2-3 jobs who cant afford health insurance. If people who are contributing nothing to society and even costing society money can get great free health care then there is no reason people who are trying to make ends meet should not have healthcare. Maybe set a income / family size cutoff for free healthcare. If you have a family size of 4 and are making less than 100-150k then you can get a free plan, but always have an option to buy into something else. Also drug companies certainly have to be dealt with. Their profit margins / markup is way out of control.

Yes, i meant 15% sales tax on everything you buy.
I am an advocate of something Trump is already doing, and that is compelling our manufacturing base to remain in the United States. Give iron, steel, coal manufacturers tax breaks. Give production facilities for motorcycles or razors or hair dryers tax breaks to stay. Impose taxes on companies that take production overseas. Bring manufacturing and its well-paying jobs home and keep them here.

My plan charges them no income tax. They should swarm back
I see right through this Wig. you want to be president so you can find out all about what conspiracy theories are really true. did we fake the moon landing? who was really on the grassy knoll? Wig will know!
When you cap profits you cap investment and capital. That is an economy and job killing strategy. Wages are rising due to economic growth and competition for workers...maybe not as fast as we would like but a lot of that is because there aren't enough people with the skills to do the jobs we need. I'd say expand tax credits for job training and tuition reimbursement. We already have low unemployment but there is a huge skills gap. Many low skill low paying jobs will be eliminated over the next couple of decades. We need people with skills in trades and technology so we need to incentivize businesses to help train them. Give the fast food jobs back to the teenagers where they belong.