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Wig has Arrived!

Coach, I'm not arguing that there isn't a large and organized group of fundamental nut-jobs in the world who wish to do harm to people they feel violate their idealistic tenets. I'll even go ahead and call them radical Islamic extremists if it makes you happy.

Unfortunately Islam is a unique and unfortunate concoction of religion and political ideology. They mix the two together, a terrible idea from the start. Sadly, our Constitution strictly demands that we respect the right of every American to follow the religion of his or her choice. So, what would you propose? We can't simply excise parts of the Constitution that we feel have started to "suck a little".

Now, fortunately, the Constitution doesn't say anything about respecting the political and religious ideologies of folks in OTHER countries... Nor does it imply we have to be polite or diplomatic in our dealings with those countries.
first off, if you're coming here from another country - particularly a shithole where the religion and political mass have mixed and caused much destruction to both life and earth - then you need to understand that this country is unique in that you can practice your religion... but not your politics. If you don't want to live this way, then go to another ******* country.

Worship Allah, Yahweh, Kermit the Frog or even Yoda.

But understand that it's other people's rights IN THIS COUNTRY to worship anyone else or even NO ONE if they so choose.

That should be made 100% clear to all migrants before they're LEGALLY allowed into this country.
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Well, if killing 20 6 year olds didn't achieve their goals I'm not sure why the perpetrators of these conspiracies would think killing a bunch of gay guys would do the trick. I would say go for shooting a bunch of babies and toddlers in a daycare or something.

Not to mention if the motive is gun control these incidents seem to have had the opposite effect...I mean maybe people will say they want gun control, but at the same time more and more of them are going out and getting guns. So would seem to be a bit counterproductive.

There were also hundreds of people in that club so if this didn't go down as we are being told I think some of them might come forward...unless they are all hired actors sworn to secrecy like the Sandy Hook parents supposedly were.
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This whole debate about whether he's just crazy or a terrorist is rather silly too. It's possible he is both. You have to be somewhat crazy to subscribe to these radical beliefs. He wouldn't be the first imperfect practitioner of a religion either.
Coach, I'm not arguing that there isn't a large and organized group of fundamental nut-jobs in the world who wish to do harm to people they feel violate their idealistic tenets. I'll even go ahead and call them radical Islamic extremists if it makes you happy.

Unfortunately Islam is a unique and unfortunate concoction of religion and political ideology. They mix the two together, a terrible idea from the start. Sadly, our Constitution strictly demands that we respect the right of every American to follow the religion of his or her choice. So, what would you propose? We can't simply excise parts of the Constitution that we feel have started to "suck a little".

Now, fortunately, the Constitution doesn't say anything about respecting the political and religious ideologies of folks in OTHER countries... Nor does it imply we have to be polite or diplomatic in our dealings with those countries.

Coach, I'm not arguing that there isn't a large and organized group of fundamental nut-jobs in the world who wish to do harm to people they feel violate their idealistic tenets. I'll even go ahead and call them radical Islamic extremists if it makes you happy.

Unfortunately Islam is a unique and unfortunate concoction of religion and political ideology. They mix the two together, a terrible idea from the start. Sadly, our Constitution strictly demands that we respect the right of every American to follow the religion of his or her choice. So, what would you propose? We can't simply excise parts of the Constitution that we feel have started to "suck a little".

Now, fortunately, the Constitution doesn't say anything about respecting the political and religious ideologies of folks in OTHER countries... Nor does it imply we have to be polite or diplomatic in our dealings with those countries.

"Unfortunately, Islam is a unique and unfortunate concoction of religion and political ideology "- Wig


No other religion has that problem on the scale the Muslims do.

When your religioun clashes with the freedom and beliefs of others, and has a code to punish, you have a problem. ISIS has clear goals, and anyone who willing pledges to them should be guilty of treason here as their aim is to destroy and kill.

A quick crash course on what Muslim's believe I think is needed.

1 ) You can marry 4 women. Their prophet who out of respect I shall never draw or name here our of respect had 4 wives, one of which he married at age 9, then consummated the marriage at age 11

2 ) Women need 4 men present to qualify as rape. In some nations, their education, and ability to leave the house depend on the men.

3 ) Gay's and Lesbian's their good book says should be killed, and you can stone them to death. The same goes for Adultery.

4 ) There are over 30 references to hate in their book. Do not befriend any Jew or Christian. There is no compromise.

5 ) They cheer when our nation is hit with tragedy, mostly in private.We are the great S*tan to them.

6 ) The Religous people in Iran ( Muslim ) clearly state they want to use nuclear weapons in Isreal.

7 ) They are told to spread their religion, which was done chiefly through the sword.

Are any of the above in tune for the core rights and beliefs of the USA? Essentially Muslims by their very religion are against 95% of the USA.

8 ) Attacks are escalating. They are the almost commonplace. We have a President who not only wants to bring in a group of people who have some radicals or can easily be realized, he won't even call them by name, nor will he fight them where they live beyond a drone attack. He lets them keep their oil, which is how they fund their Jihad like views.

9 ) Once they gain a large enough population, they want their law. And they have Sharia law courts in France and the UK.

10 ) If you don't believe in god, you are an apostate. In their view, you should die.

I could list a lot more...

Red Coats, Nazi's, Jap', Charlie...there was no problem identifying the enemy attacking us in those wars or any group that attack the USA, yet Obama won't say we are at war with Radical Islam. Why is telling and very disturbing.
Why don't you just get down to it and say what you're thinking Coach.

Dachau? Where would you put it? Somewhere on the coast? How would you round them up? How would your extermination methodology work out? What would you do with the bodies? How do you get rid of them quietly in order to avoid upsetting people when all the are corpses removed from the facility? What do you do with the children's corpses?

Have you worked it all out yet? Or are you just in the early stages of the American final solution?

Point is, we aren't like that. We don't point to a single ethnic or religious group and say "YOU! We want YOU!"

Has the President been weak? Sure, but is he wrong? Have more people died as a result of car accidents or slipping in their bathroom or teen suicide? Actually, yes. So before you decide to inter an entire ETHNIC group of people and let some really angry folks start thinking of things to do with them, let's start thinking more rationally about the ******* CAUSE of the problems, shall we.

Reactionary thinking isn't necessarily the best thinking. And believe me, I'm the LAST guy to defend Obama. And I'd defend HIM before I'd defend Hillary. I just like to think that perhaps, somehow America is slightly better than the horrific mistakes of Nazi Germany. (Despite the fact that quite a few industrialists in America full on BACKED Hitler back in the day.) But that's another story.
I just can't make that leap that 100+ people get shot and during the whole process, not a single group of guys rushed this animal. Talk about fish in a barrel. Seriously, it would have only taken 3 or 4 of them at the same time for at least one to get to him and attempt to tackle...then it's game on.
Coach, I'm not arguing that there isn't a large and organized group of fundamental nut-jobs in the world who wish to do harm to people they feel violate their idealistic tenets. I'll even go ahead and call them radical Islamic extremists if it makes you happy.

Unfortunately Islam is a unique and unfortunate concoction of religion and political ideology. They mix the two together, a terrible idea from the start. Sadly, our Constitution strictly demands that we respect the right of every American to follow the religion of his or her choice. So, what would you propose? We can't simply excise parts of the Constitution that we feel have started to "suck a little".

Now, fortunately, the Constitution doesn't say anything about respecting the political and religious ideologies of folks in OTHER countries... Nor does it imply we have to be polite or diplomatic in our dealings with those countries.

I think what needs to be done is to declare that actions committed under Sharia Law that are considered crimes under US Law should be treated as crimes.
If your religion tells you to beat a woman for adultery, you should be charged with assault. If you rape or kill someone under the authority of your religion, you should be charged with the crimes accordingly under local, state and federal law.

Simple, no?
Dachau? Where would you put it? Somewhere on the coast? How would you round them up? How would your extermination methodology work out? What would you do with the bodies? How do you get rid of them quietly in order to avoid upsetting people when all the are corpses removed from the facility? What do you do with the children's corpses?

put them on a wooden boat and push it off the coast into the general direction of their homeland.
if Allah sees fit, he'll direct that boat to their coastline.
if not, sharks gotta eat.
We have an Islam problem

After Orlando, Reinstate Mosque Monitoring

It has been condemned by its critics as “profiling”, but after Orlando, where yet another Muslim terrorist yelling “Allahu Akhbar” killed innocent Americans, perhaps we should just call the monitoring of mosques, such as used to go on in New York, searching for radicalized individuals a “description of the suspects”.

As reported by WPTV in West Palm Beach, Florida, Omar Mateen is the second Islamic terrorist involved in a terror attack with ties to the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce in Florida:

An Imam at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Dr. Syed Rahman, confirms that Mateen did worship at his Mosque, located on Midway Rd. in Fort Pierce…

This is the second time in nearly two years that Rahman has learned someone who worshiped at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce had committed an act of terrorism.

Moner-Muhammed Abu Salha was a suicide bomber in Syria in 2014. He lived in Vero Beach and Fort Pierce.

He was considered one of the first Americans to carry out a suicide bombing in that area overseas.

I still believe all imeadiate family members should be rounded up and charged with aiding & abetting. Unless they are cleared in a court of law, they get to do jail time, then deported. I do not care if they are American citizens, after their time is up, you lose your citizenship and out you go. Maybe those people will give some thought to how their relatives are going to be treated. Same can go for EVERY RELIGIOUS ZEALOT.
I still want solutions that are lawful first and then we can discuss ADDING laws that may/may not be approved by the courts.

The one thing about the whole immigration thing is that everything Trump has proposed is LEGAL. It amazes me so many liberals want to yell racism and bigotry but the laws of our land clearly allow for refusal to accept immigrants from ANY country for ANY reason. We get too many from one country in a year, we can stop ALL immigrants from that country immediately. Doesn't matter their race, color, sex, sexual orientation, whatever.

Immigrants don't have rights under our Constitution. The Constitution doesn't define who and how many and from where we are to allow immigrants.

These are all things established under both the Legislative Branch and even more-so under the Executive Branch of government.

You can disagree all you want with a wall or stopping all immigrants from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Eqypt, et. al., but do not say this isn't legal or isn't American because that just is not true.
We have an Islam problem

After Orlando, Reinstate Mosque Monitoring

It has been condemned by its critics as “profiling”, but after Orlando, where yet another Muslim terrorist yelling “Allahu Akhbar” killed innocent Americans, perhaps we should just call the monitoring of mosques, such as used to go on in New York, searching for radicalized individuals a “description of the suspects”.

As reported by WPTV in West Palm Beach, Florida, Omar Mateen is the second Islamic terrorist involved in a terror attack with ties to the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce in Florida:

An Imam at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Dr. Syed Rahman, confirms that Mateen did worship at his Mosque, located on Midway Rd. in Fort Pierce…

This is the second time in nearly two years that Rahman has learned someone who worshiped at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce had committed an act of terrorism.

Moner-Muhammed Abu Salha was a suicide bomber in Syria in 2014. He lived in Vero Beach and Fort Pierce.

He was considered one of the first Americans to carry out a suicide bombing in that area overseas.


Hillary's State Dept and DHS would not allow Mosques to be watched for terrorism. More than a couple stories have been published on this subject and that same Mosque the Orlando killer was from was also a "hands off" target...in fact, I think they all were.

Haney claimed in an interview with Megyn Kelly last night that he had traced foreign Islamist terror networks to the mosque which Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik attended — but that his work got stopped by DHS and State for “profiling” Muslims (via Daily Caller):

Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”

When Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik massacred 14 people in San Bernardino, California, last December, newly retired Department of Homeland Security agent Philip Haney discovered that a case he developed might have prevented the attack if it had not been shut down by his agency and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Now, Haney tells WND that the mosque where Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen worshiped several times a week also has a tie to that case.

He noted that the FBI twice had Mateen on its radar, but closed down the investigations both times.

The perpetrators are (repeatedly) from one of the Democrat's protected classes so the govt has to blame something else.
Why anyone, at this point, is still defending Islam, or deflecting to some other cause, demonstrates a pathological self delusion, or something more sinister.
Why anyone, at this point, is still defending Islam, or deflecting to some other cause, demonstrates a pathological self delusion, or something more sinister.

You do know that pointing the finger at Islam and not those evil guns, makes you a racist Islamophobic bent on desecrating all the honor and dedication that the religion of peace has built over the years while making vast contributions to our history and culture...don'tcha ?
