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Will anyone be at Music City Radio, come draft night?

Drink IRON City

KAYAK Champion who drives a LUXURY S10
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
between $2 short & ten buck two
Just checking if anyone will be there? I won't be there, and may NOT be able to watch it live :(
Who has been there in the past and how was the experience?

Salute the nation
I'll be there. Not in person, but in spirit.
The NFL ruined the draft and draft day parties when they changed the format.
The NFL ruined the draft and draft day parties when they changed the format.

No doubt about it, the format has ruined the draft, as for the entertainment pleasure of the fan. Personally, this drawn out affair, contributes to ,my less & less attention, to the NFL.

Salute the nmation
By moving it back, it created overanalysis and overkill.
Yeah I liked the Saturday/Sunday in late April format. Not sure why that had to change..
it used to be perfect sat afternoon and Sunday now 3 days is just to much, esp with how long the first round is, last year i went through 6 slices and 5 gingerale cans.
If he puts a team in London uk it will be a disaster.
Yeah I liked the Saturday/Sunday in late April format. Not sure why that had to change..

I think its the "little man syndrome" of roger godell. Has to put his personal touch, on the game. Like many other "touches" he has done, this one too, is a flop.

Salute the nation
I think its the "little man syndrome" of roger godell. Has to put his personal touch, on the game. Like many other "touches" he has done, this one too, is a flop.

Salute the nation
This is a pretty great explanation for real. It's like he has to have his influence felt in some way or another on damn near every aspect of the game.
I actually love the new format. For last couple years me and the boys meet up at the bar (tilted kilt). Most are from our fantasy football league too. It's good times. Beers, boobs, food and draft.
Goodell said he might make it 4 days long. I assume that would be Round 1, Round 2, Round 3-4, Round 5-7. I bet most people would skip that 4th day.
This is a pretty great explanation for real. It's like he has to have his influence felt in some way or another on damn near every aspect of the game.

You got it, not that I've cared much for the Pro Bowl, but is was good to who represented their teams etc.. Now, with godell's touch, its even a bigger farce. Some of the pro bowlers, cant even go, as they got a Super Bowl to attend! What a little "man" he is :)

Salute the nation
One weekend 2 days, made for some awesome overnight parties. I can't do **** starting on a Thursday and running for 4 days. BOOOO GODELL!!! YOU SUCK!!!
At the very least he could have started it Friday.

Timing is everything, godell's time is up............ Ooopppppsss, I guess the owners back him as its all about the mooLa $$$

Salute the nation
I said it 2yrs ago that the Commish is trying to make the NFL Draft like the first and second round's of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. Both start on Thursday and run through to Saturday (now Sunday is possible?). Some of our Mock Drafts seem like our paper brackets already.