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Wow, shocking evidence shows Trump knowingly mishandled classified documents!!

This election is already decided. Don't kid yourselves.

Not sure how anybody can feel otherwise. The decrepit weirdo basement dwelling dementia patient got juuuuust enough votes to eke out an electoral victory? Suuuuure. You betcha.

Q: Why did Joe Biden get 81 million votes?
A: Because he did not need 82 million votes.

568,000 vote lead in Michigan when they stopped counting? 774,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania? Voila - disappeared like little girls near Joe Biden!!
Not sure how anybody can feel otherwise. The decrepit weirdo basement dwelling dementia patient got juuuuust enough votes to eke out an electoral victory? Suuuuure. You betcha.

Q: Why did Joe Biden get 81 million votes?
A: Because he did not need 82 million votes.

568,000 vote lead in Michigan when they stopped counting? 774,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania? Voila - disappeared like little girls near Joe Biden!!
Not sure how anybody can feel otherwise. The decrepit weirdo basement dwelling dementia patient got juuuuust enough votes to eke out an electoral victory? Suuuuure. You betcha.

Q: Why did Joe Biden get 81 million votes?
A: Because he did not need 82 million votes.

568,000 vote lead in Michigan when they stopped counting? 774,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania? Voila - disappeared like little girls near Joe Biden!!
Uh-huh. Little wonder you’re accused of thinking elections only count when your side wins…

Uh-huh. Little wonder you’re accused of thinking elections only count when your side wins…

And I'd bet if Biden loses in November you will be in that same category, just as Hillary and Al Gore were previously. Human nature, don't ya know.

Blindly following a political "side" shows a lack of any cognitive ability, and perhaps that's where we are as a nation. People would rather assume that their side is good and the other side is evil, when in fact they both have their flaws, sometimes serious ones.

Look at the issues, not the individual, and certainly not the 30 second campaign ads. Unfortunately most will do the exact opposite, you're 19 second YouTube clip being a perfect example.
And I'd bet if Biden loses in November you will be in that same category, just as Hillary and Al Gore were previously. Human nature, don't ya know.
What? Hillary conceded the election on 11/9/2016. The Bush-Gore election had an issue like no other election but he did concede on 12/13/2000.

When did Trump concede? Sociopathy and malignant narcissism aren’t human nature.
I'm almost certain that on January 20, 2021, Donald Trump was no longer the President of the United States. Whether he conceded or not, and whether some still believe the election was interfered with enough to guarantee Biden's victory is moot at this point. It is however, naive to think that there won't be an attempt to manipulate the election process in order to gain a favorable outcome for any particular candidate or party. It's likely always been this way, just easier to see with the technology available today.
We all want fair elections, right?
Uh-huh. Little wonder you’re accused of thinking elections only count when your side wins…

Oh lookee, Vaccine Gollum appears in another thread!

Q: How stupid is Dr. Flogstain von Booster?
A: Xe believes Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes and that shutting down the vote-counting in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at the same time while Trump held leads, sometimes substantial leads, in all four states but wound up losing all four by a total of less than 250,000 votes combined where video proves that poll workers in those states counted ballots after the poll watchers were sent home and show multiple instances of votes being fed through the polling machines multiple times and where Michigan literally prevented people from watching the vote counting and where the drop boxes in Wisconsin were illegal and where the voter registration and collection methods in Pennsylvania violated state law, was all good. Nothing to see here folks.
Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes and that shutting down the vote-counting in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at the same time while Trump held leads, sometimes substantial leads, in all four states but wound up losing all four by a total of less than 250,000
So they shut down the vote counting while Trump held substantial leads but he lost?

Once again, no way you’re a lawyer. 😂
So they shut down the vote counting while Trump held substantial leads but he lost?

Once again, no way you’re a lawyer. 😂

Once again, evidence that Booster-boy suffered resulting brain damage from all the shots. You of course ignored the litany of other facts I provided, such as: The fact that the voting "stopped" for unexplained reasons when Trump had a substantial lead and then amazingly - incredibly - a statistical impossibility occurred and the magic 2:30 a.m. ballots went 97% for a doddering dementia patient who "campaigned" from his basement! But wait, there's more!!

The documented/videotaped double-counting of ballots after voting supposedly "stopped" and poll watchers sent home, the shutdown of the count in Fulton County due to a water leak that was never repaired and was never photographed and caused no water damage or water stains, the documented 2:30 a.m. arrival of tens of thousands of ballots after the deadline in Michigan and Pennsylvania, the pulling of hundreds of ballots from under a table, and the statistically impossible vote results are a few more grains of sand on the back of obvious voting fraud. Only a complete blithering imbecile moron believes that the fraudulent joke known as the 2020 election was valid.

Which explains of course why you think it was valid. If the dunce cap fits ...
Once again, evidence that Booster-boy suffered resulting brain damage from all the shots. You of course ignored the litany of other facts I provided, such as: The fact that the voting "stopped" for unexplained reasons when Trump had a substantial lead and then amazingly - incredibly - a statistical impossibility occurred and the magic 2:30 a.m. ballots went 97% for a doddering dementia patient who "campaigned" from his basement! But wait, there's more!!

The documented/videotaped double-counting of ballots after voting supposedly "stopped" and poll watchers sent home, the shutdown of the count in Fulton County due to a water leak that was never repaired and was never photographed and caused no water damage or water stains, the documented 2:30 a.m. arrival of tens of thousands of ballots after the deadline in Michigan and Pennsylvania, the pulling of hundreds of ballots from under a table, and the statistically impossible vote results are a few more grains of sand on the back of obvious voting fraud. Only a complete blithering imbecile moron believes that the fraudulent joke known as the 2020 election was valid.

Which explains of course why you think it was valid. If the dunce cap fits ...
Far too many words there counsellor.
Once again, evidence that Booster-boy suffered resulting brain damage from all the shots. You of course ignored the litany of other facts I provided, such as: The fact that the voting "stopped" for unexplained reasons when Trump had a substantial lead and then amazingly - incredibly - a statistical impossibility occurred and the magic 2:30 a.m. ballots went 97% for a doddering dementia patient who "campaigned" from his basement! But wait, there's more!!

The documented/videotaped double-counting of ballots after voting supposedly "stopped" and poll watchers sent home, the shutdown of the count in Fulton County due to a water leak that was never repaired and was never photographed and caused no water damage or water stains, the documented 2:30 a.m. arrival of tens of thousands of ballots after the deadline in Michigan and Pennsylvania, the pulling of hundreds of ballots from under a table, and the statistically impossible vote results are a few more grains of sand on the back of obvious voting fraud. Only a complete blithering imbecile moron believes that the fraudulent joke known as the 2020 election was valid.

Which explains of course why you think it was valid. If the dunce cap fits ...
😂 Sit down and STFU already!


I love when bloated fat-***** play wanna-be lawyer.

First, the "Campaign Legal Center" - "advancing democracy through law." Yeah, credible source there. What, could not find a blurb from "Left-Wing Booster Lovers Suffering TDS and Vax Symptoms"?

Second, the information in the link was obviously prepared by another fat-*** wannabe lawyer. Examples:

The various claims of evidence alleging a stolen 2020 election have been exhaustively investigated and litigated. Judges heard claims of illegal voting and found they were without merit.

Rep. Liz Cheney, the former chair of the House Republican Conference, stated on February 23: "The president and many around him pushed this idea that the election had been stolen. And that is a dangerous claim. It wasn't true," she said. "There were over 60 court cases where judges, including judges appointed by President Trump and other Republican presidents, looked at the evidence in many cases and said there is not widespread fraud."

Some cases held not widespread fraud. Just a little fraud, you know, maybe 250,000 votes or so, a mere 0.1%. Like that? This is not the flex you think it is, tubby.

Post-Election Cases Decided on the Merits:

Uhhh, the doctrine of laches is not on the merits. It is a determination that the suit or claim was filed too late. Strike 2.

King v. Whitmer (E.D. Mich. Dec. 7, 2020) – While the district court stated that the claims of plaintiffs—Republican presidential electors—could be dismissed for lack of standing ...

Standing is not substantive.

the district court was unpersuaded by the plaintiffs’ claim that defendants violated the Elections and Electors Clauses by allegedly violating the Michigan Election Code because it found that deviations from state election law are not the same as modifications of state election law.

So the Michigan polling procedures deviated from state election law, but so what? That's different than modifying the state election law! Ignoring the law is okay, so long as you don't CHANGE IT!

Strike 3, porky.

Ward v. Jackson (Ariz. Sup. Ct., Maricopa Cnty. Dec. 4, 2020) – The superior court denied relief requested by the plaintiff in an election contest because the plaintiff failed to meet the evidentiary standard necessary for such a contest. First, plaintiff’s evidence failed to show fraud or misconduct—rather, it showed that the duplication process of the presidential election was 99.45% accurate

Arizona ... only 0.5% SHOWN to be fraudulent in Maricopa. Remember, this is the place that failed to provide the chain of custody documents to the plaintiffs and that knowingly destroyed other evidence of the voting in the County. Oh, and the Arizona election was decided by 0.3% (49.36% for dementia patient, 49.06% for the real winner). So it's not like a mere 0.5% would ... oops.

Strike 4, Bluto.

Law v. Whitmer (Nev. Dist. Ct., Carson City Dec. 4, 2020) – The district court dismissed the plaintiffs’ election contest on the merits. First, the plaintiffs—Republican presidential electors—failed to prove that there had been either a voting device malfunction or the counting of illegal/improper votes in a manner sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the election’s outcome.

So just a little fraud, not enough to prove it changed the outcome. Of course, the onerous burden to make this showing before discovery is allowed is designed to frustrate election challenges by forcing the plaintiff to prove election fraud before getting the discovery (evidence, information) about the election process. And we all know a little fraud is juuust fine. I mean, it's not like an election is swayed by 0.1% of the vote ... oops x 2.

Strike 5, Corpulent One.

Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar (M.D. Pa. Nov. 21, 2020) – While the district court found that Trump lacked standing, ...

Again, Scale Bender, not on the merits. The rule is that where a court determines it has no cause to hear the matter, it cannot provide any further findings since the Federal courts are barred from issuing "advisory rulings." But you knew that, right Jelly Donut?

... the court decided to touch upon the merits of his Equal Protection claim, ultimately rejecting the claim. The district court held that different counties implementing different types of notice-and-cure policies (many implementing none) did not violate the Equal Protection Clause because the clause does not require complete equality in all situations—“a classification resulting in ‘some inequality’ will be upheld unless it is based on an inherently suspect characteristic or ‘jeopardizes the exercise of a fundamental right.’”

"Notice and cure" is curing a defective ballot. The fact (D)imbos did so in certain (D)imbo counties but not others? Nothing to see here, please disperse!

Strike 6, Fatman.

Wood v. Raffensperger (N.D. Ga. Nov. 20, 2020) – While the district court stated that the claims of a plaintiff—a registered voter—could be dismissed either for lack of standing or under the doctrine of laches ...

Again, not substantive, Porkulus.

... the court nonetheless ruled on the merits. First, the district court dismissed the plaintiff’s Equal Protection claim because there was no disparate treatment among Georgia voters. Next, the district court dismissed the plaintiff’s Elections and Electors Clauses claim because Secretary Brad Raffensperger had not overridden or rewritten any state law. Finally, the district court dismissed the plaintiff’s Due Process claim because there is no individual constitutional right to observe the electoral process (i.e., monitor an audit or vote recount).

So no right to witness the electoral process. Wow, how's that "save democracy" thing going, Sir Second-Helping?

Strike 7, King XXXXXXL the Fat.

Bower v. Ducey (D. Ariz. Dec. 9, 2020) – The district court largely dismissed the plaintiffs’ complaint on the grounds of lack of standing.

Sigh ... not a finding on the merits.

Strike 8, Triple-Chin.

To sum up - your source, a left-wing lackey, provides voluminous backup for the fact the courts declined to hear cases on the merits, or found just a little fraud not too much, or believed the fraud shown was bad but probably not bad enough.

Don't feel bad, Fatman. The law is hard and wanna-be's struggle. Tell you what - follow your hero and have another dozen ice cream cones, **** your diaper and call it a night!
I love when bloated fat-***** play wanna-be lawyer.

First, the "Campaign Legal Center" - "advancing democracy through law." Yeah, credible source there. What, could not find a blurb from "Left-Wing Booster Lovers Suffering TDS and Vax Symptoms"?

Second, the information in the link was obviously prepared by another fat-*** wannabe lawyer. Examples:

Some cases held not widespread fraud. Just a little fraud, you know, maybe 250,000 votes or so, a mere 0.1%. Like that? This is not the flex you think it is, tubby.

Uhhh, the doctrine of laches is not on the merits. It is a determination that the suit or claim was filed too late. Strike 2.

Standing is not substantive.

So the Michigan polling procedures deviated from state election law, but so what? That's different than modifying the state election law! Ignoring the law is okay, so long as you don't CHANGE IT!

Strike 3, porky.

Arizona ... only 0.5% SHOWN to be fraudulent in Maricopa. Remember, this is the place that failed to provide the chain of custody documents to the plaintiffs and that knowingly destroyed other evidence of the voting in the County. Oh, and the Arizona election was decided by 0.3% (49.36% for dementia patient, 49.06% for the real winner). So it's not like a mere 0.5% would ... oops.

Strike 4, Bluto.

So just a little fraud, not enough to prove it changed the outcome. Of course, the onerous burden to make this showing before discovery is allowed is designed to frustrate election challenges by forcing the plaintiff to prove election fraud before getting the discovery (evidence, information) about the election process. And we all know a little fraud is juuust fine. I mean, it's not like an election is swayed by 0.1% of the vote ... oops x 2.

Strike 5, Corpulent One.

Again, Scale Bender, not on the merits. The rule is that where a court determines it has no cause to hear the matter, it cannot provide any further findings since the Federal courts are barred from issuing "advisory rulings." But you knew that, right Jelly Donut?

"Notice and cure" is curing a defective ballot. The fact (D)imbos did so in certain (D)imbo counties but not others? Nothing to see here, please disperse!

Strike 6, Fatman.

Again, not substantive, Porkulus.

So no right to witness the electoral process. Wow, how's that "save democracy" thing going, Sir Second-Helping?

Strike 7, King XXXXXXL the Fat.

Sigh ... not a finding on the merits.

Strike 8, Triple-Chin.

To sum up - your source, a left-wing lackey, provides voluminous backup for the fact the courts declined to hear cases on the merits, or found just a little fraud not too much, or believed the fraud shown was bad but probably not bad enough.

Don't feel bad, Fatman. The law is hard and wanna-be's struggle. Tell you what - follow your hero and have another dozen ice cream cones, **** your diaper and call it a night!
Well, for one thing, 99.45% accurate doesn’t mean .5% fraudulent. It could very well mean that 2 out of 400 votes were inaccurately counted, with one vote for Biden going to Trump, and one vote for Trump going to Biden.

Much like the genocidal Covid vaccine, nobody is talking about voter fraud outside your echo chamber.
Well, for one thing, 99.45% accurate doesn’t mean .5% fraudulent. It could very well mean that 2 out of 400 votes were inaccurately counted, with one vote for Biden going to Trump, and one vote for Trump going to Biden.

You bet, Bluto. Those poll workers tossing poll watchers out at midnight and then counting and re-counting ballots at 2:30 a.m. and the magic ballot deliveries at 2:30 a.m. wound up with an even number of fraudulent ballots, half for the basement-dwelling dementia patient and half for the real winner.

Great argument. Really great. I can see why you want to be a lawyer. You would be so awesome at convincing people of your awesome awesomeness!


P.S. You should reach out to Justin (he runs the site you sponge off) and ask if he has some sort of welfare-for-SN Members program where you could work for 4 hours per month and he would grant you the $8/month you can't afford to be a paying member of Steeler Nation.
99.45% + .5% = 100% - Flog

"tHoSe QuEsTiOnAbLe BaLLoYtS FaVoReD TrUmP!"
- Dr. Flogstain, walking champion, ded dog dragger, golf course trespasser, Top Chef - Pangolin Edition champion, Covid expert, Vax/shotz fan, booster lover, election expert