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Yep, we have reached this point


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Dementia Boy - or rather his handlers, the Obama team - have announced they OPPOSE a provision in Congressional legislation that mandates promotions in the military not take into account the soldier's or sailor's race, religion or genitals. I am not making this up:

WASHINGTON – The White House has come out against a provision in the annual defense spending bill that would require the military to base promotion decisions on who is the best candidate for the job, regardless of their race.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) included the merit clause on a list of eight that are opposed by the administration and would reverse many of the diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) policies Biden forced on all federal agencies just hours after taking office.

“The administration strongly opposes the House’s sweeping attempts to eliminate the [Defense Department’s] longstanding DEIA efforts and related initiatives to promote a cohesive and inclusive force,” OMB wrote.

“DoD’s strategic advantage in a complex global security environment is the diverse and dynamic talent pool from which we draw,” it added.

(D)imbos are sick, and I mean dangerously mentally deranged. They are more interested in "equity" in the military than competence?!? Gee, no way that could wind up getting people killed, and by "people" I mean our own troops and not the enemy.

I don't know why I should be shocked at this lunacy. For God's sake, Dementia Boy thinks THIS should be a four-star admiral:


That thing cannot win a battle against a box of donuts and deserves to be a four-star admiral?!? Yeah, sure.
He strikes fear into the leader if the Chinese navy.
He strikes fear into the leader if the Chinese navy.

"Admiral" Levine proves the saying that when you eat Chinese, you're hungry again an hour later.

Of course to be fair, that is try of ANYTHING Levine eats.
Can you imagine what it will be like in another 10-15 years? Who would want to sacrifice their children to that ****? Absolutely not.

This country needs an enema.
Dementia Boy - or rather his handlers, the Obama team - have announced they OPPOSE a provision in Congressional legislation that mandates promotions in the military not take into account the soldier's or sailor's race, religion or genitals. I am not making this up:

(D)imbos are sick, and I mean dangerously mentally deranged. They are more interested in "equity" in the military than competence?!? Gee, no way that could wind up getting people killed, and by "people" I mean our own troops and not the enemy.

I don't know why I should be shocked at this lunacy. For God's sake, Dementia Boy thinks THIS should be a four-star admiral:


That thing cannot win a battle against a box of donuts and deserves to be a four-star admiral?!? Yeah, sure.

That guy is a sick joke. All of this stuff is just beyond ridiculous.

This is 12 years of Obama for you. And yeah Biden is Obama.
We live in the looniest country on the planet, except for the Netherlands. A tranny just one their national beauty pageant.
We live in the looniest country on the planet, except for the Netherlands. A tranny just one their national beauty pageant.

A man playing dress-up. And a butt ugly dude too.
This is what a nation falling apart looks like.

Yep. We have this huge sector of politicians and media focusing us on the stupidest most asinine worthless meaningless bullshit. All while they jet around, get rich and spend our money on a limitless credit card.

Everything about them and their actions scream a big fat **** you,we have nothing but contempt for you. We will lie right to your ******* face and your dumb ***** will still vote for us and kiss our ***.
Yep. We have this huge sector of politicians and media focusing us on the stupidest most asinine worthless meaningless bullshit.
They focus people’s’ attention on emotional **** that creates activism. No need to worry about factual accuracy, just get people riled up so that they can say they see you, support you, then they laugh all the way to the bank.
They focus people’s’ attention on emotional **** that creates activism. No need to worry about factual accuracy, just get people riled up so that they can say they see you, support you, then they laugh all the way to the bank.
Not the first time a group of politicians have ruined a nation, and it won't be the last.
How did the world reach this point, this fast?

That question is the subject of a substantial number of articles and books. Author John Rawls theorized 50 years ago that the philosophical battle between Western ideology (the value of the individual), communism (the value of the forced collective), and fascism (the value of the collective by way of single-party rule) played out in WWII and Western liberalism prevailed.

However, Western liberalism has since fallen prey to a pseudo-fascism from "progressives," who now support using government to silence opposing ideology. The "progressives" value the collective more than the individual, since under a culture which actually values the individual above all and believes that every individual has the same value as another would not tolerate targeting and punishing dissenting voices.

In truth, that is all we have today - conflict based on group ideology (sex, color, nationality, religion above the individual) and an overt effort to target, punish and eventually silence opposing views. The United States now stands by - indeed, promulgates - "protests" that shut down speech. That is absolutely inconsistent with a nation that values the individual more than the collective.

Any nation with values the collective - particularly the political collective - more than the individual is destined for fascism. That is an unfortunate but inescapable truth. No nation that emphasizes the group, the collective, and gives more value to one collective over another (blacks have more value than whites or vice-versa) can survive. Our nation's history for its first 175 years was to overcome the collective ideology and recognize the innate, undeniable value of ALL individuals. Our path for the past 50 years has been the opposite.

Until we recognize our philosophical underpinnings, the value of the individual over the collective and the idea that the only valid government is one that governs with the consent of the governed, and pursue that ideology, we will continue down the road to progressive fascism.
And to anybody arguing that my point about the underpinnings of "progressivism," I will point out that the following is 100% acceptable in that ideology:

Replace the term "whiteness" with Jews. Sounds exactly like something I've heard before.

The simple, undeniable problem is that modern education is so devoid of complex instruction that only a tiny sliver of students have any understanding of the history of political ideology. Millennials value group over the individual, completely ignorant of the fact that ideologies which value the group over the individual inevitably so devalue the individual that murder, even genocide, are perfectly acceptable.

"Oh, that's not true! Recognizing the value of the group is nowhere near legitimizing murder!"

Really? Then why does group ideology regularly demand that one group pay/honor/compensate/promote the other? "Oh, I can take away your ability to feed yourself, but that doesn't mean I want you dead." So if one group believes it can justifiably take the ability to earn a living from another group, am I to believe that such group would not permit the death of the other group, indeed promote it?
My personal conviction is that we are so far down the path that it is too late to just change. We will need a large earthquake to change things.
My personal conviction is that we are so far down the path that it is too late to just change. We will need a large earthquake to change things.

Never have so few been given so much and been so ungrateful.

More millennials think referring to a transgender person by the wrong pronouns should be a criminal offense than think it should be legal, according to new polling conducted exclusively for Newsweek.

According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think "referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense," versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder "neither agree nor disagree" or "don't know."

Millennials think calling people with a penis a man should be illegal

So it would be against the law to call a guy with a **** wearing a dress a man.

But Tibilo and Floggy assure everything is hunky-dory in the leftist worldview.