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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Nah, I like wig and enjoy reading his posts. I don't have anyone on ignore. Those types of snowflakes are all on your side.

As far as Wig's question, it's dead on arrival. The question was never "Hey, you ran on corruption, you ought to look in to that possible corruption." The assertion was withholding military, financial and political aid unless Ukraine agreed to go after Trump's personal, political opponent. Those two things are wildly different. Trump abused the power of his office, then obstructed Congress in its investigation. That's two counts of impeachment right there.

Well, I'm not a lawyer, but I tailgated with one yesterday, and I'm not sure your statement is an impeachable moment. Has anyone in the Ukraine actually collaborated any of this? Anyone?
Has anyone in the Ukraine actually collaborated any of this? Anyone?

No. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

If the shittshow presented us with anything, it is that nothing occurred to corroborate. It boggles the mind that those tools went after that call in the first place given the motherlode of corruption the dims were/are tangled up in Ukraine. They know what is being uncovered by Barr/Durham and this whole shitt subterfuge is a vain attempt to get in front of it. nadless is just making it worse for the hapless dims. One hopes this makes it to the Senate.

Rudi tells us he will spill later in the week... I've seen video of what's coming. Yovanovitch is probably bleeding from her eyes. If Creepy Joe was still lucid, he'd be chewing on his own fingers.

It's all so ironic.
Has anyone in the Ukraine actually collaborated any of this? Anyone?

Nope, it's all a hoax, fake news. Completely made up out of thin air by the Dems who are 1. unable to get over the 2016 elections, and 2. seething in rage over the extraordinary success and stability brought on by the Trump presidency.

That's all this is, complete fiction. Listen to Trump, Hannity, Nunes, Jordan and the rest of the GOP hardliners. They speak gospel. Don't pay the slightest attention to the impeachment proceedings, weeks of witness and expert testimony. It's all a ruse to take down white conservatives and stick it to Trump.
Nope, it's all a hoax, fake news. Completely made up out of thin air by the Dems who are 1. unable to get over the 2016 elections, and 2. seething in rage over the extraordinary success and stability brought on by the Trump presidency.

That's all this is, complete fiction. Listen to Trump, Hannity, Nunes, Jordan and the rest of the GOP hardliners. They speak gospel. Don't pay the slightest attention to the impeachment proceedings, weeks of witness and expert testimony. It's all a ruse to take down white conservatives and stick it to Trump.

I listened to hours of testimony last week. Did you? They were all asked if they had any personal first hand knowledge of any wrongdoing by the President. Every single one of them said NO. They all had heard from someone else who had heard from someone else. But none of them had any first hand knowledge of anything. Sorry but it's been a witch hunt from the start.

Of course since all you listen to is MSNBC, CNN, and the church of Maddow you don't know any of that. You made up your mind before the hearings even started. Just like the dems did before he was even elected. BTW if the dems are so worried about election tampering why don't they hand over the server to the FBI? Isn't that breaking the law? Why do they get off not turning over evidence of a crime?
They were all asked if they had any personal first hand knowledge of any wrongdoing by the President. Every single one of them said NO.

That proves you didn't listen to the hearings.
That proves you didn't listen to the hearings.

No, it proves you didn't listen. They were all asked and they all said they didn't. Please give me one witness that said they were told by Trump to do something illegal. Just one.
If Dems are worried about election fraud, why are they opposed to voter ID? Hell, it’s been offered for free. Still opposed. Seems that would be a great start to fair and secure elections.
If Dems are worried about election fraud, why are they opposed to voter ID? Hell, it’s been offered for free. Still opposed. Seems that would be a great start to fair and secure elections.

We all know why. I mean, I know it's mainly a rhetorical question, but we know why. We need ID for most things that require adult critical thinking exercises, if you will, but voter ID has been conspicuously absent.

To help decide the future of our Republic. Hmm.
No, it proves you didn't listen. They were all asked and they all said they didn't. Please give me one witness that said they were told by Trump to do something illegal. Just one.

You can't be this obtuse. Actually, reading your posts over the years, that's a rhetorical question. Is that the determining factor in your mind? If there is a record of Trump telling someone: "Pssss, listen up, buddy. I'm gonna commit extortion and bribery, both impeachable offenses. For the love of God, don't tell anybody. But here's what I'm gonna need you to do...."

If you listened to - or read - even a part of the impeachment hearings, the multiple accounts of first-hand testimony, you'd know full well there is clear evidence many times over how Trump abused his role as president in trying to shake down Ukraine. This went on for months on end, with Sondland & Giuliani acting under Trump's direct orders. The only reason it came to an abrupt halt is the whistleblower filed a complaint and Congress launched an investigation. Mulvaney and Trump himself are on record stating point blank what they wanted from Ukraine. Trump is beyond delusional, he must be eating horse tranquilizers for breakfast. I figured at least some of you still have your wits about you, sadly I'm mistaken.
If you listened to - or read - even a part of the impeachment hearings, the multiple accounts of first-hand testimony, you'd know full well there is clear evidence many times over how Trump abused his role as president in trying to shake down Ukraine. This went on for months on end, with Sondland & Giuliani acting under Trump's direct orders. The only reason it came to an abrupt halt is the whistleblower filed a complaint and Congress launched an investigation. Mulvaney and Trump himself are on record stating point blank what they wanted from Ukraine. Trump is beyond delusional, he must be eating horse tranquilizers for breakfast. I figured at least some of you still have your wits about you, sadly I'm mistaken.

Sondland testified under oath that the President never told him that. You can lie and twist all you want buddy. But the facts don't change. Again you couldn't come up with one person who had direct knowledge. Not one. You're just a hack liberal who'll believe anything they tell you. You fell for the Avannitti is a patriot BS. You fell for the Russia conspiracy. Now you're falling for the Ukraine BS. You hate Trump and don't care who lies as long as he is gone.

The WB never showed up. He was so worried about it that he never even came to congress. There is NO first hand testimony. If there were you'd put it here instead of having these inane rambling sections that you think are so intelligent. You're not. I've seen through you for years. Obviously you didn't even listen to Sondland's testimony. He said point black that Giuliani never told him that. Please just stop. You look foolish for not even listening to his testimony.
The problem with this board, is you guys want me to do your homework. Stop being lazy and read the transcripts. And do yourselves a favor and stop reading far right news sources. It rots the mind.

”Was there a quid pro? . . . The answer is yes,” Mr Sondland said in explosive opening testimony.

He then implicated other officials, including Mike Pompeo, secretary of state, Mick Mulvaney, White House chief of staff, and John Bolton, then national security adviser. “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret
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Trump has been facing the prospect of impeachment since even before he was elected, due to the simple fact he called for Russian help/interference numerous times as a candidate during the campaign. He did this in the most public and brazen way possible. And Putin and Russia delivered, hacking Hillary's emails & Dem servers a mere five hours after Trump asked them to. Back then, he learned his lesson. Aha, he said to himself, so this is how to win an election? Being the bumbling fool that he is, having gotten away with it once, he decided to go back to the till yet again, to get foreign assistance to take down his current political rival, Biden. This is why we are here today. This is why he must be impeached and removed from office. He has proven time and again he considers himself above the law and beyond reproach. Congress must stand with the Constitution and the American people. And send this tyrannical asshat packing. Most likely off to jail, as he will face multiple indictments once he's out of office.
And GroundHog Day Tibsy is back, again.

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The problem with this board, is you guys want me to do your homework. Stop being lazy and read the transcripts. And do yourselves a favor and stop reading far right news sources. It rots the mind.

Well don't be lazy and stop with only partial testimony. Post the part where he had no direct knowledge of a quid pro quo and was told directly there wasn't one and that all his statements were based on his feelings not on any real evidence. Surely you just forgot to add that part. In fact show us on single piece of provable evidence not based on conjecture and that wasn't contradicted by their own statements under oath of not witnessing anything illegal. Quit cherry picking sound bites and leaving out the actual exculpatory testimony. Although I guess that is what the FBI does as well as we learned today. No need to include exculpatory evidence.

World Trade Organization Becomes Irrelevant on Wednesday, Thanks to Trump

The supreme court of world trade, otherwise known as the “appellate body” of the World Trade Organization, will cease functioning on Wednesday. The court is supposed to have seven members but it currently has four vacancies, with two more members retiring on Tuesday. That leaves one active judge, two short of the number required to rule on international trade disputes.

Those vacancies haven’t been filled thanks to the Trump administration’s war on the WTO. The president has criticized the WTO for allowing China to retain its special status as a developing nation (though it's now number two in the world economically) while looking the other way when it violates WTO rules.

“President Trump has made it clear throughout his term that he has no time for multilateral deals and even less time for WTO judges telling him what he can and cannot do.”

The World Trade Organization is one of several globalist institutions established at the end of the Second World War, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It employs some 640 unelected bureaucrats in Geneva tasked with advising unelected adjudicators involved in settling trade disputes among its 164 members.

The problem with this board, is you guys want me to do your homework. Stop being lazy and read the transcripts. And do yourselves a favor and stop reading far right news sources. It rots the mind.

The two direct participants in the conversation said that there wasn't, and in fact there was no quid since the Ukraine did not investigate, and no quo since they got their aid. It doesn't matter how many partisan hacks claim that there was, or how many partisan hacks repeat the lie. This is a farce.
Trump consoling the dems after impeachment fail -

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here is something you won't see from the corrupt mainstream media because they refuse to show anything positive when it comes to President <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a>.<br><br>The People's President <a href="https://t.co/BGTWL4PJQ1">pic.twitter.com/BGTWL4PJQ1</a></p>— Jordan (@Jord_45) <a href="https://twitter.com/Jord_45/status/1203526903350456320?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 8, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The two direct participants in the conversation said that there wasn't, and in fact there was no quid since the Ukraine did not investigate, and no quo since they got their aid. It doesn't matter how many partisan hacks claim that there was, or how many partisan hacks repeat the lie. This is a farce.

At 9 am the articles of impeachment will be revealed. Thursday, the Judiciary Committee will vote. Next week, there will be a full House vote and Trump will be impeached.

Following which, if I'm the Dems, I hold the impeachment papers in the House and continue the investigation as long as required. There is no rush to get it to McConnell and the Senate. Let it linger, like a smelly fart. Gather more evidence, as needed. Interview more witnesses, as needed. Hold even more hearings, as needed. There may be additional counts to add to the ones they'll be voting on now.

If you don't like it, blame Trump. He is solely responsible for the predicament he's in.

Have a nice day.

ps - I hope Trump enjoys his closed door meeting w Russian foreign minister Lavrov at the WH today. The timing is beyond ironic. I'm sure they'll have plenty to discuss.
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At 9 am the articles of impeachment will be revealed. Thursday, the Judiciary Committee will vote. Next week, there will be a full House vote and Trump will be impeached.

Following which, if I'm the Dems, I hold the impeachment papers in the House and continue the investigation as long as required. There is no rush to get it to McConnell and the Senate. Let it linger, like a smelly fart. Gather more evidence, as needed. Interview more witnesses, as needed. Hold even more hearings, as needed. There may be additional counts to add to the ones they'll be voting on now.

If you don't like it, blame Trump. He is solely responsible for the predicament he's in.

Have a nice day.

ps - I hope Trump enjoys his closed door meeting w Russian foreign minister Lavrov at the WH today. The timing is beyond ironic. I'm sure they'll have plenty to discuss.

you're aware that Trump will be allowed to defend himself, correct? are you aware that this means that he'll be able to point out the hypocrisy of the Dems in filing for impeachment over **** like this? are you also aware that this is virtually akin to political suicide for the entire Dem party? yes, let it linger like a smelly fart ... so more and more proven ******* evidence of the Dems criminal and corrupted underbelly can be seen.
The problem with this board, is you guys want me to do your homework. Stop being lazy and read the transcripts. And do yourselves a favor and stop reading far right news sources. It rots the mind.

Stop being ignorant and watch the video. Here is the quote from Sondland:

TURNER: OK. Well, you know, after you testified Chairman Schiff ran out and gave a press conference and said, he gets to impeach the president of the United States because of your testimony. And if you pull up CNN today right now their banner says "Sondland ties Trump to withholding aid," is that your testimony today, Mr. -- Ambassador Sondland, that you have evidence that Donald Trump tied the investigations to the aid? Because I don't think you're saying that.

SONDLAND: I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming. I also said that President Trump --

TURNER: So no one told you. Not just the president -- Giuliani didn't tell you, Mulvaney didn't tell you -- nobody -- Pompeo didn't tell you? Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations, is that correct?

SONDLAND: I think I already testified to that --

TURNER: No, answer the question. Is it correct, no one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations? Because if your answer is yes, then the Chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations, yes or no?


TURNER: So, you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations?

SONDLAND: Other than my own presumption.
At 9 am the articles of impeachment will be revealed. Thursday, the Judiciary Committee will vote. Next week, there will be a full House vote and Trump will be impeached.

Following which, if I'm the Dems, I hold the impeachment papers in the House and continue the investigation as long as required. There is no rush to get it to McConnell and the Senate. Let it linger, like a smelly fart. Gather more evidence, as needed. Interview more witnesses, as needed. Hold even more hearings, as needed. There may be additional counts to add to the ones they'll be voting on now.

If you don't like it, blame Trump. He is solely responsible for the predicament he's in.

Have a nice day.

ps - I hope Trump enjoys his closed door meeting w Russian foreign minister Lavrov at the WH today. The timing is beyond ironic. I'm sure they'll have plenty to discuss.

You forgot then in November of 2020 he we will be re-elected POTUS.
Stop being ignorant and watch the video. Here is the quote from Sondland:

TURNER: OK. Well, you know, after you testified Chairman Schiff ran out and gave a press conference and said, he gets to impeach the president of the United States because of your testimony. And if you pull up CNN today right now their banner says "Sondland ties Trump to withholding aid," is that your testimony today, Mr. -- Ambassador Sondland, that you have evidence that Donald Trump tied the investigations to the aid? Because I don't think you're saying that.

SONDLAND: I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming. I also said that President Trump --

TURNER: So no one told you. Not just the president -- Giuliani didn't tell you, Mulvaney didn't tell you -- nobody -- Pompeo didn't tell you? Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations, is that correct?

SONDLAND: I think I already testified to that --

TURNER: No, answer the question. Is it correct, no one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations? Because if your answer is yes, then the Chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations, yes or no?


TURNER: So, you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations?

SONDLAND: Other than my own presumption.

To be fully fair:

On the subject of Quid Pro Quo -- Sondland DID say there was one. But it had nothing to with withholding aid.

From the transcript at https://www.rev.com/blog/impeachment-hearing-day-4-transcript-gordon-sondland-testifies

Sondland: (08:58)

Fourth, as I testified previously, Mr. Giuliani’s requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Zelensky. Mr. Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing the investigations of the 2016 election, DNC server and Burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the President of the United States and we knew these investigations were important to the president.

He repeats his statement several times throughout the testimony. So basically -- Trump wanted a public announcement that Zelensky would publicly state they're investigating Ukrainian corruption. There was NOTHING about withholding aid from Ukraine --- except for the presumption on the part of Sondland.
Fake Impeachment is a joke, 2 articles??? LOL, its going nowhere!

in BIGGER news

President Trump Keep America Great Rally @ Hershey, PA 7PM EST 12/10/2019
