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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"


An irrelevant news source promoting propaganda for a century.

Was that in consideration for the arms and munitions that the Germans bought from America?

Or because modern pharma was formed by the likes of Bayer, Schering, Merck, etc.with American influence in the mid 30s?

Or maybe something else?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

One judge at a time...

Trump Ends Liberal Domination of 9th Circuit Appeals Court

Today the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Deputy Assistant Attorney General Lawrence VanDyke to serve on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

He is a committed and strong 'constitutionalist' who will uphold the values and deeply held beliefs of our nation. VanDyke joins the ranks of over 150 judges confirmed to the court by President Trump – judges of the highest caliber with respect for the Constitution and the rights of all people.

President Trump continues to make good on his promise to end liberal judicial activism on the federal bench. With 13 of 29 judges on the court appointed by Republican presidents, the liberal rubber stamp of the Ninth Circuit has been stilled.”


McConnell will move to acquit Trump, not merely dismiss charges

(CNN)Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to hold a final vote to acquit President Donald Trump should he be impeached, when a majority of senators believe his trial has run its course instead of holding a vote on dismissing the articles of impeachment, two Republican senators told CNN on Wednesday.

That's significant, because Republicans want to have a vote on acquittal -- to clear the President of the charges against him -- not simply rely on a 51-vote threshold procedural motion to dismiss the hotly disputed case.

The Constitution mandates 67 votes are required to convict the President and remove him from office, a barrier widely considered too high to be reached in this case.



Total exoneration!

No collusion, No obstruction!


McConnell will move to acquit Trump, not merely dismiss charges

I know that, you know that, and Pelosi et al know that, but this will be the next campaign issue for the Democrats.

"See? See? The Republican Senate is letting Orange Man get away with it!!! You need to elect Democrats to take over the Senate!"
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Yup, this pretty much sums up the GOP's defense of the indefensible Trump. Great read in link.


House Republicans' Trump impeachment strategy was simple: Distract, deceive and yell

GOP lawmakers have treated the hearings like Fox New segments, delivering loud, rambling monologues in a deliberate attempt to wear down participants and viewers.

Yup, this pretty much sums up the GOP's defense of the indefensible Trump. Great read in link.

House Republicans' Trump impeachment strategy was simple: Distract, deceive and yell

GOP lawmakers have treated the hearings like Fox New segments, delivering loud, rambling monologues in a deliberate attempt to wear down participants and viewers.

(MS)NBC has disgraced itself as a bitter partisan propaganda operation. Why would I be interested in reading their OPINION piece? It is an operation that fires an anchor for outright lying(Brian Williams), and then hires him back. WTF? Disgraceful.

No thank you.
True to Trump base standards, it’s always the messenger, never the message. No wonder you live under a constant cloud of obfuscation.
True to Trump base standards, it’s always the messenger, never the message. No wonder you live under a constant cloud of obfuscation.

Haha "cloud of obfuscation", here we go again, from the dims in congress to the media all the way down to the low info types such as yourself another example of accusing us of what you are guilty of.
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McConnell will move to acquit Trump, not merely dismiss charges

(CNN)Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to hold a final vote to acquit President Donald Trump should he be impeached, when a majority of senators believe his trial has run its course instead of holding a vote on dismissing the articles of impeachment, two Republican senators told CNN on Wednesday.

That's significant, because Republicans want to have a vote on acquittal -- to clear the President of the charges against him -- not simply rely on a 51-vote threshold procedural motion to dismiss the hotly disputed case.

The Constitution mandates 67 votes are required to convict the President and remove him from office, a barrier widely considered too high to be reached in this case.



Total exoneration!

No collusion, No obstruction!



This would be a total fuckup by the washington generals republicans. A real trial with real crimes on display for the nation to see would go a long way in ridding the US of the uniparty that have gorged at the trough of corruption for pretty much, oh all my life. They're scared shitless to be exposed. You know it, I know it, and pretty much every deplorable knows it. DC needs a giant enema Spike and I don't see Trump allowing Mitch to try and pull this ****.

I thought you demand entertainment?
Exactly this. Facts matter.

I thought you demand entertainment?

Dems lose control over everything once it leaves the House

Just wait till we drag the greasy Biden family into court under oath

That's entertainment!

Democrat Joe Manchin ‘Torn’ on Impeachment, Has No Problem with Hunter Biden Testifying

Manchin said he is “very much torn” on the issue of impeaching Trump, a huge blow to Democrats as they seek to hold their party together heading into a contentious House floor vote next week.

Some Democrats, according to the New York Times, expect to lose Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) on an impeachment conviction vote in the U.S. Senate, meaning that Democrats face an even higher than previously expected hurdle to secure a conviction in Congress’s upper chamber should the House impeach the president.



California Democrat Congresswoman: Don’t Worry. If Trump Wins We’ll Just Impeach Him Again

There are clearly some Democrats who are beginning to worry that this entire impeachment thing could backfire and potentially lead to Trump winning a second term. And they may be justified in those fears.

Some of their members are already saying they will vote against impeachment and would prefer to go with a censure. Multiple polls now show the public swinging back the other way and opposing impeachment and removal. And for reasons that are difficult to parse, Trump is suddenly surging in Iowa and several swing states.

So if we game this out to the finish line, what do the Democrats do if their worst nightmares come true and Donald Trump is returned to office next November? Well, at least according to California Democrat Karen Bass, there’s no need for a change in strategy. They’ll just impeach him again.

TMZ founder Harvey Levin asked Bass on Tuesday if she would reintroduce articles of impeachment against Trump if Democrats gained control of the Senate in 2020. Bass said Levin was “absolutely right” to suggest House Democrats would pursue impeachment again, but clarified that new articles of impeachment could include more information about Trump.




BREAKING: Trump Wins His First State — Judge Rules South Carolina Can Cancel Its 2020 Primary

The South Carolina Republican Party’s conclusion to not hold a 2020 Presidential primary has been confirmed and upheld.

This will make it even more difficult for less prominent candidates who are pushing to win against Trump.




All you S Carolina folks can switch to vote for any Dems in the primary now to throw their election!
Trump wanted a public announcement that Zelensky would publicly state they're investigating Ukrainian corruption.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump gives zero ***** about corruption, and always has.

The number of mentions in trump's "perfect" Ukraine transcript:

I/me: 29 times
Rudy Giuliani: 5 times
Bill Barr: 5 times
Joe Biden: 3 times
Crowdstrike: 1 time
Angela Merkel: 1 time

FUN FACT: The word "corruption" was spoken by trump a whopping ZERO times.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump gives zero ***** about corruption, and always has.

why would he need to say "corruption" explicitly if that is the subject they were discussing?
Impeachment is all but officially DOA in the Senate. Graham is not even going to call witnesses, says we can do that in a real investigation and isn't going to lend any credibility to this farce. The Dems are going full Don Quixote. They have no hope of doing anything other than ruin what little chance they had at winning the Senate, Presidency or keeping the house if they stay the course. They will cement their lunatic base and lose everyone else.
Sorry Tibs but you are flat wrong.

Actually, I think you are correct. Trump very much cares about corruption. He cares about it in the sense he loves it and embraces it.

Fact #1 Trump forced to shut down illegal, corrupt charity and pay $2 million fine.
Fact #2 Trump forced to shut down illegal, corrupt university and pay $25 million fine.

So you're right. Trump not only cares about corruption, he loves it dearly.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In April 2018 a judge finalized the order for Trump to pay $25 million to people defrauded by Trump University.<br><br>Just yesterday it was reported Trump admitted he misused funds and paid $2 million to charities in settlement.<br><br>The notion Trump cares about corruption is laughable. <a href="https://t.co/7L3fJN6D8s">https://t.co/7L3fJN6D8s</a></p>— Marshall Power Locke (@MarshallLocke) <a href="https://twitter.com/MarshallLocke/status/1205240796175142912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 12, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Tibs, the claims about what Trump university did or what the charity did are great for twitter explosions - "Liar!! Fraud!! Thief!! MANGO MUSSOLINI!!!!" - but in real life, such issues are literally as relevant as the temperature of an elephant's *** at noon in Nigeria.

First, the lawsuit against the University was against ... an entity. Trump settled the case in 2016 because he did not want to be involved in ongoing litigation while running for President and later serving as President. The RICO allegation was woefully thin at every juncture, survived summary judgment (a fairly easy bar to clear since the plaintiff only needs to show a disputed issue of material fact), but was very likely to be reversed on appeal. RICO does not extend to marketing ploys and the judge who held otherwise was wrong.

Second, the charitable claims involved $10,000 for a 6-foot portrait, $11,525 spent on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala designed as a fundraiser, $100,000 for the flagpole disputed at Mara Lago, and a $25,000 political contribution.

About $146,000 out of more than $19 million raised by the charity.

You know what Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler call $146,000? A decent contribution that could get a meeting.

Oh, and the New York AG so intent on enforcing strict inspection of charitable spending ... where is she with respect to Cancer Fund America, operating out of New York? That ******* thing raised $200 million and spent about 3% on cancer charities!!

In its complaint, the F.T.C. called all four of the cancer groups “sham charities,” charging the organizations with deceiving donors and misusing millions of dollars in donations, including putting money toward personal expenses like carwashes and college tuition, from 2008 to 2012. In soliciting donations, the charities said they spent 100 percent of proceeds on services like hospice care, transporting patients to and from chemotherapy sessions and buying pain medication for children. “These were lies,” the complaint said, noting that the charities spent less than 3 percent of donations on cancer patients.


New York AG no-*******-where to be found so the Federal Trade Commission had to step in and sue the charity. She slept through that entity raising hundreds of millions and spending it on vacations and jet skis. Oh, ******* Trump misused $146,000 out of $19 million?!? Game on!!

So **** her and her ideological blindness.