Tibs, the claims about what Trump university did or what the charity did are great for twitter explosions - "Liar!! Fraud!! Thief!! MANGO MUSSOLINI!!!!" - but in real life, such issues are literally as relevant as the temperature of an elephant's *** at noon in Nigeria.
First, the lawsuit against the University was against ... an entity. Trump settled the case in 2016 because he did not want to be involved in ongoing litigation while running for President and later serving as President. The RICO allegation was woefully thin at every juncture, survived summary judgment (a fairly easy bar to clear since the plaintiff only needs to show a disputed issue of material fact), but was very likely to be reversed on appeal. RICO does not extend to marketing ploys and the judge who held otherwise was wrong.
Second, the charitable claims involved $10,000 for a 6-foot portrait, $11,525 spent on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala designed as a fundraiser, $100,000 for the flagpole disputed at Mara Lago, and a $25,000 political contribution.
About $146,000 out of more than $19 million raised by the charity.
You know what Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler call $146,000? A decent contribution that could get a meeting.
Oh, and the New York AG so intent on enforcing strict inspection of charitable spending ... where is she with respect to Cancer Fund America, operating out of New York? That ******* thing raised $200 million and spent about 3% on cancer charities!!
In its complaint, the F.T.C. called all four of the cancer groups “sham charities,” charging the organizations with deceiving donors and misusing millions of dollars in donations, including putting money toward personal expenses like carwashes and college tuition, from 2008 to 2012. In soliciting donations, the charities said they spent 100 percent of proceeds on services like hospice care, transporting patients to and from chemotherapy sessions and buying pain medication for children. “These were lies,” the complaint said, noting that the charities spent less than 3 percent of donations on cancer patients.
New York AG no-*******-where to be found so the Federal Trade Commission had to step in and sue the charity. She slept through that entity raising hundreds of millions and spending it on vacations and jet skis. Oh, ******* Trump misused $146,000 out of $19 million?!? Game on!!
So **** her and her ideological blindness.