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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida

Every year when 911 comes around, the sincerity of the day seems to fade a little more.


And alas the real world proves it to be a fact....we are forgetting !

Sorry SteelChip, but can we have a day of remembrance and not turn this solemn day into a political issue, please?
Sorry SteelChip, but can we have a day of remembrance and not turn this solemn day into a political issue, please?


This is political.

The DNC is electing people to office that advocate for Sharia. You know like the people who did something 20 years ago.

This is political.

The DNC is electing people to office that advocate for Sharia. You know like the people who did something 20 years ago.

Yep. When we elect people to government who openly say things like this, kind of hard not to think about it:

Last edited:
Badcat, the part that makes this political is that the person in Chip's meme actually purports to speak for and of the people, against America.

The destruction of America that she speaks of is not that different than the crusading rhetoric that prompted bin Laden et al to kill thousands of American citizens on American soil.

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And on the other side of the spectrum:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I had never heard the story of ex-Army veteran Rick Rescorla until a few years ago. What he did saved so many on September 11th even as he gave his own. <br><br>Rick is a true hero and a source of inspiration we can all use these days. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NeverForget?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NeverForget</a> <a href="https://t.co/Hh1GT1UtFj">pic.twitter.com/Hh1GT1UtFj</a></p>— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) <a href="https://twitter.com/NumbersMuncher/status/1304270289463848962?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Today is a sad, solemn day of rememberance. Thinking of the innocent people who lost their lives including the first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice when they bravely went in to help without hesitation. I pray for the victims' families, including a close friend who lost her firefighter husband that day.

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<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the sacred spot where the heroes of Flight 93 gave their own lives to save others, including lifelong Steelers fan, Louis ‘Joey’ Nacke. God bless them and never, ever forget. <a href="https://t.co/p7UYE8kEwM">pic.twitter.com/p7UYE8kEwM</a></p>— Teresa Varley (@Teresa_Varley) <a href="https://twitter.com/Teresa_Varley/status/1304421163054108672?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Today is a sad, solemn day of rememberance. Thinking of the innocent people who lost their lives including the first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice when they bravely went in to help without hesitation. I pray for the victims' families, including a close friend who lost her firefighter husband that day.

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Well some of us are Americans first. There are a lot on the left-hand side of the aisle politically who are communists and supporters of islamic terror over America so....
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the sacred spot where the heroes of Flight 93 gave their own lives to save others, including lifelong Steelers fan, Louis ‘Joey’ Nacke. God bless them and never, ever forget. <a href="https://t.co/p7UYE8kEwM">pic.twitter.com/p7UYE8kEwM</a></p>— Teresa Varley (@Teresa_Varley) <a href="https://twitter.com/Teresa_Varley/status/1304421163054108672?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Never forget. <a href="https://t.co/Eq4BA8U8Fx">pic.twitter.com/Eq4BA8U8Fx</a></p>— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) <a href="https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1304422352655130626?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Facebook post of a friend of a friend:

Today is officially my husband’s last day as an NYPD officer. It’s a bittersweet day of relief, a day of sadness and a day of celebration. He has dedicated his entire life to his career. He has seen the best and the worst in humanity. It has helped define and shape the incredible man he is. It is all I have known him as and it’s actually how we met. He is an amazing dedicated husband, father and kind human. He is truly a man of great integrity and incredible love for his city.
To all of the officers risking and dedicating your lives every day you deserve so much more than you are currently getting. As we move on to the next chapter in our lives I continue to pray for those still on the job to get home safe to your loved ones each day. My husband is a true New Yorker, a 9/11 hero, and my hero.
As our friend Joe said it best “Phil I can't thank you enough. And the world will never be able to thank you enough. You will never EVER get the thanks you deserve”
He is not on social media so here is a little something my husband wrote for you all:
“I've been a proud member of the New York City Police Department for 22 years. To try and sum up my career in a few paragraphs seems impossible, but there are some things you all should know, not just about me, but what it means to be a Police Officer. The rollercoaster of emotions and experiences that we face as cops is truly incomparable. Many believe all we do is arrest people, but we as police officers do so much more. I've run into burning buildings though I'm not a firefighter. I helped deliver a baby though I am not a doctor. I held the hand of an old woman and prayed with her as she died though I am not a priest. I've shared the joy and relief of parents when returning their missing child and felt the true helplessness of performing CPR on a child that could not be saved.
Those of us who worked through 9/11 will never forget the pride we felt as we rode down the West Side to cheering New Yorkers that lined up to support us. Those of us who are still working now will never forget the demoralising Anti-Police protests with New Yorkers that now seem lined up against us. People who didn't know I was a Police Officer would ask me if I loved it or why after all these years I'm still on patrol. My answer was always the same. Because I like helping people, I love the idea that people can dial 911 and I come to help. Now with the new laws, we the police, not only have to worry about getting home safely but being charged with a crime for doing our job.
Some math I worked out with my partner tells me that based on an average number of 911 calls and how long I've been on patrol, I've answered that call upward of 85,000 times. Give or take. 85,000 times I answered my radio 85,000 times I answered 911 calls for someone who needed help. 85,000 times I went to help and never really knowing for sure what I would find till we got there. Domestic violence calls, child abuse, suicides, robberies and stabbings.
I probably would have stayed longer if things were different but there's too much at stake, and I'm fortunate enough that I've stayed past my 20 and can leave. So sadly it's time to go. Recently at a protest some young people yelled in my face that I should be ashamed of myself and I didn't respond. I can't help but wonder now if they'll ever do anything 85,000 times? I walk away knowing that I've touched a lot of lives, more than most, and in a positive way. My story is not unique. This is what real cops do. It's who we are and I have had the privilege of working with best there is right up to the end. So ashamed? No. Proud, still very very proud.” NYPD
. #NYPD #NYC #NewYork #policeofficer #911 #police #neverforget #sept11 #NeverForget911
Badcat, the part that makes this political is that the person in Chip's meme actually purports to speak for and of the people, against America.

The destruction of America that she speaks of is not that different than the crusading rhetoric that prompted bin Laden et al to kill thousands of American citizens on American soil.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

I understand who she is and what she does and I despise her and the others who speak against and take actions against our country. But for piss sakes...can we not have one ******* subject, especially a day or remembrance, to focus our country and not the nasty politics of it?

I'm just tired of my TV, YouTube, radio, mail, etc being political. I can't watch a football game without having it shoved down my throat. Social media...littered with vitriol posts...I thought that maybe today...just maybe, we could focus on America. guess not.
Sorry SteelChip, but can we have a day of remembrance and not turn this solemn day into a political issue, please?

It is political Badcat, whether we like it or not...sorry.......and.....P&R may not be the best format for you to do that.....jus sayin'

I remember going to the first Steeler game after 9/11 in Buffalo.

There were police officers and firefighters lined up at the entry gates collecting donations for their fallen and injured brethren.

The line ups to donate were longer than the ones to get inside the stadium, lots of hugs and handshakes thanking them for their service.

Standing for the anthem was extra special that Sunday, some had tears in their eyes.

Fast forward to today where scumbags on the left are attacking and defunding the police, burning the flag, while millionaire athletes kneel and disrespect the anthem.

Today should be a day of sadness, but for me, this is a day of anger.
Having said that, it is also a day of appreciation for everyone who wears the uniform, sworn to protect us. This includes our first responders and military alike. It is a national disgrace how they have been, and are being treated.
It’s my birthday too, so I ain’t forgetting.
Happy Birthday, Burgundy

I recall going to the airport when the opened. There were soldiers everywhere all packing full load outs.
I remember being online with Steeler Nation that morning. Seemed to take forever to determine that we were under attack and these were not just a series of unfortunate accidents. Once they finally shut down the airspace I remember how eerily quiet it was that night. You don't know how much air traffic is actually up there generating background noise until its gone.

For the days, weeks and months following we just halfway expected something worse to happen...Fast forward to today when our own deranged citizens are destroying our cities....I think I'd prefer to go back in time as we did seem to come together as a country back then.