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A father's love...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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The father of the charming young girl who convinced her boyfriend to "get back in" to the trunk of his car and finish the asphyxiation process. The same girl who then pretended not to know where the dead corpse of the boy was in front of his frantic parents as they searched for him...

“She will forever live with what she has done and I know will be a better perso​n because of it,” her father, David Carter, wrote to the judge, according to the Herald.

“I ask of you to invoke leniency in your decision-making process for my loving child Michelle,” he wrote.

A better person? Dude - If she doesn't bludgeon infant babies as they are taken from their mothers' wombs she's working her way toward being a "better person". It aint hard.

a loving child? Loving the fact that she manipulated a kid who decided NOT to kill himself into getting BACK into a car trunk and finishing the job. That's a McDonalds commerical right there... Ba da da da daaaah, I'm lovin' it!

Of course a father would look out for the well being of his child. But the rest of us do not care about her well being, and want her to be made an example. Sorry honey, you ****** up.
I hope none of you has ever said "Kill Yourself" on the intrawebz. You could now be guilty of attempted murder.
What the girl did was horrible, but the guy did try to kill himself before. Also we do not know how many times he had threatened to kill himself before and was maybe looking for attention. I saw this story of a "boy who cried wolf" type thing. For example I knew a girl in an abusive relationship she would always come to me crying. Every time she was leaving him and this was the last time he would touch her. She even went as far as taking out a restraining order on him, but yet she cheated on her BF at the time with him. I just told her to stop talking to me and enough was enough. She ended up marrying the guy and has kids with him. I just hope he has stopped the abuse. I think she just wanted the pity / attention from me.
Dude was a ***** but give that evil ***** the chair.
That's pretty messed up. She pretty much killed him.
I hope none of you has ever said "Kill Yourself" on the intrawebz. You could now be guilty of attempted murder.

Yeah... that's what you take from this case.

They had enough evidence on this girl to build a case that she actually had a hand in him committing suicide. She knew what he was doing at the time and goaded him into completing his act -- then tried hiding her involvement. She might as well have been there locking him in the car.
She's a despicable person and I won't defend her, but it's a slippery slope making what she did a crime. I wouldn't be surprised if the conviction gets thrown out. Last year a kid in the neighborhood down the street from me commuted suicide after being mocked and ridiculed on social media and telling other people he was going to kill himself and was ignored or disregarded. At what point does it become a crime, and who are the criminals?
She's a despicable person and I won't defend her, but it's a slippery slope making what she did a crime. I wouldn't be surprised if the conviction gets thrown out. Last year a kid in the neighborhood down the street from me commuted suicide after being mocked and ridiculed on social media and telling other people he was going to kill himself and was ignored or disregarded. At what point does it become a crime, and who are the criminals?

It becomes a crime when your actions show you to be an active participant in the person's death. She exhibited a pattern of contributing to his suicide. Walking him through the procedure, checking on his status, convincing him to go through with it... she was actively involved in him committing suicide. She had full knowledge that he was performing the action and was in contact with him throughout his suicide.
How can that not be considered a crime?
It becomes a crime when your actions show you to be an active participant in the person's death. She exhibited a pattern of contributing to his suicide. Walking him through the procedure, checking on his status, convincing him to go through with it... she was actively involved in him committing suicide. She had full knowledge that he was performing the action and was in contact with him throughout his suicide.
How can that not be considered a crime?

Because it was ultimately of his own free will and with any law, you have to be careful of setting precedents. For example, What constitutes active participants? Should there be a criminal investigation every time a person commits suicide to see if others might have somehow contributed and to what extent?

I think at the very least for this not to get thrown out, the prosecution will have to prove (again?) that this girl had control of this kid. She had hypnotized him, if you will, and could have convinced him to do anything (rob a bank, murder someone else, etc.)

Again, I don't have a problem with her going to prison, but I highly suspect the legal system will.
Because it was ultimately of his own free will and with any law, you have to be careful of setting precedents. For example, What constitutes active participants? Should there be a criminal investigation every time a person commits suicide to see if others might have somehow contributed and to what extent?

I think at the very least for this not to get thrown out, the prosecution will have to prove (again?) that this girl had control of this kid. She had hypnotized him, if you will, and could have convinced him to do anything (rob a bank, murder someone else, etc.)

Again, I don't have a problem with her going to prison, but I highly suspect the legal system will.

I don't know if I'm agreeing or disagreeing with you. I'm agreeing in that it's tricky. I'm disagreeing because she clearly did play a hand.

Take the instance of an accomplice to a crime. I drive a car and pick up two bank robbers. I go to jail, even though I didn't "actively" participate in the robbery. I aided and abetted.

If I drive shooters away from a killing, I too go to jail. Aiding and abetting again.

This girl clearly coaxed and persuaded this young man to kill himself. It doesn't matter that he had already decided to do it. At one point he exited the vehicle and she told him to get back in. She was directing. That makes her clearly and unarguably involved.

My feeling is she deserves to be charged.

But you do bring up good points. I went to HS with a kid that was always a little "off" and suffered comments and teasing (not brutal) for years and years. One summer I got word he put a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger. No, not all of those in our school that teased him aided and abetted. But clearly if this girl's case goes towards a conviction, we may see the slippery slope increase.
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I don't know if I'm agreeing or disagreeing with you. I'm agreeing in that it's tricky. I'm disagreeing because she clearly did play a hand.

Take the instance of an accomplice to a crime. I drive a car and pick up two bank robbers. I go to jail, even though I didn't "actively" participate in the robbery. I aided and abetted.

If I drive shooters away from a killing, I too go to jail. Aiding and abetting again.

My feeling is she deserves to be charged.

Im thinking the fact that she was texting him while he was doing it might be what constitutes a crime. Much like while it isn't illegal to write a book about a bank heist, if you consulted someone while they were actually robbing a bank, it would make you an accomplice.

If I was the DA, I would have charged her, but would have serious doubts about those charges sticking.
Yes, he may have done it without her influence, he also may have gotten help and gotten better had she tried to influence him in that direction. He was really on the fence and she pushed him right over it. She convinced this kid to kill himself and then portrayed herself to others as a grieving girlfriend who begged him not to do it. She did not do it out of some sense of love or pity for him, she did it for attention and sympathy for herself. She is a sociopath who needs to be taken out of society.
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A few points here...

From one fellow pointing out that the boy committed suicide himself...

Because it was ultimately of his own free will and with any law, you have to be careful of setting precedents.
However, even though he had set up the suicide attempt, gotten the generator, found a secluded spot and tested the plan, he got out of the trunk because he had second thoughts. Texts to the girlfriend show that she had to convince him. (Yes, convince him) to get back into the trunk because he was simply chickening out and it was time to end it. However he had gotten OUT OF THE TRUNK of his OWN ACCORD.

She had full knowledge that he was performing the action and was in contact with him throughout his suicide.
Sickeningly so. She was texting to her friends about the suicide. She told them she could hear him coughing after he returned to the trunk and she could hear "thuds" possibly from him trying to exit the trunk once more. She further knew where he was at and precisely how he was planning to attempt suicide. In fact she'd helped him plan the attempt. However when the boy's distraught parents were initiating a panicked search for him, she pretended not to know where he was, thus precluding the possibility of finding him in time to help him.

She is a sociopath who needs to be taken out of society.
I don't know if she's a sociopath, but the tears she displayed in court were certainly not for her dead boyfriend. And they weren't for his family. Those tears were merely for the concern she felt at the idea of being punished for something she couldn't possibly conceive as something she should be held accountable for. She stands as a perfect example of the tremendously poor job we've done at raising this generation. They truly believe they have no accountability, no responsibility and that their actions serve only to amuse and entertain their twitter followers. Likely the greatest loss of freedom she will suffer is the lack of instagram and twitter in fact. However, the eventual book and film deals will undoubtedly bring a smile to her twisted soul-less face.

My response to the myriad of people who argue that she ought not be charged or punished because the boy ultimately wanted to commit suicide and she simply whispered "go ahead and do it" in his ear. (Ok, she whispered it hundreds and hundreds of times and ****** him a few times to in order to gain some power over him and make herself pretty much the center of his universe but I digress...)

"The irony is that you're all snowflakes for wanting to let her off. She played a tremendous part in his death. Was he a messed up kid who attempted to kill himself? Sure. Did she encourage him to kill himself? Yes! That's accessory. Stop defending her and let her pay some consequences for her terrible decision. The boy certainly is. Fricking pansies all of you. Let them deal with their consequences."
15 months in prison, 15 months probation. She got off light.
Stick her in Gen Pop with the hardcore butch dykes. They'll tear her up. 15 months will seem like a decade.
And a lifetime of being "the girl that..."

Lifetime is right. Lifetime channel that is. The crazy ***** just wrote her own ticket. That's what really irritates me about the whole thing. If you've ever had a kid who's actually suicidal - you know they need HELP, not someone, particularly a peer with significant social power over them encouraging them to go ahead and do it.

I mean that's just frickin' game over. You throw in that she was ******* him. He would have gutted himself if she'd have told him to. The chick is sick. Really ******* sick.
Don't any of you ******* ever tell anyone to die in a fire again.

This was nobodies fault but the stupid ****** that offed himself.
She's a psychotic ***** who pushed the kid to suicide.
Sure the dude was suicidal, but he had second thoughts, got pressured back into a ****** situation all because of some power crazed beeyotch.

Indy is right. Throw her into general population
Don't any of you ******* ever tell anyone to die in a fire again.

This was nobodies fault but the stupid ****** that offed himself.

Oh please. That would only be an issue if the person then immediately and literally died in a fire by their own hand.
Don't any of you ******* ever tell anyone to die in a fire again.

This was nobodies fault but the stupid ****** that offed himself.
And yet Charles Manson has spent decades in prison when he never harmed one of those victims. He never "directly" told any of those people that they were to commit those brutal murders. They took it upon themselves to do what they did. Somehow though HE has spent all this time in prison.

I assume YOU would parole him or vacate his sentence entirely?
And yet Charles Manson has spent decades in prison when he never harmed one of those victims. He never "directly" told any of those people that they were to commit those brutal murders. They took it upon themselves to do what they did. Somehow though HE has spent all this time in prison.

I assume YOU would parole him or vacate his sentence entirely?

I will let Steeltime a lawyer in the state of California fill you in on the legalities of conspiracy to harm someone else in the state of California where Charlie committed his crimes. Its an entirely different animal from telling a person that is already making plans and suicide gestures to **** or get off the pot.

When you assume you make an *** out of you and...Well in this case just you.