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AB in the news again. . .

There are a lot (wait, maybe more like a few) rich athletes who aren't asshats though. Someone was mentioning they hoped JuJu didn't start going down this path and another said "believe me, his mom won't let him" which is kind of a relief to know. I remember AB said he didn't have much guidance when he was young and even left home at like 16. He seems to have to some real anger issues. Hope his off-field antics don't derail his career.
It's going to be tough to prove this trauma in a court of law. Kids cry at everything. If he's got anxiety, it's either pre wired, or his parents are dickbags. Probably the case anyway since Grandpa is walking him around...
Why would you wait 6 months to file a lawsuit?
It's going to be tough to prove this trauma in a court of law. Kids cry at everything. If he's got anxiety, it's either pre wired, or his parents are dickbags. Probably the case anyway since Grandpa is walking him around...

What a thing to say. As I am about to become a grandparent for the first time. I will quite enjoy walking my grandchild. And no,my daughter and her husband are not dickbags. Why not make it about some ******* punk throwing furniture out the window several stories up,almost hitting them. Throw the book at him. Star wide receiver of the Steelers or not. As far as I am concerned that is almost attempted murder.
Hey Cope you got kids? How would you like some furniture landing on them from a hotel window.
Almost hit, is not hit. It's not horseshoes. Kids today cry over EVERYTHING..... and then sue. I'm still traumatized over the loss to the Brown's and the Pen's loss last year to the Craps. I didn't sue anyone.
Almost hit, is not hit. It's not horseshoes. Kids today cry over EVERYTHING..... and then sue. I'm still traumatized over the loss to the Brown's and the Pen's loss last year to the Craps. I didn't sue anyone.

yea, BUT, if that kid was hit, how could anyone live with them self? AB needs to learn self-control and he has kids of his own. He should use better judgement when chucking furniture out a window.
yea, BUT, if that kid was hit, how could anyone live with them self? AB needs to learn self-control and he has kids of his own. He should use better judgement when chucking furniture out a window.

Bad things happen. People make mistakes. Not every single almost, needs to end..... 6 months later as a lawsuit. That said, you would think AB would man up and try to make it better for the kid (traumatized or not). Hell, a signed jersey and a couple of prime tickets with an apology would have gone a long way. I'll wait for the back story.
Bad things happen. People make mistakes. Not every single almost, needs to end..... 6 months later as a lawsuit. That said, you would think AB would man up and try to make it better for the kid (traumatized or not). Hell, a signed jersey and a couple of prime tickets with an apology would have gone a long way. I'll wait for the back story.

That would have been the way to go and maybe it went away.
Not sure how anyone can remotely defend AB here. Throwing 3ft vases from 14 stories up could be deadly. I highly doubt he looked down below before chucking stuff.
can you get money for a almost though?

you almost hit my child

I mean I have watched Tomlin for ten plus years, there has been some things thrown around. I almost did a lot of things.....

IDK, Watt got a flag for "almost hitting Ryan." So I guess it's possible.

Isn't there something called "child endangerment?"

On an aside, is it just me, or is AB patently unlikeable, as a person? I just don't like him, as a person, the more I see of him.
Not sure how anyone can remotely defend AB here. Throwing 3ft vases from 14 stories up could be deadly. I highly doubt he looked down below before chucking stuff.

To be fair, we don't know if he really did it; it could have been an angry girl friend in a jealous rage, wanting to blame it on him. We just don't know. But if it was him, what a total A hole.
To be fair, we don't know if he really did it; it could have been an angry girl friend in a jealous rage, wanting to blame it on him. We just don't know. But if it was him, what a total A hole.

That's true, we don't have the whole story. I'm surprised nobody made an arrest if the police were there because like jitter said, that could've been deadly.
And the police were called and they apparently have surveillance but no charges were filed until months later? This is a head-scratcher.

Maybe of the pool scene, but it's doubtful they have tape of whoever tossed the crap out.
That's true, we don't have the whole story. I'm surprised nobody made an arrest if the police were there because like jitter said, that could've been deadly.

The cops may have loved to arrest someone, but what evidence did they have? Obviously, you can't just guess at who did it. If AB did do it, he's way more of an a hole than I suspected.
What a thing to say. As I am about to become a grandparent for the first time. I will quite enjoy walking my grandchild. And no,my daughter and her husband are not dickbags. Why not make it about some ******* punk throwing furniture out the window several stories up,almost hitting them. Throw the book at him. Star wide receiver of the Steelers or not. As far as I am concerned that is almost attempted murder.
Hey Cope you got kids? How would you like some furniture landing on them from a hotel window.

Yes, I have a 5 year old and congrats on becoming a grandpa. Not going to lie, my opinion is a bit of a knee jerk, don't think it applies to everyone, and the majority of the fault is on the person throwing furniture out a window.
The cops may have loved to arrest someone, but what evidence did they have?

Well, broken pieces of furniture belonging to one Antonio Brown would be a start.

Sternberg alleges that Brown was then “extremely agitated, active aggressively and yelling” at responding security personnel and police. The entire incident was captured on surveillance footage, according to the lawsuit, which was filed in Brown’s home state of Florida, KDKA reports.

Brown also caused extensive damage to his own unit at the apartment complex “in a fit of rage,” the lawsuit alleges.

Doesn't sound like anyone else.
Almost hit, is not hit. It's not horseshoes. Kids today cry over EVERYTHING..... and then sue. I'm still traumatized over the loss to the Brown's and the Pen's loss last year to the Craps. I didn't sue anyone.

Ask Watt about that; he got flagged for an almost hit.
Well, broken pieces of furniture belonging to one Antonio Brown would be a start.

Doesn't sound like anyone else.

Brown also caused extensive damage to his own unit at the apartment complex “in a fit of rage,” the lawsuit alleges.

Steelworth, are you taking what a "lawsuit alleges" as fact? I am pretty sure a lawsuit can "allege" anything, but that doesn't make it true.
Just watching Brown since opening day this is no surprise, throw in the Bell drama, coaching staff that is having a lot of fingers pointed at, Steelers are not in a good place then throw in the lack luster playing on the field, I know we beat a 1-4 team lets all shout for joy, things are not good on this team.