Whether he directly incited the violence is debatable (I didn't say he did). What we do know is he knew the election crap he was pushing was a pack of lies, he had been told that by his own people, he pushed it anyway, he was begged by his own advisors and his own children to try and stop what was happening, he didn't, he helped put law enforcement officers and elected officials in needless danger by not trying to stop it, he tweeted a lie about his own vice president Mike Pence while knowing a mob was chanting "Hang Mike Pence", he continues to push long debunked lies about the election that are destroying faith in our election system and possibly pushing us towards civil war, he's tried to strong arm local election officials into giving him thevotes he needed...shall I go on?
Of course you all believe the lies (even though none of his own lawyers and advisors do save for Rudy Giuliani) so none of that matters to you I know...
I support anyone who has greater allegiance to this country than they do to Donald Trump or any other individual person.