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AFC Championship Game Thread

If it's Carolina, which actually has an O Line,compared to New England, their defensive scheme will have to be quite different against a QB like Newton. in other words what they did today against Brady won't work against the Panthers.
Don't forget, the league is still appealing deflate-gate. Brady could start next year suspended.
Gronk on NFL network now....puffy red cheeks
Bradyparm, you taste so good... Happy for Peyton. The Bus finished his career in the Superbowl after Peyton lost and went home. Hope he can finish his legendary career in the same fashion.
Tom Brady at the podium....sullen
My NFL Season is complete. I couldn't be happier.


Lol good stuff Tim

And the SB will be watchable this year. Too bad Cheats.


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I still don't get the officials not throwing flags for intentional grounding when no one is within ten yards of ball. Brady did this three times on last drive no thought of flags.

And Phil Sims saying how great it was that Brady was able to throw it away. LMAO. Brady could take a dump on the field and Phil Sims would praise him for how well he was able to squat.
I had to listen to the game due to traveling for work. Im imagining every pressure Bwady cried... Literally and figureatively... Im so happy
Currently on vacation in Disney world. Should have saw the p*** fans strutting their stuff before game. Talked to a couple of them. They were sure they had it made. Brady this Belecheat that. Arrogant group of a..holes. We're not to be found after game ended. Didn't see a one Jersey. Baaaahhhhhh!!!!!
I'm as glad as everyone about the *Pats losing. I can't stand that whole organization. I did though, watch in awe of how Bilacheat managed the clock towards the end of the game to give his team as much time as possible to win the game. Time management is still Tomlin's biggest weakness.