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“Affirmative action”....Fred nails it again


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
I looked for a thread to tie this to but came up empty. So I give you my slice of wisdom for the day .

Affirmative Action and the American Mind: If Any

“Affirmative action” means hiring people because they can’t do the job well. Near-synonyms are “diversity,” meaning groups that cannot do the job well, and “inclusiveness,” which means seeking people who you know cannot do the job well. These underpin American society, and have ruined education. For some time the sciences seemed less susceptible to the prevailing enstupidation because mathematics would present an impenetrable barrier to the the insufficiently bright. This, astonishingly, is changing. The sciences are being dumbed down to–are you surprised?–spare the feelings of included affirmative diversity.

Which somewhat curiously brings us to international politics and an aspect of scientific schooling that does not appear in the mainstream press: Psychometrists, people who endeavor to measure intelligence, universally agree that the Chinese are more intelligent than Eurowhites. So are the Koreans and Japanese. Since for the most part psychometrists are themselves white, their conclusions presumably do not spring from racial chauvinism. The Chinese advantage is measured at around five IQ points. This is not great but makes a considerable difference at the high end of the distribution.

As a matter of observable–if, to many, unwelcome–fact, virtually all of the work in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in America is done by whites. Blacks contribute nothing and Hispanics, to date anyway, very little. For reasons of politics we must pretend not to notice. When a piano is falling toward one’s head, one may pretend that it is not, but not for long. The arrival of the piano will ensure this.

Mac Donald goes on to tell of school after school accepting diversity with credentials well below those of real students, of schools dropping the GRE requirement because it makes obvious that in STEM fields women and minorities are not performing as desired. (“Minorities” always means “poorly performing minorities.” Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and so on don’t count.)


The same madness appears below the level of college. Walter Williams writing of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress in America: “Only 37 percent of 12th-graders tested proficient or better in reading, and only 25 percent did so in math. Among black students, only 17 percent tested proficient or better in reading, and just 7 percent reached at least a proficient level in math.”


Affirmative action in the sciences needs to be scrapped. For everybody. The purpose of studying astrophysics should not be to make social-justice warriors feel good about themselves. If women do not do well at engineering mathematics, let them become neurosurgeons.

Dats raycis.

It is really funny because Affirmative Actions hurts instead of helps. It gives the impression that minorities can't succeed at all without a head start.
Affirmative action was a sorely needed crutch for this society at one time... that time has probably passed and now it is holding back the society rather than helping it... no business worth its salt would needlessly handicap itself overlooking qualified persons of any background... if they did they would get exactly what they deserve as competitors got better people and an advantage....

Lets not forget thatDiverse opinions actually can be extremely beneficial in certain areas... different perspectives in marketing and business strategy can be a very good thing... but thats more location specific culture bound than straight race related... and in most science social dynamics are irrelevant... its the people who grasp things best that work out well there.. and they come in all shapes and sizes...
Affirmative action was a sorely needed crutch for this society at one time... that time has probably passed and now it is holding back the society rather than helping it... no business worth its salt would needlessly handicap itself overlooking qualified persons of any background... if they did they would get exactly what they deserve as competitors got better people and an advantage....
Demand better of your schools and your kids.
Asians are over-represented in STEM and the top universities. I don't think they're genetically any smarter than anyone else, but education and achievement is what their culture values.
Meantime many blacks deride academic achievement as "acting white" and "being a traitor to the race". Mmmkay, you see the problem here?
Demand better.
Affirmative action was a sorely needed crutch for this society at one time... that time has probably passed and now it is holding back the society rather than helping it.....

Sort of like the unions. Back in the day, unions were sorely needed to battle oppressive tactics employed by greedy companies. Federal labor laws now have made those tactics a thing of the past for the most part.

As for affirmative action in business, I was about ready to say that it is not as much a problem as it is in education but then realized that business is indeed effected by the quality of employee that is available from those hallowed institutions.

In fact I remember an instance back in my corporate days when all the managers were checking into a hotel for a three day conference. A female bystander on vacation that had been caught up into the melee commented. " where are the women ?". The irony is that if she would have been black, her comment could have been directed in that direction also. Back then women and blacks just didn't gravitate to the construction-home improvement business....in fact qualified women and blacks still don't. From the limited exposure I have seen from the forced integration of these rare categories, both the company and the employee would have been better off if the recruit had chosen a job in a some other field. Nothing against the person, just the aptitude... or lack of, to be precise.

Dats raycis.

It is really funny because Affirmative Actions hurts instead of helps. It gives the impression that minorities can't succeed at all without a head start.

We should probably not mention to the libs on this board that it was Nixon that created Affirmative Action.
At a time, affirmative action was very necessary. I don't think it is really anymore. There are so many laws and watchdogs that I do not think you could get away with discriminatory hiring or college admissions or any of it.

One thing I will say, if I am on the operating table about to get my chest cracked open for open heart surgery, I want the best cardiac surgeon available. I do not care what color he/she is, where they came from or whatever. I want someone that is there because they are a good surgeon, not because they were required to be there based on quotas. I do not think that is too much to ask.
We should probably not mention to the libs on this board that it was Nixon that created Affirmative Action.

Or ended the Vietnam War and started the EPA and OSHA.
Demand better of your schools and your kids.
Asians are over-represented in STEM and the top universities. I don't think they're genetically any smarter than anyone else, but education and achievement is what their culture values.
Meantime many blacks deride academic achievement as "acting white" and "being a traitor to the race". Mmmkay, you see the problem here?
Demand better.

Asians have about a 5 point higher average IQ. The real issue is they push their kids and demand that their kids apply themselves and strive for excellence.
Demand better of your schools and your kids.
Asians are over-represented in STEM and the top universities. I don't think they're genetically any smarter than anyone else, but education and achievement is what their culture values.
Meantime many blacks deride academic achievement as "acting white" and "being a traitor to the race". Mmmkay, you see the problem here?
Demand better.

It's not just Blacks who deride achievement. Kids who do well in school have been chastised for years as being geeks, eggheads, etc by kids of all colors and TV for that matter.. Its the ones who were/are strong enough and smart enough to overcome the derision are the ones who go on to make something of themselves. The rest dumbed themselves down so they could "fit in". That's where our society has failed its youth in my opinion.
It's not just Blacks who deride achievement. Kids who do well in school have been chastised for years as being geeks, eggheads, etc by kids of all colors and TV for that matter.. Its the ones who were/are strong enough and smart enough to overcome the derision are the ones who go on to make something of themselves. The rest dumbed themselves down so they could "fit in". That's where our society has failed its youth in my opinion.

Kids are insecure. When they see somebody else who is better than them at something, their first instinct is to try and bring them down. You don't see it in with kids who excel at athletics much because the kids who are great athletes can normally wipe the floor with anyone who tries making fun of them. Studious kids most times aren't fighters, so they make an easy target for a kid who knows deep down that he/she is dumb as a ******* rock and insecure about it.
I looked for a thread to tie this to but came up empty. So I give you my slice of wisdom for the day .

Affirmative Action and the American Mind: If Any

“Affirmative action” means hiring people because they can’t do the job well. Near-synonyms are “diversity,” meaning groups that cannot do the job well, and “inclusiveness,” which means seeking people who you know cannot do the job well. These underpin American society, and have ruined education. For some time the sciences seemed less susceptible to the prevailing enstupidation because mathematics would present an impenetrable barrier to the the insufficiently bright. This, astonishingly, is changing. The sciences are being dumbed down to–are you surprised?–spare the feelings of included affirmative diversity.

Which somewhat curiously brings us to international politics and an aspect of scientific schooling that does not appear in the mainstream press: Psychometrists, people who endeavor to measure intelligence, universally agree that the Chinese are more intelligent than Eurowhites. So are the Koreans and Japanese. Since for the most part psychometrists are themselves white, their conclusions presumably do not spring from racial chauvinism. The Chinese advantage is measured at around five IQ points. This is not great but makes a considerable difference at the high end of the distribution.

As a matter of observable–if, to many, unwelcome–fact, virtually all of the work in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in America is done by whites. Blacks contribute nothing and Hispanics, to date anyway, very little. For reasons of politics we must pretend not to notice. When a piano is falling toward one’s head, one may pretend that it is not, but not for long. The arrival of the piano will ensure this.

Mac Donald goes on to tell of school after school accepting diversity with credentials well below those of real students, of schools dropping the GRE requirement because it makes obvious that in STEM fields women and minorities are not performing as desired. (“Minorities” always means “poorly performing minorities.” Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and so on don’t count.)


The same madness appears below the level of college. Walter Williams writing of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress in America: “Only 37 percent of 12th-graders tested proficient or better in reading, and only 25 percent did so in math. Among black students, only 17 percent tested proficient or better in reading, and just 7 percent reached at least a proficient level in math.”


Affirmative action in the sciences needs to be scrapped. For everybody. The purpose of studying astrophysics should not be to make social-justice warriors feel good about themselves. If women do not do well at engineering mathematics, let them become neurosurgeons.

Great read, refreshingly truthful, and unapologetic. I'll offer up an indisputable simple truth in support of intelligence or the lack there of across racial lines.
Next time you watch a ncaa D1 college basketball game between any 2 major competitor's. Pay close attention to the student sections. These seats are with no doubt abundantly filled with students of caucasian affiliation. It's not by just a little bit either. All of the student sections from any and all power 5 conferences during basketball games are overwhelmingly white kids. I would at times go so far to say there are more black kids on the two competing teams than there are in the entire 36000 seat arena. This obvious fact is not dare talked of by anyone anytime anywhere. Could you imagine the utter outrage by the left should anyone in the media mention this fact in an honest, intellectual, factually based conversation. To tackle this phenomenon could very well be a career ending decision. But, I all honesty, I do wonder why this obviously does exist and I do not understand why the question cannot be posed. To me it does fall back to the issue of affirmative action. If they receive preferential consideration in the job market, how much is the deck stacked against all of these kids working for degree from one of these top tier universities. If the black kid is hired over one of the white kids I'm talking about, from where did he or she get their degree, or do they even need one? Is this process so jaded that the preferential consideration is all that's needed to bump a highly educated and talented individual from getting the job while his one and only flaw, is he's white?

Sent from my SM-S820L using Steeler Nation mobile app
Sort of like the unions. Back in the day, unions were sorely needed to battle oppressive tactics employed by greedy companies. Federal labor laws now have made those tactics a thing of the past for the most part.

As for affirmative action in business, I was about ready to say that it is not as much a problem as it is in education but then realized that business is indeed effected by the quality of employee that is available from those hallowed institutions.

In fact I remember an instance back in my corporate days when all the managers were checking into a hotel for a three day conference. A female bystander on vacation that had been caught up into the melee commented. " where are the women ?". The irony is that if she would have been black, her comment could have been directed in that direction also. Back then women and blacks just didn't gravitate to the construction-home improvement business....in fact qualified women and blacks still don't. From the limited exposure I have seen from the forced integration of these rare categories, both the company and the employee would have been better off if the recruit had chosen a job in a some other field. Nothing against the person, just the aptitude... or lack of, to be precise.


The federal government says you must pay an employee $7.25 an hour.... no insurance, no pension, no vacations, no sick days. Maybe as far as workplace safety rules go, the feds have it covered, but if we’re talking about wages and benefits, unions are still most definitely needed. Are they corrupt? Of course.... Do they overreach at times? Absolutely.... Unfortunately, the sad fact of the matter is that people can’t live on $12 an hour with no benefits. I’m not talking about burger flippers and dog walkers here.... I’m talking about construction jobs... factory jobs.... lower level healthcare jobs. I’m talking about jobs where people really do bust their *** and still can’t make ends meet.
The federal government says you must pay an employee $7.25 an hour.... no insurance, no pension, no vacations, no sick days. Maybe as far as workplace safety rules go, the feds have it covered, but if we’re talking about wages and benefits, unions are still most definitely needed. Are they corrupt? Of course.... Do they overreach at times? Absolutely.... Unfortunately, the sad fact of the matter is that people can’t live on $12 an hour with no benefits. I’m not talking about burger flippers and dog walkers here.... I’m talking about construction jobs... factory jobs.... lower level healthcare jobs. I’m talking about jobs where people really do bust their *** and still can’t make ends meet.

Pay is based on what the work produces. You can't mandate a $15 hourly wage for a job that produces $9.50 in revenue. I understand most people don't grasp all the parts of business accounting but everyone should get simple math.
The federal government says you must pay an employee $7.25 an hour.... no insurance, no pension, no vacations, no sick days. Maybe as far as workplace safety rules go, the feds have it covered, but if we’re talking about wages and benefits, unions are still most definitely needed. Are they corrupt? Of course.... Do they overreach at times? Absolutely.... Unfortunately, the sad fact of the matter is that people can’t live on $12 an hour with no benefits. I’m not talking about burger flippers and dog walkers here.... I’m talking about construction jobs... factory jobs.... lower level healthcare jobs. I’m talking about jobs where people really do bust their *** and still can’t make ends meet.

Not every job is supposed to provide a living for a family of four. Start low, learn skills, and work your way up. (Says the guy with an MBA and funeral director license who can't find a job in his field. I drive a cab for the railroad to pay the bills. BTW, Norfolk Southern RR needs to hire 1000 more conductors in the eastern U.S. due to the Trump Effect. Couple weeks of training, they put you up in a hotel but you have to pay for your meals. Pay is good, $46k minimum, but the hours suck and you're on-call 24/7 for years and never know how long you'll be stuck at work. Minor infractions will get you suspended without pay for 3 months to a year. They have a union but from what I can tell they don't do jack **** for the RR workers. Company is as organized as a Chinese fire drill, I can't figure out how they make any money. Helluva good pension though. Just sayin'.)
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Affirmative action was a sorely needed crutch for this society at one time... that time has probably passed and now it is holding back the society rather than helping it... no business worth its salt would needlessly handicap itself overlooking qualified persons of any background... if they did they would get exactly what they deserve as competitors got better people and an advantage....

No business EXCEPT our very own FAA!! Have you heard about the FAA scandal, where it was determined that the FAA was "too white" and they essentially purged their job candidate rolls of those with former military, military aviation, and aviation experience (because they weren't black enough) and have been hiring severely under qualified candidates because their skin has color? Were you aware that as a result of the new and improved selection criteria, if you had been out of work over 3 years you had a BETTER chance of becoming an ATC v someone who had been in ATC for the past 3 years??

Fly safe comrades! Affirmative action works!

Former President Barack Obama’s administration implemented a plan to “transform” the FAA into “a more diverse and inclusive workplace,” FAA Administrator Michael Huerta announced in May 2013. The decision was backed by administration officials and labor unions.

The FAA based its decision on a 2013 report claiming “women and minorities were underrepresented among those successfully completing the [Air Traffic Control Specialist] Centralized Hiring Process and being hired.”

After the announcement, the FAA notified Brigida and thousands of other applicants to become air traffic controllers their Air Traffic Selection and Training, or AT-SAT, scores were no longer valid, and they instead would have to pass a “biographical questionnaire” before being allowed to re-apply.

Traditionally, the FAA gave preference to veterans, airline pilots, and individuals who passed the AT-SAT. The Obama administration policy was meant to field more minority applicants.

The “biographical questionnaire” awarded more points to applicants less qualified than the FAA used to tap for hiring, including awarding more points to individuals with a lower aptitude in science and who’d been unemployed for the previous three years.

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Not REALLY affirmative action, but kinda goes along with the whole vibe:

Yesterday, I got an email from the dean of the college I am taking online classes from. (Hadley Institute for the Blind and Vision Impaired). As of July 1, 2018, no more grades will be given on assignments and on tests. Everyone will be given a certificate of completion. When I first started the classes back in May, the grading policy was that if you made below a C on a test, you had to retake it. You were given 2 chances, and then if you didn't pass on the third time, you were dropped from the class and had to start back over after a 2 month period. I made a 100 on my first exam and a 97 on my second exam. I took my time and really enjoyed learning. Now that everyone gets a completion certificate, why in the hell should I work my *** off? I want to do the best I can do and learn as much as possible so I can better help my student AND have a 4.0 gpa. THAT will look great when I apply for district certification once I'm done with all the classes. Well, now I have the chance to REALLY shine taken away from me. If I were a parent and I knew that the classes my child's para were taking were just "completion based", I think I would be prety pissed off. I would want the BEST for my child, not just some run of the mill lazy bullshit. I am still trying to work through my anger over this. I start my next lesson next week, and I am having a hard time giving a **** and a hard time trying. Why bother?
Great read, refreshingly truthful, and unapologetic. I'll offer up an indisputable simple truth in support of intelligence or the lack there of across racial lines.
Next time you watch a ncaa D1 college basketball game between any 2 major competitor's. Pay close attention to the student sections. These seats are with no doubt abundantly filled with students of caucasian affiliation. It's not by just a little bit either. All of the student sections from any and all power 5 conferences during basketball games are overwhelmingly white kids. I would at times go so far to say there are more black kids on the two competing teams than there are in the entire 36000 seat arena.

SNL did a thing years ago called “Spot the black people at the Knicks game”. They scanned the crowd of thousands and there would be a very occasion “ding”, maybe three or four total, and then they panned down to the floor and the teams and “ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...”

Funny stuff.
SNL did a thing years ago called “Spot the black people at the Knicks game”. They scanned the crowd of thousands and there would be a very occasion “ding”, maybe three or four total, and then they panned down to the floor and the teams and “ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...”

Funny stuff.
Would loved to have seen that. I'd like the same thing to be done at college basketball game Duke vs. UNC. That would be a boat load of laughs. The only thing that would interrupt the ding dings across the players benches is those poor five white guys on each bench who never ever get to play but whose sole purpose of existence is to maintain an acceptable team GPA. Does that sound racist? Probably does in today's society but all I can say about that: it is what it is. Political Correctness need not apply.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Steeler Nation mobile app
Would loved to have seen that. I'd like the same thing to be done at college basketball game Duke vs. UNC. That would be a boat load of laughs. The only thing that would interrupt the ding dings across the players benches is those poor five white guys on each bench who never ever get to play but whose sole purpose of existence is to maintain an acceptable team GPA. Does that sound racist? Probably does in today's society but all I can say about that: it is what it is. Political Correctness need not apply.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Steeler Nation mobile app

You don't watch much basketball do you?




Myths and stereotypes still abound. SMH. Basketball's changing.

As the father of a superb basketball player in the state of MD (which puts more ball players into college than any other state), I've seen it all from youth to AAU to high school.

Man, color just doesn't matter any more. When my kid was in 2nd and 3rd grade traveling we'd go to PG county or down into DC, see all black teams and I'd say in my head "we're about to get thumped."

I can honestly say over the years my sons' teams, and he plays on 3-4 at a time, win those matchups 75% of the time. The face of basketball has changed over the decades. It will continue to. My "white" basketball player dropped 17 Saturday night on an all black team. He does this often. His teammates are black and white and Hispanic. Two weekends before, we got THUMPED by an all Fillipino team that was off the charts good. I was super impressed.

His coaches have been Byron Mouton, Team Captain and NCAA Champion from Maryland. He's beaten Steve Blake in a shooting contest when he was in 6th grade. He's won shoes from Paol Gasol and Kobe Bryant. As a Freshman in HS, he won team awards and this year, in a 2,000 student school, he'll play varsity as a Sophomore.

At this level and I see this every week and every weekend traveling to tournaments and games, it's balanced. You've often got black kids trying to get off the bench. And most games, lots and lots and lots of superb white and hispanic talent is on the court.

It's actually nice to see such a blend of cultures. Talent shines and talent plays.
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Hmmm, I would have expected constant blocked shots.

It was ridiculous. They were super good. Had a kid who was 19, thin, about 6 feet tall who walked on air. They were feeding him alley oops in warmups and he was taking them down behind the back etc. He could walk on air.

We only lost by 6 surprisingly.
Hmmm, I would have expected constant blocked shots.

Thought you might get a kick out of this. Mentioned my kid won some booty at some of Steve Blake's camps. One year he won a game worn Paol Gasol shoe - size 17!! I could get an oar and go canoeing in this thing


Here's the game worn Kobe shoe too:

The real issue is they push their kids and demand that their kids apply themselves and strive for excellence.

The problem is, they are downright maniacal and obsessive about it. When I worked at Caltech, we started noticing a new suicide being circulated in their student newsletter almost weekly. Then the administrators started to take notice. It was mainly Asian students. Caltech has one of the tougher minimum requirements for admission of any college in the U.S.

Admission to Caltech is extremely rigorous and requires the highest test scores in the nation.[75]

The administrators even went so far as held a huge conference where students and employees of the institution were urged to attend, and the tenured Professors were doing PowerPoint presentations of supposedly brilliant people in history thought to have mental disorders etc. and urged students to talk to someone or seek counseling if they were having issues. It was kind of bizarre. I highlighted employees of the institution because we didn't need to be brainiacs (and I, for one, certainly wasn't one, lol). There wasn't an issue there. But in any case, we all noticed they were Asians committing suicide and it was occurring at a pretty alarming rate.