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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interview

Let's try your "logic"

I know a story about American soldiers murdering women and babies during the Vietnam War at a place called My Lai.

All American military members are innocent women and baby killers.

Right Indy?

Come on now Twattie, you loved Chavez just as much as everyone else on the Left did.

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How can American soldiers be both innocent women and baby killers?
"Democratic Socialism" is still socialism. The democrats are so perpetually outraged about Trump that they don't even hide the fact anymore that they are socialists. It's hilarious. "Yeah, that's the ticket!"
I don't have 26 minutes to waste. Can anyone summarize in 2 sentences or less?

She says we need to evolve away from capitalism. Anyone with a "D" in front of their name will win that district for Congress.*

However, she upset the Jewish community with her ignorant comments about the Israel & Palestine issue and has become a poster woman for what's wrong with the left.* The left is trying to tone her down...already.

So you could say I like her for my own reasons.
How can American soldiers be both innocent women and baby killers?

Does " innocent women and innocent babies" work better for you Charles?

When we've lost in the arena of ideas, grammar and semantics is all we are left with isn't it Charles?
She says we need to evolve away from capitalism. Anyone with a "D" in front of their name will win that district for Congress.*

However, she upset the Jewish community with her ignorant comments about the Israel & Palestine issue and has become a poster woman for what's wrong with the left.* The left is trying to tone her down...already.

So you could say I like her for my own reasons.

She's right about that, but it's not really because of evolution it's because capitalism is in the process of eating itself. The game has been in the process of being over since the Reagan years, building of the internet infrastructure propped it up momentarily while other parts of the economy played financial games to keep it going resulting in the crash 0f 2008. Now we are getting ready for another crash.

In the meantime AI slowly creeps up to replace humans( think about it: no more truck driving jobs in the next 20 years just one example) there will be a tipping point where there are none to few workers left to buy the goods/services.........game over.

Of course by that time people will be screaming for socialism(including the Republitard base) and they will get it, they'll scream for regulation of the capitalist's AI. At the same time our climate change nightmare starts to rear it's ugly head.....game over, regardless of political/economic philosophy.

There were six relatives of **** Sapiens that went extinct, and we survived till this point for this....we must be special.

Oh well, we had a ****** 200,000 year run.
We are letting the filthy rich rob us blind

While I might agree with this, I'm not sure allowing the government to rob us blind is a suitable replacement.

I mean free college and free healthcare sound great, except it isn't free. People pay for it through ridiculous taxation. At what point do those being taxed decide that busting your *** to pay for the benefits that others enjoy just isn't worth it and decide to get on the dole as well? When fewer and fewer pay into it, it will collapse under it's own weight.

In a perfect world, everybody works and everybody pays at least something into it. That just isn't reality, though. Not in modern America though. Most everybody wants something for nothing. It might work in another country or culture, but I can't see it succeeding long term in the United States.
Another fool with the same tired tropes.

United States v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1 (1936),[1] was a U.S. Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the U.S. Congress's power to lay taxes is not limited only to the level necessary to carry out its other powers enumerated in Article I of the U.S. Constitution, but is a broad authority to tax and spend for the "general welfare" of the United States.[2]

Get a clue.

(1) The "general welfare" clause is authority to tax private property, not take over private property. In fact, the 5th amendment bans taking private property for public good without "just compensation." You know that the 5th amendment is part of the Constitution ... right?
(2) Socialism is defined as government ownership of the means of production - all of it. The tools, property, cars, railroads, etc. All of it owned by the government.
(3) The tired and demonstrably false definitions of socialism by Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are simply indicia of their ignorance of their own belief systems. It would be no different to argue that one is religious, but believes there is no god, no right-and-wrong stemming from a supreme being, and no afterlife. No, you cannot share those philosophies concurrently.
(4) The fact that Sanders and Hyphen are intellectually incapable of understanding that "government ownership" of crucial industries that are now privately owned and operated - healthcare, schooling, transportation, child care - will have massive negative ramifications is yet another example of how dumb they are.
(5) The idea that "taxing the rich" will derive the $4 trillion or $5 trillion per year needed to pay for child care, schooling, college, and healthcare is idiotic. Crazy. Insane. The current combined net worth for the top 1% in America is about $10.4 trillion.


You could take every nickel owned by the top 1% - all of it, including art, cars, properties, savings, income, ALL OF IT - and pay for the freebies promised by Sanders and Hyphen for two years.


Okay, great. Now it's 2021. What now?? Hey, let's spend another $5 trillion this year and hope the 1% managed to recoup their losses, so we can take it a second time.

Right? Further, only somebody fundamentally and basically ignorant of economics (a perfect description of Sanders and Hyphen) believes that pouring massive amounts of Federal funds into the market will not result in a huge price increase. Examples? Fed became involved in financing college 40 years ago, took it over 5 years ago, and college tuition is BOOMING.

So guess what? The $5 trillion needed? Make that $6 trillion. Per year. Every year.

So the Fed has to start printing money like blazes to pay for all the stuff. No downside there, right? Yeah, other than that 1,000,000% inflation and eating zoo animals.

Other than that, I guess. Get a clue? Oh, I have the clues.

Perhaps you would be interested in buying a clue, since you are obviously of need and should be in the market. PM me, and I will negotiate a price.
She's right about that, but it's not really because of evolution it's because capitalism is in the process of eating itself. The game has been in the process of being over since the Reagan years, building of the internet infrastructure propped it up momentarily while other parts of the economy played financial games to keep it going resulting in the crash 0f 2008. Now we are getting ready for another crash.

The United States has implemented dozens of policies to soften the landing for economic downturns. Today, the labor market is crying for workers. Our industry is booming. Our crop production is unparalleled. When the downturn happens, in 2019 or 2020 I would wager, productive policies such as tax amnesty and further protection of vital manufacturing industries will soften the blow.

Intelligent economic policies after the downturn will result in a quick turnaround. Keynesian economics posits that deficit spending, short-term, promotes economic growth to drive the economy out of a recession. What liberals fail to understand is that Keynes said that the deficit spending can be done one of two ways - increased spending or decreased taxes.

Keynes advocated increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of the depression.

Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/keynesianeconomics.asp#ixzz5MrVPqHwh

We have had two very different approaches to the two methods over the past 36 years. Reagan emphasized tax cuts, and his economies exploded. Obama emphasized spending and his economies faltered. (Make no mistake, Reagan also spent and Obama also gave a small, temporary tax cut, but no sentient person can doubt that Reagan's approach emphasized tax cuts, and Obama's Federal spending.) So let us learn our lesson.

Elfiero said:
In the meantime AI slowly creeps up to replace humans( think about it: no more truck driving jobs in the next 20 years just one example) there will be a tipping point where there are none to few workers left to buy the goods/services.........game over.

Look at that ... a Luddite. Yes, yes, increasing technology in clothes manufacturing in England circa 1838 would result in unemployment, a destruction of the working class, starvation, AAAAAAARGH ...

Except that the entire theory was wrong. Technology increases productivity, increasing production, increasing wages, and making technologically advanced countries economic monsters. Like the Great Britain of the 19th Century, and the U.S. and China today. Strike two.

Elfiero said:
Of course by that time people will be screaming for socialism (including the Republitard base) and they will get it, they'll scream for regulation of the capitalist's AI. At the same time our climate change nightmare starts to rear it's ugly head.....game over, regardless of political/economic philosophy.

No, Captain Luddite, that will not happen. Oh, and brilliant maneuver to work in climate change into the discussion. Well done. Do you manage to bring up climate change on 1st dates?
Hmmm, maybe Hyphen does know the underpinnings of socialism ... steal from the workers, give to yourself:

Most of the staff at Flats Fix, the East 16th Street taco and tequila bar, say nice things about Sandy, as they knew her for the four years she worked there, until she quit six months ago to run for Congress. But one waitress has a bad memory of working with Ocasio-Cortez, 28, as Ocasio-Cortez tended bar during the very busy Cinco de Mayo celebration in 2017.

At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.

“It says so much about her character,” said my source. “From that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”


Generous with other people's money and not her own?!? Perhaps a true socialist in the making.
She's right about that, but it's not really because of evolution it's because capitalism is in the process of eating itself. The game has been in the process of being over since the Reagan years, building of the internet infrastructure propped it up momentarily while other parts of the economy played financial games to keep it going resulting in the crash 0f 2008. Now we are getting ready for another crash.

In the meantime AI slowly creeps up to replace humans( think about it: no more truck driving jobs in the next 20 years just one example) there will be a tipping point where there are none to few workers left to buy the goods/services.........game over.

Of course by that time people will be screaming for socialism(including the Republitard base) and they will get it, they'll scream for regulation of the capitalist's AI. At the same time our climate change nightmare starts to rear it's ugly head.....game over, regardless of political/economic philosophy.

There were six relatives of **** Sapiens that went extinct, and we survived till this point for this....we must be special.

Oh well, we had a ****** 200,000 year run.

If the world were to split all of its money and resources equally, we would ALL be living below the poverty line.* Capitalism has made us strong and abandoning it would be disastrous.**

A socialist type of economy can only work well with a lot of resources, one being a cash one that is shared ( Norway sharing its Oil with the citizens for example ) and a very small population. That is not the USA either.

AI might replace drivers, but it really can't think beyond its programming.* You're going science fiction on me here, but okay, suppose robots eliminate 20% of the jobs, politicians can tax them for the underclass' welfare if needed.

Her positons are thus:

Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described democratic socialist. She supports progressive policies such as Medicare for All, a job guarantee, tuition-free public college, ending the privatization of prisons, and enacting gun-control policies.

Ocasio-Cortez campaigned in favor of tuition-free universities and public schools,[80] saying that "[f]or the cost of the GOP’s tax bill, we could forgive ALL the student loan debt in the United States.

Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described hardliner on climate issues. She advocates for the United States to transition by 2035 to an electrical grid running on 100% renewable-energy production and end the use of fossil fuels. She also calls for a Green New Deal in the United States, in which the federal government would invest in the construction of large-scale green-infrastructure projects.

Ocasio-Cortez supports transitioning to a single-payer healthcare system, calling healthcare "a human right. She says that a single government insurer should ensure that every American has insurance, while reducing costs overall. On her campaign website, Ocasio-Cortez says "Almost every other developed nation in the world has universal healthcare. It's time the United States catch up to the rest of the world in ensuring all people have real healthcare coverage that doesn't break the bank.

Ocasio-Cortez supports abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), calling it "a product of the Bush-era Patriot Act suite of legislation" and "an enforcement agency that takes on more of a paramilitary tone every single day". She has called immigration detention centers operated by the Department of Homeland Security "black sites", citing limited public access to those locations.[85] Two days before the primary election, Ocasio-Cortez attended a protest at an ICE child-detention center in Tornillo, Texas. She supports a "path to citizenship" for immigrants who entered the United States legally and illegally.

Impeachment of President Trump
On June 28, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez told CNN she would support the impeachment of President Trump, saying, "I think that, you know, we have the grounds to do it." She cited Trump's violations of the Emoluments Clause.

Israeli–Palestinian conflict
After 60 Palestinian protesters participating in the 2018 Gaza border protests were killed on May 14, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez criticized the Israel Defense Forces' use of deadly force] tweeting, "This is a massacre. I hope my peers have the moral courage to call it such. No state or entity is absolved of mass shootings of protesters. There is no justification. Palestinian people deserve basic human dignity, as anyone else. Democrats can't be silent about this anymore. In a subsequent interview, she said, "The idea that we are not supposed to talk about people dying when they are engaging in political expression just really moved me", and noted that many constituents, including Jewish Americans, had thanked her for taking that position. In an interview with the PBS series Firing Line, Ocasio-Cortez clarified that she is "a proponent of a two-state solution.

After her primary victory, J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami expressed his support for "a new generation of candidates who are more outspoken about their opposition to the policies of Netanyahu’s far-right coalition and are eager to see the US play a more constructive role in making life better for both Israelis and Palestinians".

Puerto Rico
Ocasio-Cortez calls for "solidarity with Puerto Rico." She has advocated for granting Puerto Ricans further civil rights, regardless of Puerto Rico's legal classification. She also advocates for both voting rights and disaster relief. Ocasio-Cortez was critical of FEMA's response to Hurricane Maria and the federal government's unwillingness to address Puerto Rico's political status. She believes the federal government should increase investment in Puerto Rico.

Social issues

Ocasio-Cortez is supportive of the LGBT community, thanking its members for their role in her grassroots campaign. She spoke at a Black Lives Matter rally in 2017.

^^^ She's a racial socialists with a mouth and little experience. Give her time, she'll expose herself and be repudiated outside her district.
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Let's try your "logic"

I know a story about American soldiers murdering women and babies during the Vietnam War at a place called My Lai.

All American military members are innocent women and baby killers.

Right Indy?

What the hell? You're comparing the actions of rogue, twisted souls during a tumultuous war to an established socioeconomic system that has plainly shown it doesn't work. Your comparisons are terrible (to put it lightly).
She's right about that, but it's not really because of evolution it's because capitalism is in the process of eating itself. The game has been in the process of being over since the Reagan years, building of the internet infrastructure propped it up momentarily while other parts of the economy played financial games to keep it going resulting in the crash 0f 2008. Now we are getting ready for another crash.

In the meantime AI slowly creeps up to replace humans( think about it: no more truck driving jobs in the next 20 years just one example) there will be a tipping point where there are none to few workers left to buy the goods/services.........game over.

Of course by that time people will be screaming for socialism(including the Republitard base) and they will get it, they'll scream for regulation of the capitalist's AI. At the same time our climate change nightmare starts to rear it's ugly head.....game over, regardless of political/economic philosophy.

There were six relatives of **** Sapiens that went extinct, and we survived till this point for this....we must be special.

Oh well, we had a ****** 200,000 year run.

interesting. Then why do socialists want to bring in more immigrants/workers if there will be fewer jobs?
Since the public education system has done such a good job of washing all of the historical arguments for capitalism out of the curriculum, we are stuck having to either re-argue all of the same points again, or say **** it and let the real world teach them their lessons at the expense of everyone. Since I haven't heard one politician make any kind of defense of capitalism, looks like it's door number two.
Alexandra Hyphen backed by Soros-funded groups. Shocking.


Ocasio-Cortez’s Secret Relationship with George Soros Is Made Public
By Nick Arama - August 1, 2018

It was a made for TV story.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old unknown from the Bronx, defeats the long-term Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley in the 14th Congressional District in New York. Crowley, who some had touted as a possible successor to Rep. Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader was the fourth-ranked Democrat in the House.

But it was just a story because Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t exactly an unconnected unknown.

It turns out she had some powerful backing including from the George Soros’ Media Consortium.

Ocasio-Cortez was a Bernie Sanders organizer.

And as Rich Weinstein in a great Twitter thread points out, this is what her website looks like now:

Their goal was to have 400 candidates to run for Congress by last year and each of those 400 is supposed to commit to a similar far left platform including immigration reform and the abolishment of ICE.

They seem to have far fewer than that, with only 29 including Ocasio-Cortez listed on their website. The other candidates you see Ocasio-Cortez campaigning for now like Cori Bush and Brent Welder are also part of this group to push into office.

In March 2017, BNC joined with Justice Democrats to help push their goals.

Justice Democrats were founded in part by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks and former Bernie people. And they are promoting not just Congressional candidates but gubernatorial candidates like Cynthia Nixon in New York.

And as Ocasio-Cortez notes in this interview after with Uygur at the ten-minute mark that BNC and the Justice Democrats were instrumental in soliciting her and then promoting her “after she left Standing Rock” which means she was among the far left pipeline protesters.

Uygur doesn’t, however, explain in the interview about his connection to the effort.

And Uygur’s Young Turks is part of the Soros Media Consortium that provided wattage for the Ocasio-Cortez campaign. According to the MRC, this provides favorable coverage to 300 million people across the globe in a month.

However, as Weinstein points out, Uygur was forced out of his own organization after he got nailed for old sexist posts referring to women in derogatory ways including as “******.” He’s also an Armenian genocide denier, according to the Daily Caller.

Sounds so progressive. So how does Ocasio-Cortez feel about being backed by someone with these issues? Apparently not bad enough to reject the aid.

So no, she didn’t just “come out of nowhere” and they are lining up other folks in the box with the specific idea of taking over.