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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interview

I disagree. She’s cute I’d hit it. But she has crazy eyes so I’d give her a fake name like Peter Enyou or Gary West.

you're an ogre.
ogre's are not selective.
and that they believe that they should start out making $20/hr with full benefits while working less than part-time, but being paid for a 40 hour work week, so they can move out of the basement.

If you raised minimum wages to 100 dollars ann hour inflation would obliterate the dollar, every minimum wage worker would end up worse off than before, and the black hole would engulf most of the middle class too... mandatory minimum profit percentage payouts is a better way to socialize such things, but that doesn’t create the poor class or insulate the rich so it will never be championed by the Dems...
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/ap6wcjRyi8HoA" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/ap6wcjRyi8HoA"></a></p>

Did you seriously not see the irony dripping from that statement? Come on man you're smarter than this! You have let Trump take up permanent residence in your brain and it overwhelming your ability to reason.
Even Comey had to tweet out for people not to lose their minds because he sees it plain as day. TDS is very real.
Socialism never works outside of a small group. It can't because it goes against human nature.

A small group works with socialism because there are personal connections. Everybody wants to do their part not to let down the group because they care about the others in the group. They don't mind everybody getting the same share regardless of job or amount of work because they are family.

But what happens when you include the rest of the neighborhood in the endeavor? Everybody is happy until they reaiize that they get the same share no matter how much they work, or don't work. Bob works his *** off and Larry works about 20 hours then drinks beer on his porch. They get the same share. How long does it take for Bob to also start working 20 hours and drinking beer on his porch?

This is why "Democratic" socialism will never ever work. It's why it quickly becomes a fascist regime like USSR and China. Because it doesn't take long before you have to FORCE people to do their job, or rather, the job that the ruling party decided they must work.

It's also funny how these supposed "fair" societies still manage to have a ruling class that gets a bigger share and lives in the fancy house while the masses stand in line for toilet paper.
I listened for a bit. Apparently, she has never held a real job or paid real taxes.

"America should have a floor for people so that they are not forced to live poor. Guaranteed health care, guaranteed college."

Uhh, sure. How about guaranteed blowjobs - she might actually be able to deliver on that. Though vastly prefer blonde buttkisser ...
Steelworth, that is pretty damn funny. I tried to research where Ocasio-hyphen went to college ... nothing. What jobs she has held ... zero. What businesses she has run ... zip.

A genuine nothing. I suspect she gets her talking points form bowelmovement.org and that is the extent of her information gathering.
Her parents have money and she grew up in a rich area.
It's not just her - it's ALL of them!

Bernie's socialists on the march!

Grey Beaver wants your wampum

Elizabeth Warren eyes 50% tax rate, says Dems will end Trump tax cuts if they take back Congress

Elections have consequences. Just ask Senator Elizabeth Warren, who suggested that a 50% to 90% personal income tax rate for Americans is not out of the question.

Warren made the shocking admission in an interview with CNBC.

Warren also promised that Democrats will end President Trump’s tax cuts if they take control of Congress in November 2018.



The democrats are no longer the democrats, let’s just call them what they are, communists. When they say free, they mean you’re gonna pay for it, with both the taxes they take by force and the lost opportunity of those resources going into the economy.
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Elizabeth Warren eyes 50% tax rate, says Dems will end Trump tax cuts if they take back Congress

Except that she conveniently ignores other factors. When the top tax rate was 50% or 90% there were a lot more allowable deductions and almost no one actually paid that rate. Also the economy was a lot better because there was no EPA, OSHA, and assorted other government departments, or high amounts of cheap imports from China and the Pacific Rim.
Spike;511634 [B said:
Elizabeth Warren eyes 50% tax rate, says Dems will end Trump tax cuts if they take back Congress[/B]

I do not now, nor will I ever understand the mentality of a person that would support such a thing. "Gee Government, you are letting me keep too much of my own money that I worked hard to earn. Please raise taxes so that I don't get to keep so much. I would prefer that you take more of my money and waste on something that is of no benefit to me."

How do you get there?
Except that she conveniently ignores other factors. When the top tax rate was 50% or 90% there were a lot more allowable deductions and almost no one actually paid that rate. Also the economy was a lot better because there was no EPA, OSHA, and assorted other government departments, or high amounts of cheap imports from China and the Pacific Rim.

Yeah I pointed out that the Eisenhower era tax codes were riddled with exemptions and that immediately after WWII the entire rest of the industrialized world was a bombed out wasteland so we were the only game in town to a former friend and got called an lying ******* for it.
I do not now, nor will I ever understand the mentality of a person that would support such a thing. "Gee Government, you are letting me keep too much of my own money that I worked hard to earn. Please raise taxes so that I don't get to keep so much. I would prefer that you take more of my money and waste on something that is of no benefit to me."

How do you get there?
They are playing to the voter base who looks at it differently - more like "Gee Government, you are letting them keep too much of their own money. It isn't fair that they have more money than me. Please raise taxes so that they don't get to keep so much. I would prefer that you take more of their money and spend it on something that is of benefit to me."
I do not now, nor will I ever understand the mentality of a person that would support such a thing. "Gee Government, you are letting me keep too much of my own money that I worked hard to earn. Please raise taxes so that I don't get to keep so much. I would prefer that you take more of my money and waste on something that is of no benefit to me."

How do you get there?

From watching too much CNN.They'll try to make you think anything is a good idea as long as it's bad for people who work for a living and good for the government power structure.....well as long as Democrats are running it of course.
I do not now, nor will I ever understand the mentality of a person that would support such a thing. "Gee Government, you are letting me keep too much of my own money that I worked hard to earn. Please raise taxes so that I don't get to keep so much. I would prefer that you take more of my money and waste on something that is of no benefit to me."

How do you get there?

interestingly, my brother is far left. we had this discussion back when we talked. he said he'd gladly give more of his income to others so that they could live a better life. something to the tune of helping others should be a goal, and that no one should live in squalor. noble enough, right?

we have a cousin raising three kids on his own since their mother is worthless. my righteous brother then, after this discussion, purchased a new lexus. Never giving a thought to helping family living in a trailer home driving a '02 chevy leaking oil, etc.

"there are places he can go for help"

so it's as if these people express the virtue of wanting to give more of their money, but when it comes down to it, they just want to give more of other people's money.
I hear you on that, Supe. I'm sorry your brother is such an ******* and that your cousin is struggling. But your brother is they typical liberal. As long as it's not HIS money going to help the poor, it's OK. What they don't get is when taxes get raised, it is HIS money helping out....
interestingly, my brother is far left. we had this discussion back when we talked. he said he'd gladly give more of his income to others so that they could live a better life. something to the tune of helping others should be a goal, and that no one should live in squalor. noble enough, right?

we have a cousin raising three kids on his own since their mother is worthless. my righteous brother then, after this discussion, purchased a new lexus. Never giving a thought to helping family living in a trailer home driving a '02 chevy leaking oil, etc.

"there are places he can go for help"

so it's as if these people express the virtue of wanting to give more of their money, but when it comes down to it, they just want to give more of other people's money.

Yep. The Liberal motto - "Do as I say, not as I do".
I hear you on that, Supe. I'm sorry your brother is such an ******* and that your cousin is struggling. But your brother is they typical liberal. As long as it's not HIS money going to help the poor, it's OK. What they don't get is when taxes get raised, it is HIS money helping out....

they get that. what they are also unaware of is that when taxes are raised, the poor also experience an increase in paying taxes.
Go Bernie bots Go!

Take down that Dem establishment!

Bernie Sanders endorses anti-establishment Democrat for governor in Michigan

Fresh off a Kansas tour with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is endorsing one of the left’s last high-profile challengers of the year — Abdul El-Sayed, a candidate for governor of Michigan in the Aug. 7 primary.

“Under Abdul’s leadership, Michigan can help lead the nation in guaranteeing health care for all through a Medicare for All single-payer type system; tuition-free public colleges and universities; a minimum wage of $15 per hour; and strong environmental protections,” Sanders said in a statement.




Except that she conveniently ignores other factors. When the top tax rate was 50% or 90% there were a lot more allowable deductions and almost no one actually paid that rate. Also the economy was a lot better because there was no EPA, OSHA, and assorted other government departments, or high amounts of cheap imports from China and the Pacific Rim.

Oh, there would still be plenty of exemptions. Except instead of being based on set criteria, they would be exemptions granted by those in power. Just like there were exemptions in Obamacare.

These Dem elites love the idea of 90% taxes because they know their friends would never pay it. They would use it to hammer their enemies. They already do use the IRS like that.
Ok, this woman is full of ****. She gave an interview with the Trevor Noah, and told two straight up lies.

They are in this paragraph. They are highlighted in bold.

“Then the last key, which is extremely extremely important is re-prioritization. Just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn’t even ask for,” she said. “They’re like, ‘We don’t want another fighter jet!’ They’re like, ‘Don’t give us another nuclear bomb,’ you know?”

We did not increase military spending BY $700 billion. We increased it TO $700 billion (just under, actually).

Secondly, never ever in modern military history will you offer money to the military, any branch, any general, and they will turn it down. No ******* way, no how, not in a million years. Units are scraping for money almost constantly. I can tell you unequivocally that she did not have that conversation with anyone with any decision making power or involved with the budget in anyway.

You can read the rest of the article. Typical liberal socialist nonsense. Roll back the tax cut, raise taxes on corporations, tax the rich, pay their fair share, blah blah. Good luck with that.

Here is the problen with taxing the 1%rs blind.... they can afford to leave and pay no taxes here anymore...
Or they loophole their way around the taxes...

In either case the socialist agenda always creates a wealth ceiling that most of the population gets trapped under with no way out. And the poverty is almost always greater and more widespread than what you see in a capitalist system... a handful of smaller less diverse countries can sometimes make it work... larger countries always ends up very bad for everyone but the rich and powerful....

Idealists dont get the flaws of tgeir system... capitalism has obvious flaws.. some regulation is always neededin certain areas, but its flaws are miniscule compared to broad based socialism