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American Destroyer Attcked By Missiles From Iran backed Houthis Rebels

  • Thread starter Thread starter NC1977
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"Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

How original..............................

Much like Burgundy's "Tomlin word of the Week" thread that was also my creation.........................and they call me a parrot.........lol
How original..............................

Much like Burgundy's "Tomlin word of the Week" thread that was also my creation.........................and they call me a parrot.........lol

So why didn't you put forth the effort to keep it up? No server donation yet either I see.
So why didn't you put forth the effort to keep it up? No server donation yet either I see.

The hacks that pay Elftard to be a troll on this site don't include a stipend for actually enrolling in the sites. It's not a part of the plan.
I know most of you - cough, some of you - think we should just drop nukes on the heads of our enemies, and be done with it.

Anything short of that is deemed a failure. Well, international politics is a bit more complicated than that.

Research and read the intricacies of the nuke agreement with Iran. Understand the facts behind the money - their money - that was returned in exchange for significant concessions. Understand that the final amount given back was a small chunk of the original amount owed. Understand the significant limiting measures in this framework vs. the free hand they had previous to the agreement.

It's shades of grey people, not black and white, just like everything else in this world we live in.
Understand that this "nuanced" approach has resulted in them taking our servicemen hostage, humiliating them publicly and holding them for ransom; and now they are firing missiles at our ship in international waters.

I know most of you - cough, some of you - think we should just drop nukes on the heads of our enemies, and be done with it.

I'd rather take their oil and get gas down to the $1 a gallon that it should be.
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I love these threads that always, somehow, mysteriously fail to include the actual reality of what is happening. I understand it doesn't fit the script of how weak and impotent Obama is, blah blah. We could make a Hall of Fame collection of these twisted, ill-informed, completely one sided threads, they're a doozy.

The following video shows the USS Nitze's response to the Houthis:

U.S. military strikes Yemen after missile attacks on U.S. Navy ship

Trump Type CONservatives© are an ignorant twisted bunch aren't they? Their racism and hatred blinds them to anything that doesn't fit into their idea of what the world is. Just examine the Iran nuclear deal for example.

Never mind that the money that was given to Iran was THEIRS to begin with. Money Carter froze after the hostage crisis, money they had already paid to us for weapons, and we basically sold the weapons to someone else then put the money in an escrow account. They got a TINY amount of their frozen funds+interest back. The Iranians have $100 billion dollars in frozen assets, as Obama stated they got much less than what they wanted.

Never mind that their assets were returned in cash because the sanctions against Iran don't allow for any other kind of transfer. It was in francs and euros since dollars cannot be used, not because it was some kind of ransom.

Never mind that it was Ronald Reagan and Co. who provided ransom for hostages. The Obama/Iran deal had the cash payment negotiated as part of the nuclear deal BEFORE THE HOSTAGE PHASE OF NEGOTIATIONS EVEN BEGAN.

The negotiation over the prisoners began on the sideline of the nuclear talks, intensified after the deal was completed last April and heated up even further in recent months, senior administration officials told CNN. The secret talks were led by Brett McGurk, the U.S. special envoy tapped by President Barack Obama to coordinate the global fight against ISIS, the officials said.

The U.S. government confirmed Saturday that Iran freed four Americans as part of a prisoner swap for which the U.S. is dropping charges against seven Iranians who had been convicted in the U.S. for sanctions violations, the officials said.


Of course that can't be true because it's from CNN.....only what comes from Trumps mouth is truth.

Never mind that they can't use that money to buy weapons, because the weapons embargo IS STILL IN PLACE.

Never mind that it was their patron saint, the B-actor and Blunderer in Chief: RONALD REAGAN(the reason for the deaths of 240+marines in Beirut that makes Benghazi look like a picnic at the beach) that later negotiated with a terrorist state after saying that he doesn't negotiate with terrorists????what??? so he could get hostages.

Never mind that the same blundering B-actor had his administration officials preaching to our allies how immoral it was to sell weapons and spare parts to Iran.....while we were selling weapons and spare parts to Iran.....???what????

All so he could seed violence and murder across Central America.......yeah that senile old scumbag and his accomplice below



To be a Trump Type CONservative© is truly living with your head up your ***.
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The hacks that pay Elftard to be a troll on this site don't include a stipend for actually enrolling in the sites. It's not a part of the plan.

Speaking of hacks; shouldn't you be writing more "some of my best adoptees are black" fiction?
Speaking of hacks; shouldn't you be writing more "some of my best adoptees are black" fiction?

Fiction? LOL, drop by the house some time. You should have been here last Sunday. My racist CONservative white house hosted two African Americans and a Muslim...all at the same time. Football, chicken, and basketball on my basketball court in my back yard. Lots of love and great fellowship. "It takes a village" and I'm working to help fill a young man's life with good, solid mentors.

Being a Jewish American Indian Black Hisapanic, you'd have fit right in. Except the "being a good mentor" part.

But I diverge. Don't let me stand in the way of your trolling. You've got a paycheck to earn.
Here's a big ole **** YOU to all the lefties that love to label conservatives "racist" or "bigots".
Fiction? LOL, drop by the house some time. You should have been here last Sunday. My racist CONservative white house hosted two African Americans and a Muslim...all at the same time. Football, chicken, and basketball on my basketball court in my back yard. Lots of love and great fellowship. "It takes a village" and I'm working to help fill a young man's life with good, solid mentors.

Being a Jewish American Indian Black Hisapanic, you'd have fit right in. Except the "being a good mentor" part.

But I diverge. Don't let me stand in the way of your trolling. You've got a paycheck to earn.

Why would I fit in? Oh yeah..... simply because of my ethnicity...and now like Trumps view of women, we see how you see certain people.
Why would I fit in? Oh yeah..... simply because of my ethnicity...and now like Trumps view of women, we see how you see certain people.

You see what you want to see. As I've shared openly here with folks who can outside of this site validate my claims, I work to love and befriend and aid those of all races.

And you persistently say that I and others attack your ethnicity. Because that's what good Libs do - scream RACIST. What we attack are your bullshit claims of being African American, Jewish and American Indian. You waffle pretending (depending on the day of week) to be something other than you are so you can feign offense. I am guilty of calling out your bullshit.
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She is the Neville Chamberlin of America, how did that non aggression treaty with Hitler turn out for England ?
it worked out pretty damn well...England was in no shape militarily to jack **** at the time....it gave them time to finish the development and production of two planes you may have heard of, the Hurricane and Spitfire, and gave them time raise and train an army beyond the small professional army they had at the time....not great for the Czech's, but it definitely benefitted England.

you should read some real history someday.

did the Yemeni's shoot at the Maddox and Turner C. Joy, or what?
As I was saying...
That's a non-reply. The point was that what we are doing isn't working, and it could not be more obvious. You are seeming to defend it by agreeing with the approach because of some deep complexity. It isn't complex. They only respond to strength. Trump will provide that. He has real experience with successful negotiations and application of power. Obama has demonstrated that he has no ******* idea how to exert power to our benefit. He bends over every chance he gets, thinking that our enemies will take a little bow in response, and of course they never do.
You see what you want to see. As I've shared openly here with folks who can outside of this site validate my claims, I work to love and befriend and aid those of all races.

And you persistently say that I and others attack your ethnicity. Because that's what good Libs do - scream RACIST. What we attack are your bullshit claims of being African American, Jewish and American Indian. You waffle pretending (depending on the day of week) to be something other than you are so you can feign offense. I am guilty of calling out your bullshit.

Again; why would i fit in?

Now my ethnicity is bullshit? Oh and I never claimed to be black, so who is the bullshitter here?
Again; why would i fit in?

Now my ethnicity is bullshit? Oh and I never claimed to be black, so who is the bullshitter here?

Yes you did. And there's many a witness.

You should stick to the Elfie bullshit thread. You're right at home there.
Yes you did. And there's many a witness.

You should stick to the Elfie bullshit thread. You're right at home there.

Again; why would i fit in your menagerie?

You have witnesses like Trump possesses the truth.........

When I mentioned my ethnicity I was immediately attacked by the racists here( in other words 80% of the board) NEVER CLAIMED TO BE BLACK.
Again; why would i fit in your menagerie?

Because it was a gathering of mixed ethnicity and you claim to be from nearly every ethnicity that claims itself to be a victim.


LOL, YES you did. More than once in fact.
Because it was a gathering of mixed ethnicity and you claim to be from nearly every ethnicity that claims itself to be a victim.

LOL, YES you did. More than once in fact.

Thank you very much.

And I rest my case.
Thank you very much.

And I rest my case.

LOL, you rest what case? That you are a Jewish American Indian and African American? You came to this site under the same IP but a different alias "speaking jive" and claiming to be African American. You've stated you're Jewish and American Indian. So there is no denying you've purported to be each.

My home is open to all religions and races. Always has been. You'd have fit in. Save, again, for the being a good mentor part. You'd not have fit in.

Me pointing out that you're a Jewfrican American Indian is only parroting back the roles you've played on this site.

Now explain your ridiculous case...."that I see certain people how Trump views women?"
Again; why would i fit in?

Now my ethnicity is bullshit? Oh and I never claimed to be black, so who is the bullshitter here?
