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Another Democrat Utopia


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Rats at the police station, filth on L.A. streets — scenes from the collapse of a city that’s lost control

By Steve Lopez
Jun 02, 2019 | 9:10 AM

The good news is that two trash-strewn downtown Los Angeles streets I wrote about last week were cleaned up by city work crews and have been kept that way, as of this writing.

The bad news is that I didn’t have to travel far to find more streets just as badly fouled by filthy mounds of junk and stinking, rotting food.

Then there was the news that the LAPD station on skid row was cited by the state for a rodent infestation and other unsanitary conditions, and that one employee there was infected with the strain of bacteria that causes typhoid fever.

What century is this?

Is it the 21st century in the largest city of a state that ranks among the world’s most robust economies, or did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?

We’ve got thousands of people huddled on the streets, many of them withering away with physical and mental disease. Sidewalks have disappeared, hidden by tents and the kinds of makeshift shanties you see in Third World places. Typhoid and typhus are in the news, and an army of rodents is on the move.

On Thursday I saw a county health inspector on rat patrol between 7th and 8th streets on skid row. He was carrying a clipboard and said he had found droppings and other evidence of rodents, and I asked where:

“Everywhere,” he said.

Well, it’s nice to know somebody is doing something, but you don’t need a clipboard. I’ve seen so many rats the last two weeks in downtown Los Angeles, I have to suspect they’re plotting a takeover of City Hall, which vermin infiltrated last year.

The city of Los Angeles has become a giant trash receptacle. It used to be that illegal dumpers were a little more discreet, tossing their refuse in fields and gullies and remote outposts.

Now city streets are treated like dumpsters, or even toilets — on Thursday, the 1600 block of Santee Street was cordoned off after someone dumped a fat load of poop in the street. I’m not sure when any of this became the norm, but it must have something to do with the knowledge that you can get away with it. Every time sanitation crews knock down one mess, another dumpsite springs up nearby.

You wanna take a tour with me of how things looked Wednesday and Thursday?

OK, the shovels were still out on Crocker Street, which was looking pretty good, so I went over to East 10th Street and Naomi Avenue, several blocks away, near the Coca-Cola distribution center.

The north side of 10th Street looked like a landfill. Trash was scattered in the street and on the sidewalk, and there was a little bit of everything. Splintered lumber, metal poles, soiled blankets and clothing, a sofa, buckets, boxes.

“Trucks come by and run over the trash,” said Ron Riego, 60, who lives under a tarp on the corner and pointed out where some of the debris has been flattened by traffic.

Riego said he was just back from the hospital, where he was treated for congestive heart failure and water on the lungs. On returning to his tarp, he discovered that someone had set fire to some of his belongings. Now he was sorting through his things to see what was salvageable, and planning to move a few feet to the west.

“Rats chased me out,” he said, so he was surrendering his lean-to to the rodents.

“Someone came by in the middle of the night and dropped all those bags,” Riego said, telling me such dumps were common. “I looked out and saw a nice new white pickup truck stop and toss everything, then he took off,” he said.

The bags, some of which were split open, contained spoiled fruit and trimmings from pineapples and mangoes. That part of town has a lot of produce wholesalers, and it’s no secret that some of the illegal dumping is done by local merchants and customers. Nor is it any secret that food scraps attract rats.

At East 16th Street and Compton Avenue, just south of the 10 Freeway, trash billowed at the corner and tapered gradually to the east along a building tagged with graffiti. The debris included boxes, bulging trash bags and a crushed Lime scooter. The centerpiece was a heaping shopping cart.
RELATED: Homeless camps’ feces and other filth lure rats to City Hall, report says »

I saw a few encampments nearby and standing, murky green water in the gutters. Were the drains clogged with trash? Is a water or sewer line leaking? You just never know, and you almost don’t want to think about it. I go through a lot of antibacterial wipes after a day here, and I take my shoes off before I enter my house. It’s horrifying to think about how many people live in the middle of all that muck.

I went back to 16th and Compton the next day to find a city crew cleaning up the mess, and I spoke to James Campbell, who runs the uniform rental company on that corner.

“I call the city and they usually come within a week, but then it’s always piled right back up again,” said Campbell.

“I don’t even like stepping out here because of the needles,” said Campbell, who told me he cringes when customers come to his office and witness what’s at his doorstep.

“It’s embarrassing,” he said.

Yes, but it’s not Campbell who should be embarrassed. It’s L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti and the 15 members of the City Council who run the city and have not responded with the urgency necessary to deal with the homelessness and trash problems that plague Los Angeles.

They alone did not create the social and economic woes that have contributed to the city’s major problems, and it’s not as if they’ve been completely unresponsive. About 27,000 people were housed last year, for instance. But even more people have ended up in their cars and on streets and riverbeds, and taxpayers are right to wonder why City Hall keeps losing its most important battles.

When I called Councilman Jose Huizar’s office about the trash piled on Ceres Avenue, a staffer told me issues like that are complaint-driven, and if no one has called, the office might not know the problem exists.

What, they don’t have eyes?

Look, I know Huizar might be a little distracted, given that the FBI has hauled records out of his home and office as part of a City Hall corruption probe, and the councilman has other legal problems too.

But council districts have as many as two dozen employees and in times of crisis they ought to have more than a few of them in the field, spotting and solving problems, and cracking down on illegal dumpers. Not just with citations, but with handcuffs, perp walks and mandatory trash pickup duty.

The city has thousands of workers on the streets every day writing tickets, fixing potholes, driving trash trucks. Every one of them ought to be reporting issues they see on their rounds.

“If you’re writing a parking ticket and someone dumps a toilet in the street, you should call sanitation,” said Estela Lopez of the Downtown Industrial Business Improvement District, or BID.

The crews that clean the streets of that BID are homeless or formerly so, and they’re employed by the nonprofit Chrysalis, which tries to get them all housed and self-supporting. James Blackwell, for instance, supervises Lopez’s crew and told me he just moved into his own place.

It’s a terrific program — clean the streets and get people off the streets at the same time. Chrysalis staffs 16 BIDs in L.A. and 10 Caltrans crews, and would like to do more. But an expansion proposal has gotten bottled up at City Hall. Stay tuned for more on that in the near future.

Meanwhile, let’s keep the pressure on City Hall.

I drove a little farther south Thursday and found a monumental dumpsite at East 25th Street and Long Beach Avenue along the railroad tracks. I took photos during my survey to share with City Hall, and I’d like you to do the same.

Get your camera or phone and send me photos of eyesores in your neighborhood or near your place of employment. Include the address, and I’ll take a look at as many as I can get to, publicize the filth and count the days until City Hall cleans it up.

If we don’t take charge, who will?





Ironic. The people who can't even clean up garbage, **** and needles off their own streets want to do away with the electoral college and make themselves the sole decision makers for our elections. Thanks folks, but you can't even clean refuse up from the streets outside your police stations and political offices. You are unfit to have solitary control over who is elected in this country.
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L.A. is a 3rd world country now.
The leader of congress, Nervous Nancy, can't even control her own district. San Fran is overrun with bums, trash, vermin, drugs, needles, human waste, people sleeping on sidewalks. She does nothing about it. She blathers on about how bad Trump is. She really is delusional.
L.A. is a 3rd world country now.

It really is. A woman posted a video she took from her car showing all the trash and filth on the street, but didn't say where she was and was giving the impression it was a 3rd world country -- until the end, and it was Los Angeles.

I'm worried San Diego is going to be heading down into that abyss as well.
Downtown has been a shithhole for years, and the problem is exploding because California enacted a proposition that "non-violent" offenders be released from jail to solve overcrowding. As a result, tens of thousands of inmates were released, most with drug problems, mental problems, both, and little to no skills. Property crimes have taken off and the police no longer even investigate car break-ins, broken windows, vandalism, and petty theft. True story.

The homeless population ballooned three years ago, and continues to mushroom. What is so aggravating is that idiot voters enacted a measure that caused the problem, to feel better about themselves.

North of Los Angeles, in the San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Burbank, Glendale, the conditions are vastly better. Those areas house single-family residences, clean yards, very nice parks, bike paths, etc. The fear is that the homeless population will simply overwhelm the criminals running Los Angeles, and they will do what they did with released prisoners in the 1980's - shipped them off to another area (San Bernardino), and turned that picturesque area from a beautiful residential area to a shithole overwhelmed with drug dealers and gangs.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Found a missing Lime scooter in that last photo.

I have a lime account from our trip to Denver. They were cool as hell.
Dude. That looks something out of the video game I play, The Division. Wtf
Seems like a great idea in a responsible world but what keeps the jerks from just vandalizing/stealing them and throwing them away on the side street of a Democratic Utopia?

They are rapidly becoming such a nuisance and danger that IMO the business model will fail to keep critical mass as cities ban them. You can't introduce new transportation modes like scooters and self-driving cars without the supporting infrastructure - dedicated lanes for self-driving stuff, docking stations for parking scooters, whatever. Having self-diving cars on public roads will kill people, and letting people drop their scooters off anywhere is just chaos.
They are rapidly becoming such a nuisance and danger that IMO the business model will fail to keep critical mass as cities ban them. You can't introduce new transportation modes like scooters and self-driving cars without the supporting infrastructure - dedicated lanes for self-driving stuff, docking stations for parking scooters, whatever. Having self-diving cars on public roads will kill people, and letting people drop their scooters off anywhere is just chaos.

Damn I'm gettin' old.....I had to look up "Lime Account" just to see what yunz were talkin' about. No wonder I hadn't heard about them though, wouldn't be feasible in the woods.

We put all our limes in drinks or pies.

Spending all your money on free stuff for illegals means you can't do things like street cleaning and trash pick up. Seems like people that lived there would say "wait a damn minute here" but they are too busy virtue signaling.
Downtown has been a shithhole for years, and the problem is exploding because California enacted a proposition that "non-violent" offenders be released from jail to solve overcrowding. As a result, tens of thousands of inmates were released, most with drug problems, mental problems, both, and little to no skills. Property crimes have taken off and the police no longer even investigate car break-ins, broken windows, vandalism, and petty theft. True story.

The homeless population ballooned three years ago, and continues to mushroom. What is so aggravating is that idiot voters enacted a measure that caused the problem, to feel better about themselves.

North of Los Angeles, in the San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Burbank, Glendale, the conditions are vastly better. Those areas house single-family residences, clean yards, very nice parks, bike paths, etc. The fear is that the homeless population will simply overwhelm the criminals running Los Angeles, and they will do what they did with released prisoners in the 1980's - shipped them off to another area (San Bernardino), and turned that picturesque area from a beautiful residential area to a shithole overwhelmed with drug dealers and gangs.

It's Demoncrat heaven. Exactly what they want. These people will vote for them. Demoncrats don't care if they are living in poverty and in their own ****.
The poor and homeless aren't high on their hot causes list anymore, they will have to wait in line, now the new hotness is CLIMATE!!!

Ocasio-Cortez: $10 trillion needed for effective climate plan (p.s. only 11.58 years left)

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that any plan to sufficiently address the climate crisis will need to cost at least $10 trillion. “I think we really need to get to $10 trillion to have a shot,” the progressive firebrand said in response to a question.

" I know it’s a ton," she added. "I don’t think anyone wants to spend that amount of money, it’s not a fun number to say, I’m not excited to say we need to spend $10 trillion on climate, but ... it’s just the fact of the scenario.”

She’s such a ******* idiot.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

That's an insult to idiots. She and a bunch of other ignorant buffoons make me think a political aptitude test should be one of the requirements to run for office.

The test would cover everything related to our government. What we are. The constitution,the bill of rights,the Federalist Papers and American History.

You need an 80% to eligible to run....


Just term limit these nitwits for ***** sake. The president gets two terms and so should they.

And screw that pension for life **** too.
She and a bunch of other ignorant buffoons make me think a political aptitude test should be one of the requirements to run for office.

You got part of that right S4V but the test should apply to voters first and foremost, they are ones that put these idiots in office.

You got part of that right S4V but the test should apply to voters first and foremost, they are ones that put these idiots in office.


Oh I agree with that,but that's such a large scale to accomplish. The nitwits in office are small in number by comparison. Hell they want 16 year olds,convicted felons who are STILL locked up and the illegal foreign invaders voting for them.

Just cut the head off the giant.
Oh I agree with that,but that's such a large scale to accomplish. The nitwits in office are small in number by comparison. Hell they want 16 year olds,convicted felons who are STILL locked up and the illegal foreign invaders voting for them.

Just cut the head off the giant.

Yep, and don't forget the all important cemetery vote.

L.A. is a 3rd world country now.
It’s affecting the west coast.
San Fran, Portland and Seattle are becoming the same way.

Albuquerque is going down fast too. A park across the street from a fairly busy microbrewery is loaded with homeless.
This is bad. Thank you democrats
A couple hours ago I was cutting scapes off of my garlic plants. As I was observing my domain I thought, I’m so glad that there’s not a bum with hep c over there, or a crackhead passed out over there. No human **** or vomit on my property. Honestly, how is Nancy ******* Pelosi the leader of Congress? Her city is a ******* nightmare.
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There are many small towns in VA that are in the same boat but obviously on a much smaller scale. Usually their stories are the same, there would be a mill or factory nearby that was Union and they would strike. After so many strikes, the company was out. They said to hell with it and moved their manufacturing elsewhere. So the hardworking factory guys and gals now have nothing and the towns are turning to dust.

The $15/hour min wage is going to make things even worse on a much larger scale. Workers will be replaced by machines. Hey its what they wanted and they got it. A country full of dependence
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