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Antonio Brown says Ryan Clark is bitter

Steel Ballin

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Apr 10, 2014
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Antonio Brown wants united Steelers

Updated: April 28, 2014, 1:23 AM ET
<cite class="source"> By Scott Brown | ESPN.com</cite>

Ryan Clark offered a pointed rebuttal after Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh's reigning MVP, said the veteran safety is bitter because he is no longer with the Steelers and that his outspoken nature adversely affected team chemistry.

On Sunday, Clark took to Twitter to rebuff those claims.

My family babysat for Antonio and my wife planned his son's birthday party. He's not smart enough to realize what a good teammate is! #done
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2014-04-28T00:04:25+0000" title="Time posted: 28 Apr 2014, 00:04:25 (UTC)">8:04 PM - 27 Apr 2014</time>

Brown told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Sunday that strong opinions voiced by Clark during the offseason, including a claim that some Steelers players use marijuana to deal with injuries because they are afraid of getting addicted to pain pills, is a "form of bitterness."

Clark has appeared on ESPN as an NFL analyst this offseason.

"When you see people taking shots who were on the same team and wearing the same jerseys, that's a sign of not having that team camaraderie," Brown said. "That's something we need to get back, something we haven't had for the past two years."

Clark signed with the Washington Redskins last month after starting the last eight seasons at free safety for the Steelers. His teammates voted him a captain in 2013, and the Steelers went 8-8 for the second consecutive season following the franchise's first 0-4 start since 1968.

The Steelers moved quickly to get younger in the secondary this offseason, signing former Carolina Panthers safety Mike Mitchell on the first day of free agency to take Clark's spot in the starting lineup.

Clark later signed a one-year contract with the Redskins -- the team he had been with before joining the Steelers in 2006. He helped Pittsburgh win a Super Bowl and play in another during his time in Pittsburgh.

The Steelers' former union representative had long been one of the most outspoken players in the Steelers' locker room and one who hasn't been shy about voicing strong opinions, whether it's criticizing NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's player-safety initiative or weighing in on a number of league wide topics such as players' use of marijuana for medical reasons.

Brown said Clark's claim that some Steelers players used marijuana reflected a division in the locker room. He also cited a teammate anonymously ripping former Steelers outside linebacker LaMarr Woodley's work ethic in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last offseason as an example of a locker room that has to become more harmonious as the Steelers try to return to the playoffs after missing it the last two seasons.

"When you see stuff like that happen repeatedly year after year -- from a guy calling LaMarr Woodley out, from a guy that's calling the team out for illegal uses of a substance -- it just shows the lack of team camaraderie we had in the locker room, the lack of togetherness," said Brown, who set a Steelers single-season record with 1,499 receiving yards in 2013.
"When you see things like that, it shows you how guys feel even when they're not part of the team anymore. We've kind of got a new team and a new environment, and I'm excited to get the draftees in and get everybody together so we can get rolling."

Clark said on his Twitter account that he does not harbor any hard feelings over the Steelers not re-signing him. He also wished Brown well.
"Antonio Brown can feel and say anything about me he'd like," Clark wrote. "We all have opinions. I'm not bitter and I'm not mad at him. Wish him the best!"
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With no real knowledge of the situation whatsoever, I'm inclined to believe Antonio on this one. Clark was really starting to get on my nerves with his Drew Brees-like "my opinion on EVERYTHING is of utmost importance" attitude. He was a very good player for us for years, but I had a feeling he was involved in some of the locker room problems a couple of years ago.
Wouldn't surprise me at all. I appreciate Clark for the effort he gave while wearing black and gold, but I'll admit I was really starting to get tired of his mouth always runnin
When he "was" a STEELER, it was tolerable. Now that clarck is NOT, let the saddle horn hit him in the ***, as he rides on, in his new life's work!!!!! Thanks while on the team, now, not a factor.

Salute the nation
I appreciated that someone was willing to be outspoken. If it wasn't Ryan, no one else was doing it. No reason for Brown to say anything. Just creates more drama where none needs to be. Want to be outspoken, want to be a leader?? Don't speak out against against former teammates, do it against those trying to ruin the game.
There were a lot of things about Ryan Clark that I liked. But, when the new CBA was being negotiated, he was an asshat on his twitter and if someone questioned the players end of it, he blocked them. He could say what he wanted, but you either accepted it or kept quiet if you did not want him to block you.

Now, not a secret I thought the players needed to give a little back (now I think they gave too much and the owners will need to step up next CBA). They need a balance where both sides can be comfortable with the deal. It is billions of dollars, I think all involved can get rich if they just do not kill the golden goose. I just did not care for the way he was handling it at the time.

And, in some interviews since then, to me, he has come off as a pompous ***. That part of Ryan Clark I did not care for.....
I felt that Ryan Clark was trying to set up his second career as a broadcaster for at least the last two seasons instead of putting 100% into the team... If someone is planning on leaving their employer, do it on your spare time and do not look at online job ads on company time.
I felt that Ryan Clark was trying to set up his second career as a broadcaster for at least the last two seasons instead of putting 100% into the team... If someone is planning on leaving their employer, do it on your spare time and do not look at online job ads on company time.

This. He's always on the various ESPN shows as a panelist or guest, and he's one of those rare players that is well-spoken and can actually string a few words together to make a coherent sentence. He'll do well as an analyst.... a better analyst than he's been a player the last couple of years.
I felt that Ryan Clark was trying to set up his second career as a broadcaster for at least the last two seasons instead of putting 100% into the team... If someone is planning on leaving their employer, do it on your spare time and do not look at online job ads on company time.

I agree 100%, nothing attracts more views and more viewers than controversy .
He says nothing interesting (unless he's ripping a teammate) and chuckles to fill dead airtime. He was born for ESPN.
To be fair to Ryan Clark, I thought he played well in 2012. He stunk last year. I'm sure the rest of the locker room had the sense that all he cared about was launching his analyst career...
Glad Ryan Clark is no longer a Steeler. Not sure why this got to be public but whatever beef he had with Ryan Clark pissed AB off. Think Clark just wore out his welcome trying to setup his career on tv.
I felt that Ryan Clark was trying to set up his second career as a broadcaster for at least the last two seasons instead of putting 100% into the team... If someone is planning on leaving their employer, do it on your spare time and do not look at online job ads on company time.

Lol what?

He did almost all of his guest appearances during the offseason. Just because we are scouring Steeler fan boards in April (6 months from the season) doesnt mean that these guys are locked in their room thinking about Steeler Nation

Lol you guys need to get a life or something. He is halfway charismatic and smart, let the man gain experience for his 'second career'. Because, despite what you may want to believe- its all about the $$ for the players and owners alike.
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The way I look at it, Ryan Clark is gone. Move on already and stop running your mouth. It sounds like you're making weak excuses for your pitiful play two years running.
Lol what?

He did almost all of his guest appearances during the offseason. Just because we are scouring Steeler fan boards in April (6 months from the season) doesnt mean that these guys are locked in their room thinking about Steeler Nation

Lol you guys need to get a life or something. He is halfway charismatic and smart, let the man gain experience for his 'second career'. Because, despite what you may want to believe- its all about the $$ for the players and owners alike.

I know for a fact that he was on different radio shows during the week last year and did the ESPN car wash during bye weeks the last two seasons... Never said anyone should be year round thinking about the Steelers... I love how twits will come out and throw out various straw men to try and curve an argument their way and then tell someone else to get a life... I just wish he would have not been worrying about his next job while trying to do his current job.
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IMO Brown is just as guilty as clark.

Different perspective..

1.. big money crew.
2. pointing on first down, dropping the ball.
3. calling out clark after he changes teams..
4.When you see things like that, it shows you how guys feel even when they're not part of the team anymore. We've kind of got a new team and a new environment, and I'm excited to get the draftees in and get everybody together so we can get rolling." Wut?
IMO Brown is just as guilty as clark.

Different perspective..

1.. big money crew.
2. pointing on first down, dropping the ball.
3. calling out clark after he changes teams..
4.When you see things like that, it shows you how guys feel even when they're not part of the team anymore. We've kind of got a new team and a new environment, and I'm excited to get the draftees in and get everybody together so we can get rolling." Wut?

I think Brown is one of the "weed" crew that didn't like Clark putting them on blast on ESPN. He may have stepped out of bounds on that crazy final play because he was high...jk about stepping out of bounds...not the weed crew.
I know for a fact that he was on different radio shows during the week last year and did the ESPN car wash during bye weeks the last two seasons... Never said anyone should be year round thinking about the Steelers... I love how twits will come out and throw out various straw men to try and curve an argument their way and then tell someone else to get a life... I just wish he would have not been worrying about his next job while trying to do his current job.

You're reaching. Lots of players do the talk show circuit during the season. Some even have their own weekly shows during the season. Him doing t.v. and radio had no bearing on his play o the field. The fact that he's getting old had plenty. He's gone now, there's no reason for Brown to even be talking about him at this point. He has his own stuff he needs to work on.
Clark was a cheaper replacement to Hope and he helped us to 2 SBs and we won one. 2 years ago, I thought he was our best player on D. Last year, I didn't want him on the field. Looking forward to seeing what Mitchell can do.

Now that Clark's off the team, I could care less what he things. Best to him and his family, and thanks Dan Snyder for letting us utilize his best years as a player!
Ryan may have foamed at the mouth but at training camp he was one of the most gracious Steelers I've ever witnessed.

Yeah, he wasn't good last year but I can't get on board with the "good riddance" crowd.

When he was on top of his game he brought it and that's all I ask.
It seems that Brown had some issue with Ben at or near the end of the season, wanting the ball more to pad some stats or something and there was a bit of controversy over that as well. Ryan Clark calling out team mates for not being in shape, doing drugs etc did not strike me as a problem but a solution to a problem. If persons are going down the wrong path need to be called out. It does not mean more subtle methods were not tried before. From Woodley's weight gain to being injured all the time maybe he was one of the guys doing weed as well. He is also no longer here. Clark was a good advocate for the players and was able to recognize some issues with the contract and point them out that no one else seemed interested in addressing. One big one was the fines and the way they were administered and the appeal process. I will miss Ryan Clark, it is sad for him to have his play declining but it happens to all of the folks over time.
The issue with Clark and his mouth was that he took issues to the press ... well, not even the press ... he aired dirty laundry during his "part-time" gig as a correspondent for "The Patriots/Celtics/Red Sox Network". He started it in 2012 and continued in 2013. Now, if you've got a guy doing stuff like that on your team, I'm sure other teammates didn't like it, and I would imagine that it would create a feeling of walking on egg shells around Clark because you wouldn't know whether what you said/did would end up being used by Clark the reporter to further his own career/agenda.
Loved the guy when he was at the top of his game. And I appreciate his contributions. That said, I won't miss the attention seeking, correspondent he became in his last two years.
Every time a NFL player lets the negative talks come out to blame others and not see their own deficiencies when let go. He had a good run in Pittsburgh but the way the league is done today moving comes to all.
It seems that Brown had some issue with Ben at or near the end of the season, wanting the ball more to pad some stats or something and there was a bit of controversy over that as well. Ryan Clark calling out team mates for not being in shape, doing drugs etc did not strike me as a problem but a solution to a problem. If persons are going down the wrong path need to be called out. It does not mean more subtle methods were not tried before. From Woodley's weight gain to being injured all the time maybe he was one of the guys doing weed as well. He is also no longer here. Clark was a good advocate for the players and was able to recognize some issues with the contract and point them out that no one else seemed interested in addressing. One big one was the fines and the way they were administered and the appeal process. I will miss Ryan Clark, it is sad for him to have his play declining but it happens to all of the folks over time.

Clark has no room to be calling out Brown for performance, considering Brown set a franchise record for single-season receiving yards, and Clark missed more tackles than he made.