AB has CTE. You can't wish him to get better because he can't. He can't 'find the help he needs' because you can't repair plaqued damage to the cerebral cortex. He can't control his emotions, which is why he has these emotional outbursts at anytime for any reason. TX is right, AB's life is going to end violently, and unfortunately it will be when he is still young.
I talked with DK at the Podcasters dinner he hosted for us on Sunday night and he told me AB was the most appreciative, nicest guy in the locker room his first few years in the league. He didn't change until his 2nd contract. CTE is progressive, and builds upon previous damage over hundreds and thousands of hits. He is small in stature, and he's tough, but his brain felt every hit. It's why he's gotten progressively worse each year at being able to control his emotional outbursts each year. His poor decision making is now his MO. He is irrational, irritable, and violent/ aggressive toward women and strangers. He can't improve, he's only going to get worse.
There is no test you can do for CTE yet while the person is alive, since you have to slice the brain and look at it under a microscope, but if there was ever a case study for increased irrational emotional outbursts over time, this is it. The statement put out by his lawyer/agent is not going to help AB at all. Just another way to make his uncontrollable behavior seem justified. Don't get me wrong there are some dangerous practices in the NFL that have never been attacked this publicly and some medical treatment issues need to be addressed within the league, but this was done as a smokescreen to take away from ABs inability to act rationally in emotionally stressed situations.
Will he take his own life like Seau? Will he kill his wife and kids like Chris Benoit? Will he shoot at helicopters or die in a fiery car crash like Ernie Holmes? Or will he die destitute and homeless by separating himself from everyone like Mike Webster? Jury is out, but for AB and his continuing inability to handle strong emotions, it is not going to end well.