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Antonio Brown

AB has CTE. You can't wish him to get better because he can't. He can't 'find the help he needs' because you can't repair plaqued damage to the cerebral cortex. He can't control his emotions, which is why he has these emotional outbursts at anytime for any reason. TX is right, AB's life is going to end violently, and unfortunately it will be when he is still young.

I talked with DK at the Podcasters dinner he hosted for us on Sunday night and he told me AB was the most appreciative, nicest guy in the locker room his first few years in the league. He didn't change until his 2nd contract. CTE is progressive, and builds upon previous damage over hundreds and thousands of hits. He is small in stature, and he's tough, but his brain felt every hit. It's why he's gotten progressively worse each year at being able to control his emotional outbursts each year. His poor decision making is now his MO. He is irrational, irritable, and violent/ aggressive toward women and strangers. He can't improve, he's only going to get worse.

There is no test you can do for CTE yet while the person is alive, since you have to slice the brain and look at it under a microscope, but if there was ever a case study for increased irrational emotional outbursts over time, this is it. The statement put out by his lawyer/agent is not going to help AB at all. Just another way to make his uncontrollable behavior seem justified. Don't get me wrong there are some dangerous practices in the NFL that have never been attacked this publicly and some medical treatment issues need to be addressed within the league, but this was done as a smokescreen to take away from ABs inability to act rationally in emotionally stressed situations.

Will he take his own life like Seau? Will he kill his wife and kids like Chris Benoit? Will he shoot at helicopters or die in a fiery car crash like Ernie Holmes? Or will he die destitute and homeless by separating himself from everyone like Mike Webster? Jury is out, but for AB and his continuing inability to handle strong emotions, it is not going to end well.
Just to play devil's advocate, do scientists believe that CTE is a new medical condition? Has it just started in the last 20 years? Guys have been playing football with far inferior equipment for over a hundred years. AB's antics are so far extreme even on top of other players that have been formally diagnosed with CTE. I think CTE is becoming the easy scape goat to blame anytime a player acts like an immature or petulant child. Not saying that he doesn't potentially have CTE, but there have been a LOT of players with CTE that never acted or behaved anywhere close to how AB has. Ryan Clark has said that AB was going to be an issue LONG before the Burfict hit and still early in his career.
Bruce Arians is in some deep ****. He flat out lied…He turns left and looks away from the question on camera…so easy to spot…

Plus that text is a ************. Clearly Bruce Arians knew he was injured.
AB has CTE. You can't wish him to get better because he can't. He can't 'find the help he needs' because you can't repair plaqued damage to the cerebral cortex. He can't control his emotions, which is why he has these emotional outbursts at anytime for any reason. TX is right, AB's life is going to end violently, and unfortunately it will be when he is still young.

I talked with DK at the Podcasters dinner he hosted for us on Sunday night and he told me AB was the most appreciative, nicest guy in the locker room his first few years in the league. He didn't change until his 2nd contract. CTE is progressive, and builds upon previous damage over hundreds and thousands of hits. He is small in stature, and he's tough, but his brain felt every hit. It's why he's gotten progressively worse each year at being able to control his emotional outbursts each year. His poor decision making is now his MO. He is irrational, irritable, and violent/ aggressive toward women and strangers. He can't improve, he's only going to get worse.

There is no test you can do for CTE yet while the person is alive, since you have to slice the brain and look at it under a microscope, but if there was ever a case study for increased irrational emotional outbursts over time, this is it. The statement put out by his lawyer/agent is not going to help AB at all. Just another way to make his uncontrollable behavior seem justified. Don't get me wrong there are some dangerous practices in the NFL that have never been attacked this publicly and some medical treatment issues need to be addressed within the league, but this was done as a smokescreen to take away from ABs inability to act rationally in emotionally stressed situations.

Will he take his own life like Seau? Will he kill his wife and kids like Chris Benoit? Will he shoot at helicopters or die in a fiery car crash like Ernie Holmes? Or will he die destitute and homeless by separating himself from everyone like Mike Webster? Jury is out, but for AB and his continuing inability to handle strong emotions, it is not going to end well.
As soon as I saw the video I responded with one word, Burfict. That hit changed AB's life. It is a shame to see someone so talent and he can't control himself. We don't know how his story will end, only that it will end very poorly.
Bruce Arians is in some deep ****. He flat out lied…He turns left and looks away from the question on camera…so easy to spot…

Plus that text as a ************. Clearly Bruce Arians knew he was injured.
Who ******* cares? How AB reacted has NOTHING to do with Arians. Quit making excuses for the entitled *******.
I’m just calling it as I see it. Yes Abbys a little ***** but you know what? Bruce Arians was way off on this too.

how bout…**** them both ???
So Arians was off for telling a player, that was healthy enough to do his fairy dance across the end zone after his little tantrum, to go back into the game? Was he off for telling a player that is hurting to play hurt. Well god forbid, you better fire every coach, coordinator, and position coach in the NFL then.
I doubt he made a throat slashing gesture and don't believe bABy for a minute. I believe it feasible he made a "your *** is cut" gesture which might involve moving your hand near your neck. Either way, I'm sure his act wore thin and BA was ready to cut bait.
I remember the good old days when it was never the white guy's fault. What's happening to us?
After reading the Agent& AB’s ramble,I think to myself........ This is all about the upcoming lawsuit vs the Bruce, the Bucs and the NFL.
Just to play devil's advocate, do scientists believe that CTE is a new medical condition? Has it just started in the last 20 years? Guys have been playing football with far inferior equipment for over a hundred years. AB's antics are so far extreme even on top of other players that have been formally diagnosed with CTE. I think CTE is becoming the easy scape goat to blame anytime a player acts like an immature or petulant child. Not saying that he doesn't potentially have CTE, but there have been a LOT of players with CTE that never acted or behaved anywhere close to how AB has. Ryan Clark has said that AB was going to be an issue LONG before the Burfict hit and still early in his career.
CTE is a condition and it's not new though it was discovered in 2002. It's not a diagnosis, since you have to be dead to know for sure if you have it. It was found in our 70s stars since Dr. Omalu discovered CTE and lived in Pittsburgh at the time.

The Berfict hit is moot. AB had CTE with or without that concussion. He's a small player getting hit by larger players every play. In practice, preseason, and games. It adds up over time which leads to CTE. Concussions can happen to anyone, constant head trauma causes CTE. It was called 'punch drunk' in boxing in the early 1900s onward, but the condition still existed. Reduced mental aptitude and inability to control emotional outbursts leading to degenerative mental conditions like bipolar disorder, Alzheimers, and dementia.
I will add, it's showing up more in football because it is a year round sport now. In the olden days with less head protection, this was a weekend sport with minimal practices and zero offseason programs since everyone needed jobs at that time since no one could live off of a professional football salary before the Super Bowl era.
I will add, it's showing up more in football because it is a year round sport now. In the olden days with less head protection, this was a weekend sport with minimal practices and zero offseason programs since everyone needed jobs at that time since no one could live off of a professional football salary before the Super Bowl era.
Plus, I would speculate given the minimal protection the old-time helmets gave, players didn’t use them in the same violent manner as they do now.
I had a college coach once tell me that the difference between an amateur and professional is how you deal with adversity. It's not the adversity that you measure a person with, it's how they respond to and deal with the adversity. Lets just pretend for one minute that AB is telling the truth that BA wanted him to play on an injured ankle and told him to leave the field when he refused. That has NOTHING to do with how he chose to leave the field. His actions had NOTHING to do with anything that BA told him. AB is just another immature and entitled athlete that has to blame someone else for everything he has ever done in his entire life. He has no concept of responsibility or accountability. If parents want to know why we have such an issue with entitlement in HS, and youth athletes...look what they see on TV, and then watch the owners that keep coddling to it because of a perceived incentive on the field. No owner or coach that has touched AB after his release from the Raiders had better NEVER comment on entitlement or the change in athletes as they continue to condone these actions.
He did help the Buccs win a superbowl last year?
He did help the Buccs win a superbowl last year?
His whole 480 yards of receiving on the season and 4TD? Or was it the 3 catches for 20 yards in the SB? He was largely the #4 receiver behind Godwin, Evans, and Gronk.
His whole 480 yards of receiving on the season and 4TD? Or was it the 3 catches for 20 yards in the SB? He was largely the #4 receiver behind Godwin, Evans, and Gronk.
The TD he caught in the SB likely helped.
The TD he caught in the SB likely helped.
Is his "perceived incentives" worth the cancer that comes along with him. That was the whole point of my original post. Is rewarding his narcissistic behavior offset by his production. I would say it is not even close and hasn't been since he left Pittsburgh.
Notice AB waited a number of days to release his statement. Probably read various defenses of his actions and put together this statement. Smart move I guess.
Trust me, AB took no part in writing any of that. It's from someone with an intelligent level of atleast a high school graduate so that rules him out.
I had a college coach once tell me that the difference between an amateur and professional is how you deal with adversity. It's not the adversity that you measure a person with, it's how they respond to and deal with the adversity. Lets just pretend for one minute that AB is telling the truth that BA wanted him to play on an injured ankle and told him to leave the field when he refused. That has NOTHING to do with how he chose to leave the field. His actions had NOTHING to do with anything that BA told him. AB is just another immature and entitled athlete that has to blame someone else for everything he has ever done in his entire life. He has no concept of responsibility or accountability. If parents want to know why we have such an issue with entitlement in HS, and youth athletes...look what they see on TV, and then watch the owners that keep coddling to it because of a perceived incentive on the field. No owner or coach that has touched AB after his release from the Raiders had better NEVER comment on entitlement or the change in athletes as they continue to condone these actions.
I agree that the way he quit was ridiculous and beyond stupid. He could have had a case to a sue if he had done things the right way
AB has CTE. You can't wish him to get better because he can't. He can't 'find the help he needs' because you can't repair plaqued damage to the cerebral cortex. He can't control his emotions, which is why he has these emotional outbursts at anytime for any reason. TX is right, AB's life is going to end violently, and unfortunately it will be when he is still young.

I talked with DK at the Podcasters dinner he hosted for us on Sunday night and he told me AB was the most appreciative, nicest guy in the locker room his first few years in the league. He didn't change until his 2nd contract. CTE is progressive, and builds upon previous damage over hundreds and thousands of hits. He is small in stature, and he's tough, but his brain felt every hit. It's why he's gotten progressively worse each year at being able to control his emotional outbursts each year. His poor decision making is now his MO. He is irrational, irritable, and violent/ aggressive toward women and strangers. He can't improve, he's only going to get worse.

There is no test you can do for CTE yet while the person is alive, since you have to slice the brain and look at it under a microscope, but if there was ever a case study for increased irrational emotional outbursts over time, this is it. The statement put out by his lawyer/agent is not going to help AB at all. Just another way to make his uncontrollable behavior seem justified. Don't get me wrong there are some dangerous practices in the NFL that have never been attacked this publicly and some medical treatment issues need to be addressed within the league, but this was done as a smokescreen to take away from ABs inability to act rationally in emotionally stressed situations.

Will he take his own life like Seau? Will he kill his wife and kids like Chris Benoit? Will he shoot at helicopters or die in a fiery car crash like Ernie Holmes? Or will he die destitute and homeless by separating himself from everyone like Mike Webster? Jury is out, but for AB and his continuing inability to handle strong emotions, it is not going to end well.
Why don't any of the other 100s of players in the NFL with CTE act out like this?

You realize AB was kicked out school before he ended up at Central Michigan, right? He was a great high school player, why do you think he wasn't highly recruited to big D1 schools? Character issues is why. Why do you think he lasted until the 6th round in the NFL draft? Character issues. Why do you think players during his time here all have stories about his character problems (Clark, Ike, Troy, Arthur Moates...etc). Please stop with the CTE ****. That's a free pass for him to act however he wants with no consequence cause everyone just feels bad for him.

He's a POS, plain and simple. Once he got his big contract, his ego inflated to untouchable level. He stayed off campus during training camps and lived by his own rules. If you don't believe he was a piece of garbage before the NFL, look it up.
Not necessarily. Any player rostered by any team gets an exemption if that player is serving a suspension. So even if he was rostered, it wouldn't cost a team that roster slot while he was serving his suspension.

Though I get the argument of not being able to serve a suspension if you're not rostered, though Josh Gordon did a couple seasons that way.

Thanks for the explanO and it does make it easier to understand for me.

I also want to point out in doing so on the exempt list it also makes it easier for teams to sighn him knowing what the suspention is.

I'm glad to have watched one of the greatest wide receivers all time play on my beloved steelers team. I'm not so glad of the variations of human he has shown in his dark side antics.

I do want him to get the help we all seem to think he needs.

Salute the nation
My first thought was those texts looked fake. Why did Arians have to tell him who he was if Brown knew who he was texting with?
Arians gave his account today which was both believable and would have been a huge risk if it's a lie. Said AB bitched about targets at halftime. The players talked him off ledge. He never alerted the training staff of an injury( he wouldn't say this if AB had) he wouldn't go out with the receiving package he was assigned. The position coach tried to get him to move. Arians walked up and said get the **** outta here you are done. I guess he had the right to leave then. Probably not the way he did.
After watching AB's conduct or lack thereof -(Remember the incident in the locker room when Big Ben was trying to rally the team and AB was recording it so he could be sure his Business was BOOMIN) in Pittsburgh, in New England, the circus in Oakland, now Las Vegas and Finally Tampa Bay is anyone seriously defending this guy on this?

BTW watched Coach Arians comments about what happened. Sure seems credible to me AND consistent with AB's previous conduct.
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Trust me, AB took no part in writing any of that. It's from someone with an intelligent level of atleast a high school graduate so that rules him out.
Yeah, probably. My point was whoever wrote it just waited a few days instead of reacting immediately and allowed some others to speculate and make excuses for Antonio Brown. Like the jackass Florio. Then they used some of those things.