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Are the Republicans united?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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For the first time since Trump was elected, I would say YES.

While the tax cuts were a big win, there's more to it than just that.

The courts have finally supported Trump's travel bam of Muslim nations who use terrorism.

Democrats and the press continue to be the party of no with no alternative plan and aren't being fair in investigations either

For Example, Clinton has no tape when the FBI interviews her. Sure, that is fair.

Now is the time to get together again and build a better wall and complete Donald's vision is America first corporations making brick and mortar locations in the USA, and strategic infrastructure improvement.

Obamacare is being minimized, thanks to the new tax bill. It will eventually self implode.
Tax cuts aren't done yet. The House and Senate still need to agree on something. And, I think most felt the Supreme Court would rule in Trumps favor on the ban. It was the extremely liberal lower courts in California and other libtard areas that ruled against the ban trying to use campaign rhetoric as their reason. I am actually shocked the vote wasn't 9-0. What he did was 100% within his power and 2 justices still played politics from the bench. We can only hope Trump gets one or two more justices on the bench and preferably to replace one of the extreme libtard justices. The Supreme Court should be black and white and all about the constitution and not legislating from the bench or playing politics.
The Dems are FINISHED - another one bites the dust

John Conyers retires

Detroit (CNN)Embattled Democratic Rep. John Conyers told a Detroit area radio show that he'll step down from his seat in Congress Tuesday, the first member of Congress to resign amid a nationwide reckoning over sexual harassment in the workplace.


Conyers, who spoke for the first time in public since returning to his home district amid allegations of sexual harassment, announced his retirement on Mildred Gaddis' radio show in Detroit. He endorsed his son to replace him in Congress.

"My legacy can't be compromised or diminished in any way by what we're going through now," he said, calling in from a local hospital.



bwahahahah - his 'legacy' is **** - just like Obama
Conyers saga puts spotlight on Pelosi's weak leadership

The Democratic Party's worse problem raised its ugly head once again during its mishandling of the Rep. John Conyers saga.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi appeared on television a week ago Sunday and called for a calm and due process for Conyers, the dean of Congress, while the House completed an ethics probe.

She seemed to question the credibility of some women accusing him of sexual harassment, saying she didn’t know them and that it was up to the House Ethics Committee to judge them. She called Conyers an icon who had earned due process.

Pelosi was skewered for her remarks, so she did an abrupt about-face and called on Conyers to resign. And some Democrats — and Republicans — piled on.

Meanwhile, behind closed doors, negotiations with Conyers and his family had been nearing a compromise, according to sources familiar with the process: That he would enter the hospital, step down for health reasons — and hopefully, take the Conyers story off the front pages of the nation’s newspapers.

Conyers announced on the radio today that he would retire, ending a 53-year career and endorsing his son, John Conyers III, to run for his seat.

But if the Democratic Party thinks that people aren’t upset about this, it is not spending enough time talking with black and women voters, an apparent misstep that helped cost the party the presidential election last year.

Is the party, Pelosi, and Democratic leaders, treating the cases of Conyers and Franken differently because of race?

And if the party thinks that black and female voters won’t remember this period during the 2018 and 2020 elections, they are wrong.

It will play. It will play big.

I'm united to keeping as many leftist socialists..aka the ones running the democrat party...
out of power as possible. Whomever that may be. I'd like to see more real conservatives and libertarians involved as well.
I'd have to say no they're not Coach. They woulda preferred their status quo over DJT. That hasn't changed despite a few legislative victories.
I'd have to say no they're not Coach. They woulda preferred their status quo over DJT. That hasn't changed despite a few legislative victories.

I disagree. Dems can not win at election day so they are using the media to force a narrative that offers many double standards. Its as bad as I have ever seen it.

This will help Rep's band together.

Dem's will try to block everything, but as this victory and the supreme court nomination that was confirmed shows they can't!

Being pragmatic, the entire lot can change for the better. Only a few RINO's in the Senate need to be greased, and hopefully they will be replaced to retirement, or party primary defeat.

Tax reform and the courts swing their way. So does the travel ban. Soon the Wall can be built IF they once again join together.
I disagree. Dems can not win at election day so they are using the media to force a narrative that offers many double standards. Its as bad as I have ever seen it.

This will help Rep's band together.
That plus I think the biased media will push the centrist voters into the GOP camp.
The Reps in Congress are seeing that the Trump Train still has momentum despite everything the Dems and media have been throwing at him. They may not agree with him but they can read the tea leaves and want to be reelected.

I don't think they are united. I think they see the writing on the wall for 18. Get in line or lose your job. They gonna act up again after that, I guarantee it.
That plus I think the biased media will push the centrist voters into the GOP camp.
The Reps in Congress are seeing that the Trump Train still has momentum despite everything the Dems and media have been throwing at him. They may not agree with him but they can read the tea leaves and want to be reelected.

Exactly. The republicans are finally starting to realize that MAGA! is far bigger than they are. They should be getting nervous about the primaries. We don’t forget how they sided with the socialists against Trump for most of this year. It’s now the America First party. Those corrupt ******** can go to hell.
Exactly. The republicans are finally starting to realize that MAGA! is far bigger than they are. They should be getting nervous about the primaries. We don’t forget how they sided with the socialists against Trump for most of this year. It’s now the America First party. Those corrupt ******** can go to hell.

My guy in the House is a Republican and a pretty good one but his support for Trump prior to the election was rather tepid and I was disappointed. I think he was waiting to see which way the wind was blowing.

you cant trust have the "republicans" that are in office.
We're gonna find out

House will vote on concealed carry reciprocity bill

Washington (CNN) -- The House will vote Wednesday on a bill that would let gun owners with permits to carry concealed weapons travel to other states with their concealed firearms.

The bill is a top priority of the National Rifle Association, and since leaving committee it has been combined with an additional measure that is designed to update the federal background check system after holes were exposed by November's mass shooting at a church in Texas.

The move to merge the two pieces of legislation makes it a difficult vote for Democrats.

They are starting to gel since the tax cut victory, I'm not convinced Trump is all that conservative myself but I know for a fact he is more conservative that Hildebeast and a good many in the GOPe.
They are starting to gel since the tax cut victory, I'm not convinced Trump is all that conservative myself but I know for a fact he is more conservative that Hildebeast and a good many in the GOPe.

Trump is a pragmatist and will look at what works. What works is usually Conservatism.
Exactly. The republicans are finally starting to realize that MAGA! is far bigger than they are. They should be getting nervous about the primaries. We don’t forget how they sided with the socialists against Trump for most of this year. It’s now the America First party. Those corrupt ******** can go to hell.

First the house, repeal aca!!!, then the senate, we can't we need the white house!!!, then Trump. And songbird mccain thumbs down full repeal. Nearly a year later, they're still underhandedly looking for anything, anything to kick him out of their club. And don't forget their treatment of tea party patriots, where, imo this all started.

Indy is spot on here. MAGA is a much bigger tsunami than they know. Bigger than Trump, he's the embodiment of a very pissed constituency. The perfect candidate at the perfect time because our USA was headed over the cliff after fbp.

2018 is gonna be a bloodbath for the career GOP, and the irrelevant dems. Deservedly so.
Trump is a pragmatist and will look at what works. What works is usually Conservatism.

You nailed it.

One thing that must frustrate the Democrats is they cannot silence Trump or scare him. His convictions are strong, and he is as politically fearless as they come.

I used to think Trump should slow down on social media posts, but I think he has improved a bit in this department and is now using social media to report the good news that Democratically owned media will not touch.

With what seems like his first big legal win under his belt, the time to change laws is NOW, do not wait until the 2018 midterms, even though I suspect it will be a red wave for the Senate.

My vision for the wall is not just a concrete and metallic structure, but a border defense that uses drones, a rail/road system on a train for " mobile bases," and the use of satellite imagery to decent underground tunnels. Make it happen!

The Wall is not just to keep illegal immigrants out; it can also limit human trafficking and hardcore drugs.
If they can get the tax reform done and then get repealing and replacing Odumbfuckcare done, then I'll say they are united.
The "wall" has never been about an actually structure. It's completely figurative. Always has been. It's a way to symbolize the IMPORTANCE of border control in a very easy metaphor.

Will there be new walls? Yes.

Will there be walls along the entire 1700 mile border? No way. You can google maps the entire length of our border and believe me there are places that don't need a wall. Nature is doing just fine creating barriers.

But there are currently bad places that need a lot of improvement in border control. Democrats/media/Tibs don't like to talk about this much but 30 years ago the flood of illegals was coming across the California border. So Clinton and Congress built almost 700 miles of wall along California and Arizona. Magically (what a surprise to democrats today), it actually helped control illegal crossing. You can still see the entire wall on Google Maps.... just go down to street view on Rt. 2 in Mexico (what an auspicious road that was designed for).

But after that "wall" was built, the Mexicans have moved to other locations. They moved further "west". Border towns like Naco and Douglas/Agua Prieta, Arizona kind of "boomed" because of illegal activity. El Paso, TX got pretty bad. More "walls" were built (no one cared back then).

Today, the worst place for illegal crossing is down in Texas, all the way at the bottom of the Rio Grande. This area needs walls but they have been hard to build because the river winds so much and geography is difficult. That's where Trump's "Wall" is going to make the most difference. You follow where the illegals go and you build/enforce the law. Period.

Believe me, we can fill in the gaps in Arizona left without a wall (there isn't much). We can improve the walls built per Clinton in the late 1990's (definitely worth while). And we need to greatly improve physical barriers in Texas (which is where the biggest problem of illegals exists right now).

Thank goodness we have a President that finally cares about this ****.
If they can get the tax reform done and then get repealing and replacing Odumbfuckcare done, then I'll say they are united.

Ah, but the new tax bill makes it illegal to tax those who opt not to purchase health insurance. A fine way to make the Obamacare, which is a ripoff out of the gate, even more expensive.

Health Care is a political hot potato. Letting Omabacare die on the vine, while taking away some of its funding with bills like this is best.

House OKs GOP Bill Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans rammed a bill through the House on Wednesday that would make it easier for gun owners to legally carry concealed weapons across state lines, the first significant action on guns in Congress since mass shootings in Nevada and Texas killed more than 80 people.

The House approved the bill, 231-198, largely along party lines. Six Democrats voted yes, while 14 Republicans voted no.

The measure would allow gun owners with a state-issued concealed-carry permit to carry a handgun in any state that allows concealed weapons. It now goes to the Senate.


House OKs GOP Bill Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans rammed a bill through the House on Wednesday that would make it easier for gun owners to legally carry concealed weapons across state lines, the first significant action on guns in Congress since mass shootings in Nevada and Texas killed more than 80 people.

The House approved the bill, 231-198, largely along party lines. Six Democrats voted yes, while 14 Republicans voted no.

The measure would allow gun owners with a state-issued concealed-carry permit to carry a handgun in any state that allows concealed weapons. It now goes to the Senate.


My driver's license is valid in all 50 states but there is no Constitutional right to a driver's license.