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Woke here! get your WOKE here! Most WOKE ever! Get it here! WOKE! WOKE! WOKE!

I'm pretty much sure that everything is considered racist these days. I was told by my boss that me not having a speeding ticket since 1987 was a result of my White Privilege. I told her that I thought it was more a result of me making it a point of driving carefully. She didn't really have an answer. ;)

I do.

I'm pretty much sure that everything is considered racist these days. I was told by my boss that me not having a speeding ticket since 1987 was a result of my White Privilege. I told her that I thought it was more a result of me making it a point of driving carefully. She didn't really have an answer. ;)

one of the top 10 racist things ever said on the entire internet
send a text to Ark and he'll show you what you win.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Unless JMM is a (D)im, in which case the Constitution does not apply to him.
I'm pretty much sure that everything is considered racist these days. I was told by my boss that me not having a speeding ticket since 1987 was a result of my White Privilege. I told her that I thought it was more a result of me making it a point of driving carefully. She didn't really have an answer. ;)

There are some simple rules to follow when approached by police.
1, Cooperate
2. Keep your hands where they could see them.
3. Don't give attitude.
4, Don't try to escape by running or speeding away.
5. Don't assault the cop and try to take his weapon.

These suggestions seem like common sense to me, and it shocks me when some disregard them.
I could be wrong, but I perceive that more poor whites live in rural areas of the country, while blacks tend to live in the inner cities. No idea if this would be a factor or not.

But there are enclaves of whites in cities that are poor. If the only issue is poverty and location why aren't there rates the same as blacks?
But there are enclaves of whites in cities that are poor. If the only issue is poverty and location why aren't there rates the same as blacks?

The idea that poverty causes crime is an absolute lie. One of the poorest areas in the United States in 1960 was the Asian section of San Francisco. That area also had the lowest crime rate imaginable.

During the 1960s, one neighborhood in San Francisco was the most destitute of all. It had the lowest income. The highest unemployment rate. The highest proportion of families with incomes under $4,000 per year. The least educational attainment. The highest tuberculosis rate. And the highest proportion of substandard housing of any area in the city.

Members of this neighborhood experienced social isolation and prejudice. They endured substandard living conditions. They were subjected to racist legislation. They were denied access to public schools. They were not allowed to testify against whites in criminal trials. They were singled out for discriminatory taxation. They were “relocated” from their homes during wartime and sent to camps out in the desert on the suspicion that some of them could have become spies.

That neighborhood was Chinatown.

And yet, in 1965, just five persons of Chinese ancestry were sent to prison in the entire state of California. Going all the way back into the 1920s, the Chinese and Japanese in California were under-represented in crime by a factor of two.

Steel time is implying that being taught right from wrong is more of a factor than skin color in commission of crimes. That’s racist.
Steel time is implying that being taught right from wrong is more of a factor than skin color in commission of crimes. That’s racist.

It is also racist to hold people of color to white standards of behavior.
Steel time is implying that being taught right from wrong is more of a factor than skin color in commission of crimes. That’s racist.

it's racist that you point out the very fact that Steeltime is racist.
it's racist that you point out the very fact that Steeltime is racist.

Steeltime is also a sexist homophobe bigot and evil one percenter. Just like Ark.

The next thing he will tell us is that the 70% rate a bastardy in the black community is why their children are not learning right from wrong.
It would never happen but I think a great SNL skit or maybe a Mel Brooks short piece would have a humble white guy simply walking driving to and walking into his office preferably at a public university and each time a co-worker passes him, they throw lines at him like "stop being so racist" or "white supremacist" or remark about his "Whiteness" or his "white privilege". The guy is doing nothing wrong other than going to work, doing his job and going home. He eventually has enough and jumps out of his office and lands on a black person's car. Passers by then continue to throw remarks at the body for messing up the guy's car. :)
Steeltime is also a sexist homophobe bigot and evil one percenter. Just like Ark.

The next thing he will tell us is that the 70% rate a bastardy in the black community is why their children are not learning right from wrong.

I keep thinking its gonna be a three way ticket: Hooker, Booker and Buttplug.

If Biden is still in it by the convention look for a replay of Chicago '68. I still think the base will insist on Sen. Harris because she's black AND female, with Buttplug as VP. The ONLY way the Dem party can nominate a white man now is if he's gay. That's why Buttplug is in this, he knows that. He WILL be the VP.

Then President Trump will still be known as "45", this time because he won 45 states.
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