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Bathhouse Barry and the Mail-Ins ... What could go wrong??

It will be a miracle if Trump is re-elected.

After all is said and done, with mail-in votes coming in after the election, the uncertainty they're going to create and all of the litigation, nobody's going to know who really won. So yeah, I'm leaning this way too. Good job, Communist scum.

Where you at now, Nadler?
This election is going to make the hanging chad BS seem like a walk in the park. That election was contested out to January if I'm not mistaken when the Supreme Court settled it. If it happens again, no doubt who Roberts will side with.
I'm coming to the same conclusion. The early voting, mail in / drop in ballot **** is ridiculous. No matter who wins, how can anyone take the results as being legitimate? That's the one thing we had going for this country was an overall legitimate form of voting, now that's been flushed down the *******. Is this going to be the way it will be from now on? Why not just vote online, no way that could be hacked?

or ... and this is a great idea ... vote via ... e-mail!
Email, text, what the hell? Probably as legitimate as a box left out in the public square where you can drop your neighbor's ballot after filling it out for them while they are on vacation.
And imagine the suspense when Cruella announces the results of the (D)im run, (D)im controlled voting ...

This is from my ****-hole county. Remember Kids for Cash? That was us! Great area, can't wait to get out.


Feds: 9 Trump votes discarded in Luzerne County

A federal investigation into irregularities with mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Bureau of Elections has turned up nine discarded ballots that were cast for President Donald Trump, U.S. Attorney David J. Freed said Thursday.

In a prepared statement issued by his office, Freed said FBI agents and Pennsylvania State Police who began investigating "potential issues" with a small number of ballots earlier this week determined a small number of military ballots had been discarded.

"Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time," Freed said. "Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump."

The statement said the investigation is ongoing and that the Luzerne County Bureau of Elections has been cooperative.

Freed said he expects to share up-to-date findings later Thursday with officials in Luzerne County.

"It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted," Freed said.

Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis' office began investigating potential issues with some mail-in ballots that were received last week prior to consulting with the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Federal authorities took the lead in the case at the request of Salavantis on Monday, although county detectives were continuing to assist.

Salavantis, a Republican, previously said she believed the issue would not impact the Nov. 3 election results.

"We are confident that it will be successfully resolved so it will not have an impact on the integrity of the election process," Salavantis said earlier this week.

The election bureau plans to start sending out mail-in ballots the first week of October, depending on further state or court actions that might impact the ballot.

County Manager David Pedri thanked Salavantis and Freed on Thursday for their professional work investigating the situation.

"The county will continue to work in cooperation with the authorities throughout their review," Pedri said.
This election is going to make the hanging chad BS seem like a walk in the park. That election was contested out to January if I'm not mistaken when the Supreme Court settled it. If it happens again, no doubt who Roberts will side with.

I can't wait to see how many Democrat precincts have more votes cast for Biden than they have total registered voters.
I can't wait to see how many Democrat precincts have more votes cast for Biden than they have total registered voters.

It won't matter since it's dem controlled precincts. Now if Rep. controlled precincts had more votes than people the FBI and DOJ would be in with both feet. I've never understood how many of these places are never investigated for clear voter fraud... makes no sense at all.
project veritas with a mail in fraud scheme involving Omar. Sure to be big new right.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZWK56l2VaLY" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I can't wait to see how many Democrat precincts have more votes cast for Biden than they have total registered voters.

I had conversation with my brother in PA.

The list was too long to go down in comparison to Florida with power hungry restrictions

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I had conversation with my brother in PA.

The list was too long to go down in comparison to Florida with power hungry restrictions

Best-case scenario, I think President Trump wins the same states he won last time and wins the electoral votes handily while losing the popular vote again and driving the Libs nuts with calls to abolish the Electoral College. Which won't happen since it will take a Constitutional amendment and you won't get 2/3 of the states to surrender their power to elect a President. I can see him losing PA because there are a lot of stupid people out east.
Tens of Thousands of Cases of Possible Voter Fraud Cited in New Report

One of the constant refrains from those who oppose election reforms designed to protect the security and integrity of the voting process is that serious vote fraud is a myth. But as a shocking new report from the Public Interest Legal Foundation shows, those naysayers could not be more wrong.

The foundation’s report, “Critical Condition,” highlights the severity of the problem: inaccurate voter rolls, duplicate registrations, dead voters, and incomplete registrations—all of which allow fraud by those willing to exploit vulnerabilities in the system.

The foundation discovered more than 140,000 instances of potential election fraud in the 2016 and 2018 elections, ranging from individuals illegally voting in multiple states to someone voting in the name of a deceased person.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation created the type of database that President Donald Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity wanted to create, but was prevented from doing so by numerous frivolous lawsuits filed by the left.

Many state governors and election officials also refused to provide data to the commission, which is why it was shut down before it could even do any research. The foundation obtained voter registration and voter history data from 42 states. It had to sue three states—Illinois, Maine, and Maryland—to get what is supposed to be public information after they refused to comply with their own laws.

All of this information was put into the Safeguarding America’s Votes and Elections database. It was then supplemented with information from other commercial and government data sources, such as credit agencies, obituaries, and the Social Security Death Index.

By supplementing the voter registration information, the Public Interest Legal Foundation was able to sift out as many “false positives” as possible. A false positive in data comparisons occurs when two different individuals have the same name and birthdate.

For example, “John James Smith” born July 4, 1976, appearing on two state voter registration lists may actually be two different people. By leveraging other identifying information, such as commercial data, Social Security numbers, and credit address histories, one can eliminate most, if not all, false positives that have plagued prior reports from other entities. The foundation now has what it says is “the best platform ever constructed to analyze the health of voter rolls and catalog potential vote fraud vulnerabilities.”

So, what did the Public Interest Legal Foundation uncover?

There are currently 349,773 deceased registrants on the voter rolls in 41 states. The worst states in this regard are Michigan, Florida, New York, Texas, and California, which account for roughly 51% of the dead voters who are still mistakenly registered.

Even worse, state records show that 7,890 of these deceased voters cast ballots from the grave in the 2016 presidential election and 6,718 did so in the 2018 congressional elections.

If that weren’t bad enough, the foundation also found that:

— 8,360 individuals registered and voted in two different states during the 2018 election.

— 43,760 individuals were registered more than once at the same address and cast second votes in the 2016 election, while 37,889 individuals appeared to have voted twice from the same registration address in 2018. (Thousands of these apparent double votes were exclusively mail-in ballots.)

— 5,500 voters cast ballots twice in the same state from two different registration addresses in 2018.

34,000 voters appeared to have used nonresidential, commercial addresses—such as gas stations, casinos, and restaurants—to register to vote.

In 2018, the foundation’s research found that 17 ballots were cast from a self-storage facility in Compton, California, and four ballots were cast from the NPR headquarters in Culver City, California.

The Heritage Election Fraud Database of almost 1,300 proven cases of fraud is just a sampling and not a comprehensive list of election fraud cases. As we note, it “does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted.” Those reported cases are likely just the tip of the iceberg.

As the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s report shows, there are 144,117 other potential cases of election fraud, just from the last two federal elections. These should be investigated by election officials and prosecuted by law enforcement officials if the information it uncovered is correct.
