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Bernie Sanders Introduces New Version of GND


Absolutely Worthless
Jul 27, 2015
Reaction score
Barn in the Back
Bernie Sanders’ version of the Green New Deal will accomplish the same nothing, but for a mere $16T
by Becket Adams
August 22, 2019

With the exit this week of Washington Gov. Jay Inslee from the 2020 Democratic primary, there is an opening now for one of the remaining candidates to become the champion of climate change.

It looks like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders wants to be that candidate.

The Vermont senator’s campaign on Thursday unveiled his version of the Green New Deal, a measure first proposed by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey. Like the original nonbinding resolution championed by the New York congresswoman, Sanders’ proposal promises to create millions of jobs while also eliminating the need for fossil fuels. And such as the plan of the same name unveiled in February, Sanders’ pitch promises to deliver a “more just and equitable future.”

All this for the low, low cost of just $16.3 trillion, according to the senator’s own estimates. Sure, that may be a lot of money, but it is considerably cheaper than the Ocasio-Cortez deal, which could cost anywhere between $52 trillion and $93 trillion.

Sanders’ scheme calls specifically for the elimination of fossil fuels by the year 2050. In return, the senator promises an additional 20 million jobs.

“The climate crisis is not only the single greatest challenge facing our country,” the senator’s plan states, “it is also our single greatest opportunity to build a more just and equitable future, but we must act immediately.”

It adds, “We need a president who has the courage, the vision, and the record to face down the greed of fossil fuel executives and the billionaire class who stand in the way of climate action. We need a president who welcomes their hatred. Bernie will lead our country to enact the Green New Deal and bring the world together to defeat the existential threat of climate change.”

To fight the deleterious effects of climate change, Sanders proposes the following allocation of public funds:

$40 billion for “frontline communities and “under-resourced groups” to “recover from, and prepare for,” climate change.
$200 billion for the Green Climate Fund.- $681 billion for “low- and moderate-income families and small businesses for a trade-in program to get old cars off the road.”
$1.52 trillion for investing in renewable energy - $852 billion to build “energy storage capacity.”
$526 billion for investing in a “modern, high-volt, underground, renewable, direct current, smart, electric transmission and distribution grid will ensure our transition to 100 percent sustainable energy is safe and smooth.”
$964 billion for “sliding-scale grants for low- and moderate-income families and small businesses to invest in cheaper electricity for these needs.”
$2.09 trillion in grants to low- and moderate–income families and small businesses to “trade in their fossil fuel-dependent vehicles for new electric vehicles.”
$85.6 billion for building “a national electric vehicle charging infrastructure network similar to the gas stations and rest stops we have today.”
$407 billion in “grants for states to help school districts and transit agencies replace all school and transit buses with electric buses.”
$216 billion to replace all diesel tractor trailer trucks with “fast-charging and long-range electric trucks.”
$300 billion to “increase public transit ridership by 65 percent by 2030.”
$607 billion for a regional high-speed rail system that would “complete the vision of the Obama administration to develop high-speed intercity rail in the United States.”
$30 billion for a solar energy storage initiative.
$100 billion to decrease the cost of a new electric vehicle to “at most $18,000.”
$500 billion to research technologies “to fully decarbonize industry.”
$150 billion to “fully decarbonize aviation and maritime shipping and transportation.”
$75 billion to improve roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure.
And much, much more.

The senator’s campaign promises the plan will pay for itself within 15 years, in part by making the fossil fuel industry “pay for their pollution, through litigation, fees, and taxes, and eliminating federal fossil fuel subsidies.” Who knew you could tax and sue $16 trillion out of a domestic industry with a market cap that's a small fraction of that amount.

Most interesting of all, however, is what is largely missing from the 35-page climate change document.

China is mentioned only five times and India is mentioned once. Neither country is recognized explicitly for being the world's leaders in pollution, adding on more than enough carbon emissions to offset any U.S. reductions. Sanders’ proposal never once explains how he intends to address either country's carbon footprint. Nor could he.

In fact, one of the only mentions of China appears in the context of accusing the United States of outsourcing its pollution to foreign countries, which only underscores the point. Another mention of China comes in the context of the senator promising to “support less industrialized nations in the Global South, excluding China, to help them reduce emissions by 36 percent from 2017 levels by 2030.” Also, the word “nuclear” appears only five times throughout the entire document. These mentions appear in a single paragraph, which calls for an end to “the building of new nuclear power plants" and for "a real solution to our existing nuclear waste problem.”

In other words, this proposal isn't serious. But at least it costs a lot less than the earlier one!

Link https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/bernie-sanders-version-of-the-green-new-deal-will-accomplish-the-same-nothing-but-for-a-mere-16-trillion

This is of course a fantasy, but how you going to produce all of that electricity without fossil fuels or nuclear, Bernie?
I always believe anyone that tells me "it'll pay for itself ".
completely delusional

We will fund a $500 billion effort to research technologies to fully decarbonize industry, and a $150 billion effort to fully decarbonize aviation and maritime shipping and transportation.

What exactly does he mean by decarbonizing an industry? Make planes fly without fuel? A fully electric plane? Is that what he has in mind? A fully electric tanker or cargo ship, one that has never been invented yet?

Better learn how to make candles.

Cotton will have to be picked by hand again.
completely delusional

We will fund a $500 billion effort to research technologies to fully decarbonize industry, and a $150 billion effort to fully decarbonize aviation and maritime shipping and transportation.

What exactly does he mean by decarbonizing an industry? Make planes fly without fuel? A fully electric plane? Is that what he has in mind?

Nope. Batshit Bernie's proposed method of air travel - CARBON FREE!!



And an exemplar of the success of (D)im ideas for the economy (tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, foodstamps, illegals, tax, tax, tax, tax, foodstamps for illegals, illegals for foodstamps, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax and tax):

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Supe’s ROYGBIV New Deal

Named as such so it is all-encompassing and inclusive of all people of color, off-color, in-between and out of bounds to include those of the historical two genders, as well as those of the now identified LGBT community and people who identify as non-sexual, asexual, binary, tri-binary, salamanders, aardvarks, tree bark, silent farts and greenies, weenies, preenies, outies, innies, and any others not exclusively identified in this rambling run-on sentence resembling a paragraph.

A few of the ideas Supe proposes the following allocation of public funds identified for use as he sees fit:

  • $400 Billion for the support of Single Mother households across the country to be distributed one at a time while loud music plays in the background and watered down, over-priced drinks are eagerly poured by a single-mom who still clutches to shyness.
  • $200 Billion for the distribution of distilled spirits to all American citizens to promote peace, love and harmony
  • $2.5 trillion to be used for the research, design and implementation of infrastructure for the portability of upright individuals identifying as “male” that would connect all metropolises to businesses utilizing flashing neon signs advertising the work of the historical other gender.
  • $1 Billion for the re-integration to society for four-legged beings with judicial history *must bark, **** cats*
  • $50 Billion for the continued expanse of the Cannabis Industry
  • $500 Billion to be paid to the successful bagging of terrorists, socialists, communists, Sharia Law promoters, Illegal Coyotes, Pedophiles, Rapists and Sex Offenders when convicted (no-limit on bag)
  • Restoration of public executions paid for by PPV at $99/event and allowing bidders to choose the method of execution – all proceeds diverted to pay for National Public College Fund.
  • Torture and beating 24/7 of all Ogres
Supe’s ROYGBIV New Deal

Named as such so it is all-encompassing and inclusive of all people of color, off-color, in-between and out of bounds to include those of the historical two genders, as well as those of the now identified LGBT community and people who identify as non-sexual, asexual, binary, tri-binary, salamanders, aardvarks, tree bark, silent farts and greenies, weenies, preenies, outies, innies, and any others not exclusively identified in this rambling run-on sentence resembling a paragraph.

Supe’s ROYGBIV New Deal

Named as such so it is all-encompassing and inclusive of all people of color, off-color, in-between and out of bounds to include those of the historical two genders, as well as those of the now identified LGBT community and people who identify as non-sexual, asexual, binary, tri-binary, salamanders, aardvarks, tree bark, silent farts and greenies, weenies, preenies, outies, innies, and any others not exclusively identified in this rambling run-on sentence resembling a paragraph.

A few of the ideas Supe proposes the following allocation of public funds identified for use as he sees fit:

  • $400 Billion for the support of Single Mother households across the country to be distributed one at a time while loud music plays in the background and watered down, over-priced drinks are eagerly poured by a single-mom who still clutches to shyness.
  • $200 Billion for the distribution of distilled spirits to all American citizens to promote peace, love and harmony
  • $2.5 trillion to be used for the research, design and implementation of infrastructure for the portability of upright individuals identifying as “male” that would connect all metropolises to businesses utilizing flashing neon signs advertising the work of the historical other gender.
  • $1 Billion for the re-integration to society for four-legged beings with judicial history *must bark, **** cats*
  • $50 Billion for the continued expanse of the Cannabis Industry
  • $500 Billion to be paid to the successful bagging of terrorists, socialists, communists, Sharia Law promoters, Illegal Coyotes, Pedophiles, Rapists and Sex Offenders when convicted (no-limit on bag)
  • Restoration of public executions paid for by PPV at $99/event and allowing bidders to choose the method of execution – all proceeds diverted to pay for National Public College Fund.
  • Torture and beating 24/7 of all Ogres

You had me at "torture Ogres."
I love fat girls that think they can zip line. They keep funny video shows in business.
A former communist/socialist, now dead for 11 years, offered numerous insightful, thoughtful and accurate assessments of his former economic system and the state of Western civilization. Keep in mind he made these comments more than 40 years ago, and see how accurate they remain:

When the modern Western states were created, the following principle was proclaimed: governments are meant to serve man, and man lives to be free and to pursue happiness..

The individual's independence from many types of state pressure has been guaranteed; the majority of people have been granted well‐being to an extent their fathers and grandfathers could not even dream about; it has become possible to raise young people according to these ideals, leading them to physical splendor, happiness, possession of material goods, money and leisure, to an almost unlimited freedom of enjoyment. So who should now renounce all this, why and for what should one risk one's precious life in defense of common values, and particularly in such nebulous cases when the security of one's nation must be defended in a distant country?

The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless against certain individuals. It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations.

Destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space. Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as, for example, misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people, motion pictures full of pornography, crime and horror... Life organized legalistically has thus shown its inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil.

The press, too, of course, enjoys the widest freedom. ... Thus we may see terrorists heroized or secret matters, pertaining to one's nation's defense, publicly revealed, or we may witness shameless intrusion on the privacy of well‐known people under the slogan: “Everyone is entitled to know everything.”

But this is a false slogan, characteristic of a false era ; people also have the right not to know, and it is a much more valuable one. The right not to have their divine souls stuffed with gossip, nonsense, vain talk.... Enormous freedom exists for the press, but not for the readership, because newspapers mostly give enough stress and emphasis to those opinions which do not too openly contradict their own and the general trend.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, June, 1978
How many people would Sanders' economic program kill? Thousands? Certainly. Millions? Very possible.

Look, transportation is the lifeblood of the American economic engine, and transportation is powered by fossil fuels. Those fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. don't magically plant themselves, and then appear in supermarkets; they are planted and harvested by these:


Which run on this:


And the food is then driven to the market by these:


Which run on this:


So Sanders is a stupid motherf#cker willing to cut off the United States food supply. So I ask again - how many people is he willing to kill? And why doesn't the fat, stupid, lazy media call out his stupid *** on this obvious topic??
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How about letting the free market and technology do its thing?
You can't shove "green" **** down our throats if the tech isn't there yet. Dummy.