All I drink is draft beer and an occasional tequila shot. You big soppy, stinking *****.
I think that is sexist and offensive to the female members of this esteemed message board. Perhaps you need some forced time out in your comfy safe space.
All I drink is draft beer and an occasional tequila shot. You big soppy, stinking *****.
Words, commie ************. Speak them.
All I drink is draft beer and an occasional tequila shot. You big soppy, stinking *****.
Only drink whole milk ...That ***** would cheer you with apple juice or 2% milk. Maybe a Shirley Temple if he’s not driving.
I think that is sexist and offensive to the female members of this esteemed message board. Perhaps you need some forced time out in your comfy safe space.
That ***** would cheer you with apple juice or 2% milk. Maybe a Shirley Temple if he’s not driving.
It’s so funny how libtards try to cope with despair by blatantly disregarding success and inventing fake failure. Newsflash: President Trump is kicking *** and taking names and his base loves him. 93% approval rating by Republicans, highest in history. You can pretend that you have a shot in 2020, but you morons do not.
Only drink whole milk ...
Especially good with an ice cube when enjoying pasta with marinara sauce, you blow hard Hoosier
Funny, that's not what your wife said to me. She misses the ol' beer keg party nights. Lot's of laughs, good energy, so much fun, with all the guys around. She really hates the smell of whiskey - and Trump's balls - on the breath. She told me that the other day.
Funny, that's not what your wife said to me. She misses the ol' beer keg party nights. Lot's of laughs, good energy, so much fun, with all the guys around. She really hates the smell of whiskey - and Trump's balls - on the breath. She told me that the other day.
The approval rating says a lot more about the Republican Party than it does the unfavorable Trump. Also historical high is the voter turnout that kicked the Republicans out of congress. Only a moron wouldn’t connect those dots.
She owns each and every one of you red hats. Again, hilarious.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I hear the GOP thinks women dancing are scandalous.<br><br>Wait till they find out Congresswomen dance too! ����<br><br>Have a great weekend everyone<a href=""></a></p>— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) <a href="">January 4, 2019</a></blockquote>
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You live and breathe U.S. Constitutional rights in Hungary?Alright Tim, you've worked long and hard, so here is my response. **** you, you ******* jackass. I am the furthest thing from being either a socialist or a communist. I believe in democracy, in the Constitution, in the seperation of powers of government, in private ownership and individual rights and freedoms. I'm an advocate of free market capitalism, it provides for my livelihood. I live and breathe Constitutional rights, and seek it in all walks of life.
That is correct, anywhere you or I travel with a US passport we do so under the aegis and protection of the US constitution. Any other personal questions related to my citizenship, my patriotism, my ethnic and cultural heritage, my views on communism/socialism, my love of country? Or can we get back to discussing the failed policies and illicit acts of Donald Trump?You live and breathe U.S. Constitutional rights in Hungary?
I don't know Sarge. My reactions on this board - in this thread, for instance - have less to do with left-right politics. It's more about reacting to a pretty constant stream of personal attacks, or what I view to be personal attacks. I try to ignore it, take the higher road and not react, but sometimes it just gets too much, and I snap back at those who harp on my ethnicity and insult me with slurs and monikers.I am not in the halls of congress, but if politics plays out in any manner the way it plays on this board, we are ****** as a nation.
I don't know Sarge. My reactions on this board - in this thread, for instance - have less to do with left-right politics. It's more about reacting to a pretty constant stream of personal attacks, or what I view to be personal attacks. I try to ignore it, take the higher road and not react, but sometimes it just gets too much, and I snap back at those who harp on my ethnicity and insult me with slurs and monikers.
In a way, an internet messageboard is the worse possible forum to discuss politics. If we were all sitting around drinking beers at a bar, I'm pretty sure we'd be able to have a cool, dynamic conversation about this stuff, and not call each other dagos, chinks, hunkies, polaks, spics, commies, or ************* and cocksuckers. We would debate, be engaged, probably get frustrated at times, but remain civil and maybe even learn something from each other. I don't mean just you, I mean everyone here with differing poltiical viewpoints.
But online, we're all avatars and user names, mostly anonymous, and have little to lose by attacking and insulting each other instead of engaging in actual conversation. I'm guilty of it as much as anyone. It becomes a virtual pissing contest, manners and morals get thrown aside as the insults and accusations fly.
Thankfully, my interactions with Republicans and conservatives are entirely different in everyday life. It's nothing like the vitriol and outright hatred we see on the board.
I just chalk it up to the realities of arguing on a messageboard, it is what it is.
I'll continue to try not engaging and reacting to the personal attacks on here, just lose my patience on occasion and push back against the loudmouths who have no problem hurling insults and engaging in derision and playground bullying. I haven't lost hope for America, or for civility, open discourse and respecting differing viewpoints. Not sure if we'll ever have that here at SN, but that's a different matter.
Okay, let's nip this AOC owning anybody thing right in the ***, right now.
That is correct, anywhere you or I travel with a US passport we do so under the aegis and protection of the US constitution. Any other personal questions related to my citizenship, my patriotism, my ethnic and cultural heritage, my views on communism/socialism, my love of country? Or can we get back to discussing the failed policies and illicit acts of Donald Trump?
I dunno Steelworth, if you look at this thread, including the title of this thread - SCARY: Hyphen's Green New Deal - and step back and see the number of comments and posts about AOC overall on this board, I think it's pretty safe to say Ocasio-Cortez owns the Trump base. Same thing on FoxNews and other right wing forums. She's living in your heads and occupying an inordinate amount of your thoughts, given she's a first-time congresswomen from a tiny borough in the Bronx and has no definitive role or assertion of power in Congress. She's Bernie Sanders-light yet haunts your dreams and keeps you up at night, staring at the ceiling.
Do I agree with her every political viewpoint? No. But I think she brings some much needed energy and enthusiasm for progressive issues, and can help push the Dems in whatever slight manner to stay true to their core, political beliefs. That's a good thing, in my mind. Does she go overboard and cross the line on occasion? Sure, she's entitled to her own views and opinions. Wake me up when the Democratic caucus on the whole, in the House and Senate begins seriously engaging some of her more extreme proposals. Bernie Sanders has stood for basically the same ideas for decades, and look where that got him.
The irony is, you have the Republican party hijacked and taken hostage by Trump and seem to be okay with it, yet see an imminent, grave danger in a 28-year laughing, dancing Congresswoman on the far left on the Dem side. Strange how that works.
I think it's pretty safe to say Ocasio-Cortez owns the Trump base. Same thing on FoxNews and other right wing forums. She's living in your heads and occupying an inordinate amount of your thoughts, given she's a first-time congresswomen from a tiny borough in the Bronx and has no definitive role or assertion of power in Congress. She's Bernie Sanders-light yet haunts your dreams and keeps you up at night, staring at the ceiling.
Wow. Do you believe that, or do you just make **** up as it suits you?That is correct, anywhere you or I travel with a US passport we do so under the aegis and protection of the US constitution. Any other personal questions related to my citizenship, my patriotism, my ethnic and cultural heritage, my views on communism/socialism, my love of country? Or can we get back to discussing the failed policies and illicit acts of Donald Trump?
Alright Tim, you've worked long and hard, so here is my response. **** you, you ******* jackass.
I am not in the halls of congress, but if politics plays out in any manner the way it plays on this board, we are ****** as a nation. Basically, we have three groups of people in this country. You have the liberal/progressive cult, the Trump cult, and the rest of America that wants to be left the **** alone.
If there is anything good that comes out of any of this, and I do not think there will be when the far left and far right get done ruining a once great nation, maybe, just maybe, there will be a true, viable third party emerge. It is about the only thing left that has any chance of saving America.
In my opinion, the left brought out the worst in the right, and we ended up with Donald Trump. Donald Trump has brought out the worst in the left and we end up with people like AOC, Tlaib and the like. And round and round we go. The nation is in a death spiral with the far left and far right trying to out stupid each other. Can't wait to see what's next.
Alright Tim, you've worked long and hard, so here is my response. **** you, you ******* jackass. I am the furthest thing from being either a socialist or a communist. I believe in democracy, in the Constitution, in the seperation of powers of government, in private ownership and individual rights and freedoms. I'm an advocate of free market capitalism, it provides for my livelihood. I live and breathe Constitutional rights, and seek it in all walks of life.
By definition, that makes me neither a socialist, nor a communist.
Add to that the fact my family - going back roughly sixty years - has been fighting Communism, tooth and nail. The Soviets murdered by grandfather, my dad and uncle fought with their lives on the streets against the Russians. The behemoth, overreaching communist Soviet regime. Down the road, I took the time to read, to study Marxism, Leninism. I understand that school of thought, what a failed system it's proven to be.
You can take your lame insults and scapegoating and shove it up your ***. You really need to up your game. The fact you guys try to alienate me as 'a Hungarian', a paid Soros troll, a communist symphatizer is downright pathetic. I laugh at you and piss on your shoes, you ******* *********.
You guys need to expand your horizons and go have a beer with some Democrats that live in your neighborhood, or maybe someone you work with. Time to inch back from the ledge, if you get my drift.
The fact someone supports social causes, advocates for a more just and decent society, wants government to work for the people does not make one a communist or a socialist. It is just the opposite. It's an insistence that democracy - and those that govern it - is held to the highest standards, for all of our sakes.