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Bernie Sanders - Make America Socialist!

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
In honor of Tibs and his new hero, Bernie Sanders, I figured we should dedicate a thread to the walking mummy himself.

I'll start with this gem. Please, rebut if you shall. Tibs, it includes a nice little rebuttal to "free college for all" and other Disney Land pipe dreams Sanders is offering up.

Have at it boys


Here Are Bernie Sanders' Top 10 Wackiest Ideas


As Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is pulling away from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, people seem to forget the socialist curmudgeon has many ideas that can only be described as certifiably insane. Here are his top 10 wackiest ideas.

1. "Medicare for All." As one of the sections on Sanders' website explains, the presidential candidate is calling for a single-payer healthcare system. Medicare is an example of a single-payer system, which is why Sander calls for "Medicare for All." The problem is that Medicare already faces $43 trillion in unfunded liabilities and denies healthcare claims at a higher rate than any private insurer. "Medicare for all" would drive the country into bankruptcy.

2. $19.6 trillion in tax increases. An analysis by The Washington Examiner determined that Sanders' proposed tax increases total $19.6 trillion over the next ten years. By comparison, the U.S. currently has an estimated $17 trillion economy. Sanders's tax increases would cost more than the entire U.S. economy over the next decade.

3. Breaking up the big banks. One of Sanders's populist rallying cries is calling for the breakup of big banks. In July, Sanders said, "If we are truly serious about ending too big to fail, we have got to break up the largest financial institutions in this country."

Breaking up big banks might sound like good idea if one subscribes to knee-jerk, emotion-based actions, but the laws of economics suggest that Sanders' proposal would result in economic catastrophe, as Bloomberg's Paul Dwyer explains:

It's unclear how regulators would split up, say, JPMorgan Chase, which got bigger after the crisis because the U.S. implored it to absorb Bear Stearns (ditto for Bank of America, which acquired Merrill Lynch and Countrywide). If regulators divided the bank into commercial and investment banking halves, how would they disentangle the interwoven asset and liability threads around the globe? Millions of contracts would have to be renegotiated. Lines of credit might have to be terminated because smaller banks can't afford to finance them.

Using the brute force of government to divide big banks could so destabilize the financial system it might invite another crisis. Would the New York clearinghouse, which is operated by the largest banks to process trillions of dollars in daily payments, continue to work, for example? Would multinational corporations, which rely on global U.S. banks for payroll, short-term credit, bond issuance, currency exchange, hedging needs and many other services, have to switch to foreign banks if smaller U.S. banks can no longer afford to operate globally?

4. Bernie loves him some Fidel Castro. The Daily Wire has reported that in 1985, Sanders gushed about Cuban dictator Fidel Castro:

“In 1961, [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world,” said Sanders.

“All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave their kids health care, totally transformed society,” he said.

“You know, not to say Fidel Castro and Cuba are perfect - they are certainly not - but just because Ronald Reagan dislikes these people does not mean to say the people in these nations feel the same,” continued Sanders.

Sanders also traveled to Cuba in 1989 with his wife in the hope of meeting the dictator, but never got the chance.

5. Bernie also loves him some Soviet Union. The New York Post's Paul Sperry published a piece chronicling Sanders's radical past, in which he exposes Sanders' longtime admiration for socialist Eugene Debs, a believer in the Soviet Union. Sanders shares Debs' views:

Sanders also adopted a Soviet sister city outside Moscow and honeymooned with his second wife in the USSR. He put up a Soviet flag in his office, shocking even the Birkenstock-wearing local liberals. At the time, the Evil Empire was on the march around the world, and threatening the US with nuclear annihilation.

Then, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council — a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to “the triumph of Soviet power in the US.”

Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua and other communist states to America.

It is therefore disingenuous for Sanders to call himself a socialist; he's a through and through communist.

6. Prosecuting so-called "climate deniers." Sanders, who shares former Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore's passion for preaching brimstone and fire on climate change, has called for the prosecution of climate change skeptics.

The climate change issues section of his website reads, "Bring climate deniers to justice so we can aggressively tackle climate change. It is an embarrassment that Republican politicians, with few exceptions, refuse to even recognize the reality of climate change, let alone are prepared to do anything about it. The reality is that the fossil fuel industry is to blame for much of the climate change skepticism in America."

It continues, "Bernie recently called for the Department of Justice to investigate Exxon Mobil, which may have not only known about the dangers of climate change, but has spent millions of dollars to spread doubt about the causes and impacts of burning fossil fuels."

Sanders's proposal is totalitarian in nature, as it is essentially an attack on the First Amendment. Being publicly skeptical of climate change is, of course, constitutionally protected free speech.

7. Expanding Social Security. The Social Security section on Sanders's website explicitly calls for the expansion of Social Security, which he claims would be funded by lifting the cap on taxable income for Social Security. Problem is, Social Security faces $22 trillion in unfunded liabilities with cuts in benefits looming. Even if the cap on taxable income is lifted, expanding it will only exacerbate the program's fiscal insolvency.

8. Making college tuition-free. As part of his Santa Claus schtick, Sanders calls for college to be tuition-free. It's a utopian proposal – it's alluring, but flies in the face of the law of economics.

Radio host and constitutional scholar Mark Levin writes in Plunder and Deceit that a serious factor behind the rise in college tuition is that colleges and universities recklessly spend on lavish projects to heighten their appeal to students. The result: $205 billion of debt compiled by colleges and universities in 2011. Federal subsidies have enabled colleges and universities to continue their spending spree. Abolishing tuition does not address this problem; it simply shifts the cost completely onto the backs of taxpayers, a part of Sanders' $19.6 trillion in tax increases.

9. Bernie hates Uber. Sanders has "serious problems" with Uber because it is "unregulated." Not only is this false on many levels, it is unwise politically for Sanders since half of millennials use Uber and he risks alienating Silicon Valley, a liberal stronghold.

10. Ending private prisons. The "Racial Justice" section on Sanders's website declares, "We need to ban prisons for profit, which result in an over-incentive to arrest, jail and detain in order to keep prison beds full."

This is false. As Reason magazine's Leonard Gilroy and Adrian Moore point out, private prisons were built as a response to tough crime laws, but even still they only house 9 percent of prison inmates. Abolishing private prisons would only further strain the public prisons that are burdened with overcrowding issues.
Have a look at this gem, the predicted results of a Bernie Sanders tax plan:


Here's Everything You Need to Know About Bernie's Tax Plan

The best line of the article:

Bumbling buffoon Bernie Sanders released his "free everything" proposal, or as he calls it, a "tax plan." Suffice it to say, it was drawn up in Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland.

Here are the Tax Foundation’s key findings:

Senator Sanders (I-VT) would enact a number of policies that would raise payroll taxes and individual income taxes, especially on high-income households.

Senator Sanders’s plan would raise tax revenue by $13.6 trillion over the next decade on a static basis. However, the plan would end up collecting $9.8 trillion over the next decade when accounting for decreased economic output in the long run.

A majority of the revenue raised by the Sanders plan would come from a new 6.2 percent employer-side payroll tax, a new 2.2 percent broad-based income tax, and the elimination of tax expenditures relating to healthcare.

According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, the plan would significantly increase marginal tax rates and the cost of capital, which would lead to 9.5 percent lower GDP over the long term.

On a static basis, the plan would lead to 10.56 percent lower after-tax income for all taxpayers and 17.91 percent lower after-tax income for the top 1 percent. When accounting for reduced GDP, after-tax incomes of all taxpayers would fall by at least 12.84 percent.

Unfortunately, the devastating economic impact of Sanders’ tax plan is not imagined:

According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, Senator Bernie Sanders’s tax plan would reduce the economy’s size by 9.5 percent in the long run. The plan would lead to 4.3 percent lower wages, an 18.6 percent smaller capital stock, and 6.0 million fewer full-time equivalent jobs. The smaller economy results from higher marginal tax rates on capital and labor income.


Perhaps the most subtle, yet profoundly destructive and altogether fatuous idea is taxing capital gains the same as wages. The Sanders tax plan would effectively give the United States the highest tax rate on capital gains in the developed world.


This isn’t hyperbole. There isn’t a single serious economist that thinks dramatically raising the tax on capital gains is a good idea. In fact, even left-leaning publications like Ezra Klein's Vox have discredited Sander’s proposals.

According to a comprehensive report by The Wall Street Journal, Bernie Sanders’ proposals may in fact eventually carry a price-tag of over $18 trillion. “To pay for it,” the Journal adds, “Mr. Sanders, a Vermont independent running for the Democratic nomination, has so far detailed tax increases that could bring in as much as $6.5 trillion over 10 years, according to his staff.” Compounding an already bloated federal deficit, “the Sanders program amounts to increasing total federal spending by about one-third—to a projected $68 trillion or so over 10 years.” The utter scale of this socialist overhaul would be historically unparalleled:

His proposals would increase that to about 30% in their first year. As a share of the economy, that would represent a bigger increase in government spending than the New Deal or Great Society and is surpassed in modern history only by the World War II military buildup.

The Sanders campaign has failed to account for where the additional trillions would come from to fund the entire plan. $18 trillion is an astronomical amount, a number straight out of an Austin Powers movie; it’s like when Dr. Evil chortled and asked for a ridiculous sum of money in exchange for not blowing up the moon. Short of seizing private assets, perhaps possible under a socialist Sanders administration, $18 trillion is just about impossible to allocate toward welfare expenditures.

I suggest you read the rest.

Anyone buying into this guy's propaganda is as crazy as he is. Pipe dreams and fairy tales.

Sad part is that **** sells.
We need to send tax bills to every other country, on the chance that that they might mistakenly pay it. What the hell.
He's campaigning .... He knows the **** he's espousing doesn't have snowballs chance in hell of ever actually happening. Just like Trump knows that the huge tariffs he wants to implement and the rounding up of 11 million people is never going to happen. These guys just say **** to get their supporters all riled up. Amazingly there are still people out there that actually believes the **** these guys say. At least Sanders is willing to talk about what's happened to the middle class over the last few decades. At least he is willing to talk about changing the way political campaigns are funded so you don't have what amounts to a handful of very rich people deciding who the candidates are going to be. Don't you guys worry though, if by some miracle he would be elected, he'll find out real quick who really runs this country and they will never let him get away with any of the stuff he says he wants to do. They'll kill him if they have to.
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He's campaigning .... He knows the **** he's espousing doesn't have snowballs chance in hell of ever actually happening. Just like Trump knows that the huge tariffs he wants to implement and the rounding up of 11 million people is never going to happen. These guys just say **** to get their supporters all riled up. Amazingly there are still people out there that actually believes the **** these guys say. At least Sanders is willing to talk about what's happened to the middle class over the last few decades.

Everybody's talking about what happened to the middle class. He's the only one proposing big tax increases on them.
Everybody's talking about what happened to the middle class. He's the only one proposing big tax increases on them.
Those tax increases would be offset by having single payer health coverage, free tuition, higher minimum wages, and all the other pie in the sky crap that has zero chance of ever happening.
What is the republican plan to fix the economy? Let me guess.... Deregulate.. funnel as much money as we can back to the "job creators" .. then everyone cross their fingers and hope they use it to build factories, give raises and health insurance to the employees they already have, and it will be the 50's all over again. This scenario has about as much of a chance of happening as Bernie's plan does. Sounds good though...
What is the republican plan to fix the economy? Let me guess.... Deregulate.. funnel as much money as we can back to the "job creators" .. then everyone cross their fingers and hope they use it to build factories, give raises and health insurance to the employees they already have, and it will be the 50's all over again. This scenario has about as much of a chance of happening as Bernie's plan does. Sounds good though...

just so you know, "letting people keep their own money" <> "funneling money"
I will take a shot, knowing you will poo poo the suggestion:

1. Instead of figuring out how we can add more taxation to companies who are using foreign company purchases to avoid tax, realize that the reason they are doing so is because our taxes are too high for their comfort. My preference is to do away with corporate taxes completely. This gets rid of any subsidies they "need" for an industry, etc. Some industries would pay "taxes" based upon a service they receive. For instance, chemical companies which require inspection would pay all expenses related to the inspection.
2. Eliminate the "Employer Portion" of the SS and Medicare tax. Require that all employees on the date of enactment have their pay increased by that %. Raise the "employee portion" of SS and Medicare by the same %. it is way past time to get rid of the illusion that the employer pays a part of SS/Medicare.
3. Phase in SSRA to 70. Either lower future benefits to the level that is supported by current contributions, require a higher level or contributions or both. Make SS Disability harder to qualify for.
4. Eliminate the Individual Tax code, Replace it with a federal income tax. Do NOT **** around and add a bunch of exceptions. Adding exceptions adds reasons for lobbying. Do NOT call it a Value Added Tax. Government adds very little, if any, value to the good. There are a couple of reasonable exceptions I could sign off on. Food and Mortgage payments (NOT RENT).. Figure out what you need to run the country (way less than we have been spending) and determine the tax rate based upon that. You still need an IRS, just a much smaller one.
5. Remove the federal tax on a gallon of gas. Let the states raise their rates and fix their own infrastructure. Too much federal dollars are used for deal making to buy votes. If their is a bridge that needs to be built/repaired and it connects two states, those two states can make that happen. The only reason the federal government would need to be involved is mediating the negotiations between states.
6. Repeal Obamacare. Replace it with something that allows insurance companies to sell a product in more than one state. Make a 5-10 basic product requirements and let the states decide what minimum fits their people. Insurance company can sell any product in that state which is at that level or above. Remove the requirement for insurance companies to accept anyone and the requirement for people to buy insurance.
7. Eliminate a **** load of federal grants and subsidies. These are used for pet projects, paying off donors/supporters and buying votes. For the ones that are really important, the millions of liberals will chip into a charity to keep the service going. Right?
8. Secure the border. Nothing you do with the illegals currently in the country will matter for **** if you don't secure the border first.

Boom. A ton of problems solved. No need for so much money in politics as I have removed a great deal of the reason for lobbying. I have shrunk the government to a sustainable level and given people their own money to invest or spend as they see fit.
That's a good start ark. I'd add..

Require government service in exchange for benefits for all able-bodied people...so people can gain a work ethic, work experience and training.
Cut tax rates and simplify the tax code to eliminate the byzantine world of deductions and allowances that people have to figure out, especially if they are self-employed.
Allow health insurance companies to provide a wide array of products (basic major medical, add-on maternity care/psych care/dental etc for those who want it, let those who don't opt out) at an array of prices so we truly have competition.
Require insurance companies to have co-pays that are a percentage of each covered service, up to a limit...put consumers back into pricing decisions. Force providers and drug companies to compete on price, incentivize consumers not to use services they don't really need. Pre-tax health savings accounts to pay for them.
Go through the federal government department by department with a cost benefit analysis, slash or eliminate those that aren't performing efficiently.
Renegotiate all public union contracts. Tie government pay and benefits to national wage and benefit averages.
No government benefits or public schools for undocumented immigrants. Prosecute and fine employers of undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration problem, solved.
OFTB can be my vice president
Budget more fraud protection and investigation of those systems (govt assistance) and raise the level of prosecution. Come down hard on those that abuse and or commit fraud.
I will take a shot, knowing you will poo poo the suggestion:

1. Instead of figuring out how we can add more taxation to companies who are using foreign company purchases to avoid tax, realize that the reason they are doing so is because our taxes are too high for their comfort. My preference is to do away with corporate taxes completely. This gets rid of any subsidies they "need" for an industry, etc. Some industries would pay "taxes" based upon a service they receive. For instance, chemical companies which require inspection would pay all expenses related to the inspection.
2. Eliminate the "Employer Portion" of the SS and Medicare tax. Require that all employees on the date of enactment have their pay increased by that %. Raise the "employee portion" of SS and Medicare by the same %. it is way past time to get rid of the illusion that the employer pays a part of SS/Medicare.
3. Phase in SSRA to 70. Either lower future benefits to the level that is supported by current contributions, require a higher level or contributions or both. Make SS Disability harder to qualify for.
4. Eliminate the Individual Tax code, Replace it with a federal income tax. Do NOT **** around and add a bunch of exceptions. Adding exceptions adds reasons for lobbying. Do NOT call it a Value Added Tax. Government adds very little, if any, value to the good. There are a couple of reasonable exceptions I could sign off on. Food and Mortgage payments (NOT RENT).. Figure out what you need to run the country (way less than we have been spending) and determine the tax rate based upon that. You still need an IRS, just a much smaller one.
5. Remove the federal tax on a gallon of gas. Let the states raise their rates and fix their own infrastructure. Too much federal dollars are used for deal making to buy votes. If their is a bridge that needs to be built/repaired and it connects two states, those two states can make that happen. The only reason the federal government would need to be involved is mediating the negotiations between states.
6. Repeal Obamacare. Replace it with something that allows insurance companies to sell a product in more than one state. Make a 5-10 basic product requirements and let the states decide what minimum fits their people. Insurance company can sell any product in that state which is at that level or above. Remove the requirement for insurance companies to accept anyone and the requirement for people to buy insurance.
7. Eliminate a **** load of federal grants and subsidies. These are used for pet projects, paying off donors/supporters and buying votes. For the ones that are really important, the millions of liberals will chip into a charity to keep the service going. Right?
8. Secure the border. Nothing you do with the illegals currently in the country will matter for **** if you don't secure the border first.

Boom. A ton of problems solved. No need for so much money in politics as I have removed a great deal of the reason for lobbying. I have shrunk the government to a sustainable level and given people their own money to invest or spend as they see fit.


$65 trillion in unfounded liabilities between Medicare and Social Security? $200k for every man woman and child? Source?
I really love the fact that Hildebeast can't put this geriatric, socialist away....in Iowa.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall of her strategy session today.
$65 trillion in unfounded liabilities between Medicare and Social Security? $200k for every man woman and child? Source?

Basic math.
Budget more fraud protection and investigation of those systems (govt assistance) and raise the level of prosecution. Come down hard on those that abuse and or commit fraud.

Yeah!! Just like those Wall St. Guys we gave almost a trillion dollars . Come down on them just like we did those guys who damn near sent the country into a depression. Or better yet... let's do nothing to them but throw the guy that beats the gov't. out of $150 bucks in food stamps a month in prison.
Basic math.

Basic math using what assumptions and in what context?

In 2005, I could have used basic math to show that I would likely have 12 kids by now using birth rate x years based on 2003-2005. I still only have 2 kids.

I'm not saying $65 trillion is wrong, I'm just skeptical of the assumptions.
Basic math using what assumptions and in what context?

In 2005, I could have used basic math to show that I would likely have 12 kids by now using birth rate x years based on 2003-2005. I still only have 2 kids.

I'm not saying $65 trillion is wrong, I'm just skeptical of the assumptions.

We know about what everything will cost. We know the rate of inflation and we know that every government program and acquisition costs 5 to 20 times what the Pols say it will. It isn't hard to extrapolate. It's impossible to add more entitlement spending and save money if you believe it can be done I'd like to offer you a great deal on magic beans and ocean front land in Nebraska.
Those tax increases would be offset by having single payer health coverage, free tuition, higher minimum wages, and all the other pie in the sky crap that has zero chance of ever happening.

Just curious Red, do you think everyone in the middle class needs government health care, free tuition, and higher minimum wages? What if they already have that covered?
Should they be forced into paying for them anyway and lower the standard of living they worked hard to achieve?