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Bernie Sanders - Make America Socialist!

Many of those countries have higher life expectancy (better care) and much lower cost per capita.
If your in the hospital in the US and you need a band aid, they'll charge you 50 bucks.

US healthcare is big joke and leading reason middle class is vanishing.
Hey, we're using as many off-shores as we can to keep the cost of Health Care down. What else do you want us to cut back on?
Many of those countries have higher life expectancy (better care) and much lower cost per capita.
If your in the hospital in the US and you need a band aid, they'll charge you 50 bucks.

US healthcare is big joke and leading reason middle class is vanishing.

I think it was OFTB that once brought up that other countries don't count life expectancy in the same manner as the US. if it was her, I would ask her to do so again as I cannot remember the details.

The leading reason the middle class is vanishing is government intrusion into the economy.
I think it was OFTB that once brought up that other countries don't count life expectancy in the same manner as the US. if it was her, I would ask her to do so again as I cannot remember the details.

Statistics are skewed for a variety of reasons...one, we count all babies, even very preterm ones, that show signs of life as live births. Many other countries count them as stillbirths, miscarriages or not at all. Two, when you take car accidents and homicides out of the statistics, our life expectancy is actually number one. Not something to brag about but not something that can be blamed on the quality of our healthcare system. Third, a variety of medical conditions such as obesity, drug and alcohol use and smoking come into play that are also not measures of the quality of our healthcare system.

When you look at more relevant measures like long term survival rates from disease and medical innovation, our healthcare system leads the world. When you also take into account the doctor and nurse shortages, long wait times and in some case horrendous medical facilities in some government run healthcare countries, we look even even better.

US healthcare is big joke and leading reason middle class is vanishing.

1. You think that spending on healthcare makes the United States healthcare system a "joke"? Funny, I thought that you insisted that spending more was a good thing. I guess spending more is good only where you spend other people's money, right? Would you feel better if United States citizens spent less money on healthcare and more on porn videos??

2. The middle class is vanishing due to the decline in employment population and income levels.



So go ahead and link something, showing that the decline of the middle class is due to the United States health care system. Go ahead ...

Try and get your facts straight.
Oh, and some more data about the United States' "horrible" health care system, compared to those great systems in Europe:



Hat tip to OFTB for noting this earlier.
If you get *** cancer in Denmark you're pretty much ******.
I would love to see Bernie upset Hillary.

But maybe that's just me.
I would love to see Bernie upset Hillary.

But maybe that's just me.

Oh good Lord not me. See if Bernie upsets Hillary, that means my children WILL face a socialist-run country in the future. I don't want Socialism taking any foothold in this democracy. None.
I hope he does get the nomination because I think he has literally no chance to win.

He is competitive with Hillary among liberals because she is so unlikable, dishonest and boring. Did you see his crowds at the caucus? Nothing but college kids and aging hippies. They are a passionate bunch but there are not enough of them who actually vote to get him elected president.
Here's a newsflash... just because a person is having a hard time making ends meet doesn't mean they don't work hard. And did it ever occur to anyone that maybe if a week in the hospital didn't cost 50K and a decent education didn't cost 80 plus perhaps people wouldn't need so much help. That's the problem with right wingers... They always see the people with the least as the problem and never the greedy ***** that charge so much for the things folks need to live a decent life.

Pretty quick going right to the insults aren't you? Just a simple question, not everyone in the middle class is looking for a hand out.
A lot of us in the middle class work hard, live within our means and have a great life. And I don't need others telling me I can't possibly be happy.
I really love the fact that Hildebeast can't put this geriatric, socialist away....in Iowa.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall of her strategy session today.

..let's say we will give twice as much free stuff away.
I hope he does get the nomination because I think he has literally no chance to win.

He is competitive with Hillary among liberals because she is so unlikable, dishonest and boring. Did you see his crowds at the caucus? Nothing but college kids and aging hippies. They are a passionate bunch but there are not enough of them who actually vote to get him elected president.

ya - but don't forget this is a whole new Millennial Generation of voters who have been taught from the cradle that the govt owes them a living

Just to be safe...Call Bloomberg
Oh good Lord not me. See if Bernie upsets Hillary, that means my children WILL face a socialist-run country in the future..

That's loser talk

If they have iPhones those kids are already assimilated

the best you can do is run
If the government has run up medical costs in the USA, why are the single payer government run plans in other countries
so much cheaper?

One of the most interesting things from this political season so far is that the under 30 age group is much more socialist
whether conservative or progressive leaning, than are older Americans. I think they look at healthcare costs and are
driven in that direction. The Healthcare system is broken in the USA. If we had single payer, entrepreneurship would go
thru the roof. People are holding on to jobs because they can't afford healthcare for their families otherwise, when many
would prefer self employment and starting businesses.

You throw out this kind of tripe, it gets trampled on in debate, and then you just move on, like nothing happened.
Question, have you learned anything about how the real world operates, or have you retreated back into the fog of liberal fairytales?
I hope he does get the nomination because I think he has literally no chance to win.

He is competitive with Hillary among liberals because she is so unlikable, dishonest and boring. Did you see his crowds at the caucus? Nothing but college kids and aging hippies. They are a passionate bunch but there are not enough of them who actually vote to get him elected president.

I hope he gets the nod as well.

Funny thing....not ONE Bernie supporter I know on FB has come out pissed off about the way Sanders lost Iowa (coin flip). Not ONE Hillary supporter has come out crowing that their "woman" won, either. It's very strange.
Again, the liberals and media have been selling the story FOR YEARS that living in Europe is somehow nicer, easier, less stressful, healthier and cheaper than living in the good old U.S.A.

We've had a whole generation of college kids that think Europe is some panacea of social enlightenment. It's just a crock of ****.

Europe has problems. Just like USA has problems. It has crime. It has problems with health care costs and dying and drug prescriptions. It has race and religious problems. It has failing government and bureaucracy. It has unemployment and an aging middle class that socialism is having a hard time paying for. It has failings in the private sector and lack of corporate start-ups and over-taxation.

If the political left want so badly to align itself with European Socialist ideals, why is our right wing GOP candidates having such a hard time fighting back? It's an easy target with facts.
If the political left want so badly to align itself with European Socialist ideals, why is our right wing GOP candidates having such a hard time fighting back? It's an easy target with facts.

Again, the liberals and media have been selling the story FOR YEARS that living in Europe is somehow nicer, easier, less stressful, healthier and cheaper than living in the good old U.S.A.

We've had a whole generation of college kids that think Europe is some panacea of social enlightenment. It's just a crock of ****.

Europe has problems. Just like USA has problems. It has crime. It has problems with health care costs and dying and drug prescriptions. It has race and religious problems. It has failing government and bureaucracy. It has unemployment and an aging middle class that socialism is having a hard time paying for. It has failings in the private sector and lack of corporate start-ups and over-taxation.

If the political left want so badly to align itself with European Socialist ideals, why is our right wing GOP candidates having such a hard time fighting back? It's an easy target with facts.

I enjoyed living in Europe.
I enjoyed living in Europe.

I asked one of my cousins in Italy if he knew anyone in the funeral business there but he told me the taxes are too high and the economy sucks and to stay in America. I've seen pics of his lady friends on FB though and I think it might be worth it. If the SN women would see my cousin Loris they would move there with me. If you're friends with me on FB maybe you can. Dude could be on the cover of GQ or Men's Health, I swear. I would just take the scraps that fall off.
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What disappoints me most is that Tibs is absent from this thread. He uses the Donald Trump thread to perpetually extol the wonders of Socialism and Methuselah Sanders and 4 to 8 years of free **** for everyone.

Started a thread for his Hero, and nary a peep.

I've explained this all before. Roll is pissed off that a hospital charged $36k to save his father's life.

You can frame anything that way. People can't live without water so I guess, according to your logic, it would be completely justified to charge thousands for the water that comes out of the tap in your house because without it we would die. A home should cost millions because without it, we would all freeze to death in winter. Justifying a $30K hospital bill for 3 night stay where no surgeries were performed is so beyond ridiculous I can't find the right words to describe how ridiculous it is... 6 pints of blood, an x- ray, a few bags of sterile salt water, and some medication given the first night to bring up his blood pressure costs $ 30 grand? They get away with this because they're selling a product that you have no choice but to buy. And I'm sorry but justifying gouging the **** out of somebody because your dealing with life and death matters is obscene.