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Best Press Conference Ever! Trump to CNN, You Are Fake News!


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Apr 20, 2014
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APPLAUSE at the end

Yeah that was awesome! Those frickin reporters are like rats scurrying for crumbs. I still think he should make them shut up and raise their hands and he'll pick who goes next. They're pond scum.

Also, he said that any profits from foreign governments received by his hotels will be donated to the U.S. Treasury. That should make doubters of his motives take pause.
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Here is the longer version with a hilarious Lindsey Graham slam.........

Can you imagine CNN interrupting and screaming questions at Obama like that? I didn't think so.

PULL THEIR PRESS CREDENTIALS - yank them out of the White House press pool immediately!

"Since you're attacking us are you going to allow us a question?" CNN reporter Jim Acosta shouted.

“I’m not going to give you a question," he said. "You are fake news.”

The audience awarded Trump with applause.
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On the feed I was watching, after Trump went off stage you could still hear the ******** from CNN asking that same question over and over then he said "He's attacking our news agency!" to someone near by and then it cut away. Sounded like he was going to cry. What an ***.
CNN is pretty much done after today. They may as well go cover more leftist nuthuggers 24/7. Can you imagine if they had repeatedly interrupted dear leader this way?
CNN is pretty much done after today. They may as well go cover more leftist nuthuggers 24/7. Can you imagine if they had repeatedly interrupted dear leader this way?

They would be racist, of course.
That was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. He should refuse to conduct any further press conferences with CNN in attendance.
Trump: Shut up and go to your room!


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That was pretty damn funny. A bunch of entitled dishonest morons who need to get knocked down several pegs. It's great to see what you've always wanted to happen coming true.
The people doing the applause were Trump staffers. That's what they are paid to do.
Again, here is the CNN report that has Trump's panties in a bunch, in its entirety. I welcome anyone to point out what's fake or inaccuarate in this article.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Read CNN's exclusive report: Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him <a href="https://t.co/5e8r8HpidU">https://t.co/5e8r8HpidU</a> <a href="https://t.co/DOn5HveXUg">pic.twitter.com/DOn5HveXUg</a></p>— CNN (@CNN) <a href="https://twitter.com/CNN/status/819244256703508480">January 11, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Hmmm, maybe the report isn't fake news afterall, pissboys.

Christopher Steele, Ex-British Intelligence Officer, Said to Have Prepared Dossier on Trump


Ex-spy behind Trump intelligence dossier identified: report


A former British intelligence officer who prepared a dossier about President-elect Trump’s ties to Russia has been identified, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele created the controversial document about the Russian government’s alleged power over Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The dossier, which alleges links between Trump's campaign and the Russian government, as well as the existence of compromising Russian-owned material on Trump, created a stir Tuesday. CNN reported that the dossier's contents came up in an intelligence meeting with Trump, and BuzzFeed later published the unverified document — two reports Trump and his staff denounced in a press conference today.

Steele is now a director at a private security and investigations firm in London, according to the Journal.

Steele, 52, is one of two directors at Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd. The dossier's creator has been repeatedly described in reports as having a good reputation in intelligence circles.
Orbis was formed in 2009 by former British intelligence professionals, according to the firm’s website. The company mounts “intelligence-gathering operations” and conducts “complex, often cross-border investigations."

A source told the Journal that Steele created the dossier, which is a series of unsigned memos seemingly written between June and December 2016.

Steele also devised a plan for disseminating the document to U.S. and European law enforcement officials, they added, including the FBI.

Orbis’s other co-director is Christopher Burrows, 58, a former counselor in Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth office.

Burrows told the publication he would not “confirm or deny” Orbis had a role in the report.

“We have no political ax to grind,” he said, adding that Orbis “sees what’s out there first” when conducting an investigation and then performs a “stress test” on its results.

CNN reported Tuesday, meanwhile, that top intelligence officials presented Trump with a two-page synopsis of the dossier last week.

The synopsis was reportedly attached as an appendix to the intelligence community’s report on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.

The controversial dossier alleges the Russian government possesses compromising financial and personal information about Trump. It also claims that people close to Trump kept touch with Moscow during last year’s presidential campaign.
Best Press Conference Ever!

Sigh, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Long read, but well worth it, as it highlights the points of contention with Trump.

Trump's trainwreck press conference ushers in a clueless presidency

It’s safe to say that the Trump administration is already in shambles – and it hasn’t even started yet

Donald Trump is not what he seems. The supposed master of media manipulation stumbled so often at his first press conference, it is hard to recall why anyone thought the TV star was good at this stuff in the first place.

If the potentially explosive story embroiling him weren’t so salacious, you might say this is a case of the emperor’s new clothes. Instead, it’s safe to say the Trump presidency is already in shambles. And it has yet to reach its official start.

For a showman who promised to restore the Reagan era – and even ripped off Reagan’s slogan – this is just one of the most surprising revelations of the past few days.

Reagan and his advisers knew how to project a sunny image that kept the presidency separate from whatever the pesky media wanted to focus on, such as high unemployment or secret gun-running to enemy states.

Judging from Wednesday’s trainwreck press conference – the first since July – Trump and his handlers have no self-discipline and no strategy to deal with the Russian crisis that has been simmering for the best part of the past year.

They also have no sense of irony or, apparently, reality. The press conference opened with Sean Spicer, the incoming press secretary, condemning the media coverage of Trump’s compromised relationship with Russia as “frankly outrageous and highly irresponsible”.

It seems churlish to have to recall this tweet from Trump in the closing phase of the recent election: “Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a US citizen so she could use her in the debate?”

This kind of thing makes it hard for the new White House to pass the laugh test, never mind the smell test. It’s heartwarming to know that the president-elect is so concerned about how fake news can destroy real people. If only he had the self-awareness and self-discipline to live by his own words.

In any crisis you generally try to deflect attention from your own misconduct. Instead, Team Trump seems happy to shine a bright light on its own monumental mistakes.

That included the wonderful personal testimony from the incoming vice-president, Mike Pence, who introduced his boss by assuring us that he was full of what he called “energy”. Perhaps Pence has been spending too much time with someone who liked to criticize his primary opponents for having low energy.

Donald Trump is full of many things, but his energy levels are neither relevant nor particularly reassuring at this point.

Besides, if you need your vice-president to attest to your character, you’re such damaged goods that your executive position is already in jeopardy.

Pence’s introduction recalled Al Gore’s sad pep rally on the south lawn of the White House defending Bill Clinton as “one of our greatest presidents” in the late desperate stages of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

In many ways, Trump has snowballed all the Clinton scandals into one shock-and-awe transition. He has somehow combined all the anti-Clinton accusations of foreign influence and financial irregularity in the 1996 re-election, with the dubious personal morality of the Lewinsky affair and the never-ending tendency towards cronyism. Only it took the Clintons decades to accrue these kinds of entanglements.

We could compare the relative importance of being Putin’s poodle versus sex with an intern, but what’s the point? After all, Trump can make the case better than any of us.

Without any sense of shame or patriotism, the president-elect celebrated the Russian hacking of the DNC and all those leaked emails. He even bragged about his closeness to the Russian president before claiming – somehow – that Hillary Clinton was the real poodle.

If this is Trump’s playbook for crisis management, his political opponents should sit back and enjoy the show.

“If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks, that is called an asset, not a liability,” Trump said. “Do you honestly believe that Hillary would be tougher on Putin than me? Give me a break.”

Yes, Mr President-elect. The intelligence reports are indeed calling you an asset in the context of Russia. You may keep using that word but, as in the Princess Bride, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Trump will never learn from his mistakes. Suspecting the recent Russia revelations are the work of the intelligence agencies, Trump continues to wage war on his own spies. He could offer no proof of such a betrayal but continued to trash the CIA in public all the same.

This kind of struggle does not end well for sitting presidents, as Richard Nixon discovered. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s biggest source, known as Deep Throat, was in fact the deputy director of the FBI.

You might think that the main purpose of Trump’s press conference was to squash the Russia dossier news. But no – that was just the first few minutes of the affair.

After a rambling introduction about carmakers, veterans affairs and his inaugural celebrations, Trump finally arrived at his desired topic of the day: the non-resolution of the conflicts of interest that will embroil his presidency from now until he leaves the Oval Office.

A table stacked with yellow envelopes was supposed to represent all the documents Trump signed to disentangle his business affairs from his presidency, by passing management control of the Trump Organization to his sons.

Rather like a suitcase supposedly full of cash, it was hard to tell if any of the documents were real without, you know, releasing them to the press like his tax returns. Instead, we were forced to listen to his personal attorney assuring us there was a wall being built between the presidency and the Trump Organization.

That wall is about as solid as Trump’s other proposed wall on the southern border, given that there is no divestment. Why not? As the Trump attorney explained, a fire sale of Trump assets would be unfair to the president-elect and it was impossible to find an independent trustee competent enough to do so anyway.

Oh yes, and such a divestment would involve a lot of third-party debt, despite Trump’s claims that he has no debt.

The more details that emerge from Team Trump, the worse Trump looks. Of course the Russian dossier couldn’t be true, said the president-elect: “I’m also very much a germophobe, by the way.”

If this is Trump’s playbook for crisis management, his political opponents should sit back and enjoy the show. Like a dog that returns to his vomit, this president-elect just can’t help himself. Let the follies begin.
That douche bag's opinion does not take away from the greatness of that press conference.
I don't get how behaving like a bully to the press is going to win Trump any favors.

He has a YUGE propensity to overreact to every little thing that's critical of him or his actions -- and this was just another mini tantrum.
That's really not going to fly with the general public for very long.

On the flip side, CNN reporters have been outed as biased and corrupt. They put in play that any of the their news reporting is suspect, and they need to work to gain the public's trust again.
The media slit their owns throats over the last few years. They became so biased that nobody believes them anymore. This election showed they no longer have power and very little influence. Trump spent less than everyobody else and he won.

The media is mad because Trump is speak over their heads and straight to the American people. That is the only audience Trump cares about. He doesn't care that the people in the room hate him.

It's the exact opposite of liberals like Meryl Streep. She delivered a speech to please her like minded fellow travelers in the room and does not care one bit that she was insulting half the country.

Anybody who thinks this was a bad press conference for Trump still doesn't understand why he won and why Dems have been reduced to the party of NYC and CA.
If Russia was gathering this info to blackmail Trump, why would it become public? Kind of defeats the purpose.
The media slit their owns throats over the last few years. They became so biased that nobody believes them anymore. This election showed they no longer have power and very little influence. Trump spent less than everyobody else and he won.

The media is mad because Trump is speak over their heads and straight to the American people. That is the only audience Trump cares about. He doesn't care that the people in the room hate him.

It's the exact opposite of liberals like Meryl Streep. She delivered a speech to please her like minded fellow travelers in the room and does not care one bit that she was insulting half the country.

Anybody who thinks this was a bad press conference for Trump still doesn't understand why he won and why Dems have been reduced to the party of NYC and CA.

******* A.............Nailed it.

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