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Best Press Conference Ever! Trump to CNN, You Are Fake News!

Trump Inquires About Revoking, Suspending CNN’s White House Access


Chuck Todd goes off on BuzzFeed editor over Trump dossier: You just published fake news!

NBC’s Chuck Todd was furious about BuzzFeed’s editorial decision to publish the documents that President-elect Donald Trump and sitting President Barack Obama received as part of their briefing.

In publishing the documents, BuzzFeed was quick to qualify that they could not verify the validity of the sources of the claims. While the site certainly covered its legal bases, the PR campaign against BuzzFeed has already begun and Todd is a proud participant. Editor Ben Smith explained that if those in the highest levels of government are seeing the documents and Americans should as well.

“You talk about context and you talk about putting responsibility on the readers,” Todd began. “But at the same time, don’t you have the responsibility of not spreading false information? Are you knowingly spreading false information?”

McCain admitted he was the one feeding the FAKE story to the CIA to topple a President Elect. He should be forced to resign, in disgrace!

Trump conducts his own sting operation to ensnare intelligence briefers – and says he caught them

President-elect Donald Trump, after growing suspicious that intelligence officials were leaking news about their classified briefings with him, says he conducted a sting operation to try to prove top spies were behind the leaks.

Trump revealed the extraordinary scheme to try to entrap the senior spies in a furious press conference where he suggested the intelligence community had been behind salacious and totally unproven allegations against him.

‘I think it’s pretty sad when intelligence reports get leaked out to the press. First of all, it’s illegal. These are classified and certified meetings and reports,’ Trump said during a press conference at Trump Tower – his first since getting elected.

Then he revealed the details of the stealthy sting he says he conducted on the nation’s senior spooks.

‘I’ll tell you what does happen. I have many meetings with intelligence. And every time I meet, people are reading about it,' Trump complained, possibly referencing reports on his classified briefings, which he has chosen not to receive daily. President-elect Donald Trump said he set a trap for his intelligence briefers and that they fell for it by leaking word of a classified briefing he had with them.



Trust no one.
But, but, race relations are better than they were eight years ago. Bammy said so last night.

There it is.

But he did take credit for killing Bin Laden. Well, actually SEAL Team 6 did it. But Bammy was watching it on TV. Kind of like me watching the Penguins tonight, and taking credit for the result.
Sorry man, but that's laughable. The “I have never been to Prague in my life” guy. Yeah, he really rested his case posting a photo of the outside cover of his passport.

Read this >

Trump Lawyer’s Defense Against Russian Report Is INSANELY Stupid, Twitter Tearing Him APART

I know you despise the site, but look through the posts on there, it may even make you chuckle.

Since you believe in CNN so much, then reconcile this:


Oopsie. Inconvenient truth.
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Or go on record and show me how the information is made-up horseshit and untrue.

Jesus-*******-Christ, the ENTIRE thing - every last part of it - has been disproved, discredited, deemed "disinformation" by every government agency that looked at it, dismissed, demeaned, and rejected as completely false and phony.

Here is an actual news sources, Tibs, not the **** you are citing.


NBC: Intel Officials Say Unconfirmed Trump Allegations Are ‘Unvetted Disinformation’

“A senior U.S. intelligence official who was involved in the preparation for the meeting tells NBC that the president-elect was not briefed on this so-called two-page addendum of these allegations against him,” McFadden state. “It was part of the briefing materials available to the briefers, but it was not included because they believed it to be true. It was included for a different reason.”


You are hanging on to this bullshit, phony, rejected, disinformation like POOP hangs onto some bullshit 9-11 story.

Think about that for a second, Tibs. You are in the POOP conspiracy camp of disinformation and fake news.
Trump wins again by re-defining "fake news". This was a term that came up just after the election. It was liberal media basically complaining that people are no longer trusting them and getting their news from the internet IE from sources they don't control.

The plan was to label anything nbot from the mainstream media, or that did not follow the mainstream narrative, as fake news. The next step was going to be to then have a justification to remove the fake news from search engines and from trending sections on yahoo, facebook, etc.

It was a goint to be their move to re-establish control of information.

But now Trump has turned it back on the meinstream media. Fake news was supposed to mean Breitbart and Fox News and everything right of the NY Times. Now it is just another nail in the mainstream's coffin.
So establishment republican hack and senatorial crazy old man John McCaine comes up with this "Dossier" out of the blue all of a sudden. And you don't question it a little bit Tibs?
Remember Nixon wasn't done in by the crime, but by the cover-up.

The author and compiler of the dossier has gone underground. I can't wait for the movie or video tapes, which ever is out first.

That matters about 1/1,000,000th as much as this other "breaking" story: If you like your health care, you can keep it; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.


Hey, it's on the internet, it must be true - right??

Your own hero warned you against falling for fake news, and yet here you and Tibs are - gobbling up demonstrably fake news like it was M & M's.

Did you catch him trolling Obama?

Office of the President Elect



The Office of the President-Elect is a title first used by Barack Obama. The office is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution
Cram it down their throats

Spicer: 'Rude, inappropriate' CNN reporter owes Trump an apology

Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Wednesday that CNN reporter Jim Acosta should apologize to President-elect Trump after Spicer said Acosta was "rude, inappropriate and disrespectful" during Trump's press conference.

"I think Mr. Acosta owes the president-elect and frankly the entire press corps an apology for his childish and inappropriate behavior"

"If you want to have a conversation and engage in a polite and respectful manner with the president-elect, he’s gonna treat you in kind," Spicer said. "But if you come in hot and want to be disrespectful and rude, as Jim Acosta was today, he’s not gonna sit back and take it. This is a man who fights and wins."


You seem to be unable to understand that your initial "argument" in this thread is demonstrably false. Repeating it over and over, just like Elfie used to, makes you seem less credible because all you post is circular, at best.

If you do have a point, then it is clear you are not making it, and joining in the elevation of emotional name calling means you accept these terms.

Your verbiage has clearly changed over the past several months, from that of interested observer, poking fun (mostly deserved), to that of sore loser, grasping at illogical and even farcical straws in a vain attempt to convince.....yourself?

Maybe it is time to step back, rest up and then criticize the US President for his real world actions? The man is clearly fallible, and the US/foreign political media is just a laughingstock, so the circus is likely to grow....grab some popcorn, sit back and await the belly laughs soon to come!

Your verbiage has clearly changed over the past several months, from that of interested observer, poking fun (mostly deserved), to that of sore loser, grasping at illogical and even farcical straws in a vain attempt to convince.....yourself?

The 5 stages of grief hit him all at the same time when Trump won. Heh heh.
Cram it down their throats

Spicer: 'Rude, inappropriate' CNN reporter owes Trump an apology

Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Wednesday that CNN reporter Jim Acosta should apologize to President-elect Trump after Spicer said Acosta was "rude, inappropriate and disrespectful" during Trump's press conference.

"I think Mr. Acosta owes the president-elect and frankly the entire press corps an apology for his childish and inappropriate behavior"

"If you want to have a conversation and engage in a polite and respectful manner with the president-elect, he’s gonna treat you in kind," Spicer said. "But if you come in hot and want to be disrespectful and rude, as Jim Acosta was today, he’s not gonna sit back and take it. This is a man who fights and wins."


If a reporter acted like that to Bomma he'd be fired and never work in the MSM again.
You seem to be unable to understand that your initial "argument" in this thread is demonstrably false.
That is simply not true, that my initial arguement is 'false'. You - and others here - may feel that way, but that means jack **** at this point. My initial argument is false because you, or Spike or ******* IndySteel say it is? Excuse me while I laugh my *** off. Why not wait and see what is false or not false? Why the rush to judgement, within 24 hours of this information coming out? Based on what's being pushed down your throat by 4chan, breitbart and alt right sources? LOL Thus of course 'I seem to be unable to understand it.' because not only do I not understand it, I categorically reject and disagree with your statement.

Maybe it is time to step back, rest up...
Thanks for the advice man. I will take you up on that. Have a nice day.

ps - I'll leave you with some easy reading for a Thursday afternoon, if you can take a break from patting yourselves on the back how 'right' you are on this story.

Trump dossier: intelligence sources vouch for credibility of report's author
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Good on you Shephard Smith and Fox News.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fox News' Shephard Smith comes to CNN's defense. <a href="https://t.co/yIF9e7CNYX">pic.twitter.com/yIF9e7CNYX</a></p>— Mashable News (@MashableNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/MashableNews/status/819296372453052416">January 11, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

[h=1]Fox's Shepard Smith criticizes Trump for 'belittling' CNN[/h]

Queers stick together.
Thanks for the advice man. I will take you up on that. Have a nice day.

Your safe space is calling. Too much winning already by Trump and he's not even in office yet. It's making you even more delusional than you usually are.
Your safe space is calling. Too much winning already by Trump and he's not even in office yet. It's making you even more delusional than you usually are.
I understand you guys want me to split. I understand my role as the board's contrarian makes you uneasy and raises some uncomfortable truths amidst all your circle jerking. Really, I don't give a **** about what you think. That's not true for everyone on this board, but it's certainly true for you. So **** you and go jerk off to some old The Apprentice tapes, or whatever the **** you do.
Obama is such a little *****, arrest his *** along with Hillary!

Obama Intel Officials Used ‘Russia Blackmail’ Claims to Warn Israel About Trusting Trump

TEL AVIV – U.S. intelligence officials warned their Israeli counterparts not to trust President-elect Donald Trump with intelligence secrets, citing alleged fears that Russia held blackmail information over Trump, according to a report today in Israel’s respected Yediot Ahronot daily newspaper.

The alleged blackmail information that U.S. officials reportedly warned Israel about seems to be in part referencing details contained in a debunked document of mysterious origin purporting to be an intelligence report alleging that Russia collected compromising videos and information on Trump.

During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, as he often lashes out at the American intelligence community. The American officials also told the Israelis that the National Security Agency (NSA) had “highly credible information” that Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.



Oh yeah, I bet Israel really struggled with that one.

Who to trust? Who to trust?

Trump or Obama the Jew hating Muslim Brotherhood appeaser?
1. Russia did not hack the election.
2. If The Beast didn't insist on using her own email server too keep Bomma and Valerie Jarrett from knowing what her and Sid Blumenthal were up to on behalf of the Clinton Foundation and used a government server like she was supposed to, this isn't a problem. If it IS a problem, then it's on the government for letting their 'puters get hacked.
3. Campaign manager John Podesta should use a more secure email password than "password".
4. What did get hacked were DNC email and released by Wikileaks. Julian Assange at Wikileaks said it wasn't the Russians. He's never lied or been wrong yet.
5. Nothing in the hacked and released emails was untrue. Even the Dems didn't deny it.