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Best Press Conference Ever! Trump to CNN, You Are Fake News!

When did it become ok for all these spooks to talk about ****?
I don't get how behaving like a bully to the press is going to win Trump any favors.
What favors? The media is out to destroy him, in case you haven't noticed over the last year. He is fighting back. The game has changed.
I don't get how behaving like a bully to the press is going to win Trump any favors.

Well, I guess if you look at it as if he is bullying them, you might say so. How about that he won't let them run over him like some in the GOP do and state whatever BS they want to just to see what sticks.
Good on you Shephard Smith and Fox News.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fox News' Shephard Smith comes to CNN's defense. <a href="https://t.co/yIF9e7CNYX">pic.twitter.com/yIF9e7CNYX</a></p>— Mashable News (@MashableNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/MashableNews/status/819296372453052416">January 11, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

[h=1]Fox's Shepard Smith criticizes Trump for 'belittling' CNN[/h]

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Wednesday criticized President-elect Donald Trump for his shouting match with a CNN reporter.

Trump refused to take a question from CNN's Jim Acosta during a Wednesday news conference, berating him and accusing his network of reporting "fake news." The confrontation came after CNN reported that intelligence officials briefed Trump about Russia having compromising information on him — a report Trump denied.

"President-elect Trump today told CNN's Jim Acosta the his organization amounts to fake news. CNN's exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and distinctly different from the document dump executed by an online news property," Smith said during his closing monologue.

"Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN's report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards and that neither they nor any other journalists should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States," Smith added.

During the press conference, Trump continuously refused to let Acosta ask him a question.

"You're attacking us, can you give us a question?” Acosta asked.

"Don't be rude. No, I'm not going to give you a question. You are fake news," Trump responded, before taking a question from a Breitbart News reporter.
Our hero, saviour and role model for our children.

Trump just got caught paying staffers to intimidate journalists

The applause that came after Donald Trump belittled reporters at his press conference came from staffers the President-elect paid for their presence.

Politico reported Wednesday afternoon that before President-elect Trump gave his first press conference in seven months, he packed both sides of the room with paid staffers who were there specifically to jeer at reporters and applaud at Trump’s attacks on the media.

“Do you honestly believe that Hillary Clinton would be tougher on Putin than me?” Trump asked at another point. Some staffers in the room responded to the rhetorical question, yelling out, “No!”

And they cheered again when Trump jeered sarcastically at a reporter who asked if he planned to release his tax returns. “Oh gee,” the president-elect said, employing a verbal eye roll, “I’ve never heard that before. The only ones who care about my tax returns are the reporters. I became president.”

The staffers can also be heard laughing and clapping at the 30-second mark of the below video when Trump refused to answer a question from CNN’s Jim Acosta, saying, “You’re fake news.”

According to Politico, the surrounding of reporters by zealous Trump supporters also bolstered one of the chief narratives of Trump’s campaign — that members of the media were liars who fundamentally opposed him.

“The Greek chorus of loyal, paid staffers in the back of the room boosting Trump with their hoots and cheers also served as a reminder, of sorts, of the movement of Trump backers happy to take him at his word and jeer the media as the out-of-touch liars,” wrote Politico’s Annie Karni.

The President-elect also remarked that his lack of press conferences over the past seven months was due to negative media coverage, rather than an unwillingness to talk to reporters.

“We stopped giving [press conferences] because we’re getting quite a bit of inaccurate news,” Trump said early in his press conference.

The news of Trump paying staffers to intimidate journalists is another indicator of his savvy when it comes to media manipulation.

Trump did something similar for his campaign announcement in June of 2015, when it was revealed he paid actors $50 apiece to show up at his campaign kickoff press conference.

“This is an event in support of Donald Trump and an upcoming exciting announcement he will be making at this event,” read an email sent by Extra Mile Casting, first published by the Hollywood Reporter.

“We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement… The rate for this is: $50 CASH at the end of the event.”

In addition to calling CNN “fake news,” Trump called BuzzFeed a “failing pile of garbage” that would “suffer the consequences,” and sarcastically referred to BBC News as “another beauty.”
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The media has not been fair and unbiased this entire election CNN has been one of the worst so screw them they should be thrown out of the white house for the next 4 to 8 years that would send a message to others

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Tibs - you really are becoming addicted to fake news. You have to know that.

You are guzzling whatever leakage spews from leftist blogs and "news" sites as if it were balanced reporting from the NYT.

It's not. Seriously, take a look at the source you are linking:

Richard Wolfe at the Guardian? Jesus, Tibs, this is the guy who tweeted, "Trump is like the dog who returns to his vomit" and forwarded the bullshit fake news that "Moscow has the goods on Trump." Really? From some unnamed ******* source citing other unnamed ******* sources? Wow, that's reliable. The guy is an Obama ball-washer and dick-polisher, and when he bleets, "Instead, it’s safe to say the Trump presidency is already in shambles," I dismiss it as more bullshit from a know-nothing prick who is still weeping over the election results and claiming that his butt-hurt is merely hemorrhoids and not the sting of so devoutly missing what was happening during the election. For **** sake, Tibs, before the election the guy tweeted, "It's time to get out, Orlando, and vote for Hillary."

Oh, and how about USUncut? Jesus, never heard of that ****-rag. The ******* blog is a jaundiced, VD-ridden, diseased, useless, worthless, steaming pile of maggot-ridden monkey feces. Do you get these links from some other site? Do you actually check the crap on these links? Another brilliant story by USDon'tAssociateMyNationWithYourFuckingSite? This: "Meryl Streep’s historic Golden Globes speech calling out Trump will literally give you chills." Uhhh, no, it won't. Every ******* story on this horseshit fake news site is "Trump terrible!!", "Trump Awful!!", "Trump, Arrrrrgh!!!"

Every. *******. Story.

So please stop citing horseshit fake news from these dogshit links. Please.
The left can't stand it because Trump is fighting back. He isn't bullying anyone he is COUNTERPUNCHING. The leftist press has had 30 years worth of GOP candidates and office holders cowtowing to them trying to curry favor and win their friendship, but Trump isn't just standing their taking it like his predecessors. Trump realizes that the leftist press hates him and is going to hate him no matter what just like they hate everyone who isn't a Neo-Socialist. Trump hits back and it's a shock to them to slap someone and get their teeth kicked in for it.
Steeltime - spare me the superlatives and point out what is fake news that I've posted? Are you suggesting Trump didn't have operatives cheering him on at today's news conference? Are you suggesting there's no report on Russia's possible blackmailing of Trump? Argue on merit and substance, not on what your opinion is of the sources I refer to. If they're wrong, point out where they're wrong. Well, you don't have to, but I reckon we'd get more out of these discussions if you did so.
Tibs, im sorry you are 100% wrong on this.. cnn had no business putting out information that every other news source had deemed too shady to verify... this was a rush to crucify using fanfiction from a 4chan site. Its the virtual end of cnn.. their market share is totally lost to the moderates, long abandoned by the conservatives, and even my most ardent bernie backer friend have moved past them... their globalist bias has licked them into what, 3rd or 4th place and fading ratings... they literally just did exactly what they were bitching about several weeks ago...
Steeltime - spare me the superlatives and point out what is fake news that I've posted? Are you suggesting Trump didn't have operatives cheering him on at today's news conference?

No, Tibs, the "fake news" was that Trump was "caught paying" operatives to cheer his news conference.

Are you suggesting there's no report on Russia's possible blackmailing of Trump?

There is no "report," Tibs. There is horseshit innuendo with not one named source - REPEAT, NOT ONE ******* NAMED SOURCE, AND THE MOST LUDICROUS ALLEGATIONS IMAGINABLE.

Want some other "news," Tibs? How about these:

Cam Newton was arrested for throwing Super Bowl L, Obama pardoned Bill Cosby, bin Laden is still alive, Hillary had a body double, and on and on and on.

I can find "links" for every one of these stories, Tibs. But they are all pure horseshit - just like the bogus "Russians have the goods on Trump" claim.

All of that **** belongs in the garbage. Jeez, Tibs, the dumb-*** "Russian blackmail" story is EXACTLY the thing Obama warned you about regarding fake news.
CNN completely bitchslapped


Russian tech expert named in Trump report says US intelligence never contacted him

A Russian venture capitalist and tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false.


CNN comes crawling back to President Trump on their knees!

hahahahahahahahaha -bow down *******!

How did President-elect Trump handle press conference? Nailed it

How did President-elect Donald Trump's first press conference go? He nailed it. It was strange, abusive, occasionally misleading. But he nailed it.

And while the media will complain that he tried to silence individual reporters -- which he did -- the reality is that the conference was about as raw and detailed as you're likely to get from a president-elect. He gave us a dozen headlines from just one encounter. This is the Trump paradox: Trump and the press hate each other yet they feed off each other.

Russian tech expert named in Trump report says US intelligence never contacted him

A Russian venture capitalist and tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false.



I also linked an article from the NYT, which spoke to Trump's lawyer about the allegation he supposedly met with Russian officials in Prague. Dude tweeted a photo of his passport, showing he has never been to the Czech Republic or Soviet Union.

And Tibs still seems to think that the phony, unsourced claim is somehow valid.
There is no "report," Tibs. There is horseshit innuendo with not one named source

If there is no report, and it's horseshit innuendo, what did John McCain hand to the FBI in December?

McCain gave dossier containing 'sensitive information' to FBI

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says he delivered a dossier to FBI Director James Comey late last year containing unverified claims that Russia had gathered compromising information on President-elect Donald Trump.

“Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public,” McCain said in a statement on Wednesday. “Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgement about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”

The statement comes on the heels of reports that President Obama, Trump and congressional leaders were briefed on the allegations made in the dossier.

If there is no report, and it's horseshit innuendo, why did the former MI6 operative who wrote the report go in hiding earlier today? Btw, he'd the 'named source' you were looking for.

Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who produced Donald Trump Russian dossier, 'terrified for his safety' and went to ground before name released

former MI6 officer who produced a dossier making lurid allegations about Donald Trump is “terrified for his safety” after he was unmasked by a US publication.

Christopher Steele, 52, fled from his home in Surrey on Wednesday morning after realising it was only a matter of time until his name became public knowledge.

A source close to Mr Steele said on Wednesday night that he now fears a prompt and potentially dangerous backlash against him from Moscow.

If there is no report, and it's horseshit innuendo, why are former CIA officers going on record saying the contents of the report was 'deemed to be relevant?'

Former CIA officers on Trump Russia dossier: The intel community 'is not in the business of reporting vague rumors' to the president

The CIA and the FBI would not have briefed the president and the president-elect on claims that Russia has compromising information on Donald Trump if they did not take the allegations seriously, said former CIA operatives and analysts who spoke to Business Insider.

"Most of the information that passes across the CIA's desk throughout the day ends up on the cutting-room floor because it's not deemed to be credible or relevant," said Evan McMullin, a former CIA operations officer who ran as an independent during the 2016 presidential election.

McMullin, who served as a chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and a senior adviser on national security issues for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, entered the presidential race as a conservative alternative to Trump and has remained harshly critical of the president-elect.

"The agency only brings information to the president or president-elect that they believe is highly relevant and that has some level of credibility," McMullin told Business Insider in an interview on Wednesday. "So they knew the information they had was relevant."

Classified briefing materials provided to President Barack Obama and Trump by US intelligence officials last week indicated that Russian operatives claimed to have potentially compromising personal and financial information on Trump, CNN reported Tuesday.

You guys can sit here and lob accusations my way, that I'm a sucker for fake news, that I don't investigate information I post here. But you haven't yet shown one thing I've posted that's not credible or relevant. I understand this information on Trump is not agreeable to you guys. I understand it makes you upset. But it doesn't automatically mean that there's no truth to it.

Or go on record and show me how the information is made-up horseshit and untrue. Anything else is just lazy groupthink led by the rah-rah cheerleaders of the board. Don't be lazy and don't succumb to groupthink. It's not healthy for anyone involved.
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Dude tweeted a photo of his passport, showing he has never been to the Czech Republic or Soviet Union.
Sorry man, but that's laughable. The “I have never been to Prague in my life” guy. Yeah, he really rested his case posting a photo of the outside cover of his passport.

Read this >

Trump Lawyer’s Defense Against Russian Report Is INSANELY Stupid, Twitter Tearing Him APART

I know you despise the site, but look through the posts on there, it may even make you chuckle.
A Russian venture capitalist and tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false.

Yes, Russian intelligence agents - and their contacts - are notorious for spilling the beans in a case like this, coming forward with full transparency of their activities.

None of it is credible Piss Boi. It's all FAKE NEWS.
Oh ok, thanks for pointing that out. If you say so, I'll have to take your word for it. I can finally have some peace of mind. Whew, what a relief. I was worried there for a second our president-elect may be compromised by the Russians.

The Senate should expel McCain - kick his stupid *** out into the street too!

The only hookers in this story are the cheap, lazy journalists who ran with fake Trump sleaze to urinate on his presidency

It’s bullshit.

President-elect Donald Trump didn’t pay prostitutes to urinate on his bed in the presidential suite at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow, three years ago.

Neither did Trump do this to deliberately defile a bed that had been used by Barack and Michelle Obama.

And nor did Vladimir Putin secretly videotape the whole thing to use as blackmail against Trump at a later date.

It’s all complete baloney.

They gave an official gloss to a dossier that looks extremely flimsy and full of wild badly-sourced allegations, thus making it seem more important and accurate than it was, and of course, prompting Buzzfeed into running with the full works.

And the real villain here is whoever leaked it to Buzzfeed and other media in the first place, if the motivation was purely to damage Trump at the expense of the truth, particularly if that person works for the US intelligence community.

The stakes are very high here. A free press is the very cornerstone of any democracy.

If fake news goes mainstream like this, without any checks and balances, then the pivotal place of the free press in American culture will be over, toast, defunct, kaput.

So shame on you, Buzzfeed. As Trump said at his press conference, what you did to him was ‘an absolute disgrace’.

And that’s a fact



MSM Nightmare: 'Fake News' Invoked 10 Times at Trump Press Conference

At the press conference "fake news" was used 10 times thus dashing the hopes of the mainstream media folks that the now toxic term be terminated. Look for "fake news" to be thrown up against the MSM again and again over the next few years starting with today. Here is a compendium of that term as used today starting with incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer:

The fact that BuzzFeed and CNN made the decision to run with this unsubstantiated claim is a sad and pathetic attempt to get clicks

Mike Pence:

You know, I have long been a supporter of a free and independent press and I always will be. But with freedom comes responsibility. And the irresponsible decision of a few news organizations to run with a false and unsubstantiated report, when most news organizations resisted the temptation to propagate this fake news, can only be attributed to media bias and attempt to demean the president-elect and our incoming administration and the American people are sick and tired of it.



They made it up, and we need to KEEP USING IT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE.

It should be RELENTLESS.

Fake news.

Fake news.

Fake news.

Fake news.


They made it up, and we need to KEEP USING IT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE.

It should be RELENTLESS.

Fake news.

Fake news.

Fake news.

Fake news.

You know that old saying, never let them see you sweat? I guess that doesn't apply here.
**** off piss boy - get your stupid ignorant hick *** the **** out of my threads, grow some balls and go start your own.
Ok, sorry to be a nuisance in your propaganda threads everyone here seems to lap up. Have a nice day.

Ok, sorry to be a nuisance in your propaganda threads everyone here seems to lap up. Have a nice day.


Ironically, Trump seems to be the only one telling the truth in Washington these days.