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Blame Hillary


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
So Biden is out and the whole democratic party is in shambles..

The Liberals are blaming the Media, the Republicans, the DNC, and of course Trump.. but there is one person who almost solely holds responsibility for this fiasco

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Remember, this power hungry succubus always had the goal of being the first female president... and before Bill left office faked residence in New York in order to win a senators position there... in the hopes that after two terms of al gore, she would be the nominee.. gore lost...
but she kept her timeframe in place...

Then got completely sideswiped by the Obama freight train out of nowhere...

It is thought because she was basically snowplowing her nomination in 2008 that after she lost, trump ultimately moved back to the republican side, seeing greater windows of opportunities to run there since hillary was promised by her standing aside for Obama, she would be the guaranteed nominee in 16...

So in most ways , in the dems eyes, she should be completely at fault for Trump...she chased him over to the right and her own people were propping him up in the Repub. primaries cause she thought he was a joke candidate.

Then she lost to him... but she cockblocked Biden that year... she was why he didnt run.. Bidens vanilla nonsense woulda won in 16... he probably repeats before the dementia was uncontrollable..
been nice knowing you dude

so sad to hear of your upcoming suicide
Lol if the bumpkins wanted to Clintoncide me, they probably would have done it in the 90's when i was spreading the gospel truth about those cretins back then🤣... she may throw a vase at my head if we are ever in the same room though... so ill do my best to avoid that🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think you can blame Obama also for humiliating Trump at that correspondent's dinner. Trump obviously knew the nativity story and birth certificate were highly questionable.
I blame human pride and greed for the crappy leadership in this nation. HRC is just another victim of the temptation that so many face.

Whatever the name attached to it, the lust for power is universal. Some are just more virtuous in the midst of it. Some others are Hillary.
I blame human pride and greed for the crappy leadership in this nation. HRC is just another victim of the temptation that so many face.

Whatever the name attached to it, the lust for power is universal. Some are just more virtuous in the midst of it. Some others are Hillary.
Pride is one of the deadly sins.
Pride can be good to an extent as it provides a sense of well being. However pride can also lead to ego and a thirst for power.

Power and control over others.
I blame human pride and greed for the crappy leadership in this nation. HRC is just another victim of the temptation that so many face.

Whatever the name attached to it, the lust for power is universal. Some are just more virtuous in the midst of it. Some others are Hillary.
"Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid."

1 Timothy 5:24-25

Hillary's sins are open for all to see beforehand and the body count don't lie.
Hillary is bitter. Jill is too. Many females on the left are bitter. Joy Reid. Women on the View. The squad. Find me a happy one. Gracious? Kind? No woman on the left comes close to the grace and loveliness of Betty White ( the gold standard).
Hillary is bitter. Jill is too. Many females on the left are bitter. Joy Reid. Women on the View. The squad. Find me a happy one. Gracious? Kind? No woman on the left comes close to the grace and loveliness of Betty White ( the gold standard).

Related to that is the fact that conservatives as a whole are generally happier.
There have been studies that conclude this.

I especially like the last comment.

Life is hard for liberals, and life is hard for conservatives. But conservatives assume that life will always be hard. Liberals, on the other hand, have utopian dreams.

The utopian compares America to utopia and finds it terribly wanting. The conservative compares America to the every other civilization that has ever existed and walks around wondering how he got so lucky to be born or naturalized an American.

It is liberal educators and liberal parents who have clamored for protecting young people from the pain of losing games. The liberal world came up with the idea of giving trophies to kids who lose; they don’t want their children feeling bad. Conservatives, on the other hand, teach their kids how to lose well. They are less worried about their children feeling bad

A fourth explanation for greater unhappiness among liberals is that the more people allow feelings to govern them, the less happy they will be. And the further left one goes, the more importance one attaches to feelings.
Hillary is bitter. Jill is too. Many females on the left are bitter. Joy Reid. Women on the View. The squad. Find me a happy one. Gracious? Kind? No woman on the left comes close to the grace and loveliness of Betty White ( the gold standard).
Well just ask yourself this.

Many of us are married. We know when that time of the month strikes it’s all hell breaks loose.

Do we really want that in the highest office of this country?
Well just ask yourself this.

Many of us are married. We know when that time of the month strikes it’s all hell breaks loose.

Do we really want that in the highest office of this country?
That's no longer an issue after menopause,but the hormones are still are wrecked. The testosterone levels are damn near zero after menopause. The optimal is around 100-150 nl. I've seen many not even register on bloodwork,to maybe 5-20 nl.

If you don't exercise and eat healthy it's definitely poof. Which leads to "The View Disease " or grumpy old women. If you add being a hard left liberal,life is pure hell every day...lol
I know the answer will be ….. none of the above.

But if you had to make a choice of the females for Dem ticket as president who would it be. Harris,Clinton or Obama? Is there a write in vote you would prefer?

As a question of unity for your country,and the conclusion is it’s A Dem president, Who would be your choice,for the sake of the country? Someone you would actually think might do a competent job.
That's no longer an issue after menopause,but the hormones are still are wrecked. The testosterone levels are damn near zero after menopause. The optimal is around 100-150 nl. I've seen many not even register on bloodwork,to maybe 5-20 nl.

If you don't exercise and eat healthy it's definitely poof. Which leads to "The View Disease " or grumpy old women. If you add being a hard left liberal,life is pure hell every day...lol
What did Solomon say? Something about "it's better to dwell in the corner of the rooftop than with a brawling or contentious woman in a wide house.."

There was an old old country song about how "the girls all get prettier at closin' time." Seems like these days, most get crazier and harder to please as they get older. Covid in particular did a number on their mental health en masse too unfortunately and anxiety disorder is so rampant.
I know the answer will be ….. none of the above.

But if you had to make a choice of the females for Dem ticket as president who would it be. Harris,Clinton or Obama? Is there a write in vote you would prefer?

As a question of unity for your country,and the conclusion is it’s A Dem president, Who would be your choice,for the sake of the country? Someone you would actually think might do a competent job.

Obama of course. Diversity is most important. She's black, she's a woman, and she's a man. No need to be concerned with those women problems.
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The last time the Democrats chose their Primary candidate was 2008 and even then Obama was the chosen one with all of the fanfare and slick marketing. Not one single vote cast in a D Primary has really mattered the last 3 Cycles. They screwed Bernie and now they are screwing their voters by installing someone the voters have already rejected. Of course the D voters go along with it because "Trump is evil..."
What did Solomon say? Something about "it's better to dwell in the corner of the rooftop than with a brawling or contentious woman in a wide house.."

There was an old old country song about how "the girls all get prettier at closin' time." Seems like these days, most get crazier and harder to please as they get older. Covid in particular did a number on their mental health en masse too unfortunately and anxiety disorder is so rampant.
We could certainly use someone with the wisdom of King Solomon around.