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Hillary claims Gabbard is a Russian Asset; Jill Stein moves to top of Arkancide List

Trump first met her years ago.

57, according to Odumba.

And one would think that the morons who live in those highly populated, libtard-run hellholes would at some point open their eyes and proclaim "This **** isn't working." and stop electing Dims.

No doubt. For God's sake, look at the formerly great state of California. Once a gorgeous state with an exploding economy and some of the best public schools in the nation, and among the lowest taxes, now a shithole overrun with illegals that cannot keep the power on and that is a **** hair away from bankruptcy, with billions upon billions of unfunded pensions, and a state that will finish imploding as soon as the Silicon Valley companies wise up and leave the state.

Wow, those liberal policies - responsible for some of the worst public schools in the nation, crushing traffic, filth, crime, homelessness, property crimes so out of control that the police don't even investigate any more, rampant drug abuse, public parks taken over the drug-addled and homeless, massive areas now basically run by illegals - are certainly setting a high standard, aren't they?
Wow, those liberal policies - responsible for some of the worst public schools in the nation, crushing traffic, filth, crime, homelessness, property crimes so out of control that the police don't even investigate any more, rampant drug abuse, public parks taken over the drug-addled and homeless, massive areas now basically run by illegals - are certainly setting a high standard, aren't they?

Holy ****, I need a Prozac after reading that. People who don't even live here probably need a hug & a tissue after reading that.
Holy ****, I need a Prozac after reading that. People who don't even live here probably need a hug & a tissue after reading that.

I was born and raised in Northern California in the 1960's and 70's. Different world. Lots of outdoor space, camping, hunting, never saw a single homeless person, no trash on the streets, bums were treated as bums.

Moved to SoCal in 1984, but lived in the Valley. Single family residences, very large public park, good and plentiful (private) schools, still some pretty good public schools, no bums on street, no trash on streets where we lived since we owned our homes and treated our property like it was our property.

But 2015 when kids grown and working, and wife and I getting ready to leave, even the Valley was coming under the influence of the corrupt and disgusting (D)ims. Public transportation brought the bums to the Valley, along with the graffiti, trash, and homeless. Now live in a rural area in Arizona (2 acres), with more horses than people. When I go back to LA for business, I have been back to my old neighborhood, and wow ... disappointing. Most homeowners cashed in on their home value, but the park is now laden with bums and the usual garbage and **** they bring. Graffiti on a nearby freeway overpass. Lawns not nearly as well-cared for as when I lived in the area. Sidewalks cracked. Street looks like it could use some more asphalt, but of course the government is far too ******* busy feeding and housing illegals to actually care for the poor taxpayers saddled with the bills.

Liberals should be dragged out of their gated communities and forced to pick up the feces and needles their ideological compatriots have brought to the Valley. **** them all.
Are you pretending to be this stupid?

First, six states did not "decide" the 2016 election. 50 states did. The battleground states included 20 that Trump visited during the general election cycle - not five or six or ten or twelve or seventeen, but TWENTY.

Defining “battleground state” is subjective, you are going with the broadest definition. Regardless, stupid is arguing in favor of the electoral college by pointing out that it serves to alienate voters in at least 60% of all states as their candidate has no chance of winning their state.
Stupid is arguing that hordes of dipshits in extremely populated hellholes that account for about 5% of the U.S. land mass should be allowed to decide elections on their own.
Stupid is arguing that hordes of dipshits in extremely populated hellholes that account for about 5% of the U.S. land mass should be allowed to decide elections on their own.

Extremely populated, extremely well-educated, extremely successful, extremely wealthy. You’d rather leave it to people who own cheap land because...?
Extremely populated, extremely well-educated, extremely successful, extremely wealthy. You’d rather leave it to people who own cheap land because...?

You don't go to cities much, do you?
So you’re saying that only the votes of rich people who live on the coasts should count?

They should all count the same. The 8 people who live in Montana shouldn’t get 3 of the electoral votes in a national election just because.
**** those uneducated, marginally successfuly, poor ******* living in sparsely populated areas and cheap lands. right, Flog?
Monday through Friday. Pittsburgh was a ghost town yesterday.

Aaaaaaand ... that supports your claim about how great cities are? You are refuting your own claim ... you get that, don't you??


Flog continues the debate, sans manbun

Moreover, cities are so great that those who can, leave, and the remaining population consists of the ultra-wealthy and their fences and guards, and ... bums. Homeless. Drug addicts. People are leaving the supposedly great cities of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago and going to suburban areas with better schools and less bums.


Meanwhile, the population increase in America is greatest in conservative states like North Dakota, North Carolina, Wyoming, Texas, Florida, and Utah.


The greatest growth in terms of GDP and population has 10 of the top 15 in what are considered conservative states. Colorado is neither conservative nor liberal. The only exceptions (liberal states among the top 15) are Washington, Oregon and California, where California's growth stems from the continuing flood of illegals. California is moving towards a population very much like 1785 France - a few dozen billionaires, a few hundred millionaires, and a vast population (in the millions) of poor (immigrants) who can't feed themselves.


Further, the vast majority of states with the highest GDP growth last quarter are conservative - West Virginia, Texas, Utah, Alaska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arizona, South Dakota, Ohio, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Kansas, Georgia. 16 of the top 19 GDP growth rate states in the last quarter are conservative, with Republican governors, voted Trump 2016, etc.


Huh, funny that. Liberal states with their brilliant leaders and all those geniuses in the population (well, aside from the homeless and the illegals, I mean) - limited economic growth. Those stupid conservative states, with plenty of guns but no manbuns - booming.

So to sum up, Flogbun:

  • Population in liberal enclaves NYC, LA, Chicago - down.
  • Population in "conservative" locations like Utah, Florida, Texas, South Carolina ... growing.
  • Homeless population and feces, drugs, needles in liberal shitholes - up
  • Feces and needles in conservative locations - down
  • Middle class in liberal places - down
  • Middle class in conservative locales - up
  • Liberals are a magnet for homeless, bums, drugs and property crimes
  • Liberal cities are shitholes
  • Economic growth liberal states - not so great.
  • Economic growth conservative states - booming.
  • Liberal cities like Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit with their liberal mayors and punitive gun control measure - murder exploding
  • Murder rates in concealed carry locations (Arizona, Arkansas, Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Idaho, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming) down. Waaaay ******* down, *****
  • 10 of the top 15 states in terms of jobs and wealth are conservative states.
  • 16 of the top 19 states in terms of GDP growth last quarter - conservative.
  • Meanwhile, liberal states hope to get rich by importing millions of uneducated, unvaccinated, unskilled illegals who can't speak the language. The genius of liberals at work.

My work here is done, Flogbun.
Montana strong!

Flogbun simply exhibits the contempt, the hatred, that liberals have for those who live in areas where blue collar workers can still afford a home, where 75% of the vehicles are pickup trucks (American made, thank you), where nearly every homeowner has a gun and several dogs, or several guns and a dog, and where if you leave your door unlocked, the possibility you are robbed is basically zero.

Libs hate that ****. They sip their soy lattes and gossip about how stupid those rednecks are for owning property, and trucks, and cars, and guns, and homes, and who know their neighbors.

I mean smart people ride public transportation, and hope that there is not a strike or a breakdown or a power failure or some homeless psycho yanking his pud in public, and have somebody else make their food, and brew their soy lattes, and live in somebody else's property, hoping - no DEMANDING - the rent does not go up. Now THAT'S the way to live.

This ****??



Pffft, what loser would live there?!?
Monday through Friday. Pittsburgh was a ghost town yesterday.

Well yeah, because the mayor and the police chief told people to stay home from work if they could because of the road closures with President Trump's visit.
IT guy from HQ was in my office upgrading systems yesterday and left at 3:30 for a 5:00 flight. I told him good luck with that.
Flogbun simply exhibits the contempt, the hatred, that liberals have for those who live in areas where blue collar workers can still afford a home, where 75% of the vehicles are pickup trucks (American made, thank you), where nearly every homeowner has a gun and several dogs, or several guns and a dog, and where if you leave your door unlocked, the possibility you are robbed is basically zero.

Libs hate that ****. They sip their soy lattes and gossip about how stupid those rednecks are for owning property, and trucks, and cars, and guns, and homes, and who know their neighbors.

I mean smart people ride public transportation, and hope that there is not a strike or a breakdown or a power failure or some homeless psycho yanking his pud in public, and have somebody else make their food, and brew their soy lattes, and live in somebody else's property, hoping - no DEMANDING - the rent does not go up. Now THAT'S the way to live.

This ****??



Pffft, what loser would live there?!?

Valley of the Sun, God's Country; and no the piece of **** scumbag liberals can't have it.
Valley of the Sun, God's Country; and no the piece of **** scumbag liberals can't have it.

Actually the courthouse plaza was overrun with occupy wall street filth a few years ago. No pictures, but saw it first hand, what a mess these animals made.
Actually the courthouse plaza was overrun with occupy wall street filth a few years ago. No pictures, but saw it first hand, what a mess these animals made.

Vile, contemptible, low-life scum financed by George Soros. How disgusting were the filth constituting "Occupy Public Places, but Not a Shower"? Guy outside the LA courthouse died and nobody noticed for days. Apparently, the stink of a guy decomposing just blended in with the normal stench of those losers.

Lesson 1: If your living environment is such that you don't notice when somebody dies, you need to change your **** NOW.
Valley of the Sun, God's Country; and no the piece of **** scumbag liberals can't have it.

North of there, Hines. Specifically, about 40 miles north on the 17, then another 50 northwest on the 69, to the 89.

My home now, just south of Zona.
Uh oh

Tulsi just announced shes not running for Congress reelection

She going 3rd party for President! You watch!

Or maybe Trump/Gabbard, they would blow up the interwebs, lol