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Boom - putting all of Trump and his administration in pure, crystal definition

You're on.

I will bet you $50,000. I actually have that much money to bet thanks in large part to Trump.

We each place $50,000 in a PayPal account. Justin will monitor the money, and pay out to the winner.

So I take your bet, *****. Is it on??

So triggered!

Nobody that didn’t have $50k before, suddenly has it now thanks to Trump, so grow up.
You poor, wretched soul. The more time I spend away from here, the more I feel sorry for some of you. Utterly lost and confused, kneeling at the altar of the false prophet Trump. Blind, dumb and ignorant, nothing but braying sheep being led right off a cliff. I feel for you, I really do.

Whoa...what have we here ?

The thing is, with all the leaking that goes on in Washington, i find it improbable that the dem power brokers don’t already know what is in the report... they will look for some out of context side matter to harp about when it is released, but if there was anything substantial in there, they would be going nuts about getting it... you all know that too... whether you want to admit it or not... plus the repubs would be fighting tooth and nail not to release anything if there was any path to impeachment in there, even redacted...
You're on.

I will bet you $50,000. I actually have that much money to bet thanks in large part to Trump.

We each place $50,000 in a PayPal account. Justin will monitor the money, and pay out to the winner.

So I take your bet, *****. Is it on??

his cheap *** doesnt even pay for a membership here. and you want to ask him to bet $50k? wtf, Steeltime?
Why doesn’t Nadler just subpoena Mueller, and get the facts right from the horses mouth? Hell, bring Mueller, Barr, and Rosenstein in, and sit them in front of his inquisition?

It won’t happen, because Nadler knows they won’t tell him what he needs them to say.

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Nadler is weak with his attack. He seems like a punk to me. But he is following orders.
You poor, wretched soul. The more time I spend away from here, the more I feel sorry for some of you. Utterly lost and confused, kneeling at the altar of the false prophet Trump. Blind, dumb and ignorant, nothing but braying sheep being led right off a cliff. I feel for you, I really do.

Well, well, well, the scourge of America, the Hungarian Hermit, the Irrational Lib, the Antifa-worshipping, Avenatti-loving, under-a-rock dweller is back.

Did you bring some peach pie with you???
You poor, wretched soul. The more time I spend away from here, the more I feel sorry for some of you. Utterly lost and confused, kneeling at the altar of the false prophet Trump. Blind, dumb and ignorant, nothing but braying sheep being led right off a cliff. I feel for you, I really do.

If there had been any inkling that there was anything that would attach itself to the President you would never stop flapping you suckhole about it. Now this is all you got? You don’t even have the stones to admit there was nothing to this whole witch-hunt? You aren’t much of a man Tibs.
If there had been any inkling that there was anything that would attach itself to the President you would never stop flapping you suckhole about it. Now this is all you got? You don’t even have the stones to admit there was nothing to this whole witch-hunt? You aren’t much of a man Tibs.

Tibs is and has always been a troll. He never admits anything, he just bashes and spit out lines of rhetorical bullshit that even he doesn't believe. The Mueller Report could announce that Trump was a saint and Tibs would be bitching about something else. That's what trolls do... he isn't interested in discussion or debate... just trolling.
Tibs is and has always been a troll. He never admits anything, he just bashes and spit out lines of rhetorical bullshit that even he doesn't believe. The Mueller Report could announce that Trump was a saint and Tibs would be bitching about something else. That's what trolls do... he isn't interested in discussion or debate... just trolling.
Chip noted this a long time ago. I defended Tibs initially as a good guy who was just wrong and would take time to figure out reality.
A tip of the hat to Chip for being dead on in his characterization, and for being early. And consistent.
One day I hope I will be wise like Chip.
But probably not as old. Geez I hope not as old. Lol

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Tibs is a ***** if after all that time, he can't come on here and say "welp, I was wrong guys".
Tibs is a ***** if after all that time, he can't come on here and say "welp, I was wrong guys".

That will never happen, the DNA of the Dims won't allow it. Thought it was hysterical when Bernie was asked why he didn't send his tax windfall from Trump back to the Feds. He actually stumbled before responding, ya, well what about Trump? Losers!

Deflect, deflect, deflect.
That will never happen, the DNA of the Dims won't allow it. Thought it was hysterical when Bernie was asked why he didn't send his tax windfall from Trump back to the Feds. He actually stumbled before responding, ya, well what about Trump? Losers!

Deflect, deflect, deflect.

speaking of Ol' Bernie... anyone see his tax returns? the Commie Socialist Pig is a millionaire and paid as little in tax as he could.
how very Commie Socialist of him.
Lol, yeah I’m a real troll. That’s why I’ve spent the better part of the past 10+ years engaged in discussion on this board, often writing cross-referenced, detailed posts outlining my arguments. Clearly a waste of time.

Yes, that’s why I’ve engaged in often spirited, passionate debate on multiple topics with many of you, cause I’m a troll. See, this is why it makes little sense to remain part of this board. I’m deemed a troll when I post regularly - and attacked relentlessly - then also called a troll when I back off and stay away. Whatever.

As far as the Mueller report and the multiple ongoing investigations into Trump, I’ll withhold judgement for now, let’s leave it at that. So funny to see Trump supporters jumping w joy. Good on you.

As far as Trump’s presidency overall, it’s gone from bad to worse. Far worse than I predicted, the very definition of a **** show. Unparalleled in American history, the level of chaos, nepotism and vitriol eminating from the White House. It’s so bad and off the rails I’m just about done criticizing the President. I mostly just sit back and pray this all ends well, with the country still intact by 2020. Trump has summoned the beast, unleashed the dark underbelly of the American psyche. It will take years, if not decades to wash away the stain.

That’s my honest assessment, sue me.
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Lol, yeah I’m a real troll. That’s why I’ve spent the better part of the past 10+ years engaged in discussion on this board, often writing cross-referenced, detailed posts outlining my arguments. Clearly a waste of time. That’s why I’ve engaged in often spirited, passionate debate on multiple topics with many of you, cause I’m a troll. See, this is why it makes little sense to remain part of this board. I’m deemed a troll when I post regularly - and attacked relentlessly - then also called a troll when I back off and stay away. Whatever.

As far as the Mueller report and the multiple ongoing investigations into Trump, I’ll withhold judgement for now, let’s leave it at that. So funny to see Trump supporters jumping w joy. Good on you.

As far as Trump’s presidency overall, it’s gone from bad to worse. Far worse than I predicted, the very definition of a **** show. Unparalleled in American history, the level of chaos, nepotism and vitriol eminating from the White House. It’s so bad and off the rails I’m just about done criticizing the President. I mostly just sit back and pray this all ends well, with the country still intact by 2020. Trump has summoned the beast, unleashed the dark underbelly of the American psyche. It will take years, if not decades to wash away the stain.

That’s my honest assessment, sue me.

You're delusional. My only explanation is you've been completely brainwashed by European left-wing socialist thinking.

Nothing could be further from the truth of what you say about our country. We are doing great. People are working like never before. We're busy. Factories are busy. We're making stuff. Construction is great. Energy use and consumption are up. People are the most upbeat they've been about the economy in over 12 years.

You're supposed shitshow is a brainwashing you've been sucking up since the day Trump got elected (when the Dow was at 18,600 by the way).

Everything in the world is better today than it was on November 11, 2016. Except the border, because of liberalism gone amuck and a failed immigration system and the ease at which people can abuse our asylum rules. Don't worry, that too will change. Because we the people aren't going to let our politicians ignore it anymore and the liberals, in their attempts to destroy all things Trump, have gone way to far to the left on immigration (basically arguing for open borders) that even moderates are starting to agree with Trump's position.

The liberals I know have all shut up because of how good it is. You ran away like the ***** you were too because all your "predictions" and "sky-is-falling" bullshit and "destruction of democracy" hasn't come even remotely true. Don't bullshit me one minute that had Trump been impeached you wouldn't have been here every ******* day to "comment" with your inciteful memes.

Liberals are daily exposing themselves as self-centered, race-baiting, victim class advocates that would rather divide us for votes rather see good things happen for all. How dare prosperity happen to all shades and colors and sexes. To liberals, prosperity always has to have a flip side of punishing the wealthy or white working class, who didn't work for anything and only got what they got by raping and pillaging some victim.

Antifa yells **** the U.S.A. And our liberal politicians are growing closer and closer to Antifa's platform. You just don't see it holed up in Hungary.

Trump is going to win. Your boy Bernie might get his shot, but he's going to lose. And hopefully, our disfuntional "easier to obstruct than to govern" congress will get off their ***** and do what's best for the country rather than try to burn the house down to get rid of mouse (Trump), because that has been all the democrats have been doing since Trump got into office.
Mr. Hume would like to remind people who are trashing Attorney General Barr:

Brit Hume@brithume

When you hear people criticizing Attorney General Barr, check and see how they reacted to Michael Avenatti. That will give you an idea how seriously to take them as judges of lawyers and the law.
Fibs is clinging to his scripts in agony because he knows he chose the wrong ones.

You cross referenced your arguments from sterling journalistic outlets like Mother Jones, Huffington Putfington Post and I think TyT although that may have been Elfie. Basically anything that confirmed your bias. The economy is going great, we are pulling out of endless wars and the only shitshow is the attempts by the MSM to slime the President while covering for Ilhan Omar’s latest blast of Jew hate or OACs lastest claim that global warming will kill us all in the next 12 years.

I give it 3 weeks after the final Mueller Report is published before you slink off again like the cur you are.
This clip perfectly summarizes the blatant hypocrisy and double-standard of the Trump base on this board. The level of sugarcoating of Trump by his diehard fanboys and his Pravda-esque State media is astonishing. Astonishing, but not at all surprising.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered Obama? It would look like this <a href="https://t.co/dLfhHToieL">pic.twitter.com/dLfhHToieL</a></p>— NowThis (@nowthisnews) <a href="https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1118228314257350657?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 16, 2019</a></blockquote>
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This clip perfectly summarizes the blatant hypocrisy and double-standard of the Trump base on this board.

What if the MSM covered Trump the way they covered Obama?
This clip perfectly summarizes the blatant hypocrisy and double-standard of the Trump base on this board. The level of sugarcoating of Trump by his diehard fanboys and his Pravda-esque State media is astonishing. Astonishing, but not at all surprising.

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One of Trump's greatest accomplishments has been exposing the MSM for what it is........the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. And it is going to be glorious watching Bill Barr and Co. expose the Obama Whitehouse for what is was...........a banana republic, Chicago ward boss crime family. They be going down, exposing the worst scandal in American political history. And it will be delicious watching the MSM go out of their minds. It will also expose how much of a fool you have become. The toothpaste is out of the tube.

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