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Racism does exist in different forms. I cannot say I experienced systemic racism. If I have I was complete oblivious. So I cannot speak for all.

Apply similar stories to high population of kids stuck in the slums. Sometimes often worse. Maybe they do deal with systemic problems. It sucks being stereotyped.

Every race, every party, every group, every collection of people has been stereotyped, and mocked, and owned slaves, and been slaves. Human history is a long litany of degradation and murder. Sorry, it is.

Know what culture was the first to reject the idea of cultural superiority and instead adopt the idea that all people are given their rights by God, not by man? Western culture, Great Britain and France leading the way. Some native Americans had similar views as of the 15th century, but only a small minority and native Americans owned slaves well before Europeans arrived.

Locke proposed the value of the person over the government, the anti-slave movement was one developed by in Western Europe and America in the middle of the 18th century, Great Britain outlawed slavery in 1820, Canada in1834, and the United States in 1867.

Know which cultures practiced legalized slavery until the latter part of the 19th century? Africa and South America. Look it up.

So which culture is being attacked non-stop as vile, corrupt, built on slavery, irredeemable? Yep, the one that first developed the idea that people derived their rights from God, that every life had value, and that no government was greater than the individual. The attack on Western culture is a suicide mission.

Sorry for the rant, but it relates to the idea of bullying and targeting of people or cultures. Generally, the people attacking another are the lesser of the two and that is 100% spot on for today's inexplicable, unending attack by members of Western culture on Western culture.
Every race, every party, every group, every collection of people has been stereotyped, and mocked, and owned slaves, and been slaves. Human history is a long litany of degradation and murder. Sorry, it is.

Know what culture was the first to reject the idea of cultural superiority and instead adopt the idea that all people are given their rights by God, not by man? Western culture, Great Britain and France leading the way. Some native Americans had similar views as of the 15th century, but only a small minority and native Americans owned slaves well before Europeans arrived.

Locke proposed the value of the person over the government, the anti-slave movement was one developed by in Western Europe and America in the middle of the 18th century, Great Britain outlawed slavery in 1820, Canada in1834, and the United States in 1867.

Know which cultures practiced legalized slavery until the latter part of the 19th century? Africa and South America. Look it up.

So which culture is being attacked non-stop as vile, corrupt, built on slavery, irredeemable? Yep, the one that first developed the idea that people derived their rights from God, that every life had value, and that no government was greater than the individual. The attack on Western culture is a suicide mission.

Sorry for the rant, but it relates to the idea of bullying and targeting of people or cultures. Generally, the people attacking another are the lesser of the two and that is 100% spot on for today's inexplicable, unending attack by members of Western culture on Western culture.
Every race, every party, every group, every collection of people has been stereotyped, and mocked, and owned slaves, and been slaves. Human history is a long litany of degradation and murder. Sorry, it is.

Know what culture was the first to reject the idea of cultural superiority and instead adopt the idea that all people are given their rights by God, not by man? Western culture, Great Britain and France leading the way. Some native Americans had similar views as of the 15th century, but only a small minority and native Americans owned slaves well before Europeans arrived.

Locke proposed the value of the person over the government, the anti-slave movement was one developed by in Western Europe and America in the middle of the 18th century, Great Britain outlawed slavery in 1820, Canada in1834, and the United States in 1867.

Know which cultures practiced legalized slavery until the latter part of the 19th century? Africa and South America. Look it up.

So which culture is being attacked non-stop as vile, corrupt, built on slavery, irredeemable? Yep, the one that first developed the idea that people derived their rights from God, that every life had value, and that no government was greater than the individual. The attack on Western culture is a suicide mission.

Sorry for the rant, but it relates to the idea of bullying and targeting of people or cultures. Generally, the people attacking another are the lesser of the two and that is 100% spot on for today's inexplicable, unending attack by members of Western culture on Western culture.
Rant away. I’m just sharing my experience here.

What is western culture anymore btw? The US and the UK have become so diverse. Western culture doesn’t have a true identity
What is western culture anymore btw? The US and the UK have become so diverse. Western culture doesn’t have a true identity

Of course it does. Western culture is founded on Christianity, representative government, private enterprise, capitalism, the value of the individual, and protection of individual rights over the rights of the powerful. Western culture grew out of the feudal system, which granted power to royalty who exercised almost absolute power, and early Christianity, where the church was the all-powerful arbiter of right and wrong. We moved from exalting governments and priests to giving control to the individual.

Western culture is earmarked by technological advancement, private property, economic growth, travel and exploration, art in the form of the first works of fiction, classical music and remarkably accurate (genuine depiction of men, women, children) sculpture and painting that extolled beauty. That is why the works of Da Vinci and Michelangelo show humans in great form, and why Shakespeare's tragedies and Dickens' works show the best in people despite the selfishness and greed that haunt our species.

Western culture is pretty easy to identify. A few examples:
  • Music with formal, complex harmonization? Western culture.
  • Fiction with detailed character development and life lessons? Western culture.
  • Laws protecting the rights of the citizen over the government? Western culture.
  • Economic system promoting efficiency over convenience? Western culture.
  • Religion based on Jesus and a beautiful afterlife as a reward? Western culture.
Of course it does. Western culture is founded on Christianity, representative government, private enterprise, capitalism, the value of the individual, and protection of individual rights over the rights of the powerful. Western culture grew out of the feudal system, which granted power to royalty who exercised almost absolute power, and early Christianity, where the church was the all-powerful arbiter of right and wrong. We moved from exalting governments and priests to giving control to the individual.

Western culture is earmarked by technological advancement, private property, economic growth, travel and exploration, art in the form of the first works of fiction, classical music and remarkably accurate (genuine depiction of men, women, children) sculpture and painting that extolled beauty. That is why the works of Da Vinci and Michelangelo show humans in great form, and why Shakespeare's tragedies and Dickens' works show the best in people despite the selfishness and greed that haunt our species.

Western culture is pretty easy to identify. A few examples:
  • Music with formal, complex harmonization? Western culture.
  • Fiction with detailed character development and life lessons? Western culture.
  • Laws protecting the rights of the citizen over the government? Western culture.
  • Economic system promoting efficiency over convenience? Western culture.
  • Religion based on Jesus and a beautiful afterlife as a reward? Western culture.
I’d agree with most everything except religion.
Western culture seems to compose of ideologies of multiple backgrounds.

The whole point of this country was to escape from persecution of religious persecution.
Our founding fathers were presented as free thinkers/critical thinkers. That said I hold religion in a neutral perspective. I’m not religious by any means. I think religion is way to keep people morally just. Without religion people would have a free pass to sin. In fact, I think most Christians these days are hypocrites. No reason for me to argue against someone who chooses to live by a book and apply principles to just a few set of people. But people are corrupt right?

People by nature are evil right?
Anywho that said. I’m all for life and the pursuit of happiness. No harm, no foul.

That’s what every citizen should have the right too. Something a lot of people have a hard time grasping, especially today, because people have grown up around all sorts of diverse backgrounds. Many just want to provide for theirs and theirs only.
The world is just not a nice place and without some type of code to live by in society we're done.
What is that code though?
Law? A lot of people are distrusting as is in regards

Religion? Same thing. What makes christianity the absolute over any other religion in the world?

America is changing diverse speaking. Whether we like it or not. This attack on “western culture”. I think many are more fearful of becoming a minority within 10-15 years. Besides lack of morals and “democrats” what is it exactly that we are afraid of?
There’s so many questions yet very little answers to why Americans think doom & gloom.

These are discussions we should be having now to ensure the integrity of our country.

But ask yourself what is that integrity?
We’re supposed to be a free nation right?

Why does it seem some benefit more off those freedoms than others?
What exactly are we fighting for?
What is that code though?
Law? A lot of people are distrusting as is in regards. Huh? Follow at least 10 laws and you're good. No distrust in that. That's the code buddy. I am 100% sure the world would be a much better place if we could accomplish this.

What is the distrust here?
1. “You shall have no other gods before me.
2. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above.
3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
4. “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
5. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
6. “You shall not murder.
7. “You shall not commit adultery.
8. “You shall not steal.
9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.”

Religion? Same thing. What makes christianity the absolute over any other religion in the world?

There's is only one path to the father and that's through his son. We are all sinners, but we are to turn away from it and sin no more. It is no easy task to walk the path of Chirst and we will all fail in the quest for that perfection. Which is that of the innocence of a child in its purity. That is the purest form of God like you will find here on earth.

The rest are false gods. I will keep this positive and not disect false religions. From pagan to muslim.

But thankfully in our country you can worship a hole in the ground, but we must always preserve that right for everyone or believe in nothing, which is still a belief however blind it may be.

America is changing diverse speaking. Diverse in what? What's the change? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles as it's foundation. Though no set religion was to be established which was another main issue they put in the constitution. Which people confuse with no religion. We have In God We Trust on our money for a reason. Many of them were Masons. Which only require that you believe in a higher power, though many were Christians, but not all. That's a deep subject that leads to some very wise men judging by their writings alone. I do believe some type of guidance came to them. Did you know George Washington laid the cornerstone of the Capital building.

The farther we move away from that, the further we will fall.

Whether we like it or not. This attack on “western culture”. I think many are more fearful of becoming a minority within 10-15 years. Besides lack of morals and “democrats” what is it exactly that we are afraid of?
Falling into tyranny,the destruction of the constitution.Which will mean two choices,civil war or submission. Whether we like it or not,this will happen if we continue to destroy our foundation.

There’s so many questions yet very little answers to why Americans think doom & gloom.
This country is heading to war on this path. I'm certainly sure it isn't about being a minority. I'm rather sick of it. It's completely false.We're Americans. That's it. The rest is divisive rubbish.

These are discussions we should be having now to ensure the integrity of our country.

But ask yourself what is that integrity? Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody else is looking. That is the best sum of integrity.

We’re supposed to be a free nation right?

We are not nearly as free as I thought, at least not in some states. Covid taught me that. It also taught me our federal government thinks it can take rights away any time it wishes and give them back when they feel like it.
And you are certainly free to break any law you wish ,but we have consequences for that choice and a lot of them involve prison. I do think we have too many laws on too many things. Some do need to go.

It is crystal clear we have multiple levels of justice in this country with the highest level above all being politicians. Actually a level higher than that is the democrat politician. None of them ever go to prison for anything, well unless you've made yourself expendable to them. And they openly break the law and have federal agencies cover it up. This needs to change!

Why does it seem some benefit more off those freedoms than others?
Make the right choices and work hard toward whatever dream you have. Failure happens to everyone. Most of the highly successful are workaholics who may work at times up to 100 hours a week. Meeting and making connections is a must. It's a lot of sacrifice and tunnel vision toward your goal. I have never met a millionaire yet who was lazy in any way shape or form. They do not waste time and try to be productive with every minute of their day. It's pretty obsessive.
I personally have no desire for extreme wealth, I never have.Much of which would go to charity helping children if i did.
I'd take great wisdom as my only wish, much of which I've learned through mistakes and failure. Oh to be like King Solomon..haha. But I do have a keen sense of looking right through many people like glass. It's sometimes not much fun.

You also have some that just get really lucky, but those are a very small percentage.
What exactly are we fighting for?

We are not fighting,not yet anyway. What some try to point out that the path we are heading towards is against everything the United States was founded on which is it's constitution. People are sworn to that, not the government.

This nation will not survive without a moral compass. The two greatest empire destroyers in history have been immorality and fiscal irresponsibility. That's the destruction from within. We are heading full steam ahead toward it. And nobody is coming to save us...
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We are not fighting,not yet anyway. What some try to point out that the path we are heading towards is against everything the United States was founded on which is it's constitution. People are sworn to that, not the government.

This nation will not survive without a moral compass. The two greatest empire destroyers in history have been immorality and fiscal irresponsibility. That's the destruction from within. We are heading full steam ahead toward it. And nobody is coming to save us...
You have to account that today’s younger generation thinks a lot differently than ours. Kids are not workaholics anymore. Why bust your *** when there are careers that pay handsomely to half ***?

Christianity isn’t as big in places outside of the south. So again what is integrity? This country isn’t the same foundation you think it is. Same can be said for what we deem as freedoms, justice etc. We’re so diverse now these philosophies vary and we can only present arguments/facts from our own perception these days

There are way too many life experiences, way too many upbringing’s that define this country now. What’s deemed “morally” good to one is not going to be “morally” good to another and that’s why this country has it’s social disagreements
And agreed. A lot is diverse rubbish but many people don’t see it as such. They see it as an attack on their beliefs.

If this diverse rubbish didn’t exist. Our society wouldn’t be where it’s at today.

So what is the middle ground to all this? When can Americans regardless of politics support each other?
I have a strong support cast. MT Forged is a strong support for his. Sadly is not a lot of these kids have that support
A lot of truth here, but having raised four kids, and worked in corrections for a while, I have to tell you that many kids have good patents but reject what they are given, walking down a different path. Kids make choices, and rejection is really in vogue these days.

As for the idea that Christianity is a moral code, original formation of the faith and the modern manifestation of the focus on the faith disagree.

The message of the founders of the faith was that those who have no hope for the required perfection, could be redeemed back by the work of Jesus. It wasn't a message of behavior, but of redemption despite poor behavior. The original faith is highly personal as there are no culturally redeemed people, but only redeemed individuals. Individuals.

I posted this on trashbook a few months back -

You think that I am a Christian so that I can live by a code of behavior by which you can judge the validity of my faith.

I think that I am a Christian because I am a desperate sinner who's only hope is a savior who died to pay the price that I owed, but couldn't pay.

We're different.
"Diversity is our strength."

"Diversity does not allow you to impose your rules on me."

"Since your rules don't apply, I am ungoverned by rules."

"Since I am ungoverned by your rules, your property and safety are not my concern."

"Since your property and safety are not my concern, I am free to burn and loot."

Diversity: Giving us the strength to burn, loot and tear down society.
A lot of truth here, but having raised four kids, and worked in corrections for a while, I have to tell you that many kids have good patents but reject what they are given, walking down a different path. Kids make choices, and rejection is really in vogue these days.

As for the idea that Christianity is a moral code, original formation of the faith and the modern manifestation of the focus on the faith disagree.

The message of the founders of the faith was that those who have no hope for the required perfection, could be redeemed back by the work of Jesus. It wasn't a message of behavior, but of redemption despite poor behavior. The original faith is highly personal as there are no culturally redeemed people, but only redeemed individuals. Individuals.

I posted this on trashbook a few months back -

You think that I am a Christian so that I can live by a code of behavior by which you can judge the validity of my faith.

I think that I am a Christian because I am a desperate sinner who's only hope is a savior who died to pay the price that I owed, but couldn't pay.

We're different.
Regardless of religion there are certain codes.
Family, respect, common sense.

But the key difference is proper upbringing by quality parents. Having those quality father and mother figures around. Seeing the dynamics of a strong family unit.

I’ll give you that kids are different now. They’re easily influenced and have access to so much more than we ever did
"Diversity is our strength."
I would say yes it is. Having different perspectives working toward a common goal. Could be why many are drawn to pro sports. An art imitates life thing
"Diversity does not allow you to impose your rules on me."Impose rules such as? Law & order? Then yes, that keeps society civil. There’s always going to be rebellion and law breakers.

"Since your rules don't apply, I am ungoverned by rules."

"Since I am ungoverned by your rules, your property and safety are not my concern."

"Since your property and safety are not my concern, I am free to burn and loot."

Diversity: Giving us the strength to burn, loot and tear down society.
"Diversity is our strength."
I would say yes it is. Having different perspectives working toward a common goal. Could be why many are drawn to pro sports. An art imitates life thing
"Diversity does not allow you to impose your rules on me."Impose rules such as? Law & order? Then yes, that keeps society civil. There’s always going to be rebellion and law breakers.

The difference - and it's a big damn difference - is over the past 5-6 years, elected officials encourage and support lawbreaking by some and viciously attack any alleged wrongdoing by others.

And the disparate treatments 100% rests on ideology. Friends can break the law; ideological enemies are pursued without end for the most trivial of slights.

I know for a fact that America now has two sets of rules: one for the left and one for the right. Every day that point is made more and more clear. Cause a billion dollars in property damage and 25 deaths with rioting in the summer of 2020? No problem.

Enter the Capital after the police open the doors and walk inside velvet ropes? DEATH!!!! Bang on the Supreme Court doors, try to disrupt Congressional proceedings to install Kavanaugh as a SC Justice? Not even a ticket. Walk in the velvet ropes? DEATH!!! Interrupt Tennessee legislative proceeding? Back to no ticket and in fact made a hero.

Post meme mocking Hillary Clinton? Prosecuted for election interference, 10 year sentence awaits. Solicit bullshit letter from 51 lying flunkies to lie about a crucial fact one month before election specifically to interfere with election? Nothing. NOT. ONE. *******. THING.

Put classified materials on home server in bathroom, delete subpoenaed e-mails? No problem. None at all, move along. Have classified materials locked in closet at home guarded by Secret Service? SWAT TEAMS AND FBI RAID HOME!!

I can go on and on, comparing interracial crimes, and property crimes, and violence by leftists vs. violence by rightists. Happy to do so if you wish. We now plainly, clearly, absolutely have two different sets of rules. No sentient being can deny this fact any more.

And if you think people are going to obey rules that don't apply evenly, you are wrong. This is the path to destruction.
The difference - and it's a big damn difference - is over the past 5-6 years, elected officials encourage and support lawbreaking by some and viciously attack any alleged wrongdoing by others.

And the disparate treatments 100% rests on ideology. Friends can break the law; ideological enemies are pursued without end for the most trivial of slights.

I know for a fact that America now has two sets of rules: one for the left and one for the right. Every day that point is made more and more clear. Cause a billion dollars in property damage and 25 deaths with rioting in the summer of 2020? No problem.

Enter the Capital after the police open the doors and walk inside velvet ropes? DEATH!!!! Bang on the Supreme Court doors, try to disrupt Congressional proceedings to install Kavanaugh as a SC Justice? Not even a ticket. Walk in the velvet ropes? DEATH!!! Interrupt Tennessee legislative proceeding? Back to no ticket and in fact made a hero.

Post meme mocking Hillary Clinton? Prosecuted for election interference, 10 year sentence awaits. Solicit bullshit letter from 51 lying flunkies to lie about a crucial fact one month before election specifically to interfere with election? Nothing. NOT. ONE. *******. THING.

Put classified materials on home server in bathroom, delete subpoenaed e-mails? No problem. None at all, move along. Have classified materials locked in closet at home guarded by Secret Service? SWAT TEAMS AND FBI RAID HOME!!

I can go on and on, comparing interracial crimes, and property crimes, and violence by leftists vs. violence by rightists. Happy to do so if you wish. We now plainly, clearly, absolutely have two different sets of rules. No sentient being can deny this fact any more.

And if you think people are going to obey rules that don't apply evenly, you are wrong. This is the path to destruction.
I never said people are going to obey rules.
Corruption and punishment is going to favor those with $$$ and connections. Whether it’s left or right.
I never said people are going to obey rules.
Corruption and punishment is going to favor those with $$$ and connections. Whether it’s left or right.

Yeah, that used to be the rule. The rules have changed.

Orange Man has a lot of money and connections. What's different?

Looters and shoplifters have no money and connections. What's different?

Joe Biden is overtly going after his political enemies. "Extreme." Really, it's "extreme" to say a bumbling imbecile plagiarist who hid in his basement could not possibly get more votes than Obama?? I just wish there was some visual to demonstrate how the FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are now political arms, going after political enemies.

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Yeah, that used to be the rule. The rules have changed.

Orange Man has a lot of money and connections. What's different?

Looters and shoplifters have no money and connections. What's different?

Joe Biden is overtly going after his political enemies. "Extreme." Really, it's "extreme" to say a bumbling imbecile plagiarist who hid in his basement could not possibly get more votes than Obama?? I just wish there was some visual to demonstrate how the FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are now political arms, going after political enemies.

View attachment 10831
Corruption. Remember biden is a career politician. That guy may be a bumbling idiot, but behind closed doors he has too much power
What we see is what Obama's vision is for America.
Well, Joe's new ads say "Finish the job" so I'm sure that's the plan.
Yeah, that used to be the rule. The rules have changed.

Orange Man has a lot of money and connections. What's different?

Looters and shoplifters have no money and connections. What's different?

Joe Biden is overtly going after his political enemies. "Extreme." Really, it's "extreme" to say a bumbling imbecile plagiarist who hid in his basement could not possibly get more votes than Obama?? I just wish there was some visual to demonstrate how the FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are now political arms, going after political enemies.

View attachment 10831
**** that *****

This thread seems like a good place to drop this gem of an article. The MSM, in full lockstep working together, works to drive the race narrative in this country. "America is Racist. Look, a white person shot a black person. Proof." But....facts.

Were you aware black murders of white peoples far exceeds white murders of black peoples? I was. Some DOJ facts you can use against harpie Liberals insisting otherwise.

Data collected by the U.S. Department of Justice between 1980 and 2008 show that most of both white and black murders are committed by killers of the same race—93 percent for blacks, 84 percent for whites. But that’s a considerable gap between the two figures, and when you look at statistics on murders for all cases in which we know race of both victim and offender, you find a glaring difference in the percentages made up of, respectively, white murderer/black victim (WM/BV) and black murderer/white victim (BM/WV) crimes.

In the nearly 30-year period of the DOJ data, BM/WV cases hover near 20% of all homicides for much of the period and are never lower than about 14%. The WM/BV rate for the period is between about 4%-7%. It attains the high mark of around 7% as infrequently as the BM/WV rate achieves its low point of 14%. Throughout the period, the BM/WV rate is always between three and five times higher than the WM/BV rate.