Are any of those people a sub group of the democratic party analogous to what the tea bagger/militias are to the Republicans?
okay, you're just making **** up now. Or more accurately still. The above is your opinion. Nothing but weak, weak opinion.
No they're lone nuts who happen to be Democrats,supposedly. Now the Tea Baggers/militia nuts are a sub group who elect members to political positions for the purpose of propagating their twisted beliefs. They engage in antisocial behavior AS A GROUP.
Yeah, it's different when you're democrat. Do you actually know any Tea Party members on a personal level? I don't believe you do because all you do is parrot the liberal talking points. And, as usual, you are again wrong.
Do you understand context as it pertains to situations, or would you like me to explain that to you as well?
LOL. No, I'm fine.And just in case any other dim witted liberals are reading this and were perceptive enough to pick up on the implication of "as well" in your condescending comment you have yet to "explain" anything to me or to anyone else as far as I've seen.
I run away from nothing. This post escaped me for a while as I have to face twenty questions at a time on twenty subjects, answer them, abuse the poster intellectually, then move on.
Careful'll pull something patting yourself on the back like that. Delusional, liberal and rude is no way to go through life.
It's a slow process when dealing with the slow.