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CNN election poll: Voters are angry

OH, MY, GOD...... You can't be rationalizing throwing your vote away again. Didn't you learn anything last go around?

I'm not rationalizing anything. The LP supports what I do and the GOP is now just DNC-Lite. The if the GOP wants my vote they can earn it by once again becoming the party of small government, low taxes and low spending and personal liberty. I didn't like G W Bush almost as much as I don't like Obama.
I'm not rationalizing anything. The LP supports what I do and the GOP is now just DNC-Lite. The if the GOP wants my vote they can earn it by once again becoming the party of small government, low taxes and low spending and personal liberty. I didn't like G W Bush almost as much as I don't like Obama.

That was sarcasm, we are both on the same side of this triangle.
I'm not rationalizing anything. The LP supports what I do and the GOP is now just DNC-Lite. The if the GOP wants my vote they can earn it by once again becoming the party of small government, low taxes and low spending and personal liberty. I didn't like G W Bush almost as much as I don't like Obama.

That was sarcasm, we are both on the same side of this triangle.
From the YouTube video that SteeChip posted:

"We see the elected officials driving around in new cars, and with new homes."

At some point, Americans will begin to wonder how the hell Joe Biden - who has worked as an elected official his entire life - became so rich. Seriously, he graduated law school in 1968, finishing 76th out of a class of 85. He was first elected to public office in 1970. His father worked as a used car salesman. Biden is not intelligent, does not come from money, and has never held any job in the private sector. His entire financial status comes from being an elected official.

His home looks like this:


A ****** ranking in college, a terrible academic background from a bad law school, comes from a middle class family, and his income is solely as an elected official ... and he lives in a ******* mansion.

Does anybody else see something wrong with this? Why am I the only one who has wondered how the **** Biden - an idiot, as shown by his miserable academic record - became rich as a professional politician??
You are not the only one who has wondered how Joe the plagerist does it Steeltime. I wonder aloud about this all the time.
You are not the only one who has wondered how Joe the plagerist does it Steeltime. I wonder aloud about this all the time.
Sorry, you must have missed the **** Storm during the last election cycle. There are about 6-7 of us Libertarians who won't vote for the lesser of two evils, at any cost. We have been labled as terrorists of the US, because we will not suck it up and vote for D-light.

In case you missed it:
- a vote for Obama is a vote for Obama
- a vote for someone NOT Republican is a vote for Obama
- a vote for a Republican, since they can not win anyway, is a vote for Obama.

Simplistic pabulum.....your "**** storm" wasn't enough to take the Senate and affect anything, ANYTHING. That end-game will only give us another Dem super-majority who pass Obamacare and soon to be completely free open-borders with debit cards handed on the way across the river.
I think Biden married into money. His wife was a successful physician. On top of that, her family was wealthy.
Simplistic pabulum.....your "**** storm" wasn't enough to take the Senate and affect anything, ANYTHING. That end-game will only give us another Dem super-majority who pass Obamacare and soon to be completely free open-borders with debit cards handed on the way across the river.

It's not as though the Reps closed the border when they were in charge. If the reps don't trot out a fiscally conservative candidate for president ill vote Libertarian again. If the vote is the guy who wants Obamacare or mitt "hey remember Romney care", 3rd party it is. That's not me helping the Dems. That's the reps being Dem lite.
I vote for the canidate who I like the most. often that will be a thrid party person. If more people voted for canidates by their overall position on the issues rather than just pulling a R or D lever or focusing on some meaningless hot buton topic the country would be better off. There are some really good democrats and really good republicans out there. There are also a lot of independants or libertarians who really deserve to win some of these races.
I think Biden married into money. His wife was a successful physician. On top of that, her family was wealthy.

No, she has a Phd in English, a good salary but hardly what a successful doctor earns.
Dad was a teller at a bank who became the boss at some savings and loan. Mom was a homemaker.
Worked as a waitress...not typical of someone with wealthy background.

And while i dig a lot of the libertarian ideas minus all the drug bs . This conservative will not vote in the democrats by throwing my vote away on someone who has no chance whatsoever of getting elected. Don't piss in the wind. The libertarian party has to build itself up to the point that it is no longer just a spoiler in elections. If you dig hardcore socialists,leftists and marxist ideologues running every facet of our measly human existence on this planet from birth until death,then by all means keep on voting them in!
No, she has a Phd in English, a good salary but hardly what a successful doctor earns.
Dad was a teller at a bank who became the boss at some savings and loan. Mom was a homemaker.
Worked as a waitress...not typical of someone with wealthy background.


Oops, wrong wife there Stewey....In 1964, while on spring break in the Bahamas,[19] he met and began dating Neilia Hunter, who was from an affluent background in Skaneateles, New York, On August 27, 1966, Biden, while still a law student, married Hunter.[23]

On December 18, 1972, a few weeks after the election, Biden's wife and one-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile accident while Christmas shopping in Hockessin, Delaware.[23] Neilia Biden's station wagon was hit by a tractor-trailer as she pulled out from an intersection;

The drums of discontent are gettin' loader over there on the left, hopefully these kinds of ads are payin' off.

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Thanks for the clarification, Chip. I was thinking of his first wife. I'm pretty sure her family had big money, but I could be wrong.
encouraging signs

Dems rush to save suddenly vulnerable incumbents

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Desperate Democrats are rushing to save suddenly vulnerable House incumbents, even in states where President Barack Obama cruised to double-digit victories, amid fresh signs of Republican momentum less than a week before the midterm elections.

The once friendly terrain of New York, California, Obama's native state of Hawaii and adopted state of Illinois all now pose stiff challenges to Democrats who are determined to limit their losses next Tuesday. Both parties agree the GOP will hold its House majority; the question is whether Republicans can gain enough seats to rival their post-World War II high water mark of 246.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is reviving the "I" word - impeachment - in a fundraising appeal warning about GOP control of the Senate.

"Frankly, a Republican House and Senate could go beyond shutting down the government - they could waste months of our lives on impeachment," Reid says in an appeal put out by the Progessive Change Campaign Committee.

ha ha - make it so

Panic on the Hill! 300-600 Senate Dem staffers would be fired in GOP win

'It will be ugly': GOP Senate win to ax hundreds of Democratic jobs

With projections of a GOP win growing daily, nervousness in Senate committee offices has turned to panic as an army of Democratic staffers braces to be fired, replaced by a Republican majority and their aides.

The spoils of political war? Estimates are that 300-600 Democratic committee and personal staff jobs would be on the chopping block if the Republicans pull off the expected victory.

“There will be a mass exodus of Senate Democrat staff from committees,” said one insider.

In a red state like TX, I think I can afford to vote for the Libertarian candidates and not have my vote considered a throw-away. And even if TX was more of a swing state (God forbid that ever happens), I think my well-researched, informed vote for a Libertarian candidate IS voting my conscious and at some point, the entrenched 2-party system needs shaking up. Those 2 parties would just love it if we're all pitted against one another, with the parties just swapping periods of power every few years. The term "two sides of the same corrupt coin" comes to mind.

If Libertarians can approach double digit percentage votes in local, state, and maybe even federal elections, you can bet elected officials start to take notice. But check this; I've even read where the 2 parties have pulled every trick in the book to have Libertarian candidates excluded from debates. What does that tell you? If ever there were a time for a legitimate 3rd party to make inroads in the political arena, this is it. You gotta start sometime, and right now the fruit that is general disenchantment of the people is ripe for the picking.

And perhaps what Rand Paul wants to do, bring Libertarian ideology INTO the GOP rather than run a likely-to-be-doomed 3rd party campaign, is smart. And let me say this; for GOPers, I understand pro-life and sanctity of marriage issues are important, and equally for Libertarians and their issues of ending the drug war and marriage rights for all, but understand there are bigger stakes at play and putting those issues on the side burner for now and focusing on the economy, wars, border security, etc. are what affect each and every American.
Simplistic pabulum.....your "**** storm" wasn't enough to take the Senate and affect anything, ANYTHING. That end-game will only give us another Dem super-majority who pass Obamacare and soon to be completely free open-borders with debit cards handed on the way across the river.

The "**** Storm" I am refering to is, all the **** the Libertarians got because we wouldn't help elect a Republican who is 99% Democrat.
"Frankly, a Republican House and Senate could go beyond shutting down the government - they could waste months of our lives on impeachment," Reid says in an appeal put out by the Progessive Change Campaign Committee.

They are not doing anything now, why not at least accomplish tossing Obama out on his ***?
ha ha - make it so

Panic on the Hill! 300-600 Senate Dem staffers would be fired in GOP win

'It will be ugly': GOP Senate win to ax hundreds of Democratic jobs.

No biggie. Most of them will be hired as lobbyists or bureaucrats within 15 minutes. That's why you make connections while you're there.
Senate and House GOP majorities? Bomma doesn't care. He got us BommaCare, lost the wars in the middle east, and brought us more illegal immigrants and Ebola. His work here is done. Bomma be golfing every day instead of every other day.
I prefer real conservatives in office,not rinos. Term limits could end a lot of the self serving bs going on in Washington as well. The office of the president needs a serious power check too. I don't think I've ever seen a president commit as many impeachable offenses without as much as a slap on the wrist. The judicial obstruction implemented through executive action in that office is mind blowing and unacceptable in a constitutional republic.
I prefer real conservatives in office,not rinos. Term limits could end a lot of the self serving bs going on in Washington as well. The office of the president needs a serious power check too. I don't think I've ever seen a president commit as many impeachable offenses without as much as a slap on the wrist. The judicial obstruction implemented through executive action in that office is mind blowing and unacceptable in a constitutional republic.
You're a racist and hating on FBP.
Oops, wrong wife there Stewey....In 1964, while on spring break in the Bahamas,[19] he met and began dating Neilia Hunter, who was from an affluent background in Skaneateles, New York, On August 27, 1966, Biden, while still a law student, married Hunter.[23]

On December 18, 1972, a few weeks after the election, Biden's wife and one-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile accident while Christmas shopping in Hockessin, Delaware.[23] Neilia Biden's station wagon was hit by a tractor-trailer as she pulled out from an intersection;

The drums of discontent are gettin' loader over there on the left, hopefully these kinds of ads are payin' off.


But she died back in 72....regardless, it's irrelevant.... according to the interntez, Biden is not the John Kerry kind of rich. His net worth is only $600K.


Consider the net worth of the two that turned Martin Luther Kings "I Have a Dream" to "I have a SCHEME."


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