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COLD WAR!! U.S. expels 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds

No one cared about hacking until the leaks showed just how corrupt the cheating Dems were!

Imagine that.

The Libs loved it when Wikileaks was releasing Bush Administration emails.
Warning: by no means should any of you read this. It will not fit your Breitbart-Trump world view.

Read the US Intelligence Report on Russian Hacking

The intelligence community makes its case. Your move, Donald Trump.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Friday released its declassified report on Russia's efforts to influence the outcome of the 2016 election by hacking Democratic outfits during the campaign.

The report comes a day after top intelligence officials, including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the issue. During the hearing, Clapper said the intelligence community has grown more "resolute" in its assessment that Russian intelligence was involved in the hacks aimed at the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. On Friday, Clapper, Rogers, FBI Director Jim Comey, and CIA Director John Brennan briefed President-elect Donald Trump on the classified evidence linking Russia to the hacks and the leaking of the swiped emails. After the briefing, Trump released a statement noting that Russia is one of many actors that try to hack US targets, but the statement did not acknowledge the US intelligence community conclusion that Moscow had mounted the cyber-attack against the United States as part of an operation to help elect Trump president.

I know some of you - for some brain-numbing reason - have begun categorically rejecting everything coming from the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, basically the entire US government and Secret Services, but you do so at your own peril.

Here's the report which was just released: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3254229-ICA-2017-01.html#document/p1
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So funny. Obama is all red-assed that the emails got hacked but he doesn't care that they were TRUE. I'm glad that their corruption was put out in the open and if it did influence people to not vote for Hillary, because of the TRUTH, then that's awesome.
Really nothing surprising. I've suspected Russia at being involved and attempting to "hack" our political process every year for a while.

But what this reeks of from liberals is blaming the messenger instead of the message. I used this analogy today at work when discussing the issue. If I am cheating on my wife and someone ILLEGALLY gets a photograph of me getting down with my mistress, blaming the photographer is not going to save my marriage. I STILL ******* CHEATED!

I can't go around and say "Well, I never would have gotten divorced if it wasn't for that stupid photographer!" Technically, that might be correct. My wife might never have found out I cheated. But that doesn't change the fact the DIVORCE was because I cheated on my wife. The court documents aren't going to list "caught by illegal photographer" on the divorce papers. It's going to say "adultery".

The liberal democrats can't seem to grasp this fact.

Hell, I might be an advocate for better protection from paparazzi after this, sure. We might even prosecute the photographer (and he might get a small fine or slab on the wrist) for taking a picture on private property or something. Those are all legit issues.

But it's not the reason I got divorced. Remember that.
Really nothing surprising. I've suspected Russia at being involved and attempting to "hack" our political process every year for a while.

But what this reeks of from liberals is blaming the messenger instead of the message. I used this analogy today at work when discussing the issue. If I am cheating on my wife and someone ILLEGALLY gets a photograph of me getting down with my mistress, blaming the photographer is not going to save my marriage. I STILL ******* CHEATED!

I can't go around and say "Well, I never would have gotten divorced if it wasn't for that stupid photographer!" Technically, that might be correct. My wife might never have found out I cheated. But that doesn't change the fact the DIVORCE was because I cheated on my wife. The court documents aren't going to list "caught by illegal photographer" on the divorce papers. It's going to say "adultery".

The liberal democrats can't seem to grasp this fact.

Hell, I might be an advocate for better protection from paparazzi after this, sure. We might even prosecute the photographer (and he might get a small fine or slab on the wrist) for taking a picture on private property or something. Those are all legit issues.

But it's not the reason I got divorced. Remember that.

Can we see the photos?
So funny. Obama is all red-assed that the emails got hacked but he doesn't care that they were TRUE. I'm glad that their corruption was put out in the open and if it did influence people to not vote for Hillary, because of the TRUTH, then that's awesome.

I'm sure the most transparent administration ever would want everything out in the open anyway. That's why Hildabeast had her own private email server running high level communications with low level security. The DNC obviously wanted to follow suit with brilliant passwords such as password.
Really nothing surprising. I've suspected Russia at being involved and attempting to "hack" our political process every year for a while.

But what this reeks of from liberals is blaming the messenger instead of the message. I used this analogy today at work when discussing the issue. If I am cheating on my wife and someone ILLEGALLY gets a photograph of me getting down with my mistress, blaming the photographer is not going to save my marriage. I STILL ******* CHEATED!

I can't go around and say "Well, I never would have gotten divorced if it wasn't for that stupid photographer!" Technically, that might be correct. My wife might never have found out I cheated. But that doesn't change the fact the DIVORCE was because I cheated on my wife. The court documents aren't going to list "caught by illegal photographer" on the divorce papers. It's going to say "adultery".

The liberal democrats can't seem to grasp this fact.

Hell, I might be an advocate for better protection from paparazzi after this, sure. We might even prosecute the photographer (and he might get a small fine or slab on the wrist) for taking a picture on private property or something. Those are all legit issues.

But it's not the reason I got divorced. Remember that.

What the **** are you talking about?

James Woolsey, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, the FBI, CIA and very other agency don't give a **** about the election results. The Democrats said long ago hacking didn't alter the election outcome.

Please use both hands to push Trump's *** from your face and acknowledge what happened.

I swear when the power grid gets hacked and we're all ******, you guys will still be patting yourself s on the back over Trump winning the election.
What the **** are you talking about?

James Woolsey, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, the FBI, CIA and very other agency don't give a **** about the election results. The Democrats said long ago hacking didn't alter the election outcome.

Please use both hands to push Trump's *** from your face and acknowledge what happened.

I swear when the power grid gets hacked and we're all ******, you guys will still be patting yourself s on the back over Trump winning the election.

The truth was exposed. Were the means nefarious? Probably.

Let's see your fury over the contents of the leaks.

That would be refreshing.

The truth was exposed

Right, Trump was wrong, he invoked Assange for no apparent reason and you continue to take him seriously, unlike Woolsey.

Let's see you address what Woolsey said a week ago when he was still TRUMP's ADVISOR. What since then made him effectively say "**** this, I'm outta here!"?
Right, Trump was wrong, he invoked Assange for no apparent reason and you continue to take him seriously, unlike Woolsey.

Let's see you address what Woolsey said a week ago when he was still TRUMP's ADVISOR. What since then made him effectively say "**** this, I'm outta here!"?

Trump was wrong? He invoked Assange? Do explain. That ought to be interesting.

I don't believe the contents of the emails that were exposed have ever been brought into question, have they been? I mean, all this outrage over the influence the Russians have had on our elections, yet nary a peep about how the Democrats themselves have undermined our democratic processes right here at home.

The shame.
Trump was wrong? He invoked Assange? Do explain. That ought to be interesting.

I don't believe the contents of the emails that were exposed have ever been brought into question, have they been? I mean, all this outrage over the influence the Russians have had on our elections, yet nary a peep about how the Democrats themselves have undermined our democratic processes right here at home.

The shame.

Are you the 400lb guy living in his mom's house who hacked the DNC. Did you miss Trump tweeting about what Assange said?... Even though he later said he doesn't claim it's true (he just felt like being pointless I guess). What a ******* joke he is.

The democrats undermined the democratic process within their own party much like the republicans threatened to do with Trump.

None of you not-so-bright Barts will touch the Woolsey video with a ten foot pole. How telling!
HuffPo turns on the Dems


If Russia Hacked Podesta, Then Russia Knew Hillary Used a Private Server to Email Obama

The current establishment narrative states that Russia used Hillary Clinton’s incriminating emails against her campaign to elect Donald Trump. When Democratic pundits or the U.S. intelligence community state that “Russia hacked our election,” they really mean Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton’s campaign. In 2016, words like “election” and “democratic process” are defined as either the DNC or Podesta’s emails.

The fact Wisconsin hasn’t voted for a Republican since 1984, but picked Trump over Clinton, isn’t part of the equation.

Russia and “Russian hackers” are convenient scapegoats to explain Clinton’s $1.2 Billion campaign loss. Otherwise, Democrats would have to accept that Clinton’s negative favorability ratings, Iraq Vote, use of the phrase “super-predator” to describe black youth, advocacy of the TPP, Foundation issues, ongoing FBI email investigations, and the DNC’s cheating of Bernie Sanders might have had a tiny role in her defeat.

However, why would Russia only hack the DNC and Podesta’s emails?

What about Clinton’s server?

If indeed Russian hackers gave WikiLeaks the DNC and Podesta emails (there’s zero evidence backing this claim, but let’s follow the establishment’s narrative to its logical conclusion), then Russian intelligence would certainly have read these emails.

If indeed they hacked Clinton’s campaign, and then read Podesta’s emails, then Russia’s GRU and FSB intelligence agencies also knew Clinton used a private server; not a State.gov email address.


We have a flaw in Democratic propaganda stating Hillary would have won if not for those meddling Russians.

It’s interesting that after a year-long FBI criminal investigation (where James Comey stated Clinton was “extremely careless” in the handling of classified intelligence) that recent Congressional testimony from intelligence chiefs didn’t focus on what Russians learned from their alleged hacking activities. Keep in mind that Clinton’s server was unencrypted for the first three months. It also contained 22 Top Secret emails and thousands of retroactively classified emails.

Are you the 400lb guy living in his mom's house who hacked the DNC. Did you miss Trump tweeting about what Assange said?... Even though he later said he doesn't claim it's true (he just felt like being pointless I guess). What a ******* joke he is.

The democrats undermined the democratic process within their own party much like the republicans threatened to do with Trump.

None of you not-so-bright Barts will touch the Woolsey video with a ten foot pole. How telling!

I'm asking you to define "Trump invoked Assange" and specify what you mean by Trunp was wrong - specifically - since you engage in generalities. Trump invoked Assange can be interpreted more than a few ways, for example.

When you can be specific, I'll re-enter the fray.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

New Emails Show More 'Extremely Careless' Behavior by Clinton

Hillary Clinton may be out of the spotlight for her email scandal now that the election’s over but more emails are coming out that offer additional examples of her being ‘extremely careless’ in handling sensitive information.

New emails released by the State Department Tuesday show Clinton and her aides exchanging talking points, schedules and even passwords over her private server.

Many of the 371 emails posted on the State Department website had been partially released previously, and are separate from the hacked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta posted by WikiLeaks before the election. Almost all the messages were partly or heavily redacted.

Among the items redacted -- yet still sent over email -- was Clinton's iPad password.

In an Aug. 20, 2012 conversation, Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, told her boss she had the iPad password reset. The device had previously given Clinton problems, though Abedin wrote that it’s “all good now.”

At the top of the message, Abedin typed out the entirety of the new password, which was redacted on the State Department release. Clinton responded later with even more information, noting that “I finally realized I had to add the [redacted] to the password!!!!”

They also shared detailed schedules and talking points ahead of meetings and calls with foreign leaders and top U.S. officials. Other emails revealed details about Justin Cooper, who helped set up her private server, as well as other Clinton relationships.

On Sept. 30, 2011 – the day American-born terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki was killed – Abedin emailed Clinton to say then-CIA Director David Petraeus wanted to talk on a secure connection. She added: “Assume its about awlaki.”

What's the end game?

All these "hacks" and Russian interest in our election happened under an OBAMA statehouse! For all intents and purposes, all the world was preparing for a Hillary Clinton Presidency (including Russia)!

I don't really understand what Trog and others want. Trump is not going to undermine the credibility of his victory over Clinton by saying Russia "helped" when helping (like I proved above) is the equivalence of a photographer catching someone cheating on their spouse and then blaming the photographer for the divorce.

Did Trump fire volleys against the Intelligence community? Yes. He publicly doubted them on an inconsequential and meaningless issue (in the world scheme of things). He put them under fire. And now he sees who he is really dealing with. Who is REALLY in charge and who has the cajones to get the job done when something really important happens and the intelligence is for an important reason. Plus he has outed and publicly exposed the power brokers that ARE the intelligence agency and made it much easier (if necessary) to out them again if they try to pull tricks during his Presidency.

I guess I just don't have the shock or concern that Russia attempts to hack the DNC chairman, especially when I strongly feel the information exposed is of greater public importance than the illegality of how it was obtained. That tenet is part of the backbone of investigative journalism. In my opinion, the greater public good was exposing the DNC e-mails, even if obtained by a foreign government invasion of our public officials' privacy.

I mean, God, it's now like we don't intervene as a country in other political power struggles all the time. We can't take the high road when it happens to us.
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Trump Calls For Investigation Into Intel Leaks To NBC

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday called for lawmakers to investigate U.S. intelligence leaks to NBC about information on Russian interference in the presidential election.

“I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it,” Trump tweeted Friday.



hahahahahaha - these ******* have no idea what's about to hit them

What did NBC know, and when did they know it!
The democrats undermined the democratic process within their own party much like the republicans threatened to do with Trump.

Couldn't help but to address this comment as well (should have done so last night).

So you really try to write off the Democrats undermining US Democracy this way, by trying to make it seem as if it was something that was just in-house and didn't affect the country? That is the definition of spin.

News Flash Einstein, what the DNC did in undermining the US Democratic process with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton affected the American people. Countless millions of Americans votes were made meaningless and void by the corruption within the DNC, as exposed by WikLeaks.

Also exposed was the Democrats corrupt ties with the US media, which affects our elections. When you disseminate false information daily through multiple networks and trade rags, you undermine democracy. Countless and endless WikiLeaks emails showed the DNC influencing what Americans see and when, often a shell of the truth, if the truth at all. Remember Debbie Wasserman-Shultz persistently telling Chuck Todd what to say and when? Pravda.

There were MANY other examples.

To argue that the Democrats didn't have full systems and engines in place manipulating US Democracy on a daily, nationwide basis is you being nothing more than obtuse.
To argue that the Democrats didn't have full systems and engines in place manipulating US Democracy on a daily, nationwide basis is you being nothing more than obtuse.

Man, are you ******* bizarre! Please show where I argued anything like that? It must be the voices in your head.

I couldn't have cared less about the democrat's nominee. I wasn't going to vote for either Bernie or Hillary. I actually said the democrats got exactly what they deserved after the election... too bad everyone will suffer with them.
Please show where I argued anything like that?

Ummm, LOL...when you said "The democrats undermined the democratic process within their own party much like the republicans threatened to do with Trump."

Clearly that comment aims to try to minimize the effects of the Democrats corruption, by saying they only harmed themselves. What they did wasn't just about their own party. They cheated their own voters. They cheated all Americans by manipulating the media. Their corruption extended to and touched all Americans - not just their own party.

Obama undermined US democracy, not Moscow

A Russian official on Friday argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by President Obama's administration and the media, not by Moscow's alleged hacking campaign.

Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov offered his criticism following the public release of a U.S. intelligence report that accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of orchestrating an effort to "undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process."

"The U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported Hillary Clinton over President-elect Donald Trump," Pushkov tweeted.

"The danger to democracy is within U.S. itself," he added, arguing that Obama is responsible for Republicans' growing trust of Putin.



Now they just trolling
And The Hill is a fairly Liberal rag too.
They cheated all Americans by manipulating the media. Their corruption extended to and touched all Americans - not just their own party.

LOL! Oh,the drama!

Let me pull a Tim here.... You claiming that ALL media, even the alt right media, and ALL Americans, even those that voted for other candidates, were manipulated, is you being obtuse.

Actually, it's you being a serious drama queen conspiracy theorist.
What's the end game?
Possibly this -
Statement by Secretary Jeh Johnson on the Designation of Election Infrastructure as a Critical Infrastructure Subsector
Release Date: January 6, 2017
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

I have determined that election infrastructure in this country should be designated as a subsector of the existing Government Facilities critical infrastructure sector. Given the vital role elections play in this country, it is clear that certain systems and assets of election infrastructure meet the definition of critical infrastructure, in fact and in law.

from - https://www.dhs.gov/news/2017/01/06...-designation-election-infrastructure-critical

Odd timing for it, so could also just be government's natural tendency to expand..