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COLD WAR!! U.S. expels 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds

Let me pull a Tim here.... You claiming that ALL media, even the alt right media, and ALL Americans, even those that voted for other candidates, were manipulated, is you being obtuse.

Let's get back to the basics (difficult for you, we know. Let's keep it simple). I said "They cheated their own voters. They cheated all Americans by manipulating the media. Their corruption extended to and touched all Americans - not just their own party.".

Does it say "ALL" media, dumbass? Nope. In your lame attempts to try to save face after your attempts to back track on your own incorrect comments, you're now resorting to inserting words into mine. LOL, pathetic. You've got some major comprehension issues..

Dance and spin Trog...you've perfected it on this board.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yUe_Pi8NfT4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Let's get back to the basics (difficult for you, we know. Let's keep it simple). I said "They cheated their own voters. They cheated all Americans by manipulating the media. Their corruption extended to and touched all Americans - not just their own party.".

Does it say "ALL" media, dumbass? Nope. In your lame attempts to try to save face after your attempts to back track on your own incorrect comments, you're now resorting to inserting words into mine. LOL, pathetic. You've got some major comprehension issues..

LOL! You're crying about being cheated and manipulated by the democrats. Talk about pathetic!

Toughen up, buttercup.
Toughen up, buttercup.

Ha ha! Come on now, the whole world knows that you leftist twinkie snowflakes are the soft ones. "Progressives" LMAO! Progressively cramming your dull heads further up your *****. You tools are about to see what real progress is.
LOL! You're crying about being cheated and manipulated by the democrats. Talk about pathetic!

Toughen up, buttercup.

Pointing out your party's as corrupt as Chicago politics ain't cryin' son. Pointing out that the media's corrupt as the day is long and repeating to do so until it changes is a social protest, if not dissemination of education. The more it's discussed, the more people pay attention. As example, the media's corruption was one of the reasons Americans elected Donald Trump.

None of which changes the fact you can't remember the **** you type then waffle on it trying to backtrack it. As is always the case when you've been painted into a corner with your poorly thought out words written here on SN, you resort to the childish banter of name calling and waffling. You've at least got that going for you.

As example, the media's corruption was one of the reasons Americans elected Donald Trump.

Now, now... you said the democrats were corrupt, the media was manipulated and America was cheated.

You can't remember the **** you type.
Now, now... you said the democrats were corrupt, the media was manipulated and America was cheated.

You can't remember the **** you type.

You're now desperate. You believe by saying the corrupt media "helped" Trump win that one can't also say that the corrupt media harms (or cheats) America???

Trump exposed the corrupt media. Right wing sites, social media, and intelligent Americans have exposed the media. The majority of Americans do not trust (as per countless polls) the media. These issues HELPED propel Trump's vote.

And yet, still, the corrupt media exists and their Pravda-style reporting is harmful to Americans. Surely, even you can see both.

Trump exposed the corrupt media. Right wing sites, social media, and intelligent Americans have exposed the media. The majority of Americans do not trust (as per countless polls) the media. And yet, still, the corrupt media exists and their Pravda-style reporting is harmful to Americans. Surely, even you can see both.

Let me guess, you do not consider Breitbart News and other alt-right sites as corrupt media? They are perfectly suitable sources of real news, in your view.
Let me guess, you do not consider Breitbart News and other alt-right sites as corrupt media? They are perfectly suitable sources of real news, in your view.

They report the things that the MSM glosses over or flat ignores. I find that like all news sources you have to take what they say with a grain of salt sometimes.Unlike all the major news networks Breitbart has never lost a major court case for libelous reporting.
Let me guess, you do not consider Breitbart News and other alt-right sites as corrupt media? They are perfectly suitable sources of real news, in your view.

The word "mainstream" exists for a reason.
The word "mainstream" exists for a reason.
I get it. Breitbart to you is what's considered investigative reporting. You look at anything non-MSM as real, more close to the truth than what the major newspapers - tv, papers, internet - are reporting.

The mystical, adversarial mainstream News. Let's get real.

Journalism in this country has stood strong through time-tested history. The fact everything's online nowadays takes nothing away from the decades of legitimate reporting from newspapers - big and small, around the country. The Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, New York Times are all online. As is the LA Times, Miami Herald, Long Beach Press Telegram, Washinton Post and the Beaver County News. And all the major tv networks pump news 24-7.

News as we know it today is a non-stop stream of information. Never stops and never begins.

The notion that MSM is skewered, commie-leftist propaganda is pure fiction. If you actually believe that, you really need to get out, look around, travel a little.

Where did our fathers and grandfathers get their news? Probably from newspapers, the radio and television.

You can have your conspiracy theories, I trust the local newsman, the journalist to report what's out there, what's happening. Editors will tidy it up and publish it, ie the truth. Sure, from time to time stories will get cut, things will be hidden. But the truth always emerges, sooner or later. See, I believe in traditional journalism. The 'media' is hundreds of splinters of wishes and wants...and cash & corruption spread out over the nation, and the planet. Yet journalism - in it's essence - will always be a compass of truth.

If you don't believe that 1. you don't read a varied-enough amount of sources, and/or 2. you should jump off a building.

You guys are enamored by Julian Assange, the recluse hacker yet are willing to throw hundreds of years of American journalism out the window because so-called 'fake news' is being reported.

Don't succumb to crazy conspiracies. 'Mainstream media' is not controlled by George Soros and left-wing emissaries. Media, in itself, doesn't exist. Hundreds, thousands of news organizations work around the world, and around the clock, to report what's happening.

The idea that the Media - as a whole - is corrupt and not to be trusted is truly an alt-right fantasy and will remain as such. It certainly drives web clicks to Breitbart, no doubt.
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I get it. Breitbart to you is what's considered investigative reporting.

You're quite good at this Liberal labeling business. Breitbart, HuffPo, Vox, all the same. As with so many of us with degrees and high level education, I validate among many sources. As you yourself claim to.

You look at anything non-MSM as real, more close to the truth than what the major newspapers - tv, papers, internet - are reporting.

No, I look at anything from MSM as 'potentially' corrupt, unlike the bulk of Americans that believe what they are spoon fed.

Journalism in this country has stood strong through time-tested history.

Journalism in this country has never been tested as it is now with persistent media everywhere. You, nor I, have any idea what the media fed us 30 and 50 years ago. There was little way to validate what they told us. Now, it's a different world and journalists are being exposed.

You know how the Michael Brown story would have gone down if not for persistent media don't you? He'd have been a martyr, murdered by a cop. Thanks to cell phone media and internet media, their attempts to white wash that story the way they wanted was prevented.

Thank GOD.

The notion that MSM is skewered, commie-leftist propaganda is pure fiction. If you actually believe that, you really need to get out, look around, travel a little.

Do you ACTUALLY believe this Tibs? If so, it's you that needs to pull your head from your *** and remove the blinders that you walk around through life wearing.

This just from WikiLeaks:

1. Clinton Staff hosts private “off-the-record cocktail party” with 38 “influential” reporters, journalists, editors, and anchors (from 16 different mainstream media outlets including CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, MSNBC, & more) with the stated goal of “framing the race.”

2. Donna Brazile (CNN contributor at the time, and current DNC Chairman now) leaked CNN town hall questions to Hillary Clinton’s staff prior to the debate.

3. Clinton campaign and the New York Times coordinating attack strategy against Trump.

4. Glen Thrush, POLITICO’s chief political correspondent and senior staff writer for POLITICO Magazine, sends John Podesta an article for his approval. Writes: “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I ****** up anything.”

5. Huffington Post contributor Frank Islam writes to John Podesta in an email titled “My blogs in the Huffington Post”, says “I am committed to make sure she is elected the next president.” “Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.”

6. Clinton staffer “Placing a story” with Politico / New York Times: “place a story with a friendly journalist” “we have a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico” “we should shape likely leaks in the best light for HRC.”

7. John Podesta receiving drafts of New York Times articles before they’re published.

Clinton staff “placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper).”

More media collusion: NYT and AP “helpful” to Clinton campaign.

8. Clinton staff colluding with New York Times and Wall Street Journal to paint Hillary’s economic policies in a “progressive” light.

9. CNBC panelist colluding with John Podesta on what to ask Trump when he calls in for an interview.

10. Clinton staff appearing to control the release times of Associated Press articles.

Or the Washington Post putting 26 reporters on digging up dirt on Donald Trump and absolutely ZERO to investigate Hillary.

NBC's Chuck Todd taking direction directly from the DNC (see WikiLeaks).


Then there is the entire business of what the MSM chooses to show, vs. what it chooses NOT to show. That is a college thesis in and of itself. Going wall to wall coverage on Trayvon Martin, and providing nearly ZERO coverage on the countless attacks on innocent white civilians by mobs chanting Black Lives Matter (of which there are numerous). Playing little to no attention to Hillary's email scandals, and when they did, to downplay it.

Have a look at MRC, dedicated to watch dogging media bias and coverage. You only need to pay attention for a few days.

Jesus, I could go on for months providing example after example of inaccurate, unbalanced, biased, and incorrect MSM reporting and operation.

For you to defend MSM just shows the lengths to which you will go to be obtuse.

I trust the local newsman, the journalist to report what's out there, what's happening.

Not a single one of us is surprised.

Editors will tidy it up and publish it, ie the truth.

Negative. See above. There are literally thousands of examples of the bias, inaccuracy and corruption that gets past these "editors."

But the truth always emerges, sooner or later.

Thank God for Fox News, internet media, and WikiLeaks, you're right. Eventually we do see the truth.

See, I believe in traditional journalism.The importance of honest, relevant journalism will always be important.

Then you are literally a buffoon. Despite the thousands of examples of how corrupt it's become, you believe in it. Why? Because MSM sings your tune. Tells you the lies you want to believe. And you rationalize away each example of their corruption. There is little honest about a profession that is (per studies) over 94% run by registered Democrats. You simply cannot believe you will get honest reporting when there is a 94% v 6% split between conservative and liberal reporters..do you ???

You guys are enamored by Julian Assange, the recluse hacker yet are willing to throw hundreds of years of American journalism out the window because so-called 'fake news' is being reported.

You sir, are an idiot for ignoring it or rationalizing it away. Not one email produced has been proven to be false. Not one. It exposed MASSIVE corruption and bias. To you? They are still honest. You're a complete joke Tibs.

Don't succumb to crazy conspiracies.

When you can show that the litany of exposed emails are falsified, then your point may carry water. Until then, it's not a conspiracy is it? A conspiracy is when you believe in UFOs, but you really have no proof. We have thousands and thousands of pages of EVIDENCE Tibs. Unarguable examples of corruption. That's not a conspiracy. They are facts.
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Tim, I truly believe you're nuts. For whatever it's worth. Have a nice day.
That was a serious smackdown. Well done Tim. Tibs might be the dumbest mf'er on this board. There's four or five others giving him the run for the money, but Tibs is holding them off with the Heisman pose.
There is normally enough truth in the MSM stories to make the lies go down more easily. By checking multiple sources an intelligent, at least semi-awake person can glean a lot of the truth about a situation.
He just kicked your *** Tibs and you know it....
That was a serious smackdown. Well done Tim.

Yes, Tim kicked my *** and I know it. That was a serious smackdown, way to go Tim! I got kicked in the mouth and was shown who's the boss! He trampled me through mud and I was beaten down thoroughly. He gouged my eyes out and tore off my limbs. He then threw me in a woodcutter and used my remains as fertilizer. Thank you Tim. I should've known better than to post my views on MSM conspiracy theories.
Yes, Tim kicked my *** and I know it. That was a serious smackdown, way to go Tim! I got kicked in the mouth and was shown who's the boss! He trampled me through mud and I was beaten down thoroughly. He gouged my eyes out and tore off my limbs. He then threw me in a woodcutter and used my remains as fertilizer. Thank you Tim. I should've known better than to post my views on MSM conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories?

He just broke it down to you chapter and verse with bibliography and footnotes. But you are so hung up on the Neo-Socialist party line you refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Hell it isn't an elephant, it's a tiger that's chewing your legs off and you are denying that it's eating you.

Let them keep running their mouths

Probe of Hillary's email to continue 'full throttle'

If Hillary Clinton thinks the investigation of her private, unsecured email server ended with her failed bid for the presidency in November, she’d better think again, because now the top GOP investigator says a House Republican probe could zero in on “a lot of other characters” involved in the Clinton scandal.

“This was never a political targeting in the beginning, and just because there was a political election doesn’t mean it goes away,” House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said Monday. “There were a lot of other characters involved in this that we have to look at.”

The House investigation may include several individuals, including former members of Hillary’s campaign or even FBI officials, the Washington Examiner reported.

“This was potentially one of the largest breaches of security in the history of the State Department,” Chaffetz said. “It cannot and should never be repeated again. How is it that so much information was able to migrate out into the world? These are still open questions that we need to finish up so that they don’t happen again.”

“It depends how cooperative the administration is going to be. We’re going to work with [White House General Counsel Don] McGahn and [incoming] Attorney General Sessions and others to see what sort of documents and what sort of access we’re going to be allowed.”


Just came out, will post more links. This is pretty ****** up if it holds true.

U.S. Intelligence: Russia Has Compromising Personal And Financial Information About Donald Trump


Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.

The classified briefings last week were presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs — Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.

One reason the nation’s intelligence chiefs took the extraordinary step of including the synopsis in the briefing documents was to make the President-elect aware that such allegations involving him are circulating among intelligence agencies, senior members of Congress and other government officials in Washington, multiple sources tell CNN.

These senior intelligence officials also included the synopsis to demonstrate that Russia had compiled information potentially harmful to both political parties, but only released information damaging to Hillary Clinton and Democrats. This synopsis was not an official part of the report from the intelligence community case about Russian hacks, but some officials said it augmented the evidence that Moscow intended to harm Clinton’s candidacy and help Trump’s, several officials with knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him


Sources tell CNN that these same allegations about communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians, mentioned in classified briefings for congressional leaders last year, prompted then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to send a letter to FBI Director Comey in October, in which he wrote, "It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government -- a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States."

CNN has confirmed that the synopsis was included in the documents that were presented to Mr. Trump but cannot confirm if it was discussed in his meeting with the intelligence chiefs.

The Trump transition team declined repeated requests for comment.

CNN has reviewed a 35-page compilation of the memos, from which the two-page synopsis was drawn. The memos originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats. At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos, as it has not independently corroborated the specific allegations. But, in preparing this story, CNN has spoken to multiple high ranking intelligence, administration, congressional and law enforcement officials, as well as foreign officials and others in the private sector with direct knowledge of the memos.

Some of the memos were circulating as far back as last summer. What has changed since then is that US intelligence agencies have now checked out the former British intelligence operative and his vast network throughout Europe and find him and his sources to be credible enough to include some of the information in the presentations to the President and President-elect a few days ago.

On the same day that the President-elect was briefed by the intelligence community, the top four Congressional leaders, and chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees -- the so-called "Gang of Eight" -- were also provided a summary of the memos regarding Mr. Trump, according to law enforcement, intelligence and administration sources.

The two-page summary was written without the detailed specifics and information about sources and methods included in the memos by the former British intelligence official. That said, the synopsis was considered so sensitive it was not included in the classified report about Russian hacking that was more widely distributed, but rather in an annex only shared at the most senior levels of the government: President Obama, the President-elect, and the eight Congressional leaders.

CNN has also learned that on December 9, Senator John McCain gave a full copy of the memos -- dated from June through December, 2016 -- to FBI Director James Comey. McCain became aware of the memos from a former British diplomat who had been posted in Moscow. But the FBI had already been given a set of the memos compiled up to August 2016, when the former MI6 agent presented them to an FBI official in Rome, according to national security officials.

The raw memos on which the synopsis is based were prepared by the former MI6 agent, who was posted in Russia in the 1990s and now runs a private intelligence gathering firm. His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN.

Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton.

Spokespeople for the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. Officials who spoke to CNN declined to do so on the record given the classified nature of the material.

Some of the allegations were first reported publicly in Mother Jones one week before the election.

One high level administration official told CNN, "I have a sense the outgoing administration and intelligence community is setting down the pieces so this must be investigated seriously and run down. I think [the] concern was to be sure that whatever information was out there is put into the system so it is evaluated as it should be and acted upon as necessary."
REPORT: Intel chiefs tell Trump that Russian operatives claim to have compromising information on him


Russian operatives have claimed to have compromising personal and financial information on president-elect Donald Trump, US intelligence officials told the incoming president in a classified briefing last week, according to CNN.

That is according to a British intelligence operative, who provided the FBI with a series of memos detailing how Russia has tried to cultivate Trump for at least five years.

The memos were summarized in a two-page synopsis that was appended to the US intelligence agency's report on "Russian interference in the 2016 election" released last week, CNN reported.

The memos authored by the British spy — who collected the information from Russian intelligence sources while he was doing opposition research for a project financed by an anti-Trump Republican — seem to show that the Russians had compromising information on both campaigns but only chose to release information that was potentially damaging to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

CNN said that it is working to confirm the details contained in the memos composed by the unidentified British operative, who is apparently considered trustworthy by US intelligence officials.

Mother Jones reported on the British spy's work on the alleged Trump-Russia connection in October, and apparently obtained the first memo written by the British operative that was based on conversations the operative had had with Russian intelligence sources.

The "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years," the first memo read. "[The] aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance."

There also existed "an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit" which continued throughout the presidential campaign, the British operative told intelligence officials.

Trump said frequently during the campaign that he supported mending ties with Russia. Recently, he said that the US intelligence community should "move on" from its focus on the hacks targeting the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Our report just now: <a href="https://t.co/S8UDLSCU0Z">https://t.co/S8UDLSCU0Z</a></p>— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) <a href="https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/818948558615412736">January 10, 2017</a></blockquote>
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I guess looking at it in hindsight, you could say Obama had Trump's back and leveled sanctions against the Russians for going after Trump.

The fact that Trump may be entirely compromised at this point and unfit to serve as president is an other matter.

It also helps explain Trump's inexplicable *****-footing around the subject matter, as evidenced these past few weeks and months, as well as his proclaimed man-crush on Putin.
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******* Tibs! Now he's citing the mainstream intel chiefs!
This is a good read, which raises the question what on earth could the Russians have on Trump that hasn't already been made public?

Bombshell CNN report: Russia might have dirt on Trump

Trump’s history does suggest that there are some truly damaging things the Russians could have on him — things that, if they did come out, would embarrass him even further. These are four hypothetical examples, but they’re all based on public reporting:

  1. Trump is not as rich as he says: Trump has repeatedly demonstrated extreme sensitivity over his net worth. In 2005, he sued journalist Tim O’Brien for claiming that he was “merely” worth between $150 million and $250 million. (During a deposition for the case, which he ultimately lost, Trump famously said he estimates his net worth based on his “feelings” at a given moment.) Before Trump’s 2011 Comedy Central Roast, his team reportedly laid out a list of acceptable and unacceptable topics to the comedians. Wanting to have sex with his daughter was in bounds, but jokes about his net worth being lower than he said weren’t. And then, of course, there’s the matter of him not releasing his tax returns like every other presidential candidate in history. If Russians have those tax returns, or a similar financial document, the potential release would be devastating for him.
  2. Trump’s campaign directly coordinated with the Russian government: This, as I mentioned earlier, is a logical reading of an actual allegation in the memo. “The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government,” the CNN reporters write. That doesn’t clarify whether Trump’s team did it wittingly — or whether the Russians were Putin aides, hackers, oligarchs not officially in the government, or some combination — but either way, that kind of revelation would be damning for Trump’s legitimacy.
  3. Sex tape: There is a persistent rumor in Washington intelligence circles that Russian intelligence “filmed Trump in an orgy while in Russia,” as one writer put it. These rumors get very lurid — we’re talking illegal sex stuff lurid. But they’ve been impossible to track down or verify and thus report in any meaningful sense. Expect to see a lot more speculation along these lines now that the CNN report is out.
  4. Trump’s business holdings in Russia are way more extensive than we think: No one actually knows how much money Trump’s family makes from Russia. In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said that "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets." If it’s the case that Russian oligarchs or Russian government officials are major income sources for Trump, or that they secretly own large shares of his various companies, then that would be a concrete lever the Kremlin could hold over his head.
It’s also something Russia experts, including some who recently served in the government, have been openly worrying about for months. As my colleague Yochi Dreazen has written, Evelyn Farkas, formerly a top Pentagon official on Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, used an essay for Politico to explicitly suggest that the next inhabitant of the Oval Office may do Putin’s bidding because he owes the Russian leader and his allies money:

We know, per Donald Trump Jr., that Russia makes up a significant amount of the family business. What we don’t know is how much Russian money is involved, and what Russian money. How did Trump get out of debt? To whom does he owe money? Who provides the collateral for his loans? Is he beholden to Russian oligarchs and banks who are under the thumb of the Kremlin and Russian security services?​

To be crystal clear: I have no reason to believe any of these theories are correct. We don’t even know if the British intelligence officer’s report, the one the intel community is currently tracking down, is accurate.

But the fact that we even have to talk about these things shows just how much Donald Trump has deformed American politics — and the notion of the presidency itself — before he even moves into the White House.
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Holy crap, buzzfeed just published the document in its entirety, unedited.

Read it for yourself.


BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.

You need to see this. It's a document claiming that Russia does indeed have info to blackmail Donald J. Trump - including his behavior with Russian prostitutes.

The full report, which has not been independently confirmed, contains graphic claims of sexual acts documented by Russian agents.
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