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Congrats, MAGAs

It's better here at SN when you stay gone.

Feel free to ignore me. Nobody is putting a gun to your head to read or reply to my posts. Cheers, Confluence, you skittish, angry cat. Wishing you abundant joy, peace and self-awareness during this holiday season.
Feel free to ignore me. Nobody is putting a gun to your head to read or reply to my posts. Cheers, Confluence, you skittish, angry cat. Wishing you abundant joy, peace and self-awareness during this holiday season.
Feel free to get back under your rock under the bridge with your false politeness and vile soul.
Feel free to get back under your rock under the bridge with your false politeness and vile soul.
It is sad and regrettable that you project your deeply troubled psyche onto random strangers on the internet, but you do you. May you find comfort and solace during these hallowed and cherished Christmas holidays.
It is sad and regrettable that you project your deeply troubled psyche onto random strangers on the internet, but you do you. May you find comfort and solace during these hallowed and cherished Christmas holidays.
You're a Muslim communist, you don't celebrate Christmas.
You're a Muslim communist, you don't celebrate Christmas.

Christmas sure brings out the bleak darkness in your soul. So sad to see. Hopefully, it is only temporary, and you will find some light and positivity on your extraordinarily lengthy journey towards self-awareness. Try reading the Bible, it can help guide you through troubled times like this.
Tibs- 1st Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.

the bile and vitriol are what a lot of our elected officials on both sides are counting on in my opinion. fight amongst ourselves, and they are out of it and just keep getting elected.
Trump has a chance to be different. he is not a part of the usual government. he might actually do things that benefit the ordinary American. MAGA is not as much about Trump as it is about putting ordinary Americans in a better place.
Cynic that I am, there's no money in civility, therefore we are all deliberately baited into division to the benefit of those pulling the strings.
@Tibs - it's is truly refreshing to see you here wishing us, those who have never come into physical contact with you, or even in close proximity to you, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. How so, Supe, you might be asking. Well, those of us on this board, as mentioned, have not been graced with your abundant spreading of the worst plague ever known to man, even if there was a double-dosage of triple shot vaxxing to help speed along the side effects. As such, many of us remained healthy throughout, or relatively healthy. Unknown how many people fell ill and subsequently were unalived after you glad-handed them while wearing a box of tampons on your cockholster. Though, I'm sure they're warmed by your sentiment towards random strangers on the internet.
I see you're still living in Covid times, Supe. Is this what they call "long Covid?"
I see you're still living in Covid times, Supe. Is this what they call "long Covid?"
oh, so you're now saying that it's NOT as bad as they (and you) said it was. interesting spin.
oh, so you're now saying that it's NOT as bad as they (and you) said it was. interesting spin.

Compared to what? Covid-19 was one of the world's seven deadliest pandemics in history. Sure, it was not on the level of the Black Death that wiped out nearly 50% of Europe's 14th century population, if that's what you're fishing for. It certainly has your sustained, undivided attention. Maybe you're a pandemic groupie?

Main we have 1 stupid covid thread. Do we need more?
Main we have 1 stupid covid thread. Do we need more?

Right, BLITZ? Believe me, it's the last thing on my mind. Guess I'll have to ignore Supe's COVID-infatuation. Seems all he's interested in discussing, until the end of time.
It’s funny to me that board Covidtard #2 was all hardcore, Faucci dick in mouth follow the science and obey masking nazi, but now the commie downplays it. Mfing hypocrite. No surprise there at all.
It’s funny to me that board Covidtard #2 was all hardcore, Faucci dick in mouth follow the science and obey masking nazi, but now the commie downplays it. Mfing hypocrite. No surprise there at all.
You may want to seek some professional help.
@IndySteel, this is liberal /progressive/commie code for "you are correct, but I do not like your response".

This is conservative /MAGA/fascist code for, "I will never criticize or call out my own, no matter what dumbass things they think or say, out of a deep and palpable fear of being ostracized by the group."
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You may want to seek some professional help.
How was your therapy?
(The help with with your mental stability, not the gene altering covid shot)
It does not seem to have altered your desire to virtue signal, as above with Supe.

Perhaps someone will write that this is not true:

SN is a better place without you Tibs.

You are far more valuable ferrying espressos and lattes between tables.
You are far more valuable ferrying espressos and lattes between tables.

"There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths."

— Bertrand Russell
"There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths."

— Bertrand Russell
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
H.L. Mencken, In Defense of Women
Christmas sure brings out the bleak darkness in your soul. So sad to see. Hopefully, it is only temporary, and you will find some light and positivity on your extraordinarily lengthy journey towards self-awareness. Try reading the Bible, it can help guide you through troubled times like this.

First came the Merry Christmas greetings. Now you want to convince that you read the Bible. The **** is really getting deep.

Thats quite a revelation because your opinion of SN conservative board members has always been in line with those of your lord and savior Obama.. and I paraphrase ..
....that they are bitter, having to cling to their guns and religion".
Aint that right Tibs?
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