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Conspiracy 101


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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1) Record EVERYTHING put on television in the first 24 hours, particularly from smaller or foreign news outlets.
This is when the reporting is most true as the "official story" hasn't been circulated yet

2) Accept as gospel truth that it is better to get caught for a small sin while the greater sin goes undetected.
This is the purpose of a "lone nut gunman" trope.

3) Think bigger, always bigger.
The point behind #2 is to misdirect you from what's REALLY going on. Likely an attack WILL occur on J'Biden and will be blamed on Trump. The media will play it as "Look how deranged his followers are, we MUST vote Moose!". And then, use righteous America living (read 'Jack Ruby') patriots were grief-driven to make more attempts on Trump and other MAGA politicians.

At the end of the day ask the simple question, "Who has/had the most to gain?
And from there, follow the money.
Now, per rule 1, when I say "most true", that doesn't mean most accurate, necessarily, but reports are MUCH more likely to point out information/evidence that later is scrubbed or altered. But early reactions are the most 'honest'.
In response to number 3.
I can see them using MAGA as a revenge ploy to off biden.

The democrats are trying to get biden out of the ballot. What better way than to assassinate him. You have the perfect set up to blame a far right extremist right now.

As a result they install the first female president who will represent all that this country has been pandering to of late.

All these Roe v wade women come out in droves. And voting numbers in favor of knee pads are historical.
When i was a teen, a person i respected taught me alway read everything you can from the most conservative and most liberal sides when it first happens because tge truth will be somewhere in the middle and someone will accidentally say something they werent supposed to...

Many many many weird facts have I caught through the years doing that
"I can see them using MAGA as a revenge ploy to off biden.

The democrats are trying to get biden out of the ballot. What better way than to assassinate him. You have the perfect set up to blame a far right extremist right now."
Think Bigger!
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Think Bigger!
I mean, obviously now things are too polarized and violent to have a safe vote.. gonna have to just postpone it a few years until it calms down...

Then in a decade or so we can have a digital vote from our iphones... the chinese overlords promise it will be both safe and secure
1) Record EVERYTHING put on television in the first 24 hours, particularly from smaller or foreign news outlets.
This is when the reporting is most true as the "official story" hasn't been circulated yet

2) Accept as gospel truth that it is better to get caught for a small sin while the greater sin goes undetected.
This is the purpose of a "lone nut gunman" trope.

3) Think bigger, always bigger.
The point behind #2 is to misdirect you from what's REALLY going on. Likely an attack WILL occur on J'Biden and will be blamed on Trump. The media will play it as "Look how deranged his followers are, we MUST vote Moose!". And then, use righteous America living (read 'Jack Ruby') patriots were grief-driven to make more attempts on Trump and other MAGA politicians.

At the end of the day ask the simple question, "Who has/had the most to gain?
And from there, follow the money.
#1 is like an immutable law of physics. Remember "Joe Doe #2 of Middle Eastern descent" in OKC? "Multiple explosions heard at Ground Zero?"

You've got a few hours at most before the story is uniformly sanitized for public consumption -- about the time it takes for the feds to tape off the area and the news outlets to go with the script in lockstep.
When i was a teen, a person i respected taught me alway read everything you can from the most conservative and most liberal sides when it first happens because tge truth will be somewhere in the middle and someone will accidentally say something they werent supposed to...

Many many many weird facts have I caught through the years doing that
Yeah. Both sides do have a common denominator when looked at from a neutral perspective.

That aside these stories all have an agenda based on ones point of view. If you observe it from a neutral stance then it’s easy to overlook the stupid stuff.

It’s no different than say when we cheer for the Steelers, Pens etc. They cater to our side because of our view. But from a neutral/casual observation. They’re just another team trying to win as much as their opponent
You've got a few hours at most before the story is uniformly sanitized for public consumption -- about the time it takes for the feds to tape off the area and the news outlets to go with the script in lockstep.

The media are bought-and-paid-for, a shill for the government. God I almost miss the days when I thought Russians were duped by the corrupt Pravda while we Americans had a genuine free press! If only ...
The media are bought-and-paid-for, a shill for the government. God I almost miss the days when I thought Russians were duped by the corrupt Pravda while we Americans had a genuine free press! If only ...
It’s hard to trust media in general. The identity of the shooter was false as rumors on X, etc were spreading.
I wouldn't say there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump but at best the Secret Service was undermanned, Trump's people had asked for more protection repeatedly and were denied and (as per Dan Bongino) there was a failure to communicate between the Secret Service and local law enforcement.
They may not have engineered it but I will never believe that Biden and Mayorkas didn't want this to happen.
Hopefully we never have to find out how good our DEI military is during a time of conflict.
We might find out soon. Military industrial complex has to jump on it before Trump gets reelected.
So here is the thing, if the guy was an actual sniper and not a scrub he wouldnt have missed at that range... also sniper types tend not to be thrown off a high school shooting club for being a terrible shot a couple years earlier...

This is a kid who was 20... he has probably been inundated with antitrump rhetoric since he was what, 11 or 12... typically, presidents serve 4-8 consecutive years, then fade into oblivion politically speaking. This is the first time we see the impact of the nonstop violent doomsday rhetoric over a prolonged timeframe... its dangerous to the mentally damaged...

if there is a conspiracy on this one, its probably going to be the generic, " lets cut his protection and hope a nutjob offs him" type... not a coordinated precise attack
IMO, from what I've read, there was some miscommunication between the Secret Service and local law enforcement. With that in mind, it's possible the SS Sniper delayed due to not knowing 100% if this guy was local law enforcement or not. I understand there was a request to eliminate the threat, but it was denied. Obviously all that goes out the window once shots are fired.

However, if the sniper had been local law enforcement and the SS shot him, imagine how much of an uproar the MSM and Dems would be in.

For the record, they should have shot him before he got Trump in his crosshairs.
IMO, from what I've read, there was some miscommunication between the Secret Service and local law enforcement. With that in mind, it's possible the SS Sniper delayed due to not knowing 100% if this guy was local law enforcement or not. I understand there was a request to eliminate the threat, but it was denied. Obviously all that goes out the window once shots are fired.

However, if the sniper had been local law enforcement and the SS shot him, imagine how much of an uproar the MSM and Dems would be in.

For the record, they should have shot him before he got Trump in his crosshairs.
I'm sure we will never have the complete answer here. But the point remains, how could the perimeter have not been secured?
IMO, from what I've read, there was some miscommunication between the Secret Service and local law enforcement. With that in mind, it's possible the SS Sniper delayed due to not knowing 100% if this guy was local law enforcement or not. I understand there was a request to eliminate the threat, but it was denied. Obviously all that goes out the window once shots are fired.

However, if the sniper had been local law enforcement and the SS shot him, imagine how much of an uproar the MSM and Dems would be in.

For the record, they should have shot him before he got Trump in his crosshairs.
Part of this makes sense. If they knew this guy was up there, wouldn't they have been locked in on him and as soon as the gun pointed toward the crowd they could've initiate shots eliminating the threat?
Part of this makes sense. If they knew this guy was up there, wouldn't they have been locked in on him and as soon as the gun pointed toward the crowd they could've initiate shots eliminating the threat?
I would think so. I'd also want to believe that as soon as his eye got on the reticle he was seeing the business end of a round piercing the scope.
It all still seems pretty damned weird. None of it adds up. That area in addition to that water tower should have been secured.

No way in hell anyone outside of law enforcement should have had access to those rooftops.

Trump should have been immediately escorted to shelter as soon as police were tipped off by the onlookers.

SS saved his life but it shouldn't have gotten close to that point. The deceased and injured should be normally going about their day today.. Unbelievable...

Trump should probably hire his own security detail from here on out.
I'd like for an expert sniper to comment on the timing between the shots from dead assassin and the first shot by the SS sniper.

It seemed awfully close together, like the SS sniper was already watching the dead assassin fire his shots. But I'm no expert. I'm sure those with expertise can rule out that an SS sniper held on shooting until after the assassin squeezed out a few rounds?
Interestingly, I haven't heard anyone else comment on the clearly noticeable fact that the now famous photo showing the "air displacement" was taken of a SUBSEQUENT round from the one that hit him.

(Trump doesn't raise his hand like that until after he was grazed.)