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For those of you who did the research and felt comfortable with the shot, what are some of your sources? My wife did research and she came to the opposite conclusion. It freaked her out in fact. I need to dedicate some time in researching it myself.
Clinical trial data
Got the Moderna MRNA vaccine - both doses now - for a couple of reasons. First, if I don't have faith in American medicine, I am in a lot of trouble. Second, my 89-year old mother-in-law lives with wife and me 6 months per year, so I thought it prudent to protect her from the virus using me as a transmission device.

First dose mid-March, no issues. Arm sore for a day or two. Second dose this past Saturday, arm sore a bit. Woke up Sunday feeling ****** and with a slight fever - 99.8°. Felt crappy most of the day, a bit better by Sunday evening, back to work and okay on Monday.
As long as nobody requires me to sign a liability waiver, no problem.

If they ask for a waiver, I will simply state I would like the vaccination but am disinclined to sign a waiver. If they are refusing to provide the immunization, please provide documentation as to why I am not a valid candidate for the shot.

Easy peasy.

Wish it worked that way, wig, but President Trump signed that waiver in the form of legislation granting immunity.
Wish it worked that way, wig, but President Trump signed that waiver in the form of legislation granting immunity.
And I still feel it's complete horseshit. The waiver is essentially the pharma companies admitting they have NO IDEA what this **** will do to you long term, but hey... take it anyway with a side of "go **** yourself".
And I still feel it's complete horseshit. The waiver is essentially the pharma companies admitting they have NO IDEA what this **** will do to you long term, but hey... take it anyway with a side of "go **** yourself".
Most vaccines have no liability for the manufacturer. That's why the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund was created.

There's a long story behind the why, the cliff notes are that large awards were being handed out by juries even though scientists could not establish legitimate causal links to the vaccines. Manufacturers started to get out of the vaccine business, which would have had devastating public health implications. Therefore liability was waived and the fund was created. It doesn't pay out often because serious adverse effects that can be proven to be caused by vaccines are rare.

The reality is that while there are some rare adverse effects from some vaccines, not having many of these vaccines exist is a much bigger threat to public health.
I'm fully vaccinated now (2 weeks out as of tomorrow) with the J&J shot.

I know I'm likely in the minority around here, and changing peoples minds can be tough, but I would highly recommend getting the vaccine.

Just get it. Over 100 million have gotten it. Almost 1 billion around the world. If there were major side effects, we would know. Vaccines are not prescription medications you take over a long time with long term side effects. Vaccines create an immune response and then are gone, leaving only the "memory" of the bad virus that your body remembers.

Vaccines are one of the greatest inventions human civilization have ever created. They have saves million (if not billions) of lives since their creation in the mid-19th century. Their contribution to 20th century medical advancements are second to none.

Do not fall into the trap of skepticism for the sake of skepticism. Vaccine history in this country is exemplary. Nothing is perfect but vaccines are about as perfect as we can get without actually altering out DNA to make us immune to diseases at conception.

Get the shot. It's just not that big a deal to do. Don't be stubborn. Don't be against some imaginary enemy.

If you don't, you will likely get Covid. And sure, you will have a 99% chance it likely won't do anything. But go ahead and roll the dice.


Roll the d100 knowing you roll a 1, bad things will likely happen to you. Long term side effects of Covid. Long term illness in a hospital. Maybe even death if you are overweight, diabetic or over 65. I mean, rolling a 1 is rare, so who cares. "It won't happen to me" is just not a good enough answer with this virus. It is mutating. It is changing. Any advantage you can give your body to fight against it is a HUGE advantage. And that is what vaccines do. They give you body like a 1000% head start in fighting the virus when you encounter it. And you WILL likely encounter it.
I'm on the verge of scheduling. I'm quite apathetic when it comes to my own healthcare, but Kroger just started scheduling appointments online and for some reason that appeals to me. They are also offering the Pfizer vaccine, which also appeals to me. I do my grocery shopping at Kroger, so maybe I'll go in and get a steak, and some beer, and a shot. Can you drink while you're getting the shot? The location closest to me had some sort of issue when scheduling the 2nd appointment, so I called the pharmacy to confirm whether they were actually doing vaccinations and in the process let them know that online scheduling wasn't working for their location. I don't know if they called corporate IT, or if corporate IT was just on it and fixed the issue. Regardless, it's working now and the only excuse I have left is that I don't really GAF, which I don't. I figure my odds of getting COVID are no worse than getting stabbed as a child, by another child, because that's what children do.
I figure my odds of getting COVID are no worse than getting stabbed as a child, by another child, because that's what children do.

I remember my youth knife fights like they happened yesterday. Loved the training books mom and dad got me for Christmas.

For those of you who did the research and felt comfortable with the shot, what are some of your sources? My wife did research and she came to the opposite conclusion. It freaked her out in fact. I need to dedicate some time in researching it myself.
I just did a deep dive on the stats. DId some simple math and realized the odds are miniscule of having a serious reaction to the vaccine and having Diabetes my odds were higher of having issues with Covid. assuming I didn't already have it.
I remember my youth knife fights like they happened yesterday. Loved the training books mom and dad got me for Christmas.

I feel cheated. I never had any knife fights as a juvenile. I didn’t get the opportunity to engage in deadly combat untill i was twenty and went to war.
I feel cheated. I never had any knife fights as a juvenile. I didn’t get the opportunity to engage in deadly combat untill i was twenty and went to war.

You would not have lasted a day in Stainless' or my neighborhood. We would have broken out the machine gun and ferris wheel, and bye-bye Ogre.
You would not have lasted a day in Stainless' or my neighborhood. We would have broken out the machine gun and ferris wheel, and bye-bye Ogre.
Just to clarify are we talking a machine gun AND a ferris wheel or a ferris wheel made out of machineguns?
Just to clarify are we talking a machine gun AND a ferris wheel or a ferris wheel made out of machineguns?

A ferris wheel made out of machine guns? If I didn't know better, I'd think you were not taking me seriously.
A ferris wheel made out of machine guns? If I didn't know better, I'd think you were not taking me seriously.
No I’m taking you seriously. I just think a Ferris wheel built out of machine guns would be really cool. You could call it the murder death assault wheel.
I simply could not see myself vaccinating my child with an essentially experimental vaccine for a virus that has been shown to have virtually no effect on healthy people under 30 years old, no matter what the schools require. There are easy ways to obtain exceptions for these requirements. They make it sound difficult, but it isn't. They did the same thing with HPV, and I know several people who have refused it for their child without consequence, in spite of many implied threats of having their child locked out of school.
If there are at-risk adults living with family under 30 y/o, then those adults should get vaccinated, not the children. I certainly wouldn't inject this vaccine into an adolescent, or a pregnant woman. I truly have trouble understanding the hard-on the 'authorities' seem to have for pushing this vaccine on these populations.
Thats just my OPINION. I'd like to see the scientific data showing me that my opinion is wrong, but we all know it doesn't exist.
I remember my youth knife fights like they happened yesterday. Loved the training books mom and dad got me for Christmas.

We played Bottle Rocket Tag in my neighborhood. You were out when you got hit.....by an actual bottle rocket. No masks. No protection whatsoever. Surprisingly, no serious damage.
Good times.
Chills and fever all night but when I woke up this morning I felt fine. Didn't sleep well, was either shivering or burning up.
SO I'm in my 40s.
I'm in decent shape. Not the three sport athlete I was in high school kind of shape, but I only/mostly eat proteins and vegetables and do yoga, play some hockey/golf a few times a year.
No underlying health issues like Wilford Brimley's diabeetus.
I am NOT an antivaccer.
My concern is all of these vaccines are NOT approved. They are EUA'd ( Emergency Use Authorization ). There is a big difference.
Typically, vaccines undergo 5-10 years of approval process. There's YEARS of clinical trials.
These didn't undergo that process. We don't know long term effects, if any.
And the numbers, meaning those who contracted and those who have died from contracting, using the official numbers, is less than 3% worldwide, and almost all of the deaths have been elderly with comorbidities.
I don't know. It doesn't seem as big of a deal like tetanus or even the flu, and I have never received a flu shot. I get my tetanus booster every 10 years or so, though.
I just don't want to be watching TV (or whatever ) in 10 years and hear/see, "Did you or a loved one take the _________ COVID Vaccine? You may be entitled to a cash settlement."
Although, you can't sue vaccine companies anyways. LOL. But you know what I mean. That they're going to discover something later on.
Lastly, one of the ingredients of all the vaccines is ethylene oxide, which is a known carcinogenic to humans.
Well said.

One can dispute the so called science, the unknown unknowns about the long term effects, especially wrt to other medicines/therapies, the clear lack of good data that the pharma and biotech companies are making globally important decisions on, and still be responsible about deciding their own personal situation individually, for the family, etc.

It would be good for emotion, including the strong societal desire for the magic bullet vaccine to "get this covid dealt with", to be removed from the decision making process so that better clarity for all ensues.
And I still feel it's complete horseshit. The waiver is essentially the pharma companies admitting they have NO IDEA what this **** will do to you long term, but hey... take it anyway with a side of "go **** yourself".
That is kinda close to the mark, but they will point to clinical studies.....doesnt matter: the mrna development drugs are now morphed into vaccines with no liability for the unknown long term effects.

It is the FDA giving you the side dish of "go **** yourself", in the same way they did with opioids and Cox2 inhibitors.....both of which are great if used exactly according to the label.....just not how reality works....
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