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Damning report on Bush-Cheney torture

Good thing Bomma closed Gitmo and stopped that stuff then.


And bringing all the troops home from Iraq(Still 10,000 or so there) and Afghanistan too.
By those responsible, you must also mean the Dems who were fully briefed on what was happening and signed off on it just as they signed off on going to war.

Exactly...after the horrors of 911, no democrat voiced their outrage over waterboarding. There were reports that other terrorists attacks were in the making, and we needed info, and we needed it fast. It wasn't until later when the shock and awe of 911 began to wear off that those compassionate feelings of liberalism began to take over. The anti Bush criticisms over Iraq and waterboarding had become the main focus of democrats.

Waterboarding has been discontinued for years. Obama's decision to release this info now is driven by his ongoing pursuit to knock America down a few pegs, to show the world how unfair and racist this country is,..that America is flawed since it's founding, and that because of us is the reason there is terrorism, and that third world countries exist because of America, and that we will bow to any country and kiss their ***.
Any knuckle head who thinks that water boarding terrorists was a war crime needs to reach down between their legs and jerk their head out of their *** before they choke to death. The "rules" that were applied to that dastardly deed were so onerous that it's a miracle they got any information at all.....and they got a bunch Tibs, whether the bleeding hearts admit it or not.

In response, Cliff May reports the rules of waterboarding:

According to two sources, both of them very well-informed and reliable (but preferring to remain anonymous), the 180-plus times refers not to sessions of waterboarding, but to "pours" - that is, to instances of water being poured on the subject.

Under a strict set of rules, every pour of water had to be counted - and the number of pours was limited.

Also: Waterboarding interrogation sessions were permitted on no more than five days within any 30-day period.

No more than two sessions were permitted in any 24-hour period.

A session could last no longer than two hours.

There could be at most six pours of water lasting ten seconds or longer - and never longer than 40 seconds - during any individual session.

Water could be poured on a subject for a combined total of no more than 12 minutes during any 24 hour period.

A doctor had to be present at all times and the doctor had to warn the "subject" ahead of time that he was in no physical danger.

To call this torture, particularly when done to an individual like KSM, diminishes the very real torture employed by the regimes that U.S. troops have toppled and the rogue states like North Korea and Iran that continue to violate basic human rights.

But Ms. Fienstien and her Lefty accomplices need to teach them CIA ******** a lesson for spyin' on the high and mighty Senators by God.

Also Lyin' Nancy is gettin' her tail in more slime by the day. While Bush readily admits he approved of the technique, Ole Nancy just keeps diggin' in deeper and deeper.

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I love how the press is making big deal out of the "rectal feeding and hydration", as if that was meant as torture. We did it to save their lives. We should have just let them starve themselves to death I guess.

Can you please show how US Dollar policy has changed over the various presidents?

For instance, if the policies of one president allowed for a monstrous, fraud induced speculation that blew up and severely impacted the global financial system, and then another one came along and fixed it, yet made made no substantive changes, which president is better?
The liberal media is going absolutely bonkers over this report. Madcow last night said that the release of this report will be one of those historic "Remember where you were when you heard moments". What?!?! This woman is batshit crazy.
I'm not bothered by this in the least. They should have done a lot more, like cut off body parts, kill some of their family members, force feed them raw pork etc... **** 'em.
The democrats are just trying to do damage as they are being removed from power. So they end up getting more Americans killed over being political sore losers. That is ALL this is about. I am really starting to detest that entire party and everything it stands for.
The democrats are just trying to do damage as they are being removed from power. So they end up getting more Americans killed over being political sore losers. That is ALL this is about. I am really starting to detest that entire party and everything it stands for.

Thought for Today:

“A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law enforcement has guns.”

“And believe it or not, such a place does, indeed, exist.
It’s called prison.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff
I'm not bothered by this in the least. They should have done a lot more, like cut off body parts, kill some of their family members, force feed them raw pork etc... **** 'em.
My favorite story was one where a female Army interrogator hid a red magic marker in her pants, put her hand down in there, rubbed the ink on a Muzzie's face and told him it was menstrual blood. He completely broke down. I thought that was both epic and hilarious, she got a reprimand for it.

On the wall of my office I have a framed front page of The Newspaper Whose Name We Dare Not Speak from May 2, 2011 with the headline "BIN LADEN IS DEAD" and side by side pics of Osama and Bomma.
I guess shooting someone in the forehead not as bad as splashing people with water.
I am supposed to feel bad because????????
This report is nothing. It is like finally seeing the inside elevator Ray Rice video after having seen the outside video months earlier. We didn't really learn anything new, just got a few more details.

PAY NO ATTENTION to the architect of O-Care repeatedly and publicly admitting the public was intentionally tricked into supporting a law they had been trying to implement for decades.
here we go...



Senator Accuses CIA, White House Of Engaging In 'Cover-Up'... 'The CIA Is Lying'... 'This Is Not A Problem Of The Past'... U.N. Official: Prosecute Torture Architects... Fallout Continues... CIA's Claims Of Torture Legitimacy Destroyed... Led To Fabricated Info... Didn't Help Find Bin Laden... The Most Egregious Lies...
Ex-Chief: 'I Didn't Lie'... Records Show Otherwise... Obama Won't Take Sides...

President Bush and VP Cheney, thank you for your service, and thank you for keeping my family safe during your tenure. I know some of the decisions you had to make were difficult, but these are difficult times. We are in a war, one which knows no borders. A war against animals that behead innocents, and a foe that should be treated like animals in return. Unfortunately the cuckold we now have in the White House has made the world a more dangerous place.God help us.

I doubt the families of the servicemen that had to die or come home maimed so Halibuton could have billions funneled to them share your gratitude.
I doubt the families of the servicemen that had to die or come home maimed so Halibuton could have billions funneled to them share your gratitude.

My God you're disgustimg
Need something to deflect the Gruber testimony today.

This is exactly what it boils down to. The left is desperate, so they go ahead and demonize one of our most important international agencies to serve their "cause" and deflect attention away from Gruber's hearing. That slimeball's mealy-mouthed tail-between-the-legs line of answering, has to have been one of the most laughably pathetic hearings I think I've ever seen, the charade couldnt be more obvious.
Going into the 7th year of the Obama Regime and this is just now an issue with the DNC?
Who did the White House tap to run the CIA and FBI?
Going into the 7th year of the Obama Regime and this is just now an issue with the DNC?

They have just about run out of things to blame on Bush. Unfortunately for them, I believe this is a huge political miscalculation. Thanks to ISIS, and it's habit of beheading fellow citizens, I think most Americans have little to no sympathy for these animals, and what the CIA did was not out of line. Many probably wish we would do more. And people like Udall are going to come off as crybaby, pansy *****............much like the pinheads on MSNBC, Daily Kos, and the HuffPo.
Going into the 7th year of the Obama Regime and this is just now an issue with the DNC?

I think them 'bleeding hearts' have a list of issues stuffed in a drawer so anytime they get in a jam, they can pull out another.....SQUIRREL
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I doubt the families of the servicemen that had to die or come home maimed so Halibuton could have billions funneled to them share your gratitude.

I guess Obama must be pretty chummy with Halliburton too, since he's also funneled billions to them (as did Clinton).
I guess Obama must be pretty chummy with Halliburton too, since he's also funneled billions to them (as did Clinton).

bus..that in no way helps helps the cause or supports the narrative. The fact that Halliburton has been and will continue to be a military support contractor for all the past Presidents and that they will likely continue, due to them being not only a capable but an experienced company, does not make a damn bit of difference.

The stupid people associate Halliburton with Dick Cheney and we all know Cheney is a Republican, he's crooked and he shoots people. That's all they need to know, so back off and leave well enough alone before the cat get's out of the bag for good.